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Many lives lost in Orlando nightclub shooting

Jonathan Fairfield

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"When asked why Mateen was able to purchase a gun given the fact he was on the FBI radar for terror links, the spokesman answer he was able to do so because the investigations were closed."

That says it all really. The "US system" clearly doesn't work. Close down all the gun shops , if you want a license for a gun you have to apply for it , like in most western countries.

When I visited Nevada a few years ago I could see gun stores everywhere, like it was some kind of candy store.

The US doesn't want to be like most western countries. In fact, it was started because we didn't like a few of the western countries you'd like us to be more like. We have a highly individualized society. And while you may see certain leftists apologizing and otherwise groveling on various issues and matters, most Americans strongly support the Second Amendment and are proud to be a unique country- all its problems not withstanding.

If your logic worked, we wouldn't have a drug problem in the US. After all, all the drug stores have been closed and drugs are illegal. We had prohibition and that was a disaster. I would encourage you to read the Second Amendment and come to understand what has been tried and how it hasn't worked.

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If there was proper gun laws and control in the so called "land of the free" access to firearms etc would be so much harder....if those that don't remember do some research on how they gained control of guns in Australia after a dreadful mass shooting or 29 people....until the people of USA really get savage on the shitty GOP and National Riflemens Assn this sort of event will keep recurring....criminals will always gain access to firearms but in general it themselves that they keep shooting up....no loss there....for anyone to be able to have military grade firearms is a national disgrace .....do the citizens of the USA have no shame

So you're suggesting violence against the GOP and NRA? Or would you like to clarify what "get savage" means? And no, criminals do not generally shoot themselves. In fact, the topic is about a criminal who did NOT shoot other criminals.

May I suggest you apply your "get savage" attitude towards terrorists and criminals rather than political adversaries acting completely lawfully?

Edited by MajarTheLion
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Orlando shooting follows ISIS call for U.S. Ramadan attacks

In an audio recording released on May 21, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al Adnani called for "a month of hurt" in the United States as well as Europe.
His message to ISIS sympathizers like Orlando shooter Omar Mateen: Stay home and kill anybody, anyhow, anywhere.

With this in mind, how could anyone in their right mind put the focus on guns? For the lefist logic to work, these savages who perpetrate these acts would have to say, gee guns are illegal, I guess I can't kill a bunch of people after all!

Yeah right.

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Orlando shooting follows ISIS call for U.S. Ramadan attacks

In an audio recording released on May 21, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al Adnani called for "a month of hurt" in the United States as well as Europe.
His message to ISIS sympathizers like Orlando shooter Omar Mateen: Stay home and kill anybody, anyhow, anywhere.

With this in mind, how could anyone in their right mind put the focus on guns? For the lefist logic to work, these savages who perpetrate these acts would have to say, gee guns are illegal, I guess I can't kill a bunch of people after all!

Yeah right.

guess what ,in countries that have any ar-15's nobody gets killed by an ar-15

coincidence or not ?

if he was only allowed a revolver or a shotgun do you think he would have been able to dispatch as many people before being shot or overpowered ?

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The religion of peace at work again ,I dread to think what the world will look like when they have outnumbered all other religions

This is a nutter who happened to be a muslim. He hated gays obviously and had a violent temper. That clown breivik is of the same school. Nutter who hated lefties.

You have to be something of a nutter to believe in the Koran and the Prophet to start with so that's hardly an excuse, nor is it to point the finger at other killers who were not motivated by Islam. This terrorist murderer was a Muslim and he was motivated by the Koran, that's it, no further excuses or pointing the finger elsewhere necessary. Obama can't bring himself to admit it, his cowardice does not change the facts though. Same thing has happened in countries that do have gun control, it's not the problem,the problem is Islam.

Same as u are a nutter if u believe in Christ and bible or believe in ghosts and protective amulets... I think us humans are all a bunch of butters anyway.

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This is a nutter who happened to be a muslim. He hated gays obviously and had a violent temper. That clown breivik is of the same school. Nutter who hated lefties.
And he killed almost 60 people with one automatic rifle, just like Breivik killed 90 in a few hours. The only dfference is that Breivik could not walk into any store and buy the deadly weapon. He had to steal it.


Yes , that was the bomb , but only 7 people died there, later he went to the island and killed almost 90 with an automatic weapon.

168 people died, including 19 young children who were in the building’s day care center at the time of the blast. More than 650 other people were injured in the bombing, which damaged or destroyed more than 300 buildings in the immediate area.

Oklahoma City Bombing Edited by Scotwight
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Orlando shooting follows ISIS call for U.S. Ramadan attacks

In an audio recording released on May 21, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al Adnani called for "a month of hurt" in the United States as well as Europe.
His message to ISIS sympathizers like Orlando shooter Omar Mateen: Stay home and kill anybody, anyhow, anywhere.

With this in mind, how could anyone in their right mind put the focus on guns? For the lefist logic to work, these savages who perpetrate these acts would have to say, gee guns are illegal, I guess I can't kill a bunch of people after all!

Yeah right.

guess what ,in countries that have any ar-15's nobody gets killed by an ar-15

coincidence or not ?

if he was only allowed a revolver or a shotgun do you think he would have been able to dispatch as many people before being shot or overpowered ?

How did the victims in Paris get killed.....assault rifles? With single attackers or small groups, I suppose it really depends on whether the attackers are determined to carry out the carnage. If so, they will plan ahead and get weapons. If they can't get guns, they'll make bombs. The technology for the latter seems readily available.

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Orlando shooting follows ISIS call for U.S. Ramadan attacks

In an audio recording released on May 21, ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al Adnani called for "a month of hurt" in the United States as well as Europe.
His message to ISIS sympathizers like Orlando shooter Omar Mateen: Stay home and kill anybody, anyhow, anywhere.

With this in mind, how could anyone in their right mind put the focus on guns? For the lefist logic to work, these savages who perpetrate these acts would have to say, gee guns are illegal, I guess I can't kill a bunch of people after all!

Yeah right.

guess what ,in countries that have any ar-15's nobody gets killed by an ar-15

coincidence or not ?

if he was only allowed a revolver or a shotgun do you think he would have been able to dispatch as many people before being shot or overpowered ?

People should take a gun training course before posting so as not to sound uninformed.

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This is a nutter who happened to be a muslim. He hated gays obviously and had a violent temper. That clown breivik is of the same school. Nutter who hated lefties.

And he killed almost 60 people with one automatic rifle, just like Breivik killed 90 in a few hours. The only dfference is that Breivik could not walk into any store and buy the deadly weapon. He had to steal it.


Yes , that was the bomb , but only 7 people died there, later he went to the island and killed almost 90 with an automatic weapon.

Wrong bomb. That picture was Oklahoma.

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The religion of peace at work again ,I dread to think what the world will look like when they have outnumbered all other religions

This is a nutter who happened to be a muslim. He hated gays obviously and had a violent temper. That clown breivik is of the same school. Nutter who hated lefties.

Let's be clear, the nutter didn't discriminate, he hated all kaffir. If it wasn't a gay club, it would have been a church, a shopping centre or a crèche. Any target would do.

Good to know you actually knew the guy that well and his intentions. Or u are a psychic like many on this forum.

It's simplistic to blame islam for the acts of 1 guy. I dislike all religions (all of them!) but generalising is stupid. 70% of the people in my street back home are muslims. they live their lives, i live mine. we never had issues. NE-VER. i need help I ask them, they help. one of them even brought me to airport once when a spontaneous strike broke out at the train service. i'm NO apologist, i'm just judging people as individuals and not based on their "immaginary friend" beliefs...........

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The religion of peace at work again ,I dread to think what the world will look like when they have outnumbered all other religions

This is a nutter who happened to be a muslim. He hated gays obviously and had a violent temper. That clown breivik is of the same school. Nutter who hated lefties.

Let's be clear, the nutter didn't discriminate, he hated all kaffir. If it wasn't a gay club, it would have been a church, a shopping centre or a crèche. Any target would do.


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The religion of peace at work again ,I dread to think what the world will look like when they have outnumbered all other religions

This is a nutter who happened to be a muslim. He hated gays obviously and had a violent temper. That clown breivik is of the same school. Nutter who hated lefties.

Let's be clear, the nutter didn't discriminate, he hated all kaffir. If it wasn't a gay club, it would have been a church, a shopping centre or a crèche. Any target would do.


Why nonsense?

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Apparently Christians aren't having a problem with it. Hey, this religious stereotyping is fun. I see why the anti-muslim folks enjoy it so much! lol!


That's a horrible story, though completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Perhaps you can find a forum where you can start this as the topic. Good luck.

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Apparently Christians aren't having a problem with it. Hey, this religious stereotyping is fun. I see why the anti-muslim folks enjoy it so much! lol!


That's a horrible story, though completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Perhaps you can find a forum where you can start this as the topic. Good luck.

its closely related.

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Sen. Ron Johnson: Ideology, not gun killed 49 people in Orlando

"Their ideology calls for the slaughter of innocents. Thats the root cause. Its not law-abiding gun owners that are the problem here, its Islamic terrorists."


At least one Senator gets it.

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Bratton hopeful Orlando tragedy might lead to new gun control laws

"New York City Police Department Commissioner...is holding out hope that Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando...will lead to new gun control law..."


It's scandalous that some officials use the tradegy of an Islamic terrorist attack to attack the Constitution.

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Sen. Ron Johnson: Ideology, not gun killed 49 people in Orlando

"Their ideology calls for the slaughter of innocents. Thats the root cause. Its not law-abiding gun owners that are the problem here, its Islamic terrorists."


At least one Senator gets it.

nothin like makin it as easy as possible for them!!

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Bratton hopeful Orlando tragedy might lead to new gun control laws

"New York City Police Department Commissioner...is holding out hope that Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando...will lead to new gun control law..."


It's scandalous that some officials use the tradegy of an Islamic terrorist attack to attack the Constitution.

The NYPD have been neutered under Comrade De Blasio. They just parrot his BS

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Bratton hopeful Orlando tragedy might lead to new gun control laws

"New York City Police Department Commissioner...is holding out hope that Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando...will lead to new gun control law..."


It's scandalous that some officials use the tradegy of an Islamic terrorist attack to attack the Constitution.

The right to buy guns has nothing to do with it, they get them illegally if not from a shop. Shops don't sell suicide vests, bombs like they used in Boston or planes that were flown into buildings on 9/11. The gun thing is a red herring, Trump is correct time to stop the PC excuses, time to close down Mosques preaching hate (almost all of them) Islamic brainwashing Schools and no more immigration from Islamic countries.

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Bratton hopeful Orlando tragedy might lead to new gun control laws

"New York City Police Department Commissioner...is holding out hope that Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando...will lead to new gun control law..."


It's scandalous that some officials use the tradegy of an Islamic terrorist attack to attack the Constitution.

The right to buy guns has nothing to do with it, they get them illegally if not from a shop. Shops don't sell suicide vests, bombs like they used in Boston or planes that were flown into buildings on 9/11. The gun thing is a red herring, Trump is correct time to stop the PC excuses, time to close down Mosques preaching hate (almost all of them) Islamic brainwashing Schools and no more immigration from Islamic countries.

there are already 5 million, you bettter lobby for sterilization too pal

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Bratton hopeful Orlando tragedy might lead to new gun control laws

"New York City Police Department Commissioner...is holding out hope that Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando...will lead to new gun control law..."


It's scandalous that some officials use the tradegy of an Islamic terrorist attack to attack the Constitution.

The right to buy guns has nothing to do with it, they get them illegally if not from a shop. Shops don't sell suicide vests, bombs like they used in Boston or planes that were flown into buildings on 9/11. The gun thing is a red herring, Trump is correct time to stop the PC excuses, time to close down Mosques preaching hate (almost all of them) Islamic brainwashing Schools and no more immigration from Islamic countries.

there are already 5 million, you bettter lobby for sterilization too pal

The germans once made a similar threat against America. That didn't turn out too well for them, either. "The Foreign Minister of Germany once said to me your country does not dare do anything against Germany, because we have in your country five hundred thousand Germans reservists [emigrants] who will rise in arms against your government if you dare to make a move against Germany. Well, I told him that that might be so, but that we had five hundred thousand and one lamp posts in this country, and that that was where the reservists would be hanging the day after they tried to rise." http://www.abebooks.co.uk/Four-Years-Germany-James-W-Gerard/3638400162/bd

Edited by Usernames
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Bratton hopeful Orlando tragedy might lead to new gun control laws

"New York City Police Department Commissioner...is holding out hope that Sunday's mass shooting in Orlando...will lead to new gun control law..."


It's scandalous that some officials use the tradegy of an Islamic terrorist attack to attack the Constitution.

The right to buy guns has nothing to do with it, they get them illegally if not from a shop. Shops don't sell suicide vests, bombs like they used in Boston or planes that were flown into buildings on 9/11. The gun thing is a red herring, Trump is correct time to stop the PC excuses, time to close down Mosques preaching hate (almost all of them) Islamic brainwashing Schools and no more immigration from Islamic countries.

there are already 5 million, you bettter lobby for sterilization too pal

The germans once made a similar threat against America. That didn't turn out to well for them, either. "The Foreign Minister of Germany once said to me your country does not dare do anything against Germany, because we have in your country five hundred thousand Germans reservists [emigrants] who will rise in arms against your government if you dare to make a move against Germany. Well, I told him that that might be so, but that we had five hundred thousand and one lamp posts in this country, and that that was where the reservists would be hanging the day after they tried to rise." http://www.abebooks.co.uk/Four-Years-Germany-James-W-Gerard/3638400162/bd

and how is that going top stop american muslims from having children, some of which will become radicalized?

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It turns out the killer was gay or bisexual in the closet . He had been at this club for 3 years , visiting it twice a month . And his ex-wife knew.

Edited by balo
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It turns out the killer was gay or bisexual in the closet . He had been at this club for 3 years , visiting it twice a month . And his ex-wife knew.

If so, so what?

It doesn't change what this atrocity was. A terrorist incident with a proven link to inspiration from Islamist extremism and ALSO in choosing a gay club, a homophobic attack. In case people are confused, it's not uncommon for MSM (men who have sex with men) to not identify as gay, and indeed be homophobic, sometimes virulently so. People who make a big deal about Islamist terrorists drinking and partying and sometimes whoring before their acting out don't get it. They often do exactly that. Yes it should be investigated in this case what his links were to this club and the gay men on his apps. Was there a social thing or was it just part of casing his targets thoroughly.

But whatever they find, it doesn't change what this was: Islamist TERRORISM and HOMOPHOBIA.

I had ruled out racism as a factor before which some had considered because it was LATINO night (and indeed the vast majority of the victims are young gay Latino men) but now it's coming out in addition to his links to radical Islam, this sick puppy was besides being homophobic ALSO a racist. So perhaps, and this should be explored, the LATINO connection is also relevant. Kind of weird because Latinos wouldn't normally be a special target of Islamist extremists (though most of course are at least culturally Christian) but of course westerners in general are with likely special bonus points for Jews and perhaps gays. We're very used to hearing about Jews being targets of radical Islamist terrorists, and people already get such terror attacks are a MIX of Islamist terrorism and antisemitism.

This is the first radical Islamist terror attack in the west that specifically targeted gays.

The gay angle is new in the west. Hopefully, it doesn't inspire COPYCATS, but indeed it might.

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Yes I agree, he was a radical islamist and his brain has been fxxx up . Why he choose a gay club was maybe because he was a racist targeting latinos , maybe he had some bad experiences in the past . We can speculate forever.

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There was an eye witness report, not yet confirmed, that while shooting he said:

You don't need to be a f-word (anti-gay slur).

Also Allah Akbar.

I think that plenty of real evidence is being gathered that won't require speculation.

The radical Islamist ideological connection is already fully confirmed.

The evidence of homophobia, regardless of his own possible experiences or interest in sex with men, is almost as strong.

Edited by Jingthing
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nothin like makin it as easy as possible for them!!

Good point. Let's completely shut down immigration until the situation is figured out. The last thing we need right now is more people like this creep in Orlando. And clearly this country has a problem with savages in general who can't seem to live without harming others in a free country. Obviously we need to deal with these creeps much more swiftly and severely. Taking freedoms away from 99.5% of honest, law-abiding people is not only a bad idea for a free country, it's ineffective at dealing with the losers.

Take a ban on "assault weapons", for example. Let's say they are banned right here and now. Do you honestly believe that means a significant reduction in numbers killed by "assault weapons", a number that is already a very small percentage of total gun homicides per year?

I would encourage you to think of this from a logical point of view, using facts, data and demographics- on violent criminals. Targeting innocent people when trying to reform anything is almost always ineffective.

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