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My Thai wife cooks better than 99% of food in Bangkok

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At the risk of being labeled sentimental, the difference with home food is the secret ingredient is love.

My wife is a Southerner and cooks more than I. We like spicy. I tend to cook Western and sometimes make that Thai fusion with herbs and spices. I do the baking, so glad we bought a gas stove with an oven, hard to find 25 years ago!

We eat out very occasionally, mostly with friends. We got tired of being disappointed and having to pay.

We buy a lot on annual trips to the US and Canada. Bring back two suitcases full of olive oil, cheeses, smoked salmon from Costco and Trader Joe's. A freezer or at least an extra fridge is a great investment in good eating.

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Eating out is a step down unless one of us has a craving for something that might be out of the realm of a normal range for a home prepared meal (like clam chowder in sourdough bread bowls).....


I had to laugh at that line,even hi so Bangkok types can be seen eating 40 baht noodles or a plate of Larb moo,your other half must be an exception,I have never known any Thais irrespective of their upbringing to shun Thai food for a bowl of clam chowder soup.

Maybe she eats out on the sly to keep you happy.

There's some western dishes she thoroughly enjoys & from time to time she'll want us to jump out & get something......My Grandmother was from France & I always remember the aroma of coffee (in a wide frence style cup) and sourdough bread at her house at breakfast time --> My wife - wide style coffee cup - with sourdough or maybe croissant in the mornings....

But I'd say Thai dishes at the house 90%+......If she knows it's something I'm not fond of there will be separate dishes/servings for me on the table as well....

She likes cooking videos & gets a lot of ideas from there......Our 15 y/o has learned & she's become quite the cook too.....No matter which one cooks I'm well taken care of....

And both of the girls (15/8) love the clam chowder/sourdough combo.....

We don't run a strickly Thai menu'd house.....Western English & Thai both in language & food choices....Comes with the cross cultural household....

It always amazes me how quickly & cleanly they prepare + present the meals....


Bloody hell how many Thai women are good cooks? Are you all trying to score points ?

My wife is a useless cook she can't cook Thai or anything else oh sorry she is pretty

good in boiling some hot water for a cup of coffee which is cold by the time she pours

it in the cup, I do all the cooking no matter what type of food


Bloody hell how many Thai women are good cooks? Are you all trying to score points ?

My wife is a useless cook she can't cook Thai or anything else oh sorry she is pretty

good in boiling some hot water for a cup of coffee which is cold by the time she pours

it in the cup, I do all the cooking no matter what type of food

Sounds like my wife. She makes my 3 in 1 coffee every morning that is the height of her cooking for the day.


Geeeeze,its that country mile thing again.never understood it.Is it the same as a New York minute,or and English mile,Or an East London hour,or a Thai short time,or 'i love you longtime,<deleted> is it?


Over two decades here never had a decent meal in Thailand

Well I get killed for that but I never ever had a decent meal in Thailand either

I think you both may be confusing the word "decent" with something that means "that suited your tastes." Thai cuisine is inevitably ranked among the most popular in the world. Of course that doesn't mean that everyone needs to like it, but I think it's safe to say it clears the hurdle with regards to "decent." And there are a number of world class foreign chefs in Bangkok, so you needn't force yourself just to eat Thai food.

But then for all we know your standard fare arrives in Styrofoam, fresh from the microwave at 7/Eleven or maybe you're pining for some deep-fried Twinkies.

Of course the reason you posted the comments had nothing to do with the food. It was just another opportunity to say some negative about anything Thai.


Over two decades here never had a decent meal in Thailand

Well I get killed for that but I never ever had a decent meal in Thailand either

I think you both may be confusing the word "decent" with something that means "that suited your tastes." Thai cuisine is inevitably ranked among the most popular in the world. Of course that doesn't mean that everyone needs to like it, but I think it's safe to say it clears the hurdle with regards to "decent." And there are a number of world class foreign chefs in Bangkok, so you needn't force yourself just to eat Thai food.

But then for all we know your standard fare arrives in Styrofoam, fresh from the microwave at 7/Eleven or maybe you're pining for some deep-fried Twinkies.

Of course the reason you posted the comments had nothing to do with the food. It was just another opportunity to say some negative about anything Thai.

This is NOT Thai bashing.

You need to take of your rose coloured glasses and see not everything is perfect here.

I don't eat food from 7-11 and what the f--- is a Twinkie. I just think so many countries have better food than Thailand.

I don't think Thai food is for me, too one dimensional. I have eaten cuisine from many parts of the world in Thailand none cooked very well. The only exception is a few Japanese restaurants with Japanese chefs.


Some of you are lucky. My gf who has a high IQ and a degree in education and teaches at a vocational high school has trouble cooking an egg. I am not sure if that proves anything other than I think I should be with some sensitive uneducated country lady who can cook up a storm.


I moved from Bkk earlier this year back home and now back again and I can't believe how terrible and low quality the food is in Bangkok from the street to the local shop house restaurants to the malls. I have been truly impressed only a couple of times? Does your wife cook better as well or is my wife just a good cook? My wife did not really start cooking that often until we left. Considering how much Thais care about food it's disappointing how low the quality is.

maybe try a proper restaurant for a change?

It wouldn't be hard to cook better than most the restaurants I have been to in Thailand. The food here is subpar in most cases. For this reason I seldom go out anymore. Even if you stump up a bunch of money you can't buy your way out. Thailand has almost anything a person could want but it is all mediocre. I am fussy though so it could be just me but I don't seem alone in my opinions on this.

The quality of the ingredients available here is in my opinion to blame. You can pay a lot and get acceptable beef or whatever but it wouldn't be affordable to serve at most restaurants. Nor would it be considered even above average, in Japan or elsewhere. It is very difficult to find a decent salad over here. People how think the fruits and vegetables here are amazing seem to only base this on variety over quality. Again everything a person wants is available but it is the export only left overs from other countries or produce grown under terrible conditions.

You won't find a tomato you can just slice and put salt and pepper on like a decent beefsteak tomato over here. It could be said that Thai cuisine is great, it can not be said that the dining scene in Thailand is great however. This is not a top destination for foodies.

Makes me laugh when I hear some random backpacker saying the som tam they just ate is the best food they had in their lives.

So I guess all I am saying is just about anybody can make better food at home than what is available at stalls and restaurants. At least you have the option of using clean oil etc.


Me too. My wife is a great cook.

Think it's an Asian woman thing. In their genes .

Nah. My girlfriend is an excellent cook. But I'm even better, 555

She loves my PB&J and avocado ice cream.


How to be a better - Thai - cook than anyone else,,

just refrain from..

using MSG

using fatty oily food

using canola or palm oil

using sugar

and the list goes on


My wife is an excellent cook. So good that she has made dishes for a friend who has then served it to her husband as her own work. She also makes an excellent mince and tatties, although I had initially to restrain her from putting "Pla Lah" into it.


Some of you are lucky. My gf who has a high IQ and a degree in education and teaches at a vocational high school has trouble cooking an egg. I am not sure if that proves anything other than I think I should be with some sensitive uneducated country lady who can cook up a storm.

Nope - doesn't prove a thing....Not sure who you are rockin' & who you are knockin' - or your intent.....

My wife is a "country lady"....Grew up in a farm & is a fantastic cook.....She never remembers when she owned more than 2 pencils & never had a doll growing up....Besides helping around the place & her lessons she used her 2 pencils to learn how to sketch and be creative in many ways - her paintings & art work graces the walls of our home as well as other homes.....Along with that she can repair many things around the house & keeps a beautiful garden = all courtesy of being a "country woman"

She ALSO holds the same degree as your gal which she used to go into management for a major international electronics company......

She's kind, considerate, soft spoken, undemanding & doesn't possess a temper - but stands her own ground & is 100% accountable.....

I've seen my FIL read but am not sure about my MIL.....But - a nephew/their grandson is now going to a university ......(country guy).....

Our 15 y/o daughter can cook & loves to bake - is in college prep & holds the same attributes of both me & my wife - along with being a natural beauty.....Offshoot of "country".....

So - don't get into the stereotypical or put down mode.....

Not every woman in Thailand is unaccomplished or one dimensional - as you've painted "country women", & your GF.....There's many (quietly) great women in this country.....

And most of them can cook up a storm - regardless which part of Thailand they are from....


Over two decades here never had a decent meal in Thailand

Well I get killed for that but I never ever had a decent meal in Thailand either

I think you both may be confusing the word "decent" with something that means "that suited your tastes." Thai cuisine is inevitably ranked among the most popular in the world. Of course that doesn't mean that everyone needs to like it, but I think it's safe to say it clears the hurdle with regards to "decent." And there are a number of world class foreign chefs in Bangkok, so you needn't force yourself just to eat Thai food.

But then for all we know your standard fare arrives in Styrofoam, fresh from the microwave at 7/Eleven or maybe you're pining for some deep-fried Twinkies.

Of course the reason you posted the comments had nothing to do with the food. It was just another opportunity to say some negative about anything Thai.

This is NOT Thai bashing.

You need to take of your rose coloured glasses and see not everything is perfect here.

I don't eat food from 7-11 and what the f--- is a Twinkie. I just think so many countries have better food than Thailand.

I don't think Thai food is for me, too one dimensional. I have eaten cuisine from many parts of the world in Thailand none cooked very well. The only exception is a few Japanese restaurants with Japanese chefs.

Fair enough JohninBKK71, Thai food isn't for everyone, that is a fact.

But I do not get the one dimensional comment. What are you eating exactly? Heck come North. You can have Sausage, Noodle dishes, Awesome curries, Fish with a variety of sauces. My wife does this boiled chicken over the BBQ that is to die for. The soup is the best I have ever had from the juices. These are from our own chickens we raise. Also the spices in the North are incredible and if your wife knows how to cook she can change it up, I have never felt I am eating the same thing. One dimensional food to me is Mexican food. Beans, rice, meat. Call it a Tostada, Taco or Burrito. All the same, same spice, same flavor just different holding device, Flour or corn tortilla. Japanese food the same. Sushi or Sashimi, Tempura and miso soup.


The BKK good food thing seems to originate from rose color glassed newbies in TripAdvisor drooling over disgusting khaophad. Good Thai food in restaurants is hard to find, most home cooked stuff is superior.


My wife is an incredible cook, way better than anything you can buy and she mixes it up. Not the same dish every day. She even makes Sai Ua from scratch. Takes hours. She is also an excellent BBQ'r as well. She has a passion for cooking and baking.

When we were in the states and she used to travel back to Thailand she would fill up 2 suitcases of spices fromthe North where we live. She said the US uses Jalapeno, Bell Peppers and the wrong onions and the curries are all wrong. She used to laugh when she would meet people and they say how they Love Thai food yet never had been to Thailand.

I seldom eat out. When we do its to her favorite restaurant so she can take a break. I think the only dishes we buy at local places is Kumen Gai and Khao Soi.

. First question asked by Customs, Are you transporting food, so beware, fines are Expensive, Australia too

@Ireland32, spices are not considered food. As long as sealed in proper bags with labels there is absolutely no issue. The only issue she had was on one trip due to how strong the spice smell was. They brought the beagle dogs in to sniff for drugs. They xrayed every bag and she was on her way.


@Ireland32, spices are not considered food. As long as sealed in proper bags with labels there is absolutely no issue. The only issue she had was on one trip due to how strong the spice smell was. They brought the beagle dogs in to sniff for drugs. They xrayed every bag and she was on her way.

up to the officer

Just a question. How many wives here that cook amazing food hold a full time job?

Mine can't cook for $... to be honest.

My wife works about 30 hrs a week now that we are back in Thailand. In the states she worked full time and still found time to whip up outstanding dinners and always made my lunches. In fact when she would travel back to Thailand she would cook up meals and seal them up in freezer for me to pull out to eat. She was always worried I would starve. LOL.


@Ireland32, spices are not considered food. As long as sealed in proper bags with labels there is absolutely no issue. The only issue she had was on one trip due to how strong the spice smell was. They brought the beagle dogs in to sniff for drugs. They xrayed every bag and she was on her way.

up to the officer

I would agree with you if you were landing in Thailand because it's left to the officer here. But landing in the US it's quite clear and not left to the discretion of the officer. Never had an issue ever in probably 12 trips. In fact many said when inspecting the spices it made them hungry. The key is they have to be sealed with a label and a value assigned on the arrival customs document.


Just a question. How many wives here that cook amazing food hold a full time job?

Mine can't cook for $... to be honest.

Mine does, she's a full time housewife. Not a job I envy, loads of work but she likes it.

  • 4 weeks later...

BKK street food and most street food throughout TH is garbage now. Low quality meats and vegetables. Heaps of MSG. Plus, it's a lo-so job, so the emergence of more jobs with better salaries for Thais means less people with skill are willing to cook. Also, less variety these days. All tastes the same. I can cook better than 99% of the vendors.

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