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Strange stuff you've seen but can't prove


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A few years back I was in a bar in Bangkok and ended up talking to this rather posh British chap. Intrigued by the presence of a toff in such lowly surroundings, I asked him how he'd ended up there. He explained that he'd got in a spot of bother back home and had to leave the country. Something to do with a nanny and his wife.

I thought little of it until I happened to see something in the news weeks later, and realise I'd spotted the elusive fugitive Lord Lucan.

Of course, I have no way of proving this. But I know what I saw.

You're a lying toad; I've never been in Jools' Bar in my life. And besides, I look nothing like Lord Lucan; I'm more of an older Owen Farrell

Wasn't 'The Sun' shining in the wrong direction again at that time?

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It would have been flying very low in order to benefit from "Ground Effect".

As such it would have been throttled back, which explains why it was so quiet.

Thanks. I've just been reading about "ground effect" and the associated low noise levels.

Here's something else that may be of interest.

Go to any airport and you'll notice all the planes are white. The giant plane that flew over Pattani was a kind of grey.

This puzzled me. And then I remembered that an object's color is determined by the light reflecting from it. The plane was grey because there was insufficient light at that time of the morning (1am - 2am) for it to be anything else.

Sorry, but I cannot give your sighting any credibility, there is nothing strange about this whatsoever. Where I live in Chiang Mai I often see planes flying over at night, at most times below cloud levels and can only see them as dark grey silhouettes with a red or green light flashing beneath the plane, low engine noise at a slow cruising speed, that`s because they are either just taken off or coming in to land at Chiang Mai airport.

Pattani is also on a flight path for many airlines and it has it`s own airport so your plane could have also either just taken off or coming in to land at the airport. To identify this plane as being a Boeing 727 in the dead of night it would have literally had to have been just a few hundred feet at altitude and then the engine noise would have been substantial.

There is no way you could had distinguished this plane from all the rest as being missing flight MH370. Are you from Texas by any chance? You know, tall stories and all that.

Thank you for posting this. You've just made me laugh!

1. Contrary to your claim, a plane that has just taken off will not be flying at a "slow cruising speed". It will be accelerating and climbing rapidly. Everyone knows this.

2. The MH370 was a 777, not a 727. Did you really not know this?

3. Pattani's airport doesn't cater to commercial flights. It is not on any airline's flight path, and hasn't been for several years. It's a military airport. Drive past it and see. It's opposite the giant Inkayuth Army Base, and several km from the city center.

4. Anyone can distinguish between a military plane and an enormous 777. It's really not hard.

5. The plane I saw was indeed flying extremely low. This is consistent with what military sources later confirmed.


Whether you guys like it or not, the MH370 flew low across the peninsular, following a course close to the Thailand-Malaysia border.

Hundreds, possibly even thousands, of people must have seen it, and yet no one reported it.

Not disputing that you indeed saw something, but if it was MH370, at 1,000 feet with no or little engine noise, where did it crash? It must have been very close if it was 'gliding @ 1,000 feet'.

It certainly wouldn't be going up.

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1865 we had Lewis Carroll penning Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 2016 we have OP's Adventures in Thailand. Both classics in their own way.

One key difference is that Lewis Caroll never tried to convince anyone that his world was real laugh.png

Edited by fletchsmile
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If Thai and Malaysian radar was turned off at the time... What about the joint military exercises going on at the same time???? Cobra Gold... The amount of ships and aircraft in the gulf of Thailand at that time.... If anyone says they did not see an unidentified aircraft... Imjs Troll or paid to debunk anything close to truth! I know 1st hand what capabilities were there and what is being hidden! Want to argue? Come on!

Why is it being hidden??

Ha! That was a good read!

You sound like one of those guys who think the plane was commandeered remotely and flown to a "top secret" base in China.

The best story I heard was from an American who reported "live" from Diego Garcia. The guy was on board the plane and had kept documentary evidence if its seizure on his iPhone.

The American then claimed to have hidden the phone up his bum.

A fair few people took that story seriously, and debated whether or not a guy really can fit an iPhone up his bum.

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Not disputing that you indeed saw something, but if it was MH370, at 1,000 feet with no or little engine noise, where did it crash? It must have been very close if it was 'gliding @ 1,000 feet'.

It certainly wouldn't be going up.

As stated above my friend / client in BKK owns an airline.

He put me in contact with an engineer.

The guy asked a set of questions which in my opinion were the obvious ones to ask, but which (predictably) have not been asked on this forum.

The key to it all is trigonometry and optical illusions.

I can't go into further detail as one of the most important considerations is the height of the point from which I saw the plane. Equally important are:

1. The distance between my vantage point and landmarks in front of the plane's "apparent" flight path.

2. The height of said landmarks.

3. The "apparent distance" of the plane behind said landmarks.

4. An estimation of the plane's height above the key landmarks.

With this info, everything can be calculated and explained quite easily. The guy's contention was that the plane must have been a fair bit further from me that I recalled. I figured it was only about 1000m - 1500m away at most (I thought it flew along a course just on the other side of the Pattani River); he reckoned it must have been at least another mile or so beyond the river.

Edited by Fabricus
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Oh another one that I forgot to mention, I was drinking in The Blind Beggar on the night that Ronnie Kray shot George Cornell but the only proof that I have on this fact is the word of 25,000 people who also were drinking in their that night (and all of them were born within the sound of the Bow Bells).

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1865 we had Lewis Carroll penning Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 2016 we have OP's Adventures in Thailand. Both classics in their own way.

One key difference is that Lewis Caroll never tried to convince anyone that his world was real laugh.png

Personally I think this is what he actually saw. The fellow peddling is in fact Jesus Christ. Anything is possible ( thanks Nike )


Edited by Minnie the Minx
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In an effort to be constructive I did a bit of googling to see if I could find any evidence to help support OP's story.

Not easy but I did manage to find this photo from a couple of years back which could well OP's tea party, with the stunning girlfriend, airline owner, engineer, etc.

Nobody seems to be smoking illegal substances, but apart from that it seems to fit in with the "facts" described.


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Fab I need to confess to you that my good friend also has an airline.

I shall tell you the story of how I came to know this great man.

It was circa last year when I was sitting on my verandah in Australia at sunset. That's right, when all the glorious colours of the noble sun come out to play against the ocean and scape. I heard this faint buzzing noise, not that incessant noise associated with ciacadas or the whining noise of those annoying cessnas flying around like giant blow flies, but a seductive hum.

I blinked my eyes as a h-u-g-e shape formed, almost like something coming from heaven, and lo and behold this appeared on the horizon. Now it wasn't white, as the sun was setting. I blinked and took off my Ray Bans as I stared in disbelief and reached for one of my mobiles to snap a pic. That's right, I have three mobiles. Always have your mobiles around in case such a phenomenon like this happens.

Here's the pic. The big orange plane had other planes flying around it. Now you can't tell me this didn't happen good folks because I have proof.


Edited by Minnie the Minx
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Fab I need to confess to you that my good friend also has an airline.

I shall tell you the story of how I came to know this great man.

It was circa last year when I was sitting on my verandah in Australia at sunset. That's right, when all the glorious colours of the noble sun come out to play against the ocean and scape. I heard this faint buzzing noise, not that incessant noise associated with ciacadas or the whining noise of those annoying cessnas flying around like giant blow flies, but a seductive hum.

I blinked my eyes as a h-u-g-e shape formed, almost like something coming from heaven, and lo and behold this appeared on the horizon. Now it wasn't white, as the sun was setting. I blinked and took off my Ray Bans as I stared in disbelief and reached for one of my mobiles to snap a pic. That's right, I have three mobiles. Always have your mobiles around in case such a phenomenon like this happens.

Here's the pic. The big orange plane had other planes flying around it. Now you can't tell me this didn't happen good folks because I have proof.


What airline is that?

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Fab I need to confess to you that my good friend also has an airline.

I shall tell you the story of how I came to know this great man.

It was circa last year when I was sitting on my verandah in Australia at sunset. That's right, when all the glorious colours of the noble sun come out to play against the ocean and scape. I heard this faint buzzing noise, not that incessant noise associated with ciacadas or the whining noise of those annoying cessnas flying around like giant blow flies, but a seductive hum.

I blinked my eyes as a h-u-g-e shape formed, almost like something coming from heaven, and lo and behold this appeared on the horizon. Now it wasn't white, as the sun was setting. I blinked and took off my Ray Bans as I stared in disbelief and reached for one of my mobiles to snap a pic. That's right, I have three mobiles. Always have your mobiles around in case such a phenomenon like this happens.

Here's the pic. The big orange plane had other planes flying around it. Now you can't tell me this didn't happen good folks because I have proof.


What airline is that?

Just at a quick glance judging by the colours it looks like The Frecce Tricolori to me.

It sure aint the Red Arrows with Concorde.


Often seen flying over their base in Rivolto or Scampton, havent been seen round these parts for a few years.

If you want to piss off the groundcrew, make sure your kids are photographed swinging from the pitot probe.

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I understand your confusion, my eyes aint what they used to be, I didnt know if that was a 339 or a 345.

Very easy for a civillian to be confused.

Anyway my mate that owns an airline (not in Thailand) says he can get you a seat in the cockpit as its landing into HK, let me know next time you are passing through.

Be aware its not the same thrill as Kai Tak.


Edited by rgs2001uk
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Nha ing said that, I flew with fabs friends airline once or twice and I'm aware of this, smart man successful, intelligent and wealthy,but all round a decent chap.

I am sure a lot of airline owners have discussed these issues behind the doors. It effects all of them. As we've seen from Malasian, they've really struggled with this, it could bring a successful operation to its knees.

Is this true -- have you really flown with the airline I PM'ed you?

We used to handle most of their marketing, but these days much of the work is managed by an in-house Thai team.

The owners are really decent guys. I first met them back in 2010 or 2011. We stayed in touch ever since.


And yes, all airlines discuss accidents. They all know what happened on board the MH370, but play the story down or come across as vague as the truth scares potential passengers.

You're right Fabricus, all airline staff, from senior management, right down to loaders, discuss accidents/incidents/crashes, etc., pilots dissect them in a classroom format, looking at how they happen, and how they can be prevented, but you're wrong when you suggest that "they all know happened aboard MH370, etc." Nobody knows at this stage, lots of theories, even conspiracies, but no concrete knowledge of events. If some have the knowledge, it would be leaked. People can't keep their mouths shut.

There's an old saying.........Two people can keep a secret, provided one of them is dead!!

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You sure you wasn't smoking any of the funny stuff on that night that you can't remember?

attachicon.gifCaptain Troll.png

I personally think few things are sadder than middle-aged men who smoke dope.

I had the odd joint or two at uni, but that was almost thirty years ago.

..residual effect can cause flashbacks at any time in the future.

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Whatever the OP saw at low over Pattani was not MH370. The Malaysian Factual Information Report released on 08 March 2014 (you can downloads it) shows the radar track of the aircraft on the Malaysian DCA ATC radar located at Kota Baharu airport on the east coast of the peninsular, about 20 km south east of the Thai-Malaysia border. The track crossed the coast just north of Kota Baharu and continued tracking south west, and crossed the Thai-Malaysia border at the border town of Rantau Panjang, about 100 km south of Pattani - and that is the nearest that the track ever got to the OP's location.

The map that the OP included in his post shows a direct track from IGARI to VAMPI which is not correct. The aircraft did pass over these waypoints but flew to the south west from IGARI until near Penang, then to the north West to VAMPI.

The DCA radar tracking was confirmed by the Malaysian Air Force Air Defence Radar. These radars, unlike civil primary radars (remember the MH370 height reporting transponder was not on), have height finding capabilities. The MH370 altitude was detected as between 31100 ft and 33000 ft crossing the peninsular. So not only did MH370 not overfly Pattani, its altitude was above 31000 ft - not a the low level that the OP reported.

Nobody knows what really happened to MH370, and we wont know until the wreckage is found and the flight and cockpit voice recorders are recovered. Until then do what aviation professionals are doing and wait, and not make ignorant and insulting remarks about the Captain and crew of MH370. I am still an Australian taxpayer and support funding for the search for the wreckage until it is found.

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Whatever the OP saw at low over Pattani was not MH370. The Malaysian Factual Information Report released on 08 March 2014 (you can downloads it) shows the radar track of the aircraft on the Malaysian DCA ATC radar located at Kota Baharu airport on the east coast of the peninsular, about 20 km south east of the Thai-Malaysia border. The track crossed the coast just north of Kota Baharu and continued tracking south west, and crossed the Thai-Malaysia border at the border town of Rantau Panjang, about 100 km south of Pattani - and that is the nearest that the track ever got to the OP's location.

The map that the OP included in his post shows a direct track from IGARI to VAMPI which is not correct. The aircraft did pass over these waypoints but flew to the south west from IGARI until near Penang, then to the north West to VAMPI.

The DCA radar tracking was confirmed by the Malaysian Air Force Air Defence Radar. These radars, unlike civil primary radars (remember the MH370 height reporting transponder was not on), have height finding capabilities. The MH370 altitude was detected as between 31100 ft and 33000 ft crossing the peninsular. So not only did MH370 not overfly Pattani, its altitude was above 31000 ft - not a the low level that the OP reported.

Nobody knows what really happened to MH370, and we wont know until the wreckage is found and the flight and cockpit voice recorders are recovered. Until then do what aviation professionals are doing and wait, and not make ignorant and insulting remarks about the Captain and crew of MH370. I am still an Australian taxpayer and support funding for the search for the wreckage until it is found.

Come come now, Fabricus cannot be mistaken, he is too well connected to be wrong. gigglem.gif

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Nha ing said that, I flew with fabs friends airline once or twice and I'm aware of this, smart man successful, intelligent and wealthy,but all round a decent chap.

I am sure a lot of airline owners have discussed these issues behind the doors. It effects all of them. As we've seen from Malasian, they've really struggled with this, it could bring a successful operation to its knees.

Is this true -- have you really flown with the airline I PM'ed you?

We used to handle most of their marketing, but these days much of the work is managed by an in-house Thai team.

The owners are really decent guys. I first met them back in 2010 or 2011. We stayed in touch ever since.


And yes, all airlines discuss accidents. They all know what happened on board the MH370, but play the story down or come across as vague as the truth scares potential passengers.

You're right Fabricus, all airline staff, from senior management, right down to loaders, discuss accidents/incidents/crashes, etc., pilots dissect them in a classroom format, looking at how they happen, and how they can be prevented, but you're wrong when you suggest that "they all know happened aboard MH370, etc." Nobody knows at this stage, lots of theories, even conspiracies, but no concrete knowledge of events. If some have the knowledge, it would be leaked. People can't keep their mouths shut.

There's an old saying.........Two people can keep a secret, provided one of them is dead!!

This is getting a bit silly. You too are right, but you're also wrong, and you know it

You DO know why the captain locked out the co-pilot.

You DO know why the captain switched off communications and flew the plane from 35K to 38K

You DO know why he turned back and flew low over the peninsular. You know what he was trying to evade

And you know what he was attempting to do out in the India Ocean.

You know too that he succeeded (in losing/ trashing the MH370) and we only have an idea of the plane's final hours thanks to technology evolved (by Immarsat's engineers) after the event.


One thing I did notice is that people I discussed this with didn't seem too concerned. I guess it's only non-industry people (like me, for example) who think this type of story has "interest".

From the point of view of aviation industry professionals, my story adds nothing: everyone knows the plane came in from the Gulf of Thailand and exited on the other side; it flew low; inevitably there sighting. But so what?

The industry -- as far as I could gauge -- was far more concerned with potential economic impacts.

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Whatever the OP saw at low over Pattani was not MH370. The Malaysian Factual Information Report released on 08 March 2014 (you can downloads it) shows the radar track of the aircraft on the Malaysian DCA ATC radar located at Kota Baharu airport on the east coast of the peninsular, about 20 km south east of the Thai-Malaysia border. The track crossed the coast just north of Kota Baharu and continued tracking south west, and crossed the Thai-Malaysia border at the border town of Rantau Panjang, about 100 km south of Pattani - and that is the nearest that the track ever got to the OP's location.

The map that the OP included in his post shows a direct track from IGARI to VAMPI which is not correct. The aircraft did pass over these waypoints but flew to the south west from IGARI until near Penang, then to the north West to VAMPI.

The DCA radar tracking was confirmed by the Malaysian Air Force Air Defence Radar. These radars, unlike civil primary radars (remember the MH370 height reporting transponder was not on), have height finding capabilities. The MH370 altitude was detected as between 31100 ft and 33000 ft crossing the peninsular. So not only did MH370 not overfly Pattani, its altitude was above 31000 ft - not a the low level that the OP reported.

Nobody knows what really happened to MH370, and we wont know until the wreckage is found and the flight and cockpit voice recorders are recovered. Until then do what aviation professionals are doing and wait, and not make ignorant and insulting remarks about the Captain and crew of MH370. I am still an Australian taxpayer and support funding for the search for the wreckage until it is found.

Good post.

Problem is your version doesn't add up. It's an "official" version.

You're very welcome to believe what you want, however.

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I understand your confusion, my eyes aint what they used to be, I didnt know if that was a 339 or a 345.

Very easy for a civillian to be confused.

Anyway my mate that owns an airline (not in Thailand) says he can get you a seat in the cockpit as its landing into HK, let me know next time you are passing through.

Be aware its not the same thrill as Kai Tak.

kai tak.jpg

It was completely believable up to the point where you claimed you had a mate. ;)

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1865 we had Lewis Carroll penning Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 2016 we have OP's Adventures in Thailand. Both classics in their own way.

One key difference is that Lewis Caroll never tried to convince anyone that his world was real laugh.png

Personally I think this is what he actually saw. The fellow peddling is in fact Jesus Christ. Anything is possible ( thanks Nike )


I disagree minx, not everything is possible, for example, some folk try to put lipstick on a pig and claim it's not a pig, but we all know that it still is. ;)

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Thank you, kind Sir. Frecce Tricolori that's them. Sorry about the pic quality these are from my iBone.


South African airline... Mango, accompanied by the SADF Silver Falcons

I've flown Mango several times as I know the CEO guy who runs it, and the food and service is great I can report back, from Durban to HK and other short routes in SA. I wouldn't have a clue what the accompanying planes are as used in air shows.

Actually, how can you tell they are the SADF Falcons? rgs mentioned the Frecce Colore, anyway it takes great skill to do co-ordinated displays.

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Brilliant post neverdie, please give us more of the same pithy wit. I'm going to like this post of yours to encourage you to do more of the same.

Nothing like positive reinforcement. You get really silly at times I've noticed, I mean FOUR consecutive posts from you is over the top and no content same as above. I'm just giving you writing tips. Besides my good friend with the airline, I have a good friend who is a published author did ya know. wink.png

btw, baiting, stalking, harassing and attacking people on the forum is against the rules and I've reported you. You are ruining my forum experience.

So is rejoining the forum after being banned time and time again sentrix.

And getting all those vile individuals at the nut house to stalk, harass and intimidate Fabricus ;)

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Thank you, kind Sir. Frecce Tricolori that's them. Sorry about the pic quality these are from my iBone.


South African airline... Mango, accompanied by the SADF Silver Falcons

I've flown Mango several times as I know the CEO guy who runs it, and the food and service is great I can report back, from Durban to HK and other short routes in SA. I wouldn't have a clue what the accompanying planes are as used in air shows.

Actually, how can you tell they are the SADF Falcons? rgs mentioned the Frecce Colore, anyway it takes great skill to do co-ordinated displays.

You can tell their not the Frecce Tricolori as they haven't got hair under the wings!!

Naaah.... only kidding! The aircraft type is incorrect. Silver Falcons operate the Pilatus PC and have props and the Italians operate the Aermacchi MB-339 which is a jet.

Additionalyin #104 you can see the tailplanes and the paintjob on them are SAAF

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