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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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It doesn't matter if someone calls a stainless steel pistol a silver pistol - the person being shot is just as dead. How about addressing the issue instead of posting smug drivel.

The issue here is that there is an abundance of firearms available to practically everyone in the US, and many of these firearms are made solely to kill other people. Those type of weapons should be banned outside the military and law enforcement.

How did banning assault rifles and handguns work out for the people of Paris and Brussels ? ?

Zastava machine guns fabricated in Ex-Yugoslav factories have been found on the terrorists of Paris. The weapons' ID numbers have been traced to a weapons exporter company from...Florida...



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How did banning assault rifles and handguns work out for the people of Paris and Brussels ? ?

Zastava machine guns fabricated in Ex-Yugoslav factories have been found on the terrorists of Paris. The weapons' ID numbers have been traced to a weapons exporter company from...Florida...


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1465912749.689375.jpg

Three officials and two gun experts with information on the Charlie Hebdo investigation confirmed to TIME that the weapons used in the attacks came from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Some were deactivated weapons from Slovakia, converted to be live-firing. (Under pressure from the E.U., Slovakia recently tightened its regulations for the possession and sale of weapons). Other arms are believed to have come from Croatia and Serbia, while some ammunition has been traced to the Republika Srpska, an administrative entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Edited by Scotwight
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This is always good to watch (or any other Christopher Hitchens clips on youtube):

Christopher Hitchens "Islam is Bullshit and I am Offended"

Oh and yes, I do enjoy listening to Hitchens, even now. I felt a real sense of loss when he died.
Great loss. Truly.
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Closet Homosexual.....Goes beserk bexausw he cant accept himself.......No Terrorism. No Isis....snapped crazy bastard.

Or... just a normal muslim.

- went daily to mosque

- did TWO hajj's to Mecca instead of one

- knew and was linked to known terrorists

- twice interviewed by FBI

- father a true Taleban supporter

- pledged support to ISIS

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali: “It Is Time to Take On Muslim Homophobia”
Former Muslim and current atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali noted in a tweet this afternoon that Islamic homophobia is a particularly viral strain of the religion virus. She was responding to last night’s massacre at a gay nightclub in Florida where 50 people died and many more are wounded (at least as of this writing).
No doctrine is more violent to the gay community than Islamic doctrine. It is time to take on Muslim homophobia.
One of the comments: Islam is a beautiful religion, because it's the one I'm always told of being peaceful after a major terror attack.
The Truth About the Gay Nightclub Massacre
When are we going to accept that Islam has a violence problem?

This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

Not true muslims.. What is a "true muslim" for you? Someone who does not follow islam?

By the way, you did not comment on Ayaan Hirsi Ali's comment at all about muslim homophobia. What's your take on that?

Stop being a Muslim hater! 95% of all Muslims are peace loving people(true Muslims). Don't let Muslim haters like Hirsi Ali corrupt your mind. That is their intention.

Homophobia is not only a problem in Islam. The Catholic church, the Jews, the Hindu's, the Buddhists; they all are homophobic, no difference.

By condemning all Muslims because this so-called terror group IS hides behind Islam( but in reality their only intention is to gather wealth) is probably just as stupid as believing 9/11 was carried out by Al Qaeda alone.

Already in the Netherlands Hirsi Ali was being used by racist parties to create division among people. She is a spin doctor who works for the Neo-Cons/the highest bidder. Her real agenda goes back to Somalia where she experienced Muslim extremism as a child and therefore hates every single Muslim. She is just as extreme as the Muslims she so hard tries to destroy

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Not true muslims.. What is a "true muslim" for you? Someone who does not follow islam?

By the way, you did not comment on Ayaan Hirsi Ali's comment at all about muslim homophobia. What's your take on that?

Stop being a Muslim hater! 95% of all Muslims are peace loving people(true Muslims). Don't let Muslim haters like Hirsi Ali corrupt your mind. That is their intention.

Homophobia is not only a problem in Islam. The Catholic church, the Jews, the Hindu's, the Buddhists; they all are homophobic, no difference.

By condemning all Muslims because this so-called terror group IS hides behind Islam( but in reality their only intention is to gather wealth) is probably just as stupid as believing 9/11 was carried out by Al Qaeda alone.

Already in the Netherlands Hirsi Ali was being used by racist parties to create division among people. She is a spin doctor who works for the Neo-Cons/the highest bidder. Her real agenda goes back to Somalia where she experienced Muslim extremism as a child and therefore hates every single Muslim. She is just as extreme as the Muslims she so hard tries to destroy

Muslim hater? Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a spin doctor working for Neo-Cons? Calm down. Let these conspiracy theories aside. I know hearing the truth about muslims hurt. You can see true muslims in every major city now in Europe and what they do and how they behave.

You still did not tell me what is a "true muslim" in your opinion? Someone who follows Quran is not a muslim?

You would be surprised how many muslims want Sharia law.


Anyways, keep rinsing and repeating same whitewashing after each terrorist attack done by muslims.

I assume you changed your facebook profile photo already to "Pray for Orlando" whistling.gif ?

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This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people

Silly blanket statements ftw!





You are just as silly as the people who you hate so much.

If you did a bit of real research you'd learn that more than 95% of all Muslims don't hurt anybody and actually condemn any kind of violence.

Saying that all Muslims are for apostasy and killing non-Muslims because some radicals do, is like saying that all Catholic priests are child abusers

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Not true muslims.. What is a "true muslim" for you? Someone who does not follow islam?

By the way, you did not comment on Ayaan Hirsi Ali's comment at all about muslim homophobia. What's your take on that?

Stop being a Muslim hater! 95% of all Muslims are peace loving people(true Muslims). Don't let Muslim haters like Hirsi Ali corrupt your mind. That is their intention.

Homophobia is not only a problem in Islam. The Catholic church, the Jews, the Hindu's, the Buddhists; they all are homophobic, no difference.

By condemning all Muslims because this so-called terror group IS hides behind Islam( but in reality their only intention is to gather wealth) is probably just as stupid as believing 9/11 was carried out by Al Qaeda alone.

Already in the Netherlands Hirsi Ali was being used by racist parties to create division among people. She is a spin doctor who works for the Neo-Cons/the highest bidder. Her real agenda goes back to Somalia where she experienced Muslim extremism as a child and therefore hates every single Muslim. She is just as extreme as the Muslims she so hard tries to destroy

Muslim hater? Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a spin doctor working for Neo-Cons? Calm down. Let these conspiracy theories aside. I know hearing the truth about muslims hurt. You can see true muslims in every major city now in Europe and what they do and how they behave.

You still did not tell me what is a "true muslim" in your opinion? Someone who follows Quran is not a muslim?

You would be surprised how many muslims want Sharia law.


Anyways, keep rinsing and repeating same whitewashing after each terrorist attack done by muslims.

I assume you changed your facebook profile photo already to "Pray for Orlando" whistling.gif ?

Learn to read. I gave you a definition of a true Muslim in the second sentence.

Don't do FB and don't pray. I believe in love in peace.

Conspiracy theories? Do some research and stop being a copycat who just quotes idiot websites

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This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people

Silly blanket statements ftw!





You are just as silly as the people who you hate so much.

If you did a bit of real research you'd learn that more than 95% of all Muslims don't hurt anybody and actually condemn any kind of violence.

Saying that all Muslims are for apostasy and killing non-Muslims because some radicals do, is like saying that all Catholic priests are child abusers

Oh, please. Don't try and spread false propaganda. We're not stupid. This isn't a black and white situation.

If you're talking about support for apostasy, that is VERY COMMON among Muslims. It varies by nation.

It's not just "some" radicals. Don't bother pushing falsehoods like that. Too obviously wrong.

To wit:


Taking the life of those who abandon Islam is most widely supported in Egypt (86%) and Jordan (82%). Roughly two-thirds who want sharia to be the law of the land also back this penalty in the Palestinian territories (66%). In the other countries surveyed in the Middle East-North Africa region, fewer than half take this view.

In the South Asian countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan, strong majorities of those who favor making Islamic law the official law of the land also approve of executing apostates (79% and 76%, respectively). However, in Bangladesh far fewer (44%) share this view.

Edited by Jingthing
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This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people

Silly blanket statements ftw!





You are just as silly as the people who you hate so much.

If you did a bit of real research you'd learn that more than 95% of all Muslims don't hurt anybody and actually condemn any kind of violence.

Saying that all Muslims are for apostasy and killing non-Muslims because some radicals do, is like saying that all Catholic priests are child abusers

95% are "good" muslims? OK, how many "radicals" is 5% of 1.5-1.6 billion? That is a shitload of people willing to kill in name of islam. I would be worried...

Anyways, you can keep your head in the sand if you so wish.

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Muslim hater? Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a spin doctor working for Neo-Cons? Calm down. Let these conspiracy theories aside. I know hearing the truth about muslims hurt. You can see true muslims in every major city now in Europe and what they do and how they behave.

You still did not tell me what is a "true muslim" in your opinion? Someone who follows Quran is not a muslim?

You would be surprised how many muslims want Sharia law.


Anyways, keep rinsing and repeating same whitewashing after each terrorist attack done by muslims.

I assume you changed your facebook profile photo already to "Pray for Orlando" whistling.gif ?

Learn to read. I gave you a definition of a true Muslim in the second sentence.

Don't do FB and don't pray. I believe in love in peace.

Conspiracy theories? Do some research and stop being a copycat who just quotes idiot websites

That is not a definition at all and funny thing is that YOU do not define who is a "true muslim" and who is not. Islam and Quran does. You can give your arguments instead mentioning "idiot websites", that does not work.
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Look, bottom line, the world has so many Muslim people, we need to try hard to live together in peace whenever possible.

At the Orlando vigil for the terrorism victims:


Total war against ALL Muslims ... perish the thought.

More moderate Muslims are one thing.

They may be oppressive to their own people, especially women, gays, apostates, etc. but if they're not imposing their thing on non-Muslims, seems within the general realm of freedom of religion.

The west and secularists, much as we would like, can never MAKE them reform. If that's to happen, it will have to be from within ... maybe in 1000 years.

More extremist Islamists ... that's the critical problem for the world.

As many have said, even if the extremists comprise only a small percentage of global Muslims, when you factor in much higher percentages that may be supportive or just non-resistant to the extremists (especially if they're taken over their region), you're talking HUGE numbers ... Houston, we have a problem!

But right wing rhetoric about a total war on ALL Muslims and the religion of Islam merely plays into the hands of recruitment for the extremists.

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Muslim hater? Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a spin doctor working for Neo-Cons? Calm down. Let these conspiracy theories aside. I know hearing the truth about muslims hurt. You can see true muslims in every major city now in Europe and what they do and how they behave.

You still did not tell me what is a "true muslim" in your opinion? Someone who follows Quran is not a muslim?

You would be surprised how many muslims want Sharia law.


Anyways, keep rinsing and repeating same whitewashing after each terrorist attack done by muslims.

I assume you changed your facebook profile photo already to "Pray for Orlando" whistling.gif ?

Learn to read. I gave you a definition of a true Muslim in the second sentence.

Don't do FB and don't pray. I believe in love in peace.

Conspiracy theories? Do some research and stop being a copycat who just quotes idiot websites

That is not a definition at all and funny thing is that YOU do not define who is a "true muslim" and who is not. Islam and Quran does. You can give your arguments instead mentioning "idiot websites", that does not work.

What do you really know about the Quran and Islam besides from what Fox news and Hirsi Ali told you?

Look up the meaning yourself. It's all there on the Fox news site, lol.

I'm not a defender of any religion by the way, I just can't stand people who believe all the crap the media lay out for them and they all seem to buy it.

I don't believe in any dogmas or doctrines, incl. Islam, but it should be up to people themselves to decide what they want to believe even though I wish all religions would be abolished, incl. the worst of them all with their trillions of $$ of gold deep under the city of Rome.

If you keep on hammering about how evil Islam is I will have to declare you a government parrot, so cheerio and all the best in your anti-Islam world

Edited by DaveinAsia
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This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people

Silly blanket statements ftw!





You are just as silly as the people who you hate so much.

If you did a bit of real research you'd learn that more than 95% of all Muslims don't hurt anybody and actually condemn any kind of violence.

Saying that all Muslims are for apostasy and killing non-Muslims because some radicals do, is like saying that all Catholic priests are child abusers

There was no hatred expressed in my post. You simply hurl this nonsense at anyone who dares to question your views.

I doubt that you could quote any "real research" which supports your 95% statement. If it was true, Muslim societies would be renowned for their peacefulness, acceptance of the other and openness to different ideas. Obviously, this is not the case (although fully expecting a claim that it is).

Nowhere did I say that all Muslims are for apostasy, nor for killing non-Muslims. If anything, the one making overreaching unsupported assertions about Muslims is you. For the record, I also do not hold all Catholic priests to be child abusers, lame deflection.

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That is not a definition at all and funny thing is that YOU do not define who is a "true muslim" and who is not. Islam and Quran does. You can give your arguments instead mentioning "idiot websites", that does not work.

What do you really know about the Quran and Islam besides from what Fox news and Hirsi Ali told you?

Look up the meaning yourself. It's all there on the Fox news site, lol.

I'm not a defender of any religion by the way, I just can't stand people who believe all the crap the media lay out for them and they all seem to buy it.

I don't believe in any dogmas or doctrines, incl. Islam, but it should be up to people themselves to decide what they want to believe even though I wish all religions would be abolished, incl. the worst of them all with their trillions of $$ of gold deep under the city of Rome.

If you keep on hammering about how evil Islam is I will have to declare you a government parrot, so cheerio and all the best in your anti-Islam world

I know a lot about Quran and Islam. I also bet that Ayaan Hirsi Ali knows a lot more about islam than you. As you said, she has experienced it first hand. Including genital mutilation and she is a leading opponent of that horrible practice. Nice try putting her down, a person who calls for a reformation of Islam and is vocal opponent of radical islam.

I need to add that she has accomplished a lot in her life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayaan_Hirsi_Ali

I am NOT watching Fox news either. I can see with my own eyes what is going on in Europe and elsewhere. I experienced it myself first hand in France.

I think you're running out of arguments completely.

Edited by FinChin67
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Ayaan Hirsi Ali: “It Is Time to Take On Muslim Homophobia”
Former Muslim and current atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali noted in a tweet this afternoon that Islamic homophobia is a particularly viral strain of the religion virus. She was responding to last night’s massacre at a gay nightclub in Florida where 50 people died and many more are wounded (at least as of this writing).
No doctrine is more violent to the gay community than Islamic doctrine. It is time to take on Muslim homophobia.
One of the comments: Islam is a beautiful religion, because it's the one I'm always told of being peaceful after a major terror attack.
The Truth About the Gay Nightclub Massacre
When are we going to accept that Islam has a violence problem?

This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

Not true muslims.. What is a "true muslim" for you? Someone who does not follow islam?

By the way, you did not comment on Ayaan Hirsi Ali's comment at all about muslim homophobia. What's your take on that?

Stop being a Muslim hater! 95% of all Muslims are peace loving people(true Muslims). Don't let Muslim haters like Hirsi Ali corrupt your mind. That is their intention.

Homophobia is not only a problem in Islam. The Catholic church, the Jews, the Hindu's, the Buddhists; they all are homophobic, no difference.

By condemning all Muslims because this so-called terror group IS hides behind Islam( but in reality their only intention is to gather wealth) is probably just as stupid as believing 9/11 was carried out by Al Qaeda alone.

Already in the Netherlands Hirsi Ali was being used by racist parties to create division among people. She is a spin doctor who works for the Neo-Cons/the highest bidder. Her real agenda goes back to Somalia where she experienced Muslim extremism as a child and therefore hates every single Muslim. She is just as extreme as the Muslims she so hard tries to destroy

Many religions incorporate edicts against homosexuality, fair enough. Many religious people are homophobic, fair enough. In practical terms, though, not all religions currently practice what they preach to the same degree.

Ah...and them conspiracy theories come out coffee1.gif

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i'd love to see america reduced to that extreme! after all their bragging about the perfection of their holy republic and its freedoms? banished for your religious beliefs and speech? lol

More like being banished for taking it away from other around you. Want to talk crazy? Be our guest. Want to oppress others with violence because dome 15th century pedophile heard voices? Good by. Does Radical Islam even know why they hate us so much? Or is it jumping on the band wagon? The only Muslims as a group I ever met that weren't a bunch of hypocrites were the Afghan people in remote areas.

I'd love to see america reduced to banishing folks that talk crazy. setting up investigative tribunals to decide who was crazy. creating a special police force to root them out! lol.so much for that constitution they used to brag about so much! lol

If the Constitution is going to go on the ash heap, this is the way to do it, by getting rid of our enemies rather than help them like the liberals would prefer.

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If the Constitution is going to go on the ash heap, this is the way to do it, by getting rid of our enemies rather than help them like the liberals would prefer.

the enemies you create will be far more dangerous. go for it

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I was wondering when this would come to light:


Like most "big tough guys" who speak out against, harass, beat up, and murder gays, he was in fact attracted to men himself.

This is classic: look at all the big tough guys in prisons, on sports teams in the US Marines, frat boys, etc., who go out of their way to say they hate guys, but have sex with men every chance they get. The more you feel you need to proclaim how "straight" you are, the more you're showing that you have desires for male/male sex yourself.

Edited by Saastrajaa
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Looks like the Orlando story is going away to the cornfield. Ever since the news spread about the moslem terrorist being gay, the media narrative about "hate crime, not terrorism" has collapsed. CNN dropped it like a hot potato. So, this story will now disappear until it's time to tell us the next act of terror really isn't terror.

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What I have always found to be odd is how the Gun manufactures always manage to keep out of the media spot light when it comes to the proliferation of their guns ( their manufactured instruments of death )being in circulation and aiding the mass shootings like this latest one and all the other gun related crimes that occur by way of their products.

They seem to be untouchable and not to be criticized while everyone goes on about the nut case killers and or the right to bear arms and the second amendment and the need for more gun control concerning the public etc. etc.

Like most consumer items, if the product is made easily available and in relative abundance then the mass of the citizens would potentially buy one....sooner or later.

I really do not think that many people in the USA are that concerned about the second amendment and if it did not exist at all and never included in the constitution I really believe not that many people would even be thinking about guns and wanting to own one.

However, when there is a huge amount of guns being manufactured and made available then a whole lot more people will want to own one while the gun manufacturers and the NRA have brainwash the people using the second amendment as their vehicle to sell a lot of guns to the citizens.

So, obviously, if there were no gun manufacturers or no one was allowed to manufacture guns and or maybe just as importantly NO retail stores allowed to sell firearms to the public I am quite certain the citizens would not be making the guns themselves in any great quantity and certainly not the quantities involved like the mechanized manufacturers of guns are making and supplying to the public...by the millions and millions.

Of course a lot of it is related to the USA having such a large and immensely equipped armed forces to be reckoned with and supplied by all the many arms manufactures while the average citizen has easy enough access to some of those arms being manufactured and supplied to the USA armed forces.

They never seem to get blamed or criticized at all rather all the owners of guns and or the ones that perpetrated the crimes with the guns...obviously...while they always lay the blame for the problem on all the people that buy the guns...but seldom blame or hold responsible the manufactures of the guns and or the public outlets that supply the guns.

If there were no public outlets selling the guns I surmise there would be far less guns in circulation.......obviously....but why has there never been any serious restrictions on the suppliers of the guns and focus on the supply aspect rather than try to curb the consumers and always blame them for the gun related problems that eventually occur.

Sort of like the drug problems relative to going after the drug suppliers more so than the consumers and criminalize the suppliers rather than the public and end user.

Some insight here would be welcomed.


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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

Thank you for enlightening us, oh wise oracle. You sound like a Trumpie

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Afghanistan is NOT "gay free" I was thete for 6 years so ask anybody that was thete what "man on man Thursday " means. Russian POWs found out in short order as well. Face it, it's a religious "mob mentally " so many stories so little time. ..

True. The Dancing boys and much more.

Afghanistan's Dancing Boys: Young boys forced to perform as girls by twisted sex abusers


The new import to EU...

Two Afghanistan migrant men force 14-year-old boy to perform sex acts on them at a swimming pool in Germany


That's normal happenings they say about gays but b f each other all the time. I guess it's like prison where they just "help" each other. Happens in Kuwait all the time as well. Only need to read the police blotter in the paper to see how many rapes (man on man, man woman)holy Islamics are guilty of. I bring these two countries up because I was there to hand knowledge of this going on.

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Afghanistan is NOT "gay free" I was thete for 6 years so ask anybody that was thete what "man on man Thursday " means. Russian POWs found out in short order as well. Face it, it's a religious "mob mentally " so many stories so little time. ..

True. The Dancing boys and much more.

Afghanistan's Dancing Boys: Young boys forced to perform as girls by twisted sex abusers


The new import to EU...

Two Afghanistan migrant men force 14-year-old boy to perform sex acts on them at a swimming pool in Germany


That's normal happenings they say about gays but b f each other all the time. I guess it's like prison where they just "help" each other. Happens in Kuwait all the time as well. Only need to read the police blotter in the paper to see how many rapes (man on man, man woman)holy Islamics are guilty of. I bring these two countries up because I was there to hand knowledge of this going on.

did it hurt?

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Afghanistan's Dancing Boys: Young boys forced to perform as girls by twisted sex abusers


The new import to EU...

Two Afghanistan migrant men force 14-year-old boy to perform sex acts on them at a swimming pool in Germany


That's normal happenings they say about gays but b f each other all the time. I guess it's like prison where they just "help" each other. Happens in Kuwait all the time as well. Only need to read the police blotter in the paper to see how many rapes (man on man, man woman)holy Islamics are guilty of. I bring these two countries up because I was there to hand knowledge of this going on.

They have imported all this now to Europe, incl. European prisons.

What was happening (Taharrus gamea) during new year in all major cities throughout Europe what the women can expect in the future. Sweden is a good sample, just read the latest report from Police..

Edited by FinChin67
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pretty useless to look here and expect an intelligent and sensitive dialog about this horrible subject. What you see here, did someone mentioning parroting? are the thoroughly propagandized hatemongers and bigots all strutting their self righteous little world views, jumping on a tragedy like this and using it to reinforce further ignorance and hatemongering. I'm no more surprised to see that than I am to see the Thai police and their photo op trophy displays. The disease of frearmongering, hatemongeriung, goosestepping ignorance and mis/disinformation and propaganda is about as much of a threat to our way of life as any terrorist group. Most of what you see here are self serving self righteous blow hards who haven't a clue about what's going on or how the world really works. the only reason they're here is to feed their overinflated egos by seeing their words in print, fantasizing that there is an intelligent audience out here reading their profound words of "wisdom", and no, only more morons like them. trot out their favorite monologs and convince themselves that their intellect is better than that of a chimp. , and finding comeraderie in like minded haters. there was one moron who actually believed that it is a US president who is in the pockets of big money. The president would not be a good value for their money, there are hundreds of better ways to buy the system. And that's what they do. Presidents come and go, but congress is always there, the party leaders are always there, the people crawling around on the soft underbelly of the political world are always there. . shit, what am I doing? Who am I talking to anyway? This world of the shallow and clueless? I got suckered into reading this page, I should know better.

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Sell guns only to atheists. The only group of people who actually think!

If atheism is the absence of belief in gods, then many Buddhists are, indeed, atheists. Buddhism is not about either believing or not believing in God or gods. Rather, the historical Buddha taught that believing in gods was not useful for those seeking to realize enlightenment.

That would include most Thai people who are Buddhist

Do you wish to think again?

Are you totally daft. Buddhism is hardly an atheist.they believe in an afterlife.

Atheists do not believe in any of that crap! Accept that when you die the show is over

You obviously failed to read the quote

If atheism is the absence of belief in gods, then many Buddhists are, indeed, atheists. Buddhism is not about either believing or not believing in God or gods. Rather, the historical Buddha taught that believing in gods was not useful for those seeking to realize enlightenment.

Read and think again.

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