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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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I believe this thread is about, "Mateen called dispatchers about 20 minutes into the attack, pledging allegiance to ISIS."

yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?

go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?

ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.

So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

Oh really? I'm ignorant? Below is Swedish guys right?


Edited by Scotwight
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IMHO, I think the "worst" mass shooting in US history is actually the massacre at "Wounded Knee"......many unarmed women and children were murdered. They were a minority group of native Americans. What is reprehensible is the opportunistic politicians who are using the incident to push an agenda of disarmament and more central government. The fact that the shooter had 2 separate investigations by the FBI; one even a contact with a known terrorist advocate - the other an overt "threat" of violence and support of known groups, hostile to the USA, is more important than any other current information.

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Of course they claim responsibility, like all other terrorist organisations.

They claim responsibility for everything in order to remain in the Media.

They do not actually claim responsibility for every attack.

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

I certainly hope so. Hillary would be another 4 years of Obama and weakness. They can't even use the words Islamic Terrorists. If you refuse to identify your enemy, you will never defeat it.

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Truly pathetic...referring to POTUS and this act of Islamic terrorism...

"President Barack Obama described the shooting as an act of terror and an act of hate. He made clear his disapproval of gun laws. He called for solidarity. He said nothing about ISIS, or the way the Islamic States hold on territory in Syria and Iraq reinforces the charismatic potency of its ideological appeal, disseminated from that base through the internet."

Source: New York Times


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here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

I believe this thread is about, "Mateen called dispatchers about 20 minutes into the attack, pledging allegiance to ISIS."

yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?

go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?

ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.

So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of 'Compassion'


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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

And why if I were an American I would be supporting and voting for Donald Trump. This man was against and hated gays, how long is it going to be before some other rag headed nut job shoots down drinkers in a bar because he hates alcohol, or a group of women wearing short skirts or a group of Jews or Christians because he hates their religions, or anything that they believe goes against the grain of those of the Muslim faith?

It`s time to vote out all our pussy footing around politicians and bring in leaders of action before even more innocent people get murdered in the name of Islam.

what action would you suggest have prevented this?

It`s too late for prevention, now it`s time for the cure.

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

And why if I were an American I would be supporting and voting for Donald Trump. This man was against and hated gays, how long is it going to be before some other rag headed nut job shoots down drinkers in a bar because he hates alcohol, or a group of women wearing short skirts or a group of Jews or Christians because he hates their religions, or anything that they believe goes against the grain of those of the Muslim faith?

It`s time to vote out all our pussy footing around politicians and bring in leaders of action before even more innocent people get murdered in the name of Islam.

what action would you suggest have prevented this?

It`s too late for prevention, now it`s time for the cure.

Import some Pinoys.


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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

And why if I were an American I would be supporting and voting for Donald Trump. This man was against and hated gays, how long is it going to be before some other rag headed nut job shoots down drinkers in a bar because he hates alcohol, or a group of women wearing short skirts or a group of Jews or Christians because he hates their religions, or anything that they believe goes against the grain of those of the Muslim faith?

It`s time to vote out all our pussy footing around politicians and bring in leaders of action before even more innocent people get murdered in the name of Islam.

what action would you suggest have prevented this?

It`s too late for prevention, now it`s time for the cure.

Ok, since you're so adept at weaseling out of answering a simple question, what is the cure? And don't reply with an insanely stupid answer like "Trump." That's not an answer.

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Truly pathetic...referring to POTUS and this act of Islamic terrorism...

"President Barack Obama described the shooting as an act of terror and an act of hate. He made clear his disapproval of gun laws. He called for solidarity. He said nothing about ISIS, or the way the Islamic States hold on territory in Syria and Iraq reinforces the charismatic potency of its ideological appeal, disseminated from that base through the internet."

Source: New York Times


I was wondering why he didn't speak about Isis too. Perhaps he doesn't want to make the group more famous or give them a platform.

Maybe the killer was not really Isis but just a jealous guy who's boyfriend ran around on him so he got angry and followed him. I always said these Isis guys were really gay or liked sheep and are confused so they try to act manly.

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To all you anti gun nuts.. the 2nd amendment isn't there to protect my rights to go hunting with any weapon..



Thanks for the link.... I read it from top to bottom, and found it quite enlightening,

Second amendment.... "A well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

But what does that really mean? For Americans, it means go get a firearm, much as I was once told by a cop, just outside Bakersville, some years ago ( after searching my car for a concealed weapon which he refused to believe that I didn't have)

That said, of the three recognized models dealing with interpreting the right to bear arms, model one deals with an individual's right, with the president of the American civil liberties union having stated "it is no more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution."

Model two boils down to "the rights only purpose is to enable states to maintain a militia",

Model three... Oh my... "Exists only for individuals serving in the militia."

Now, with a standing army of some one and a half million of the world best equipped warriors, how valid is the whole "maintaining a militia" issue? Not!

I know you yanks aren't that scaredy scared.... Therefore its all BS and you'all just want the right to shoot shit up... Which seems to be the "law of the land"... So like that cop told me... Go get a gun.

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Amazing the lack of intellect by some . A member of the public .A US citizen had access to An automatic weapon used in war. Head in the "18th century constitution" sand. Failed state

Your Majesty, shouldn't you be watching those cakes in the oven instead of posting here?

But I digress. A few questions: Can you provide links to sources that claim he had access to an "automatic weapon" and that America is a "Failed state".

You should get back to fighting the Danes because you're certainly not much use on the Muslim front. One last thing: Head in the 18th century constitution? Your head is still in the 9th!

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To all you anti gun nuts.. the 2nd amendment isn't there to protect my rights to go hunting with any weapon..



Thanks for the link.... I read it from top to bottom, and found it quite enlightening,

Second amendment.... "A well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

But what does that really mean? For Americans, it means go get a firearm, much as I was once told by a cop, just outside Bakersville, some years ago ( after searching my car for a concealed weapon which he refused to believe that I didn't have)

That said, of the three recognized models dealing with interpreting the right to bear arms, model one deals with an individual's right, with the president of the American civil liberties union having stated "it is no more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution."

Model two boils down to "the rights only purpose is to enable states to maintain a militia",

Model three... Oh my... "Exists only for individuals serving in the militia."

Now, with a standing army of some one and a half million of the world best equipped warriors, how valid is the whole "maintaining a militia" issue? Not!

I know you yanks aren't that scaredy scared.... Therefore its all BS and you'all just want the right to shoot shit up... Which seems to be the "law of the land"... So like that cop told me... Go get a gun.

<sigh> ... the militia thing again. OK, so your argument is that gun-owners should all join militias. Gotcha'. NO problem. 'Happy to. BTW, the word "state" in the phrase "security of a free state" refers to the individual states, which are constitutionally considered sovereign. The national "standing army" you refer to, and the "free state" militias the 2nd Amendment refers to are not the same thing. I know you non-Yanks aren't really that conversant with the "federal republic" thing. (Actually, a whole lot of Yanks have been pretty thoroughly dumbed-down to the point where they don't get it either.)

Now what the heck are you babbling about WRT what the president of the ACLU has to say? "No more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution." NO right can be considered absolute. But the rights enumerated in the Constitution, such as freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, are there because they're considered, and specifically called out as, inalienable human rights, and not rights "granted" by the state or a government. Not granted by, and not subject to being removed by... Get it? "Inalienable". Look it up.

Yeah. Right. Gun-owners just want to shoot sh*t up. LOL. Talk about BS!

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To all you anti gun nuts.. the 2nd amendment isn't there to protect my rights to go hunting with any weapon..



Thanks for the link.... I read it from top to bottom, and found it quite enlightening,

Second amendment.... "A well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

But what does that really mean? For Americans, it means go get a firearm, much as I was once told by a cop, just outside Bakersville, some years ago ( after searching my car for a concealed weapon which he refused to believe that I didn't have)

That said, of the three recognized models dealing with interpreting the right to bear arms, model one deals with an individual's right, with the president of the American civil liberties union having stated "it is no more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution."

Model two boils down to "the rights only purpose is to enable states to maintain a militia",

Model three... Oh my... "Exists only for individuals serving in the militia."

Now, with a standing army of some one and a half million of the world best equipped warriors, how valid is the whole "maintaining a militia" issue? Not!

I know you yanks aren't that scaredy scared.... Therefore its all BS and you'all just want the right to shoot shit up... Which seems to be the "law of the land"... So like that cop told me... Go get a gun.

<sigh> ... the militia thing again. OK, so your argument is that gun-owners should all join militias. Gotcha'. NO problem. 'Happy to. BTW, the word "state" in the phrase "security of a free state" refers to the individual states, which are constitutionally considered sovereign. The national "standing army" you refer to, and the "free state" militias the 2nd Amendment refers to are not the same thing. I know you non-Yanks aren't really that conversant with the "federal republic" thing. (Actually, a whole lot of Yanks have been pretty thoroughly dumbed-down to the point where they don't get it either.)

Now what the heck are you babbling about WRT what the president of the ACLU has to say? "No more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution." NO right can be considered absolute. But the rights enumerated in the Constitution, such as freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, are there because they're considered, and specifically called out as, inalienable human rights, and not rights "granted" by the state or a government. Not granted by, and not subject to being removed by... Get it? "Inalienable". Look it up.

Yeah. Right. Gun-owners just want to shoot sh*t up. LOL. Talk about BS!

there is no such thing as an inalienable right.

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To all you anti gun nuts.. the 2nd amendment isn't there to protect my rights to go hunting with any weapon..



Thanks for the link.... I read it from top to bottom, and found it quite enlightening,

Second amendment.... "A well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

But what does that really mean? For Americans, it means go get a firearm, much as I was once told by a cop, just outside Bakersville, some years ago ( after searching my car for a concealed weapon which he refused to believe that I didn't have)

That said, of the three recognized models dealing with interpreting the right to bear arms, model one deals with an individual's right, with the president of the American civil liberties union having stated "it is no more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution."

Model two boils down to "the rights only purpose is to enable states to maintain a militia",

Model three... Oh my... "Exists only for individuals serving in the militia."

Now, with a standing army of some one and a half million of the world best equipped warriors, how valid is the whole "maintaining a militia" issue? Not!

I know you yanks aren't that scaredy scared.... Therefore its all BS and you'all just want the right to shoot shit up... Which seems to be the "law of the land"... So like that cop told me... Go get a gun.

<sigh> ... the militia thing again. OK, so your argument is that gun-owners should all join militias. Gotcha'. NO problem. 'Happy to. BTW, the word "state" in the phrase "security of a free state" refers to the individual states, which are constitutionally considered sovereign. The national "standing army" you refer to, and the "free state" militias the 2nd Amendment refers to are not the same thing. I know you non-Yanks aren't really that conversant with the "federal republic" thing. (Actually, a whole lot of Yanks have been pretty thoroughly dumbed-down to the point where they don't get it either.)

Now what the heck are you babbling about WRT what the president of the ACLU has to say? "No more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution." NO right can be considered absolute. But the rights enumerated in the Constitution, such as freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, are there because they're considered, and specifically called out as, inalienable human rights, and not rights "granted" by the state or a government. Not granted by, and not subject to being removed by... Get it? "Inalienable". Look it up.

Yeah. Right. Gun-owners just want to shoot sh*t up. LOL. Talk about BS!

lol.... <sigh>.... That militia thing again.... I wouldn't mention it but for the fact that it's the word used in your constitution... Don't blame me for that... I suggest having the word removed, so no one else uses it, if it upsets you.

And no.... My argument is not that anyone should join a militia group (legal or otherwise).... My point is that the militia aspect is redundant, given that the US has what is probably the worlds strongest standing army (this comment might indicate that I know the difference between the two)

And... That I stated that I read the link, should also serve to demonstrate that I understand that there is a difference between the state and federal sides of the coin, or it would, if you had perused the link, as well, because it's made plain therein

And further..... Babbling about " no more absolute than.... " is a direct quote from the a past president of the ACLU... They are not my words... Read the link, and you will see this... As part of the same quote, it goes on to state "... No right is absolute; the government is allowed to restrict the right if it can satisfy constitutional strict scrutiny and show the restriction is narrowly tailored to promote a goal of compelling importance"

As for inalienable...lol .... Look it up buddy... You have an inalienable right to life, liberty and happiness... And maybe some other feel good stuff.... But not to bear arms... That, my friend, is a constitutional right granted by your government.... In a constitution that seems to be a living document, given the amount of amendments, and that's as it should be. ( same with the other "rights" under the constitution.)

So... With those points explained... We get back to gun owners just wanting to shoot shit up... Perhaps I'm wrong... Perhaps all those gun toting citizens are hiding indoors, waiting to unload a round or two at a burglar come calling... But I don't think so....

I've travelled extensively throughout the continental states, and have seen more hunting stores and dead animal heads than I care to remember, and have talked to numerous hunters as well, who have claimed that you need several firearms for hunting, dependent on the prey.... But how many do you need for self protection?

My argument? Don't hide behind an amendment to a man made document... Man up...Just admit you like shooting shit

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

And why if I were an American I would be supporting and voting for Donald Trump. This man was against and hated gays, how long is it going to be before some other rag headed nut job shoots down drinkers in a bar because he hates alcohol, or a group of women wearing short skirts or a group of Jews or Christians because he hates their religions, or anything that they believe goes against the grain of those of the Muslim faith?

It`s time to vote out all our pussy footing around politicians and bring in leaders of action before even more innocent people get murdered in the name of Islam.

what action would you suggest have prevented this?

It`s too late for prevention, now it`s time for the cure.

And the medicine is going to be unpalatable to many.

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It`s too late for prevention, now it`s time for the cure.

And the medicine is going to be unpalatable to many.

we can take it, tell us what you got in mind

I won't be the next President of the US, so you'd better ask Donald Trump.

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It`s too late for prevention, now it`s time for the cure.

And the medicine is going to be unpalatable to many.

we can take it, tell us what you got in mind

I won't be the next President of the US, so you'd better ask Donald Trump.

so your prediction was based on nothing? figures

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And why do you suppose that is? Why such a pathological fear of homosexual acts? My guess is that it is very prevalent, and that it is simply a mask, for the relative lack of heterosexuality within their societies. An extreme reaction is typically caused by something inherent within society. Granted, there is the Muslim element. But, I doubt that is what this is all about.

When you repress a people to the extent these Middle Eastern societies have been repressed, some strange stuff is going to happen! Perhaps, when it is so difficult to have something, you are going to look for something else.

I have wondered for some time how this squares with the pevelance of homosexuality in Afganistan where young boys even put on makeup for the occasion and everyone knows what's up.

My guess would be that it is prevalent throughout the Middle East. That pathological fear and repression comes from somewhere! Mankind needs sex. It is that simple. Take away women, and what does that leave?

The arabs/muslims don't appear to be repressing any sexual desires in Soi Nana, pissed with lady boys and/or hookers on their arms heading to their hotels, boners showing through their robes.

Well of course. If you lived in a society as repressive as the ones they live in, you would "live it up" when you had the chance too. It is only natural. We are talking about one of mankind's most basis instincts and desires. Sex is something most people enjoy, crave, and desire. It is only when a purile, infantile, immature, prudish, falsely religious society makes sex outrageously forbidden, and impossible to find, that men resort to more extreme acts of satisfaction. I am sure most of these men do not agree with the repressive ideas and acts of their societies, and religion. They simply go along with it.

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we can take it, tell us what you got in mind


And the medicine is going to be unpalatable to many.

I won't be the next President of the US, so you'd better ask Donald Trump.

so your prediction was based on nothing? figures

Based on what Trump has so far said. Muslims won't like it so it will be unpalatable to many. I'm not sure I can make it any simpler.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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It doesn't matter if someone calls a stainless steel pistol a silver pistol - the person being shot is just as dead. How about addressing the issue instead of posting smug drivel.

The issue here is that there is an abundance of firearms available to practically everyone in the US, and many of these firearms are made solely to kill other people. Those type of weapons should be banned outside the military and law enforcement.

How did banning assault rifles and handguns work out for the people of Paris and Brussels ? ?

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