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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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The shooter was born in New York, to Afgan immigrant parents. He was investigated twice by the FBI. The first time was in 2013, when fellow employees were alarmed by statements he made in support of Islamic tettorism. In 2014, he was interviewed regarding contact he had with the first US suicide bomber in Syria, who was also from Fort Pierce, where Moteen (the shooter) lived. In both instances, the FBI took no further action. Moteen was employed since 2007 with a security company, and was trained and proficient with weapons. Moteen was married, but his wife divorced him due to his violent actions towards her. Imediately prior to his assault, he called 911 and gave his name and pledged allegiance to ISIS and its leader. This guy bought both weapons two weeks ago, and his background check showed no negatives. I find that very strange.

You make some very good points...myself, I hold dear the right to own a gun, and I do...I think guns save far more lives than anyone can estimate...and most gun violence occurs between thugs and and punks killing each other, which to be brutally honest, is a favor to society...whenever anything such as this tragedy happens, liberals in the usa reflexively want to ban weapons and take away a very effective means of self-defense...for example, just imagine if a couple of armed, trained, and responsible people had been in the club at the time of the assault...I think you hit on some issues that could easily limit the availability of guns to individuals who are misguided, careless, mentally ill, or violent. Seems straight forward that if someone openly avows violence to a member of law enforcement...chronic mental health issues...a documented history of violence...or refusal to complete ongoing education on gun safety and use...then he/she should not have access to guns...

of course, in the usa at least, it's so much easier to purchase a gun illegally than legally...so maybe gun access is an issue that will take decades to resolve...

I find it really confusing that he was not able to board a plane, because he was on the terrorist watch list...but was able to purchase a weapon...the laws in the USA are so twisted...

Yes, most gun-owners in America do want more control with regards to registration and other restrictions. Congress just tried to enact legislation to prevent individuals on the no-fly/terrorist watch list from purchasing assault rifles. It didn't pass. But then we all know that Congress (Republicans anyways) don't work for the American people. They work for special interest, i.e., the NRA.

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Video of Orlando attack shows shooter firing at those already wounded

"Surveillance footage from inside an Orlando club the night of a rampage there shows Omar Mateen firing at people, stopping and then shooting again those who were already wounded, said officials who have viewed the evidence.

The video suggests that “he was making sure anybody who was shot was dead,” said one official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing."


But of course it was all the faullt of those nasty, evil Republicans, right? facepalm.gif

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All the while, our fearless Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, thinks all that these misunderstood ISIS terrorists need is more love. I suggest she fly to Syria and hug a suicide bomber and see how well that goes! It's truly mind boggling the thought pattern of Obama administration officials.



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All the while, our fearless Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, thinks all that these misunderstood ISIS terrorists need is more love. I suggest she fly to Syria and hug a suicide bomber and see how well that goes! It's truly mind boggling the thought pattern of Obama administration officials.



Unbelievable how stupid this woman is. But I'm quite sure she is just saying what she has been told to say by the Islam apologist Obama administration.

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