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Pensions for British elderly threatened if Brexit wins, warns David Cameron


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Pensions for British elderly threatened if Brexit wins, warns British PM
by Larry Neild

LONDON, June 13 (Xinhua) -- A government guarantee that protects pensions for millions of elderly people would be under threat if Britain quits the EU, Prime Minister David Cameron warned Sunday.

A so-called triple-lock guarantee has been government policy since 2010, ensuring an annual above-inflation rise in state pensions.

The grey-vote became the battleground in what is the last full week of campaigning ahead of a June 23 national referendum to decide if Britain should remain as a member of the European Union, or leave.

Cameron warned of a self-inflicted recession, leading to a lost decade as Britain grappled with a Brexit success.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-06/13/c_135430899.htm

-- Xinhua 2016-06-13

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And the EU is not facing the same high risk of a decade long recession from the coming financial crisis?

Oh yeah...just print out more Euros...

Pensions have been under threat since a few decades ago when government after government went into deficit spendings!

Edited by trogers
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Cameron is losing the argument to stay in the EU.

So scare tactics now, pensioners will be no better off, no worse off.

2009 Cameron wanted the UK out of Europe.

Now he has all his little perks ( scams) he wants to keep the UK in.

Spineless puppet of Merkel.

Edited by colinneil
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Camerons mass importation of people with no desire to ever work is a far greater threat to pensions. I used to be concerned at having no pension plan, these days it is more concerning being beheaded just walking down to the corner shop for a pack of fags. Pensions? Who cares, in a decade the UK will be totally unrecognizable and I suspect when sharia is rolled out the kaffirs will not be getting a pension anyway - any of them.

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Cameron is losing the argument to stay in the EU.

So scare tactics now, pensioners will be no better off, no worse off.

2009 Cameron wanted the UK out of Europe.

Now he has all his little perks ( scams) he wants to keep the UK in.

Spineless puppet of Merkel.

This was the apporach of Project Fear during the Scottish referendum - scare the bejeesus out of the grey vote with wild speculations and tenuous suggestions.

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Cameron. The gift the just keeps giving to the Brexit cause.

I have long since suspected that there would have to be fundamental changes to the UK State Pension. Due to a lack of application of the 5 P's it was always the case that at some stage it would go belly up.

It will happen regardless of in or out of the EU.

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It strikes me that David Cameron and the Tory party as it is now are running in the headless chicken mode and appear to do and say anything, true or not true to keep both the UK in the EU and also to keep his job.

There are far too many voters in the Tory party who are pensioners who will ensure that DC will NOT renege on the triple lock on pensions.

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Of course Cameron is spot on with his comment re 'self-inflicted recession' and none more at risk than our Soi Buakaow BREXIT team who if they get their wishes will see their pensions knocked back in real terms as sterling takes an extended bath. The end result will be that some will be able to enjoy their pyrrhic referendum victory back home luxuriating in British winters. Life is grossly unfair when there are no downsizing options after Leo.

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Kick out all the illegals that are on the Dole, and there will be plenty of money

spare to give to the Pensioners that thoroughly deserve it, as they have worked

hard all their working lives. Not to be given to all the undesired economic migrants

that are arriving into the UK. Thanks to Merkal the Hun !!!!!!!!!

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Of course Cameron is spot on with his comment re 'self-inflicted recession' and none more at risk than our Soi Buakaow BREXIT team who if they get their wishes will see their pensions knocked back in real terms as sterling takes an extended bath. The end result will be that some will be able to enjoy their pyrrhic referendum victory back home luxuriating in British winters. Life is grossly unfair when there are no downsizing options after Leo.

Soi Buakaow BREXIT team

will see their pensions knocked back in real terms


0 out of 3.

Just like team remain. Clueless.

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Of course Cameron is spot on with his comment re 'self-inflicted recession' and none more at risk than our Soi Buakaow BREXIT team who if they get their wishes will see their pensions knocked back in real terms as sterling takes an extended bath. The end result will be that some will be able to enjoy their pyrrhic referendum victory back home luxuriating in British winters. Life is grossly unfair when there are no downsizing options after Leo.

We've seen company pensions decimated under Brit govts - but I doubt they'll be able to decimate the state pension. Too much opposition.

Cameron is just desperate and prepared to spout any rubbish to frighten those he thinks most likely to vote Brexit.

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What a pathetic piece of excrement this man is !! He should be charged with blackmail and put in jail for such a disgusting attempt at manipulating the voting public ! It would be a very wise move, if the Brexit vote is successful, to relegate this lump of slime to the post of night toilet bucket emptying :)

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Of course Cameron is spot on with his comment re 'self-inflicted recession' and none more at risk than our Soi Buakaow BREXIT team who if they get their wishes will see their pensions knocked back in real terms as sterling takes an extended bath. The end result will be that some will be able to enjoy their pyrrhic referendum victory back home luxuriating in British winters. Life is grossly unfair when there are no downsizing options after Leo.

We've seen company pensions decimated under Brit govts - but I doubt they'll be able to decimate the state pension. Too much opposition.

Cameron is just desperate and prepared to spout any rubbish to frighten those he thinks most likely to vote Brexit.

Nowhere are pensions written in stone, if the money isn't there it can't be paid. Argentina had to stop paying pensions altogether for a long time when they were cut of from the worlds financial markets, just saying.

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Of course Cameron is spot on with his comment re 'self-inflicted recession' and none more at risk than our Soi Buakaow BREXIT team who if they get their wishes will see their pensions knocked back in real terms as sterling takes an extended bath. The end result will be that some will be able to enjoy their pyrrhic referendum victory back home luxuriating in British winters. Life is grossly unfair when there are no downsizing options after Leo.

We've seen company pensions decimated under Brit govts - but I doubt they'll be able to decimate the state pension. Too much opposition.

Cameron is just desperate and prepared to spout any rubbish to frighten those he thinks most likely to vote Brexit.

Nowhere are pensions written in stone, if the money isn't there it can't be paid. Argentina had to stop paying pensions altogether for a long time when they were cut of from the worlds financial markets, just saying.

So you don't think this was just an attempt to scare the old electorate?

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What a pathetic piece of excrement this man is !! He should be charged with blackmail and put in jail for such a disgusting attempt at manipulating the voting public ! It would be a very wise move, if the Brexit vote is successful, to relegate this lump of slime to the post of night toilet bucket emptying smile.png

British politics has fallen to a new low.

It is a really cheap shot by Cameron and an utter lie.

It comes after the previous threat to UK pensioners living in Europe, who were told that if the UK exited, then they would no longer be entitled to the annual inflation increases. Which is a strong pointer to how we will continue to be treated in Thailand.

I sincerely hope that the British voters vote for "out", because the government needs a big kick up the rear end. They have become too complacent, as the opposition Labour party has shot itself in both feet and cut its own legs off too.

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What a pathetic piece of excrement this man is !! He should be charged with blackmail and put in jail for such a disgusting attempt at manipulating the voting public ! It would be a very wise move, if the Brexit vote is successful, to relegate this lump of slime to the post of night toilet bucket emptying smile.png

British politics has fallen to a new low.

It is a really cheap shot by Cameron and an utter lie.

It comes after the previous threat to UK pensioners living in Europe, who were told that if the UK exited, then they would no longer be entitled to the annual inflation increases. Which is a strong pointer to how we will continue to be treated in Thailand.

I sincerely hope that the British voters vote for "out", because the government needs a big kick up the rear end. They have become too complacent, as the opposition Labour party has shot itself in both feet and cut its own legs off too.

Unfortunately (IMO), Brexit is more likely to result in harsher policies. Not for UK resident pensioners - they wouldn't dare as they know its a large vote.

So I agree that its a new low, and a scare tactic.

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What a pathetic piece of excrement this man is !! He should be charged with blackmail and put in jail for such a disgusting attempt at manipulating the voting public ! It would be a very wise move, if the Brexit vote is successful, to relegate this lump of slime to the post of night toilet bucket emptying smile.png

The man should be extradited to the US. he better start packing his bags.

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This is a scare tactic. No pensions are going to be cut because of a departure from the EU! In fact, the pensions will be more secure with a departure from the EU and their taxes. Vote Leave!

Yes, vote leave, but the GBP has gone down around a couple of Baht in the past few days as the polls get nearer.

Does this mean that if Brexit succeeds, the GBP will get weaker and the baht will fall?

If that is the case, should we not be voting to stay in?

If the UK does leave the EU, I suppose after a few months the GBP will get stronger.

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Where are the 'no doubt Remain voters' on this thread??

Conspicuous by their absence - even they wouldn't defend this nonsense.

Edit - my mistake, Possum arrived to argue something different from the point of this thread....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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This is a scare tactic. No pensions are going to be cut because of a departure from the EU! In fact, the pensions will be more secure with a departure from the EU and their taxes. Vote Leave!

Yes, vote leave, but the GBP has gone down around a couple of Baht in the past few days as the polls get nearer.

Does this mean that if Brexit succeeds, the GBP will get weaker and the baht will fall?

If that is the case, should we not be voting to stay in?

If the UK does leave the EU, I suppose after a few months the GBP will get stronger.

I cannot believe that you, or anyone else, would be stupid enough to base their vote on the short-term exchange rate movements. Remember, GBP/THB was 45 a couple of years ago, the other week I got 52 on a transfer from the UK.

There is also the Lemming principle, people follow people - usually on the way down. I remember standing in Nationwide when the woman in front of me paid in GBP 25k from closing her Halifax account because of fears about HBOS financial stability. Silly cow was covered by the UK government guarantee up to GBP 40k (at that time) - but, no, she had to listen to and absorb the scaremongering. Her actions were totally unnecessary and, as with Northern Rock, only adds to the feeling of instability.

Maybe that is why Cameron has implemented Project Fear.

Whenever there is instability/risk there is volatility; where there is volatility there is speculation; where there is speculation there are winners and losers. Try to avoid losing too much. I now have enough Baht here (at what I deem to be a decent rate) for 6 months. After the hiatus of 23rd June let's see where the market settle down at.

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It takes a CHINESE (Xinhua Net) news network to spread the news - now how interesting is this.

I sometimes wonder what kind of weed is smoked by Cameron as the figures are completely opposite to what he says. Pensions are paid in by the working force this month for the pay-outs next month. Looking at the present unemployment statistics the pensions will be all but gone if the UK stays within the EU; the unemployment in Switzerland is below 5% while the EU, overall, features 10.9%. The detailed figures of those who should work for earning the pension look as follows:


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This will be the most imporant vote the British people had for a very long time. I wish that they will consider wisely and not let this unique chance for change pass. I hope the scare mongering doesn't work anymore. Politicians, banksters, big business, Eurocrats, all have painted a picture of doom and gloom for Britain should they dare to leave the club. It's time to call the bluff. Once Britain leaves, this house of cards, The United States of Europe, will come crashing down and that will make a refreshing change.

Why would you want the EU to come crashing down? And what would be refreshing about it? Would you be happier with everybody killing everybody else like 70 years ago? Total stupid self indulgent crap being spouted on here about the whole Brexit vote. None of you live in England anymore, so what the hell are you all pontificating about. The USA is going through its election grief, and the EU is going through its vote grief. But who wants to wish gloom and doom on over 300 million people who are all just trying to make a living, keep a roof over their heads, and get their children educated. Some of you people on here need to sober up and start using your brains in a positive way. That is my ten cents and it cost you nothing.

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This is a scare tactic. No pensions are going to be cut because of a departure from the EU! In fact, the pensions will be more secure with a departure from the EU and their taxes. Vote Leave!

Yes, vote leave, but the GBP has gone down around a couple of Baht in the past few days as the polls get nearer.

Does this mean that if Brexit succeeds, the GBP will get weaker and the baht will fall?

If that is the case, should we not be voting to stay in?

If the UK does leave the EU, I suppose after a few months the GBP will get stronger.

I did not say I

I cannot believe that you, or anyone else, would be stupid enough to base their vote on the short-term exchange rate movements. Remember, GBP/THB was 45 a couple of years ago, the other week I got 52 on a transfer from the UK.

There is also the Lemming principle, people follow people - usually on the way down. I remember standing in Nationwide when the woman in front of me paid in GBP 25k from closing her Halifax account because of fears about HBOS financial stability. Silly cow was covered by the UK government guarantee up to GBP 40k (at that time) - but, no, she had to listen to and absorb the scaremongering. Her actions were totally unnecessary and, as with Northern Rock, only adds to the feeling of instability.

Maybe that is why Cameron has implemented Project Fear.

Whenever there is instability/risk there is volatility; where there is volatility there is speculation; where there is speculation there are winners and losers. Try to avoid losing too much. I now have enough Baht here (at what I deem to be a decent rate) for 6 months. After the hiatus of 23rd June let's see where the market settle down at.

Who said I would base my vote on that? I am for Brexit, did you not read my last sentence?

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This will be the most imporant vote the British people had for a very long time. I wish that they will consider wisely and not let this unique chance for change pass. I hope the scare mongering doesn't work anymore. Politicians, banksters, big business, Eurocrats, all have painted a picture of doom and gloom for Britain should they dare to leave the club. It's time to call the bluff. Once Britain leaves, this house of cards, The United States of Europe, will come crashing down and that will make a refreshing change.

Why would you want the EU to come crashing down? And what would be refreshing about it? Would you be happier with everybody killing everybody else like 70 years ago? Total stupid self indulgent crap being spouted on here about the whole Brexit vote. None of you live in England anymore, so what the hell are you all pontificating about. The USA is going through its election grief, and the EU is going through its vote grief. But who wants to wish gloom and doom on over 300 million people who are all just trying to make a living, keep a roof over their heads, and get their children educated. Some of you people on here need to sober up and start using your brains in a positive way. That is my ten cents and it cost you nothing.

Its not doom and gloom - its just most peoples' opinion that if the UK leaves, the EU will crash as other countries demand a referendum to vote 'out'. Hence the desperation to influence voters to remain in the EU.

But I'm going off topic, as this thread is about Cameron saying that a Brexit vote will result pensions being reduced. How desperate is he?

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