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Crimes against asylum seekers in Germany ‘increase sharply’


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Okay, you 2 Einsteins: back up your claims with evidence or back off!



I will happily provide you two links for free. I would urge you to investigate the issue on your own and learn what is happening in Europe. The flood of "refugees" has brought a wave of crime and violence with it.

And here are multiple stories of these asylum seekers making demands on the country kind enough to take them in:


The truth is every action brings a reaction. A Pogrom will occur

Here it is. I scrolled down looking for something like this before posting. Spot on! TV posters have mapped this out fairly well last year and it's unfolding predictably. We're not prophets; it's as predictable as an arrow in flight.

People will get sick of being abused.

Governments will tire of obfuscating their Agenda.

Citizens will

a. Be blamed for things they did not do (See Riechstag/Op Gladio) and

b. Citizens, feeling abandoned, will take matters into their own hands.

Migrants/non-citizens will resort to 'defensive' jihad (an integral part of their exhaustive Hijra/migration methodology, employed in Mecca, Medina, and Mecca, forming their consistent migration MO).

Governments will increasingly lose legitimacy an ally with non-citizens, label citizens 'racists' and 'haters,' and

a. Make non-citizens especially protected

b. Expand 'racist' and 'hate' to encompass all opposing political and cultural views. (See hybrid marriage of Merkel, FB, MS, Google).

c. Increase redistribution of wealth and equality in outcomes to non-citizens couched as 'assimilation.'

d. Employ the coercive power of the State to limit citizen's ability to protest their own demise.

Confident in the official narrative backing non-citizens, increasing organized violence will be acted out under the stalking horse 'defense.' (This narrative can be seen in the west where Huff Post OpEd calls for physical violence in response to unpalatable speech).

Expect EU Reps, and other Merkek sycophants to construct the narrative of 'the rise of the Right,' where in fact the rise to the Right is only relative to the lurge to Left.

This is what is unfolding. This problem cannot be solved by stopping uncontrolled migration today. This disaster can only be addressed by reversing and expatriating numerous arrivals. It's math. It's simple math. Win a battle today and you still lose the war. There will be no massive assimilation; Hijra militates specifically against this! Expel these people or your children will be enslaved!

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There wouldn't be any crimes against them if they weren't there.

That's what people said about the Jews too.

The Jews were citizens.

Those juden were integrated and assimilated. The events of Nazi Germany destroyed the very fabric of its civilization as it lost a large chunk of its intellectual capital. It wasn't just the juden, as anyone who was on the "enemy" list which included intellectuals, progressives, socialists, communists, etc. was either killed off or fled.

Under the current circumstances, none of the new immigrants can be said to have assimilated or integrated or brought significant intellectual capital to Germany. It's alot like the absorption of East Germany. There wee problems when the affluent, educated west had to take on the burden of the intellectually stunted and socially retarded east. Decades of totalitarian dictatorship had destroyed the people.

And therein lies the issue. The trouble makers for the most part are not coming from the traditional western Germany. Rather, they are rooted in the former East Germany where ignorance, poverty, resentment and discrimination was the norm. The West Germans had decades to get rid of their fears of others, while the East Germans lived in their dull all white, all German bubble, Have a good look around you in Thailand.The Germans under the age of 40 are usually decent and polite for the most part. The former east Germany still contains pockets of some very ignorant, bigoted people who are scared of outsiders and have just as much resentment towards the better educated and sophisticated western Germans who have been financing the social benefits in the east since reunification.

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Here's some hard data as opposed to "dozens of videos." I hope whatever country you are a citizen makes sophisticated use of data to make its decisions and not youtube.


Yes of course let's listen to the people who want to flood Germany with people who group, rape, assault and pillage on just how cuddly and harmless these innocent "refugees" are.

Ignore your lying eyes.... and listen to the oligarch liars! They know what's best for us peons. Now you women- start dressing more conservatively to lessen your chances of being raped by these wonderful "refugees"!


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DMo7 is right. Most of the posters and international media copy the lies of Pegida and AfD and neofascist groups..

cheesy.gif . So who was this copied from?


Australia is not Germany.. Australian press and Government use the same method to promote the concentration camps on islands somewhere for families, babies included.

And in those camps, children are regularly sexually molested. Much better to disband the camps and let the animals loose on society, right? The disproportionate number of sexual assaults and rapes committed by immigrants is a myth?

I'm sick to death of hearing what refugees want, and think they are entitled to. If they don't like, they can feel free to GO AWAY, and I don't really care where, as long as it is ELSEWHERE.

Edited by halloween
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DMo7 is right. Most of the posters and international media copy the lies of Pegida and AfD and neofascist groups..

cheesy.gif . So who was this copied from?


Australia is not Germany.. Australian press and Government use the same method to promote the concentration camps on islands somewhere for families, babies included.

And in those camps, children are regularly sexually molested. Much better to disband the camps and let the animals loose on society, right? The disproportionate number of sexual assaults and rapes committed by immigrants is a myth?

I'm sick to death of hearing what refugees want, and think they are entitled to. If they don't like, they can feel free to GO AWAY, and I don't really care where, as long as it is ELSEWHERE.

When the Dalai Lama seems to know more about the problem(s) and why it doesn't work out with so many Muslims, then it's time to have a look at the politicians.

German tax payers are already fragged by countries like Greece.

The Dalai Lama:

" 'There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.'

He said 'from a moral point of view too, I think the refugees should only be admitted temporarily'.

'The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.'"


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When the Dalai Lama seems to know more about the problem(s) and why it doesn't work out with so many Muslims, then it's time to have a look at the politicians.

German tax payers are already fragged by countries like Greece.

The Dalai Lama:

" 'There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.'

He said 'from a moral point of view too, I think the refugees should only be admitted temporarily'.

'The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.'"


Perhaps the Dalai Lama can provide some of his loved ones and.... I should probably stop right there. It is quite easy to tell others in another country on another continent what they should do. To me, the human thing to do is feel for the people who have lived in a fairly orderly society and are having their society disrupted by their leaders going out of the way to import a group of people that has high prevalence towards of desire to rape and pillage against the very people paying for their well-being. It is difficult to think of something more demented than this situation.

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