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Thai govt launches sufficiency economy learning centers


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Govt. launches sufficiency economy learning centers

BANGKOK, 14 June 2016 (NNT) - Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has opened sufficiency economy philosophy and new argricultural theory learning centers for sub-districts nationwide. The centers are aimed at increasing the quality of life of rural people.

The PM on Monday presided over the opening ceremony of the centers whose mission is to disseminate His Majesty the King's sufficiency economy concept and new agricultural theory. The centers will use educational tools of non-formal education centers and the Internal Security Operations Command in educating the people.

Gen. Prayut said during the opening ceremony that the government is trying to tackle the country's economic problems and strengthen local economies based on the sufficiency economy philosophy and new agricultural theory. More than 10,000 learning centers nationwide have to teach people about the two concepts so that they can earn better income, said the PM.

-- NNT 2016-06-14 footer_n.gif

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I didn't know what "sufficiency economy" meant so not wishing to be ignorant I looked it up. Here is the definition:

Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy based on the fundamental principle of Thai culture. It is a method of development based on moderation, prudence, and social immunity, one that uses knowledge and virtue as guidelines in living.

Motherhood statements don't come much better than that.

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Rural poor increasing their quality of life by accepting their lot and making do with less; while the elite enrich themselves beyond all reasonable necessity - yep, sounds like the fundamental principle of Thai culture to me!

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The centers will use educational tools of non-formal education centers and the Internal Security Operations Command in educating the people.

According to the Prayut regime, one high-level and three mid-level Army officers from ISOC educated sufficiency of human trafficking to the Rohingyas. So ISOC should be very persuasive with Thai farmers.

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I was raised in the USA, where King George of England was portrayed as the 'bad guy' in the history of our revolutionary war. So when I first arrived in Thailand, I was somewhat mystified by the adoration of the Thai people for their King. But after some reading of Thai history, and of his policies - Most Especially the Self-Sufficiency Economy Principle - I came to have great respect him and his decades of hard work for the Thai people - saving them from both the threat of Communism, and the threat of Neo-Colonialism via so-called 'globalization'. Just as they survived Colonialism v1.0, Thailand has managed to walk a narrow bridge between massive fires of destruction - suffering burns, yes, but never being consumed by the flames of these foreign-forces, as were many of their neighbors. If only we Americans were fortunate enough to have someone with the wisdom, patriotism (vs 'jingoism'), long-term vision (vs 'quarterly profit reports'), and influence of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.

The self-sufficiency principle is a cornerstone of national-sovereignty and national-security. Unlike some misguided "agri-utopia" fantasy, technological development is also encouraged, to the extent that it can be carried out without sacrificing self-sufficiency of basic needs. If a nation can be held hostage by foreign powers - in these times "transnational corporations" - on which it is dependent for the basic needs of its people, it is neither sovereign nor safe.

For a perfect example of what can be done to nations which do not follow the dictates of transnational corporations, see Venezuela. They did not have their own toilet-paper factory, so when they had the audacity to claim ownership over their nation's natural resources, their foreign-sourced supply was simply 'turned off', as punishment. Another example is Yemen, who was dependent on 'food-aid' from the USA. When they voted the 'wrong way' in the UN-Security Council on Gulf War I, the US UN-Ambassador told them, "That was the most expensive vote you ever cast," and their aid was cut. Look at what has happened in Yemen since that time. People lacking basic-needs rarely behave in a civilized fashion, which fuels the 'order out of chaos' model of regime-change - a staple of Western foreign-policy - as foreign-money, press-accolades, and often weapons pour in, to support an 'opposition' party/candidate/regime.

The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency. When economic times are bad, a self-sufficient nation and its people are not held-hostage by foreign interests. They need not "sell off" their national assets for pennies on the dollar, for 'bankster permission' to renew unpayable debts, owed to the very same foreign-interests who engineered the economic downturn in the first place (see bond-ratings downgrades and Greece). This denies a nation the ability to circulate future profits from those national-assets in their own economy and/or use them for the economic-development projects which benefit the citizenry. As a planned and executed 'downturn' and its attendant suffering wrecks the lives of 'ordinary' citizens, foreign-interests and sold-out local 'elites' cash-in on derivative-bets, foreclose on mortgages, and claw-back all the capital - even pensions - which the 'little guys' accrued through hard work.

The only sane defense to this cruel and capricious international economic cabal, is a combination of national, local-community, and family self-sufficiency - exactly the prescription offered, and financially supported, by His Majesty.

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The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency.

No more Kool-Aid for you. Seriously, maybe work up one of those patriotic posters with this tag-line?

Number 10 (with a bullet?), on Prayut's Twelve Core Values:

10. Applying His Majesty the King’s Sufficiency Economy, saving money for time of need, being moderate with surplus for sharing or expansion of business while having good immunity;

(almost sounds like a populist "scheme" the evil red shirts would come up with)

Since the "philosophy" of the "Sufficiency Economy" was introduced some 40 years ago, I do find it curious why no one can truly define it (without waxing euphorically about how wonderful it is), and why no one is practicing it. I wonder why?

Maybe now that the ISOC, an organization well known for "education", is on the case the masses will have a better understanding?

After all, the amart do need another driver for every extra Mercedes they order.


Edited by mtls2005
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I was raised in the USA, where King George of England was portrayed as the 'bad guy' in the history of our revolutionary war. So when I first arrived in Thailand, I was somewhat mystified by the adoration of the Thai people for their King. But after some reading of Thai history, and of his policies - Most Especially the Self-Sufficiency Economy Principle - I came to have great respect him and his decades of hard work for the Thai people - saving them from both the threat of Communism, and the threat of Neo-Colonialism via so-called 'globalization'. Just as they survived Colonialism v1.0, Thailand has managed to walk a narrow bridge between massive fires of destruction - suffering burns, yes, but never being consumed by the flames of these foreign-forces, as were many of their neighbors. If only we Americans were fortunate enough to have someone with the wisdom, patriotism (vs 'jingoism'), long-term vision (vs 'quarterly profit reports'), and influence of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.

The self-sufficiency principle is a cornerstone of national-sovereignty and national-security. Unlike some misguided "agri-utopia" fantasy, technological development is also encouraged, to the extent that it can be carried out without sacrificing self-sufficiency of basic needs. If a nation can be held hostage by foreign powers - in these times "transnational corporations" - on which it is dependent for the basic needs of its people, it is neither sovereign nor safe.

For a perfect example of what can be done to nations which do not follow the dictates of transnational corporations, see Venezuela. They did not have their own toilet-paper factory, so when they had the audacity to claim ownership over their nation's natural resources, their foreign-sourced supply was simply 'turned off', as punishment. Another example is Yemen, who was dependent on 'food-aid' from the USA. When they voted the 'wrong way' in the UN-Security Council on Gulf War I, the US UN-Ambassador told them, "That was the most expensive vote you ever cast," and their aid was cut. Look at what has happened in Yemen since that time. People lacking basic-needs rarely behave in a civilized fashion, which fuels the 'order out of chaos' model of regime-change - a staple of Western foreign-policy - as foreign-money, press-accolades, and often weapons pour in, to support an 'opposition' party/candidate/regime.

The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency. When economic times are bad, a self-sufficient nation and its people are not held-hostage by foreign interests. They need not "sell off" their national assets for pennies on the dollar, for 'bankster permission' to renew unpayable debts, owed to the very same foreign-interests who engineered the economic downturn in the first place (see bond-ratings downgrades and Greece). This denies a nation the ability to circulate future profits from those national-assets in their own economy and/or use them for the economic-development projects which benefit the citizenry. As a planned and executed 'downturn' and its attendant suffering wrecks the lives of 'ordinary' citizens, foreign-interests and sold-out local 'elites' cash-in on derivative-bets, foreclose on mortgages, and claw-back all the capital - even pensions - which the 'little guys' accrued through hard work.

The only sane defense to this cruel and capricious international economic cabal, is a combination of national, local-community, and family self-sufficiency - exactly the prescription offered, and financially supported, by His Majesty.

Not sure that this is the purpose behind what is being proposed in Thailand, unfortunately. I suspect it is more to do with ensuring the Elite continue to profit at the expense of the rural masses.Signing up to the Transatlantic Trade Partnership (TTP) would slam a big nail in the coffin of self-sufficiency.

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Not sure that this is the purpose behind what is being proposed in Thailand, unfortunately. I suspect it is more to do with ensuring the Elite continue to profit at the expense of the rural masses.Signing up to the Transatlantic Trade Partnership (TTP) would slam a big nail in the coffin of self-sufficiency.

Agree 100% on the TPP. I hope my country and Thailand both avoid that wholesale handover of national / judicial sovereignty to Transnational Corporations.

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The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency.

No more Kool-Aid for you. Seriously, maybe work up one of those patriotic posters with this tag-line?

Number 10 (with a bullet?), on Prayut's Twelve Core Values:

10. Applying His Majesty the King’s Sufficiency Economy, saving money for time of need, being moderate with surplus for sharing or expansion of business while having good immunity;

(almost sounds like a populist "scheme" the evil red shirts would come up with)

Since the "philosophy" of the "Sufficiency Economy" was introduced some 40 years ago, I do find it curious why no one can truly define it (without waxing euphorically about how wonderful it is), and why no one is practicing it. I wonder why?

Maybe now that the ISOC, an organization well known for "education", is on the case the masses will have a better understanding?

After all, the amart do need another driver for every extra Mercedes they order.

You can read quite a bit about what the "Sufficiency Economy" proposes, if you choose. I did - and that was just what was available in English. The details range from community cooperation (market-based - not state-owned communist based), to how to diversity a family-farm. Great stuff, actually.

Who is drinking the cool-aid? I would suggest those proffering the policies which turn nations into transnational-dependent cultral-disneyland shells of their former selves, in the name of 'globalization' progress.

And that communist propaganda painting? Let me know when the private-asset sezures by the state "for the people" (sic) begin. We all know how that big lie worked out. See the Chinese "Immortal Families," sell-out to the Transnationals, betraying their people. And the sale of "the people's assets" in Russia to oligarchs, just as ordered by the "harsh medicine" theory of the IMF/World Bank, as many Russians literally starved. I would ask, why didn't the citizens get voting-shares in these privatized, formerly state-owned assets, which they were forced to "invest their lives in" at the point of a gun. These communist experiments were a raw-deal from start to finish.

I see no parallel between Self Sufficiency economics and communist economics / propaganda, though it is a common tactic of the West to equate all 'nationalism' with 'communism', as though failure to become a 'dependent' on Transnationals, and hand over a nation's natural resources is someow 'the same' as the theft of private-businesses created with the capital of individual investors - an act which undermines the chance of future investments and development. There is no 'tragedy of the commons' effect from what the Self Sufficency theory proposes - quote the opposite, in fact.

Edited by JackThompson
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I didn't know what "sufficiency economy" meant so not wishing to be ignorant I looked it up. Here is the definition:

Sufficiency Economy is a philosophy based on the fundamental principle of Thai culture. It is a method of development based on moderation, prudence, and social immunity, one that uses knowledge and virtue as guidelines in living.

Motherhood statements don't come much better than that.

They forgot to mention it's for poor people only and translates to 'be thankful for what you've got'

Doesn't apply to rich people, for whom 'por' is never 'por'.


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I was raised in the USA, where King George of England was portrayed as the 'bad guy' in the history of our revolutionary war. So when I first arrived in Thailand, I was somewhat mystified by the adoration of the Thai people for their King. But after some reading of Thai history, and of his policies - Most Especially the Self-Sufficiency Economy Principle - I came to have great respect him and his decades of hard work for the Thai people - saving them from both the threat of Communism, and the threat of Neo-Colonialism via so-called 'globalization'. Just as they survived Colonialism v1.0, Thailand has managed to walk a narrow bridge between massive fires of destruction - suffering burns, yes, but never being consumed by the flames of these foreign-forces, as were many of their neighbors. If only we Americans were fortunate enough to have someone with the wisdom, patriotism (vs 'jingoism'), long-term vision (vs 'quarterly profit reports'), and influence of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.

The self-sufficiency principle is a cornerstone of national-sovereignty and national-security. Unlike some misguided "agri-utopia" fantasy, technological development is also encouraged, to the extent that it can be carried out without sacrificing self-sufficiency of basic needs. If a nation can be held hostage by foreign powers - in these times "transnational corporations" - on which it is dependent for the basic needs of its people, it is neither sovereign nor safe.

For a perfect example of what can be done to nations which do not follow the dictates of transnational corporations, see Venezuela. They did not have their own toilet-paper factory, so when they had the audacity to claim ownership over their nation's natural resources, their foreign-sourced supply was simply 'turned off', as punishment. Another example is Yemen, who was dependent on 'food-aid' from the USA. When they voted the 'wrong way' in the UN-Security Council on Gulf War I, the US UN-Ambassador told them, "That was the most expensive vote you ever cast," and their aid was cut. Look at what has happened in Yemen since that time. People lacking basic-needs rarely behave in a civilized fashion, which fuels the 'order out of chaos' model of regime-change - a staple of Western foreign-policy - as foreign-money, press-accolades, and often weapons pour in, to support an 'opposition' party/candidate/regime.

The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency. When economic times are bad, a self-sufficient nation and its people are not held-hostage by foreign interests. They need not "sell off" their national assets for pennies on the dollar, for 'bankster permission' to renew unpayable debts, owed to the very same foreign-interests who engineered the economic downturn in the first place (see bond-ratings downgrades and Greece). This denies a nation the ability to circulate future profits from those national-assets in their own economy and/or use them for the economic-development projects which benefit the citizenry. As a planned and executed 'downturn' and its attendant suffering wrecks the lives of 'ordinary' citizens, foreign-interests and sold-out local 'elites' cash-in on derivative-bets, foreclose on mortgages, and claw-back all the capital - even pensions - which the 'little guys' accrued through hard work.

The only sane defense to this cruel and capricious international economic cabal, is a combination of national, local-community, and family self-sufficiency - exactly the prescription offered, and financially supported, by His Majesty.

congrats....hook line and sinker

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I was raised in the USA, where King George of England was portrayed as the 'bad guy' in the history of our revolutionary war. So when I first arrived in Thailand, I was somewhat mystified by the adoration of the Thai people for their King. But after some reading of Thai history, and of his policies - Most Especially the Self-Sufficiency Economy Principle - I came to have great respect him and his decades of hard work for the Thai people - saving them from both the threat of Communism, and the threat of Neo-Colonialism via so-called 'globalization'. Just as they survived Colonialism v1.0, Thailand has managed to walk a narrow bridge between massive fires of destruction - suffering burns, yes, but never being consumed by the flames of these foreign-forces, as were many of their neighbors. If only we Americans were fortunate enough to have someone with the wisdom, patriotism (vs 'jingoism'), long-term vision (vs 'quarterly profit reports'), and influence of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.

The self-sufficiency principle is a cornerstone of national-sovereignty and national-security. Unlike some misguided "agri-utopia" fantasy, technological development is also encouraged, to the extent that it can be carried out without sacrificing self-sufficiency of basic needs. If a nation can be held hostage by foreign powers - in these times "transnational corporations" - on which it is dependent for the basic needs of its people, it is neither sovereign nor safe.

For a perfect example of what can be done to nations which do not follow the dictates of transnational corporations, see Venezuela. They did not have their own toilet-paper factory, so when they had the audacity to claim ownership over their nation's natural resources, their foreign-sourced supply was simply 'turned off', as punishment. Another example is Yemen, who was dependent on 'food-aid' from the USA. When they voted the 'wrong way' in the UN-Security Council on Gulf War I, the US UN-Ambassador told them, "That was the most expensive vote you ever cast," and their aid was cut. Look at what has happened in Yemen since that time. People lacking basic-needs rarely behave in a civilized fashion, which fuels the 'order out of chaos' model of regime-change - a staple of Western foreign-policy - as foreign-money, press-accolades, and often weapons pour in, to support an 'opposition' party/candidate/regime.

The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency. When economic times are bad, a self-sufficient nation and its people are not held-hostage by foreign interests. They need not "sell off" their national assets for pennies on the dollar, for 'bankster permission' to renew unpayable debts, owed to the very same foreign-interests who engineered the economic downturn in the first place (see bond-ratings downgrades and Greece). This denies a nation the ability to circulate future profits from those national-assets in their own economy and/or use them for the economic-development projects which benefit the citizenry. As a planned and executed 'downturn' and its attendant suffering wrecks the lives of 'ordinary' citizens, foreign-interests and sold-out local 'elites' cash-in on derivative-bets, foreclose on mortgages, and claw-back all the capital - even pensions - which the 'little guys' accrued through hard work.

The only sane defense to this cruel and capricious international economic cabal, is a combination of national, local-community, and family self-sufficiency - exactly the prescription offered, and financially supported, by His Majesty.

congrats....hook line and sinker


One born every minute.


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I was raised in the USA, where King George of England was portrayed as the 'bad guy' in the history of our revolutionary war. So when I first arrived in Thailand, I was somewhat mystified by the adoration of the Thai people for their King. But after some reading of Thai history, and of his policies - Most Especially the Self-Sufficiency Economy Principle - I came to have great respect him and his decades of hard work for the Thai people - saving them from both the threat of Communism, and the threat of Neo-Colonialism via so-called 'globalization'. Just as they survived Colonialism v1.0, Thailand has managed to walk a narrow bridge between massive fires of destruction - suffering burns, yes, but never being consumed by the flames of these foreign-forces, as were many of their neighbors. If only we Americans were fortunate enough to have someone with the wisdom, patriotism (vs 'jingoism'), long-term vision (vs 'quarterly profit reports'), and influence of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.

The self-sufficiency principle is a cornerstone of national-sovereignty and national-security. Unlike some misguided "agri-utopia" fantasy, technological development is also encouraged, to the extent that it can be carried out without sacrificing self-sufficiency of basic needs. If a nation can be held hostage by foreign powers - in these times "transnational corporations" - on which it is dependent for the basic needs of its people, it is neither sovereign nor safe.

For a perfect example of what can be done to nations which do not follow the dictates of transnational corporations, see Venezuela. They did not have their own toilet-paper factory, so when they had the audacity to claim ownership over their nation's natural resources, their foreign-sourced supply was simply 'turned off', as punishment. Another example is Yemen, who was dependent on 'food-aid' from the USA. When they voted the 'wrong way' in the UN-Security Council on Gulf War I, the US UN-Ambassador told them, "That was the most expensive vote you ever cast," and their aid was cut. Look at what has happened in Yemen since that time. People lacking basic-needs rarely behave in a civilized fashion, which fuels the 'order out of chaos' model of regime-change - a staple of Western foreign-policy - as foreign-money, press-accolades, and often weapons pour in, to support an 'opposition' party/candidate/regime.

The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency. When economic times are bad, a self-sufficient nation and its people are not held-hostage by foreign interests. They need not "sell off" their national assets for pennies on the dollar, for 'bankster permission' to renew unpayable debts, owed to the very same foreign-interests who engineered the economic downturn in the first place (see bond-ratings downgrades and Greece). This denies a nation the ability to circulate future profits from those national-assets in their own economy and/or use them for the economic-development projects which benefit the citizenry. As a planned and executed 'downturn' and its attendant suffering wrecks the lives of 'ordinary' citizens, foreign-interests and sold-out local 'elites' cash-in on derivative-bets, foreclose on mortgages, and claw-back all the capital - even pensions - which the 'little guys' accrued through hard work.

The only sane defense to this cruel and capricious international economic cabal, is a combination of national, local-community, and family self-sufficiency - exactly the prescription offered, and financially supported, by His Majesty.

congrats....hook line and sinker


One born every minute.


But of course its the unmentionable so nothing more can be said.....................except "heaps of praise"gigglem.gif

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Re Khmer Rouge - Remember how the USA worked hard in the UN to keep the 'Rouge' government butchers the "Official UN Representative" of Cambodia? Surely because Rockefeller's minions on the US National Security Council "love democracies" (whose 'representatives' they can buy) and feel a "responsibility to protect" (i.e. destroy any sovereign nation-stated on the planet for defending itself from the rent-a-mobs in their employ), and all that jazz.

Don't forget war-criminal and long-time Rockefeller operative Henry Kissinger's role in setting the table for that disaster of a regime. I think "Trials of Henry Kissinger" is on youtube, for the uninitiated. The same "globalist connected" families who used the KR as their 'handy' death-squad, are busy trying to undermine every nation's sovereignty.

No fan of communism or primitivism, here - and any comparison of national self-sufficiency to what the KR did is ludicrous. Thailand has done an incredible job of maintaining its sovereignty, while modernizing rapidly and being a business-friendly place to invest - not an easy balance to reach. But to the extent their self-sufficiency is lost, so would be their ability to remain independent.


As to which century - Ever since ships could cross the ocean, "globalism" has been possible, attempted many times, and achieved in some regions. A prime example - how England dismantled the textile industry in India, forcing them to export their raw-materials and import value-added finished goods. Mercantilism never ended - see "trade deficits." The "internationalists" (read: Colonialists 2.0) just invented a new word - 'globalism' - to trick the people into buying to the Big Lie that their tariffs and other defensive means, which had helped them to retain their independence, should be dismantled.

The first principle in remaining independent is Self Sufficiency through a national market-economy. The 2nd is a balance of trade. Globalism violates both. The "hook line and sinker" folks are those who buy the globalists propaganda.


Maybe some of you have some constructive criticisms and/or suggestions of how Thailand's self-sufficiency program should be carried out for the maximum benefit of the Thai people? So far, I haven't even seen a specific criticism of the plan, just the usual bashing.

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I was raised in the USA, where King George of England was portrayed as the 'bad guy' in the history of our revolutionary war. So when I first arrived in Thailand, I was somewhat mystified by the adoration of the Thai people for their King. But after some reading of Thai history, and of his policies - Most Especially the Self-Sufficiency Economy Principle - I came to have great respect him and his decades of hard work for the Thai people - saving them from both the threat of Communism, and the threat of Neo-Colonialism via so-called 'globalization'. Just as they survived Colonialism v1.0, Thailand has managed to walk a narrow bridge between massive fires of destruction - suffering burns, yes, but never being consumed by the flames of these foreign-forces, as were many of their neighbors. If only we Americans were fortunate enough to have someone with the wisdom, patriotism (vs 'jingoism'), long-term vision (vs 'quarterly profit reports'), and influence of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.

The self-sufficiency principle is a cornerstone of national-sovereignty and national-security. Unlike some misguided "agri-utopia" fantasy, technological development is also encouraged, to the extent that it can be carried out without sacrificing self-sufficiency of basic needs. If a nation can be held hostage by foreign powers - in these times "transnational corporations" - on which it is dependent for the basic needs of its people, it is neither sovereign nor safe.

For a perfect example of what can be done to nations which do not follow the dictates of transnational corporations, see Venezuela. They did not have their own toilet-paper factory, so when they had the audacity to claim ownership over their nation's natural resources, their foreign-sourced supply was simply 'turned off', as punishment. Another example is Yemen, who was dependent on 'food-aid' from the USA. When they voted the 'wrong way' in the UN-Security Council on Gulf War I, the US UN-Ambassador told them, "That was the most expensive vote you ever cast," and their aid was cut. Look at what has happened in Yemen since that time. People lacking basic-needs rarely behave in a civilized fashion, which fuels the 'order out of chaos' model of regime-change - a staple of Western foreign-policy - as foreign-money, press-accolades, and often weapons pour in, to support an 'opposition' party/candidate/regime.

The ability of a nation and its citizens to support themselves through the pendulum-swings of the business cycle - often now an international cycle - is addressed by self-sufficiency. When economic times are bad, a self-sufficient nation and its people are not held-hostage by foreign interests. They need not "sell off" their national assets for pennies on the dollar, for 'bankster permission' to renew unpayable debts, owed to the very same foreign-interests who engineered the economic downturn in the first place (see bond-ratings downgrades and Greece). This denies a nation the ability to circulate future profits from those national-assets in their own economy and/or use them for the economic-development projects which benefit the citizenry. As a planned and executed 'downturn' and its attendant suffering wrecks the lives of 'ordinary' citizens, foreign-interests and sold-out local 'elites' cash-in on derivative-bets, foreclose on mortgages, and claw-back all the capital - even pensions - which the 'little guys' accrued through hard work.

The only sane defense to this cruel and capricious international economic cabal, is a combination of national, local-community, and family self-sufficiency - exactly the prescription offered, and financially supported, by His Majesty.

congrats....hook line and sinker


One born every minute.


But of course its the unmentionable so nothing more can be said.....................except "heaps of praise"gigglem.gif

I feel a wondrous surge of love and dedication. I think I''l change my name to Newin.

I think I feel a picture coming on...


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Re Khmer Rouge - Remember how the USA worked hard in the UN to keep the 'Rouge' government butchers the "Official UN Representative" of Cambodia? Surely because Rockefeller's minions on the US National Security Council "love democracies" (whose 'representatives' they can buy) and feel a "responsibility to protect" (i.e. destroy any sovereign nation-stated on the planet for defending itself from the rent-a-mobs in their employ), and all that jazz.

Don't forget war-criminal and long-time Rockefeller operative Henry Kissinger's role in setting the table for that disaster of a regime. I think "Trials of Henry Kissinger" is on youtube, for the uninitiated. The same "globalist connected" families who used the KR as their 'handy' death-squad, are busy trying to undermine every nation's sovereignty.

No fan of communism or primitivism, here - and any comparison of national self-sufficiency to what the KR did is ludicrous. Thailand has done an incredible job of maintaining its sovereignty, while modernizing rapidly and being a business-friendly place to invest - not an easy balance to reach. But to the extent their self-sufficiency is lost, so would be their ability to remain independent.


As to which century - Ever since ships could cross the ocean, "globalism" has been possible, attempted many times, and achieved in some regions. A prime example - how England dismantled the textile industry in India, forcing them to export their raw-materials and import value-added finished goods. Mercantilism never ended - see "trade deficits." The "internationalists" (read: Colonialists 2.0) just invented a new word - 'globalism' - to trick the people into buying to the Big Lie that their tariffs and other defensive means, which had helped them to retain their independence, should be dismantled.

The first principle in remaining independent is Self Sufficiency through a national market-economy. The 2nd is a balance of trade. Globalism violates both. The "hook line and sinker" folks are those who buy the globalists propaganda.


Maybe some of you have some constructive criticisms and/or suggestions of how Thailand's self-sufficiency program should be carried out for the maximum benefit of the Thai people? So far, I haven't even seen a specific criticism of the plan, just the usual bashing

Why waste time when nothing will change and no one will take any notice as "they" want it that way.

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Sufficiency economy principles can be applied at all levels, it's not just for the poor. Not living in 6 bedroom house when 3 is plenty, flying economy instead of business class, driving Japanese automobiles instead of German, etc.

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