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Fighting With Other Farang?

Delray Tweed

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Rambone is trolling...he can't possible be for real.i mean,nobody could rate themselves that much..could they?

Where's Chuck when you need him? seems him and Rambo are never around at the same time.


funny as hel_l tho' I've got much more important things to do (really) but I'm hooked on all the macho bullshit, if your kid ever wanted to know why wars get started get 'em to check to check out this thread. :o

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Seems like a bit of a silly Topic to start in the first place:

You could end up getting warned as well this goes on record and immigration could be informed and thats your visits to LOS knocked on the head.

As stated earlier sounds like you cant hold your pop or you are very insecure about your self. You take on one Thai man you take on all his mate normally and possible the family.

Advice leave your Judo in the Ludo box and keep your nose clean

intelligent advice for the OP... and for the posters who've been watching too many movies!!!

if forced - then self defence is a natural instinct but some posters on here talking themselves up about "street fightin" ....pur-lease... :o i bet you're from the same ilk as the guys that get half way drunk and insist on offering people an arm-wrestle.... sad :D

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this shitty topic already runs over 153 posts!

I think someone should call the police! :D

You should settle down and read the whole thread. It could save your life one day.

Only if you printed it all out.... rolled it up, and managed to force it into the opponents mouth :o

Or you could make a nice Papier Mâchè piggy bank with it. :D

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I've been away due to a terrorist group stealing my horse.. all should be back on track now, it has given me plenty of time to plan a Chuck Vs Rambo showdown.

(I think we all know what the outcome of that will be)

Chuck Norris Awaaaaaaayyyyyyy

Edited by Chuck_Norris
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And i believe that your only participation in either has been curled up in a ball at the first sign of any trouble, with everybody laughing at the pansy on the floor. I'm sure it worked very well, they were probably all wetting themselves to hard with mirth to lift a finger to you.

Presently it appears that the one who turns into a laughing stock is you.

Keep trying. :o

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^^ I don't believe i've made any boasts on this thread.

As Terry57 would say, i'm just giving the punters the good oil :o

nice try but no cigar.I'm picking you for a trolling pommie.....'cause even a seppo couldn't believe his on bs like you do. :D

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im 18 years old in this nightclub in townsville, queensland.

this sexy chick walks past, ive had a few shandies and feeling like a 9 foot tall rambo.

i think its going to be real funny if i pinch this little honey on the arse and i might score with her.

down goes the hand for a little feel of her lovely arse.

next thing i know shes freaking out and screaming at me like id just killed her mother. :D:D

2 seconds later her monster boy friend is standing over me threating to punch my face in and send me into outer orbit with a killer punch.

i immediatly got sober and realized that it was a real frigging bad idea to pinch the said girl on the arse and i was'nt sure whether i should just start to cry or not and hope the monster did'nt kill me. :D

the only thing that saved my skinny arse that night was that i had 6 mates with me and they came to my rescue. he did'nt like his chances with all my mates protecting me.

cricky's punters,

i got to tell you that if that girl had her chance she would of knocked all my teeth out and the monster boy friend would of made false teeth out of them.

good old terry aint never gone near another sheilas arse without a written invertation. :D

cheers to all my punting friends out there on thaivisa and you lot be bloody carefull if you think its going to be real funny pinching a little hoties back bottom. :o:D

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I've been away due to a terrorist group stealing my horse.. all should be back on track now, it has given me plenty of time to plan a Chuck Vs Rambo showdown.

(I think we all know what the outcome of that will be)

Chuck Norris Awaaaaaaayyyyyyy

So what's the lowdown on the showdown big guy? Rambone's been swinging it like he's the only gun in town and you know that aint right. This forum aint big enough for the both of you.

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For those devotees of the martial arts, is it possible to learn how to avoid getting hit by your opponent while never throwing a punch or kick yourself? In other, words let the aggressor tire himself out to the point of exhaustion. Just curious.

The reason I asked the above, was that I had read in a book of a similarity to what I posted above in a fight on New Year's day 2000, on the Japanese island of Okinawa, between the master of an old fighting style (Motobu Udun Ti) and a boxer. The martial arts master's name was Seikichi Uehara. The boxer was a 30's something, former World Boxing Association Flyweight champion, by the name of Katsuo Tokashiki. The incredible thing was that Uehara was 96 years old at the time of the match.

I can find plenty of information on the web, regarding the fighting style, and the two named fighters, but unfortunately have found nothing on the web regarding the fight itself.

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im 18 years old in this nightclub in townsville, queensland.

this sexy chick walks past, ive had a few shandies and feeling like a 9 foot tall rambo.

i think its going to be real funny if i pinch this little honey on the arse and i might score with her.

down goes the hand for a little feel of her lovely arse.

next thing i know shes freaking out and screaming at me like id just killed her mother. :D:D

2 seconds later her monster boy friend is standing over me threating to punch my face in and send me into outer orbit with a killer punch.

i immediatly got sober and realized that it was a real frigging bad idea to pinch the said girl on the arse and i was'nt sure whether i should just start to cry or not and hope the monster did'nt kill me. :D

the only thing that saved my skinny arse that night was that i had 6 mates with me and they came to my rescue. he did'nt like his chances with all my mates protecting me.

cricky's punters,

i got to tell you that if that girl had her chance she would of knocked all my teeth out and the monster boy friend would of made false teeth out of them.

good old terry aint never gone near another sheilas arse without a written invertation. :D

cheers to all my punting friends out there on thaivisa and you lot be bloody carefull if you think its going to be real funny pinching a little hoties back bottom. :o:D

You could have asked her politely to remove her bottom from your hand ... :D

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

Basically, self defence means to do the NECESSARY (not more not less) to prevent harm from yourself, your property or third parties.

There is no particular law in Thailand covering the aspect of two foreigners fighting and one is skilled in judo but there are plenty of laws dealing with the aspect of self defence, indecent behaviour in public, assault, causing harm to others, homicide, murder etc. and there are certainly also laws dealing with undesired foreigners if their presence is not in the interest of the country and her people.

Whatever applies depends on the specific circumstances and one's reaction to a situation should also always be in accordance to the specific circumstances.

Obviously, there is surely no foolproof standard advice other than always try to not breaking the law and/or even getting in any possible conflict with the law.

Good luck.



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Whatever applies depends on the specific circumstances and one's reaction to a situation should also always be in accordance to the specific circumstances.

Obviously, there is surely no foolproof standard advice other than always try to not breaking the law and/or even getting in any possible conflict with the law.

Good luck.



Thanks for clarifying the situation there Richard :o

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Whatever applies depends on the specific circumstances and one's reaction to a situation should also always be in accordance to the specific circumstances.

Obviously, there is surely no foolproof standard advice other than always try to not breaking the law and/or even getting in any possible conflict with the law.

Good luck.



Thanks for clarifying the situation there Richard :o

I didn't understand that . . . and as for Robski calling it a clarification . . . I've had my doubts about him and I am very surprised that neither Nam nor Rambo have sussed him yet. Robski?! Sounds Soviet to me . . .or Russian even . . . some outside agitator, red under the bed kind of lilly-livered, jelly-spined whatever . . .

(hey, why let a good thread die?!)

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im 20 years old and my pissed up mate and my drunken self have just deposited our silly <deleted> into a pizza hut on the gold coast, queensland.

sitting next to us is this local loser who we just happen to meet at the pub that night and being pissed as we were thought it would be a fun thing to have a little giggle in the new pizza hut.

anyway we are all having a top time at (everybodys expense of course) when my mate and the new dude start to push our luck.

pizza hut was a bit of a family affair in those days and drunken yobs wer'nt really appreaciated.

these 2 dudes start to get a bit vocal with the language and start messing around with the tucker.

i look around and theres this dude giving us the real evil eye and im getting the vibes that trouble is brewing.

i make an educated guess that party time is over and im going to be a good boy and mind my own business as i could see a date with the hospital coming on quick.

my stupid mate and this other loser are twisting off like theres no tomorrow disturbing the peace so to speak.

the bill arrives and this local guy spits in it and gives it to the male cashier. :o

the cashier spits the dummy as any person would, and things get a bit heated.

anyway im off out the door with these 2 idiots following me.

next thing i know the guy who has been giving us the evil eye is out off his chair and has just king hit my mate and sent him sprawling into the gutter like a rag doll.

he then turns around and give the local guy a real good flogging, bashes him, kicks him and then proceeded to give him a lecture on respect and how to behave him self in public.

the guy never touched me as i had the brains to behave at the right time.

my mate is still lying in the gutter to scared to move a muscle as the killer dude might give him another beating.

im looking down at both of them and just smile, thinking it could of been me lying there covered in blood. :D

anyway punters, i liked that killer dude for bashing those 2 guys as they deserved it as they had no respect that night and the killer taught them a little lesson in respect. :D

cricky's punters,

thats why terry is a real respectful sort of guy and never starts trouble.

B.T.W. ive never been back to pizza hut as it reminds me of all that blood i seen that night. :D:D:D

cheers punting friends :D

i still got a couple of cracker stories left to go and there 110% strait up. :D

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next thing i know the guy who has been giving us the evil eye is out off his chair and has just king hit my mate and sent him sprawling into the gutter like a rag doll.

he then turns around and give the local guy a real good flogging, bashes him, kicks him and then proceeded to give him a lecture on respect and how to behave him self in public.

anyway punters, i liked that killer dude for bashing those 2 guys as they deserved it as they had no respect that night and the killer taught them a little lesson in respect. :o

Sounds like a man after my own heart....

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I didn't understand that . . . and as for Robski calling it a clarification . . . I've had my doubts about him and I am very surprised that neither Nam nor Rambo have sussed him yet. Robski?! Sounds Soviet to me . . .or Russian even . . . some outside agitator, red under the bed kind of lilly-livered, jelly-spined whatever . . .

(hey, why let a good thread die?!)

post #203

What do you know big nose? you've been listenening to Rambone too much and your still beefed up. think you can start trouble? you better watch out or the OP might get you in a choke hold (non lethal of course) talking of which where is the OP I reckon all the testosterone flying around has scared the boy off getting on the plane, best he stays at home. Bleedin' troublemakers.

Anyway Tel give us another story so we can all have self righteous laugh while Rambone kisses you're arse again. what a fag :o

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I didn't understand that . . . and as for Robski calling it a clarification . . . I've had my doubts about him and I am very surprised that neither Nam nor Rambo have sussed him yet. Robski?! Sounds Soviet to me . . .or Russian even . . . some outside agitator, red under the bed kind of lilly-livered, jelly-spined whatever . . .

(hey, why let a good thread die?!)

post #203

What do you know big nose? you've been listenening to Rambone too much and your still beefed up. think you can start trouble? you better watch out or the OP might get you in a choke hold (non lethal of course) talking of which where is the OP I reckon all the testosterone flying around has scared the boy off getting on the plane, best he stays at home. Bleedin' troublemakers.

Anyway Tel give us another story so we can all have self righteous laugh while Rambone kisses you're arse again. what a fag :D

You've got it all wrong Shergar ... old Robskis led you up the garden path with his disguise ... skin tone and sheesha smoke suggests middle eastern roots ... salaam my friend salaam :o

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im 24 years old and myself and 2 mates have just rocked out of a night club in bali after going for the world record at drinking arrack attacks and rocket fuel. its 4.00am in the frigging morning.

cricky's punter,

im 125% strait up here and im telling you that i thought i was an astronaught heading to mars on the space shuttle.

getting into the magic mushrooms just boosted the fuel tank by 300%.

anyway instead of 3 of us theres now 6 of us as you know what its like when its party time as you collect people.


well as its turns out we collected the wrong people just as in my other little missile busting story,

but at the time they were top fellas.

where starving and would kill for some tucker SO off we go to find a restaurant.

because its early hours we find ourself staggering down the street laughing like a pack of school girls thinking we were in nervana land.

we get to the out skirts of kuta and find this little restaurant. seems like we are in the middle of no where as its real black out side and you could off heard a pin drop.

the only noise is us idiots laughing and being absolute lunatics.

anyway, the next thing i here is this BANG, BANG, BANG, and its sounds like gun fire.

i look around and theres one of the new guys throwing rocks at this tin garage door outside the restaurant.

now ME being a bit of a fun guy but also having half a brain thinks that this is not a top idea at this time of the morning as i only want some nasi gorang and a bingtang. ( FOOD AND BEER).

my 2 mates are being cool but the other new dudes join in the fun throwing rocks at the garage door.

the dudes have there fun and come into the restaurant.

the next thing i know, there's 2 balinese guys standing at the front of the restaurant with baseball bats calling out to us to come outside. :D

i glance to the side of the restaurant and in the shadows i see these other guys moving into position between the bushes and these guys got macheties. ( frigging big knives, the sort you chop farang heads off with)

look punters ,

i got to tell you that ive been in some touchy situations in my life but this time i droped a big darkie in my undies as i was that scared.

you can imagine how pissed off these balinese guys were and they meant big business. :D

one of the new guys thinks he will sort it out and go's out to chat with the dude holding the baseball bat and make peace so to speak.

this dude says one word and a base ball bat come swinging his way and i swear to god it near on took the skin of this dudes nose.

were all in panic mode now and bolt to the back of the restaurant crying to the restaurant owner to save our arse.

these dudes are going to kill us if they get half a chance and once again im in the hot seat because of some other tosser. :D

after about an hour of negotiations between the restaurant owner and the balinese boys we managed to pay a <deleted> load of money and run away as fast as we could to our hotel. :D

cricky's punting friends,

sometimes i wish i was'nt such a fun guy but ive learnt over the years to stop picking up strays in the rubbity dub dub. :D

and you lot out there in thai visa land, just make sure you dont throw rocks at someones garage door at 4.00am in the morning when you been necking rocket fuel and eating magic mushrooms. :D:D:D

its not frigging funny OK.

cheers to all my mates out there on thaivisa. :o

i think i got one little cracker story left so dont go away . :D

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Ouch.....could rung the police I'd thought?

youre joking mate as the police would of give us a good flogging and we would of had to pay them for the privilage. :D

all good fun when you live to tell the story and this thread has bought all my top experiences to the surface. :D

im loving it like macdonalds. :o

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