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Nok Air issues grovelling apology to Yingluck after pilots joked they would fly her into the ground


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Personally I think the person or persons who posted that remark should be sacked (assuming they work for Nok Air). It's unacceptable for an airline employee to joke about accidents in a public media.

No excuse for such behaviour. IMHO.

Was this 'Line' thing they used open to all and sundry? (I don't know, but the OP sas "Line app for pilots".)

If it was not available openly to the general public with evidence they were Nok Air pilots, I don't see why their livelihoods should be flushed down the toilet just like that simply for making crass remarks. Demotion or suspension without pay for a while, yes, but not to be sacked in disgrace.

Lack of professional attitude shown by pilot assistants. Picture and text known to the public suggesting openness of that "line app for pilots".

If there one thing passengers really do not like is pilots or assistants to pilots joking about 'controlled flight into terrain'. You are flying regularly, would you feel comfortable knowing the jokers were flying your plane? Maybe read about GermanWings A320 which 'went' CFIT.


"Picture and text known to the public suggesting openness of that "line app for pilots"

Perhaps, perhaps not. I am not in an informed enough position to comment one way or the other.

Now; the chances are I wouldn't know who is flying my plane and whatever other distasteful jokes they make, but I would imagine a fair few. They are human beings after all, like most of the rest of us.

As for that dreadful Germanwings atrocity, I don't really see how one could draw any kind of parallel with the actions of a lone deranged homicidal maniac and a bit of tasteless banter among colleagues. It is easy to do and I most certainly do not blame you for raising it, but I personally would not make such a comparison in my own head.

In my own opinion I still feel sacking is too strong a sanction, but that is just me.

it is a rare thing that I disagree with you Baboon but passengers are confronted with notices not to make 'bomb jokes' and if they do so they are arrested and if they do so whilst flying the plane turns back.

For PILOTS to make such a 'joke' is 100 time worse, both as an example, and as a statement of their political allegiances. Sacking has to be the least of their problems and an arrest should follow to show an example to passengers that in days of aircraft 'disappearing' there is NO ROOM for such 'jokes' and the public can have some confidence.

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Nok Air was hugely desperate for plane drivers, so one assumes they took whoever cheated best on their exams - love your glasses "oh I don't need these to fly", and supeak angrit jing jing.

Professionalism, adult behavior, responsibility probably didn't figure in to the hiring process.

I'm amazed these idiots up front didn't pull a Bangkok Taxi maneuver and say, "Oh we can't drive to Bangkok, traffic very bad.", if they didn't want certain passengers.

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For a pilot in charge of a aircraft this would have to be the most inappropriate behaviour you can muster , discipline on the flight deck is very important , seems like the flight deck crew in Nok Air has a few cowboy's................................coffee1.gif .

Hopefully they weren't posting on LINE during the operation of the flight.

They should probably be disciplined, not sure what their contracts look like, or what disciplinary action is possible. A 30 day suspension, without pay, seems reasonable, if only to re-instill some semblance of professionalism.

But as mentioned NOK AIR is both connected, and short on pilots, so a minute of grovelling/wai-ing should do the trick.

Yeah, one hopes they weren't flying at the time, I am not in favour of dismissal, your suggestion of suspension has merit 2005, as u say , it is not professional conduct you would expect from a pilot, if you let this nonsense to keep happening you are then indeed courting distraction a mishap of catastrophic proportions will result , the proper protocol in this instance is before push back , for the Captain to go back and welcome, a former President or Prime Minister on his plane, the pilot is above politics, the safety of the plane is his most important duty, if the plane is safe, so are the passengers.

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For a pilot in charge of a aircraft this would have to be the most inappropriate behaviour you can muster , discipline on the flight deck is very important , seems like the flight deck crew in Nok Air has a few cowboy's................................coffee1.gif .

Hopefully they weren't posting on LINE during the operation of the flight.

They should probably be disciplined, not sure what their contracts look like, or what disciplinary action is possible. A 30 day suspension, without pay, seems reasonable, if only to re-instill some semblance of professionalism.

But as mentioned NOK AIR is both connected, and short on pilots, so a minute of grovelling/wai-ing should do the trick.

Yeah, one hopes they weren't flying at the time, I am not in favour of dismissal, your suggestion of suspension has merit 2005, as u say , it is not professional conduct you would expect from a pilot, if you let this nonsense to keep happening you are then indeed courting distraction a mishap of catastrophic proportions will result , the proper protocol in this instance is before push back , for the Captain to go back and welcome, a former President or Prime Minister on his plane, the pilot is above politics, the safety of the plane is his most important duty, if the plane is safe, so are the passengers.

I'm also glad they weren't flying. The "pilot" who made the CFIT comment was 3 DAYS into his pilot training.

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

you think a bus driver has the SAME training as a pilot? ignorance has no bounds

Really? You want to talk about the training?

Some electricians have longer training than pilots.

1000s of professions with longer training than pilots.


Training is NOT the issue here.

It is about responsibility.

The pilot made a stupid remark and should be punished accordingly.

YOU said 'bus driver' did you not? you think the idiots who drive buses around here have the same training as pilots? with all the international standards? yes ignorance

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As I understand the story, this comment was purportedly made by the pilot during the flight. All conversations made in the cockpit during flights are recorded on the black box. WHAT IF an accident, for any unrelated reason, had occurred? In light of that recorded statement, Nok Air would find itself in court being sued for untold billions, and possibly being forced into bankruptcy. Maybe Nok Air should hire some real lawyers who can educate them about liability.

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As I understand the story, this comment was purportedly made by the pilot during the flight.

It was posted to a public group using the LINE application.

This is Thailand, doubt much will happen to the tin jockey, Nok Air or Patee. Groveling is done, broom/sweep/carpet, time to move on.

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CFIT. Very professional.

I guess that's marginally better than the epithets the screaming yellow horde heaped on her daily during their successful overthrow of the government.

Next up: making fun of immigrants, handicapped people and dark-sinned folks from up-country.

For your next up - - - already in the Thai bag of tricks.

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"it is a rare thing that I disagree with you Baboon but passengers are confronted with notices not to make 'bomb jokes' and if they do so they are arrested and if they do so whilst flying the plane turns back.

For PILOTS to make such a 'joke' is 100 time worse, both as an example, and as a statement of their political allegiances. Sacking has to be the least of their problems and an arrest should follow to show an example to passengers that in days of aircraft 'disappearing' there is NO ROOM for such 'jokes' and the public can have some confidence." - LannaGuy.

Nothing wrong with having a differing opinion. Now let it be noted what isn't going to happen at this point is us inventing our own 'facts' to back up what we say or start employing other dirty debating tactics to discredit one another.

The TV readership may well decide I am completely wrong in this matter and hey, I can accept that and move on, which I think you will agree is all too rare on here...

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As I understand the story, this comment was purportedly made by the pilot during the flight. All conversations made in the cockpit during flights are recorded on the black box. WHAT IF an accident, for any unrelated reason, had occurred? In light of that recorded statement, Nok Air would find itself in court being sued for untold billions, and possibly being forced into bankruptcy. Maybe Nok Air should hire some real lawyers who can educate them about liability.

If you read today's BP you would understand much better.

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Seems like someone's been moved to an inactive post, at least for a week...


Nok Air said the pilot, which it did not identify, took the photo Sunday of Yingluck from the cockpit of Nok Air flight DD8005, before posting it in a Line chat group with the message, “We have prey on board. ” As for the message requesting a “CFIT,” or Controlled Flight Into Terrain, Thai AirAsia said it suspended one of its trainees – also not identified – for making that comment.


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So now it is confirmed that even Nok Air pilots are children at heart just like most of the rest of Thai men.

Meanwhile over in France the English, Russian, and French males are all being grown up fighting over a ball game.

It was only a bloody joke.

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Yingluck flies nok air? My but that's a come down...

Just for show .I am quite sure that she regularly flies by private jet . I am also sure its on standby to take her quickly out of the Country if necessary .Prison would not be good for her hair or finger nails .

Prison would not be good for her hair or finger nails .

Sexist claptrap. You should be ashamed and embarrassed.

Kindly engage brain before starting up mouth.


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Personally I think the person or persons who posted that remark should be sacked (assuming they work for Nok Air). It's unacceptable for an airline employee to joke about accidents in a public media.

No excuse for such behaviour. IMHO.

Was this 'Line' thing they used open to all and sundry? (I don't know, but the OP sas "Line app for pilots".)

If it was not available openly to the general public with evidence they were Nok Air pilots, I don't see why their livelihoods should be flushed down the toilet just like that simply for making crass remarks. Demotion or suspension without pay for a while, yes, but not to be sacked in disgrace.

Lack of professional attitude shown by pilot assistants. Picture and text known to the public suggesting openness of that "line app for pilots".

If there one thing passengers really do not like is pilots or assistants to pilots joking about 'controlled flight into terrain'. You are flying regularly, would you feel comfortable knowing the jokers were flying your plane? Maybe read about GermanWings A320 which 'went' CFIT.


Or a step further, if somehow I personally heard pilots saying this, or actually saw it on a social media message / any message service, I would refuse to board / quickly deboard without hesitation, and no hesitation to tell other passengers why.

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So now it is confirmed that even Nok Air pilots are children at heart just like most of the rest of Thai men.

Meanwhile over in France the English, Russian, and French males are all being grown up fighting over a ball game.

It was only a bloody joke.

Exactly. A bad joke and should not have been made. But the reactions and sensitivities are way over the top, there will always be somebody insulted these days.
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Aww... Just a technical jargon use with another pilot, who almost flew the country to the ground...

Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

Typical over reaction. It wouldn't bother me whatsoever if this involved someone I know as I'm not poised to be outraged and the first oppurtunity that a joke, although in poor taste, is aired.

Lighten up

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Personally I think the person or persons who posted that remark should be sacked (assuming they work for Nok Air). It's unacceptable for an airline employee to joke about accidents in a public media.

No excuse for such behaviour. IMHO.

Was this 'Line' thing they used open to all and sundry? (I don't know, but the OP sas "Line app for pilots".)

If it was not available openly to the general public with evidence they were Nok Air pilots, I don't see why their livelihoods should be flushed down the toilet just like that simply for making crass remarks. Demotion or suspension without pay for a while, yes, but not to be sacked in disgrace.

Lack of professional attitude shown by pilot assistants. Picture and text known to the public suggesting openness of that "line app for pilots".

If there one thing passengers really do not like is pilots or assistants to pilots joking about 'controlled flight into terrain'. You are flying regularly, would you feel comfortable knowing the jokers were flying your plane? Maybe read about GermanWings A320 which 'went' CFIT.


Or a step further, if somehow I personally heard pilots saying this, or actually saw it on a social media message / any message service, I would refuse to board / quickly deboard without hesitation, and no hesitation to tell other passengers why.

Oh well, just a little more room for me.....

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>>You should be ashamed and embarrassed.<<

​Oh ,Deary me .Will a grovelling apology do .?

Up to you matey, it's not me who should be embarrassed and ashamed.

I don't really care what you do.


>>should be ashamed and embarrassed <<..but i am not .It was clearly a joke .Some people like you have a sense of humor by pass . Y.L. is a thief along with her brother ,and does not deserve respect from me .

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