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Someone years ago told me that some smart bloke once said that..

"Everything conforms to a bell-curve".

I can vaguely remember the bloke that told me, but I certainly can't remember who invented it.

However, all these years later, he was probably right.

My interest in Thailand was slight, followed by intense 30 years ago, and now slight again.

Same with a lot of other things.

When I first joined forums I was vaguely interested, then it seemed stimulating, and now I am vaguely interested again.

Do you have a Thai related "bell curve" and where do you stand?

PS. Someone with a better way of expression might like to add exactly what a "bell curve" is..


A "bell curve" is often named "Gaussian distribution" after it's inventor, German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss.

"Normal distribution" is the trivial name.



An application could be the "Thailand euphoria level" over time biggrin.png

Mine is on the declining path after 5 years in the country.


Bell curve distribution (or so-called "normal distribution") applies to many thing, but far from everything.

It's normal for your interest in Thailand to fluctuate; it's healthy to accept certain truths and act on them when appropriate.

Most expats have little or no real interest in Thailand (it's very rare, for example, to find expats who have what might be considered an academic interest in the county), but this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

IMO, stagnation is a bigger problem: if you were to construct ratios showing what expats have achieved in Thailand in relation to how long they'v been here, the figures would be very low compared to what you might find among expats in other countries.

A wonderful exception to this "rule" is forum member NancyL (POTY winner last December). That woman achieves. She lives a life worth living. And she contributes. She's deservedly popular, too.



I am glad some kind Gent (or lady) can explain it better than this old man.


I have times, seems like every two or three years when everything about here really annoys me.

Periods when I never seem to be able to get things done or completely lose interest in trying to get things done. Maybe those two feed each other?

Is anywhere in the world different?



Found a whole bunch of them.....

Think it illustrates my life.....

Kind of like "Circles" by Ralph W. Emerson.....


A bell curve is a normal distribution. Most points hover around the mean and a few occupy the area of one and two standard deviations above or below the mean. There are often skewed distributions though. A survey of blacks who thought OJ Simpson was guilty of murdering Nicole was skewed far to the left with most thinking that he was not guilty. A survey of whites rendered a distribution the was skewed to the right with most thinking that he was guilty. A survey of the pleasantness of living in Thailand would probably be skewed to the left for Burmese but skewed to the right for white foreigners. You are more likely to get a normal distribution (bell curve) from a large sample of a diverse group but, actually, many surveys yield distributions that are not normal


The explanations seem to indicate a nice theory - until the facts are applied......

I actually have kept a strong interest & careful watch & samplings of the belle curves.....But - it also is a flawed and inexact study.....post-114384-0-58746600-1465606297_thumb.post-114384-0-18225000-1465606328_thumb.post-114384-0-64768800-1465606360_thumb.post-114384-0-66804300-1465606385_thumb.

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