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Pensions for British elderly threatened if Brexit wins, warns David Cameron


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What a pathetic piece of excrement this man is !! He should be charged with blackmail and put in jail for such a disgusting attempt at manipulating the voting public ! It would be a very wise move, if the Brexit vote is successful, to relegate this lump of slime to the post of night toilet bucket emptying :)

I hear you. To use pensions as a tool into frightening people to vote your way is no less than downright wicked.

I can only hope there is special place in hell for people like that..

Edited by baboon
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Camerons mass importation of people with no desire to ever work is a far greater threat to pensions. I used to be concerned at having no pension plan, these days it is more concerning being beheaded just walking down to the corner shop for a pack of fags. Pensions? Who cares, in a decade the UK will be totally unrecognizable and I suspect when sharia is rolled out the kaffirs will not be getting a pension anyway - any of them.

I agree with all you say bar one , the UK is Now unrecognisable if you have not been in the country for a few years . Damage done and getting worse . The flood

gates have opened with the help of dodgy Dave the tax avoider and pig lover . He has a conflict of interest by way of business connections to increase the

availability of cheap imported foreign labour to maximise the profits of his corporate buddies who in effect are pulling the puppet strings . Yet there are so many of

the UK population who cannot understand what is happening , just watch Question Time There is little care of what becomes of the true Brit who has children and a

mortgage and finds himself out of work having been undercut, wage wise, by cheap labour . The government purse will pay benefits and not be concerned as the

bank balances of the company big boys and share holders swell .

Is TREASON still a crime because that's what it feels like .

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If all else fails scare them with lies, the lies won't be proven such till long after the fact when it no longer politically matters.

That aside demographics tells us that eventually every western country will not be able to afford pensions. Australian PM Keating admitted such many years ago when he introduced compulsory superannuation as a replacement for the future.

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For over 20 years the Tories mostly have campaign against Europe. Most people do not understand the harm this has done. The UK should have joined the Euro zone at its beginning. Then Germany and France broke the financial rules, got away with it. It's no wonder Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece did the same. The days when there use to be $4 to a £1 are long gone. If the UK had joined the Euro, London could have had the chance to officially become the financial centre of Europe. The Pound will continue to diminish and get weaker over time.

The Euro will in time be stronger because its size is economically larger. The growth and strength of the Chinese currency is another factor. The pound is becoming too small and weak to last as a major reserve currency. The UK needs to join a revamped Euro and London to become the official European stock market. It was put forward that over £350 million a day is going to Europe, which over £130 billion a year. So it just isn't truth because it does not take into account the amount that comes back with trade and grants from Europe. The economics is a 2 way process.

As for Immigration, it is a Europe wide problem, that needs to be solved by Europe as a whole. The international rules require that asylum seekers claim asylum at the first safe country the arrive at. Not run through 6 or 7 safe countries. Anyone who does this is not a refugee, but an economic migrant. This is what makes British people angry for being targeted by these eco-migrants. Europe as a whole is not capable of taking 1 billion eco-migrants. This something that needs to be discussed by all of Europe including the UK in Europe.

Funny part about the Brexit followers is a large number of blacks and Asians want the UK to leave, so as stop the Poles and other East Europeans taking their jobs. If these have to leave then there will be a very large shortage of employees to do the jobs that need doing. It will not stop the eco-migrant trying to cross the channel to enter Britain. It was the present Tory government that cancelled the idea of an I.D. card that would make easier to police such activities. The system works in Thailand. So it was stupid to block it.

Non of this will correct itself as too many politician are trying to put bums on votes with an ill informed electorate who are not being given any sense of truth with the facts. The only truth is it is a political civil war that is taking place.

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Cameron should give Pensions only to Englishman living in England

I known of so old people that give their money to young Thai Girls can you believe that

Edited by HenryB
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Cameron should give Pensions only to Englishman living in England

I known of so old people that give their money to young Thai Girls can you believe that

Then you will have to go back to 1947 when the state pension was introduced and change the law.

It is MY state pension that I paid into for 44 years and had NO choice about whether or not I paid.

Nor was I informed when I was 15 and just left school that if I decided to live in certain countries my pension would be frozen.

If YOU don't like what people do with their money, then you are the one with the problem.

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UK as well as Germany and France a net contributor, so the country pays more into the EU pot than it gets out. The latest available figures from 2014, according to the UK Treasury HMT paid in 2014 9.9 billion pounds a net, according to the current exchange rate EUR 12.5 billion.

Every week this are 190 million pounds, the equivalent of 240.8 million euros. downscaled to each Britons there are 153 pounds per year (approximately 194 euros), or 42 pence a day (53.2 cents), which go to the EU.

This is the price for access to the EU market, which also has positive effects on the economic performance of a country.

The British EU contribution accounts for 1.2 percent of the total budget, the finance minister George Osborne presents annually.

With an brexit, now the question arises how much actual savings would be.
Here begins than the great uncertainty about the numbers.
All follow-up studies to calculate a drop in economic output (Positive scenario: -0.7% - to negative scenario -5.7%)

Usually oriented deposit on the economic performance and the VAT revenue of the EU countries. About 0.7 percent of gross national income of each country must be discharged, for example, to the budget of the community. UK pays less because they argued at the Thatcher time, that the own agricultural sector is smaller than that of France. Thus, you get even less support for this sector from Brussels.

That the UK stands with an Exit better economically, is a real fairy tale.

And that would certainly also affect the Triple Lock pensions.
My consideration is purely economic.

Dissatisfaction with the migration policy I agree fully, however.
Dissatisfaction with the outside security of EU borders I agree fully.
Dissatisfaction with the idiotic euro sponsorship for Greece i agree fully.

Normally, if you have a couple of rats in the house, it is not necessary to burn down the whole house.

Edited by tomacht8
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If leaving is going to be so bad for the UK, why did Cameron risk having a referendum?

Simple, he promised it to get elected

That's a bit stupid.

A referendum on an immigration stop would have been perhaps more meaningful.

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If leaving is going to be so bad for the UK, why did Cameron risk having a referendum?

Simple, he promised it to get elected

That's a bit stupid.

A referendum on an immigration stop would have been perhaps more meaningful.

Not so. At the last election he was concerned about the UKIP.

Whilst they on gained 1 seat they also got over 4, 000,000 votes, more than twice as many as the SNP who got 57 seats and virtually wiped out the Labour and the Tories in Scotland.

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Cameron should give Pensions only to Englishman living in England

Why not to English women as well?
why not to the Welsh,Scottish ,and Irish,you are not the only people in the UK.

I think you mean Northern Irish.

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Hmm. The pound is sinking like a lead weight in water.

I hope our British friends have stockpiled baht. Living day to day using ATM foreign exchange withdrawals suddenly got very expensive ... at least in the short-term.

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Cameron should give Pensions only to Englishman living in England

Why not to English women as well?
why not to the Welsh,Scottish ,and Irish,you are not the only people in the UK.

I think you mean Northern Irish.

Depends you who are. Most likely, a Catholic living in Northern Ireland would just call herself or himself Irish.

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Cameron should give Pensions only to Englishman living in England

I known of so old people that give their money to young Thai Girls can you believe that

"Why should people get a pension, just because they've been forced for decades to pay into a scheme, which promised them one ? wink.png

They must be traitors, they've actually exercised their freedom-of-movement, and gone elsewhere ... who do they think they are ? whistling.gif

They should be dragged back, kicking & screaming, to the United Kingdom, and have their heads or other organs chopped off, it's just not good enough to freeze their pensions because they don't live in an EU-country ! facepalm.gif"

... here endeth the political broadcast by the Monster Raving Loony Party ! gigglem.gif

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And the EU is not facing the same high risk of a decade long recession from the coming financial crisis?

Oh yeah...just print out more Euros...

Pensions have been under threat since a few decades ago when government after government went into deficit spendings!

Yes, look how massively high inflation is......not. Such reflexive economic illiteracy you put on display.

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