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Modi to Congress: India, US can anchor stability in Asia


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Modi to Congress: India, US can anchor stability in Asia

WASHINGTON (AP) — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told the U.S. Congress on Wednesday that the world's two largest democracies can anchor stability and prosperity from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific in an aspirational speech that glossed over continuing divisions in the relationship.

Modi, who has ushered in closer bilateral ties since taking power two years ago, said that India and the U.S. have overcome "the hesitations of history" and called for ever-stronger economic and defense links between the two countries.

Speaking in English, Modi used dashes of humor, drawing a parallel between the rough-and-tumble politics of his own nation and the U.S., which he described tongue-in-cheek as "harmonious" and well-known for bipartisanship. Modi, a keen advocate of yoga, also referenced cultural ties, citing estimates that "more Americans bend for yoga than to throw a curve ball."

Modi paid tribute to the role of Congress, including through a civilian nuclear deal in 2008 that lifted U.S. export restrictions on nuclear technology to India and which is hoped to lead to a contract by mid-2017 for the construction of six power reactors by U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Co.

He also praised Congress for "refusing to reward" those who preach and practice terrorism. Although Modi avoided direct mention of Pakistan, he was alluding to lawmakers recently blocking a proposed, U.S.-subsided sale of F-16 fighter jets to India's archrival.

"A strong India-U.S. partnership can anchor peace, prosperity and stability from Asia to Africa and from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific," Modi said.

Modi's 46-minute speech followed years of being shunned in the U.S. because of religious violence in his home state. It came a day after a White House meeting with President Barack Obama and was followed by a lunch with congressional leaders and a reception hosted by the House and Senate Foreign Affairs committees.

U.S.-India relations have been transformed since Rajiv Gandhi in 1985 became the first of five Indian prime ministers to have addressed a joint meeting of Congress. During the Cold War, U.S. was more focused on ties with Pakistan, and many in Washington believed India, with its "non-aligned" foreign policy, was far too friendly with the Soviet Union.

Today, the U.S. and Indian militaries conduct more drills with each other than with any other nation. While India resists the notion of becoming a U.S. ally, both nation share concern over China's rise and over freedom of navigation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Although Modi lauded both nations' common democratic principles and hailed two heroes of nonviolence, India's Mahatma Gandhi and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., he did not address congressional concerns his government's record on religious tolerance and other rights issues.

"I wish there had been an emphasis on cooperating with the U.S. and every other democracy on combating all human rights abuses, especially human trafficking and slavery," said Republican Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey.

But the overall response from lawmakers of both parties was positive.

"We're now standing shoulder-to-shoulder in ways that no one would have imagined a generation ago," Rep. Eliot Engel of new York, the top-ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said of the bilateral relationship.

Modi described the U.S. as an "indispensable partner" for India. He said his nation's 1.25 billion people made India an "ideal partner" for U.S businesses. Trade has expanded dramatically in recent years, from $60 billion in 2009 to $107 billion in 2015, although the U.S. remains concerned over restrictions on foreign investment and bureaucratic red tape.

Modi did not read a passage from his prepared remarks that said he and Obama "have agreed" that making India a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council "has to be an intrinsic part of this century's new reality." It was not immediately clear why Modi dropped the reference. Obama first voiced support for Indian membership in 2010 and reaffirmed it Tuesday, but it appears no closer to happening because of resistance from other council permanent members.

At his meeting with Obama, the two leaders consolidated strong bilateral ties but fell short of major outcomes. India, the world's third-largest carbon emitter among nations, said it would strive to formally join a global climate deal this year — as the U.S. and China have said they will do — but it gave no ironclad commitment.

The last Indian prime minister to address Congress was Modi's predecessor, Manmohan Singh, in 2005.


Associated Press writer Alan Fram contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-09

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China is driving India into closer ties with the U.S. No surprise. And then there's the usual America-hating hot air from the usual suspects.

Out of jellesy everyone expresses fpr the the succesful ones.They will take our money and rely on our militery might when they can not or will not spend enough money to maintain a military large enough of their own.country.If several more US Congressmen and went along with then President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 most of Europe would be speaking German at this time and fish and chips would have a different flavor.Also if this would have happen we would not have went over there for the second time to save their axxes.That would have made the war with Japan much shorter for us by not deviding our military. Ah Yes its the ungrateful.

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Modi is a dangerous bigot. India loves to say it's the world's biggest democracy. But when it comes to law and order and justice it sucks. Women, lower castes, non Hindus, - all persecuted.

I lived in India when this sad excuse for a human was chief minister of Gujerat. He turned a blind eye as thousands of Muslims were attacked and murdered by extremist Hindus. His refusal to act forced the federal government to appoint a retired Sikh general to take charge of he police, which he did when they agreed he could take a couple of thousand Punjabi police in to sort it out. Modi was very lucky to get away with that one.

India enjoys more corruption, in efficient bureaucracy, bigotry, trafficking and prostitution, and slave labor than any other Asian country. A real anchor!

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Modi is a moron......"..U.S.A. will help maintain stability in the region"....yeah, look at the rest of the world where U.S is " maintaining stability".

Yeah, that's a good one all right. The BRICS has been under attack for a while for resisting the Empire, coup in Brazil, sanctions on Russia, encirclement of China, political issues in SA, maybe India saw, like Australia did way back, that "resistance is futile" and that it's better to be a US b*tch than suffer all sorts of unexpected problems.

Expect also that Chinese silk road project to eventually get stalled by some unexpected problems, countries or terrorists. Increased and cheaper trade between Europe and Asia if a definite non-starter under US hegemonic policy.

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Modi was never charged with anything related to the 2002 Gujarat riots. That said....it doesn't really say much about his involvement or responsibility.

In the aftermath, he was actually de facto banned from entering the USA, which necessitated a realpolitik policy U-turn when he won the general elections.

2002 Gujarat riots


2004-2014 UPA I & II governments


2014-current BJP government


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Yeah, that's a good one all right. The BRICS has been under attack for a while for resisting the Empire, coup in Brazil, sanctions on Russia, encirclement of China, political issues in SA, maybe India saw, like Australia did way back, that "resistance is futile" and that it's better to be a US b*tch than suffer all sorts of unexpected problems.

Expect also that Chinese silk road project to eventually get stalled by some unexpected problems, countries or terrorists. Increased and cheaper trade between Europe and Asia if a definite non-starter under US hegemonic policy.

Nothing to do with failures on BRICS members side. Nothing to do with actual difficulties and shortcomings. It's all contrived. Right...coffee1.gif


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