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Chulalongkorn among Asia’s top 50 universities


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Here is an honest question, will a degree from Chula be recognized in the USA or Europe?

Actually it functions best as springboard for a Masters degree at a good Western Uni. My daughter has several Thai's all doing similar and mostly from Chula at her UK university and that is ranked among the top ten in the world.

I understand all the doubts and caveats surrounding the Thai system but you got to have a few brain cells to do as they are.[/quote

All I want to know is it accredited internationally? Yes or no?

Whilst you are right that Thais do Masters degrees on the premise of having a degree from Chula here. they do pay as foreign students which is considerably higher. if a British person for example went and did a degree at Chula and then applied for a masters in the UK, they would not get on it, unless they went the "foreign student" route. So the question of its academic standing is questionable.

Is that a fact? I have UK friends doing their MEd in the UK and the qualified based solely on work experience in Thailand i.e. no undergraduate degree to speak of. So you're saying a Thai university degree has a lower consideration that finishing high school in the UK :blink:

Edited by SABloke
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Here is an honest question, will a degree from Chula be recognized in the USA or Europe?

Actually it functions best as springboard for a Masters degree at a good Western Uni. My daughter has several Thai's all doing similar and mostly from Chula at her UK university and that is ranked among the top ten in the world.

I understand all the doubts and caveats surrounding the Thai system but you got to have a few brain cells to do as they are.[/quote

All I want to know is it accredited internationally? Yes or no?

Whilst you are right that Thais do Masters degrees on the premise of having a degree from Chula here. they do pay as foreign students which is considerably higher. if a British person for example went and did a degree at Chula and then applied for a masters in the UK, they would not get on it, unless they went the "foreign student" route. So the question of its academic standing is questionable.

Is that a fact? I have UK friends doing their MEd in the UK and the qualified based solely on work experience in Thailand i.e. no undergraduate degree to speak of. So you're saying a Thai university degree has a lower consideration that finishing high school in the UK blink.png

If he isn't saying it, that has been my experience.

One shouldn't knock the relatively few people who are clever enough to undertake, and can afford a foreign university education, Kudos to them. However, 2 things to note:

1. They are an extremely small percentage of the total of Thai students, and that is partly because in general, Thais are not very smart, and those with parents who can afford the cost are not very many.

2. They aren't going to a foreign university because Thai universities are universally acclaimed. Sure, status is important to Thais and going to a UK university (even a relatively undistinguished one) does confer bragging rights. But they only confer bragging rights in that Thais can claim their kids have a better education that the hoi polloi, Which also doesn't speak well of the Thai Universities.

Everything boils down to face in Thailand (or so it seems sometimes). Foreign Universities are popular among the thieving classes for a reason,, and that reason isn't that Thai universities are widely respected.


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That's only the universities in Asia... in the world the numbers get a little different:
Chulalongkorn no. 253 in the world
Mahidol no. 295
Chiang Mai no. 550-600
Thamasat no. 601-650

Kasetsart no. 651-700

One of my former students was happy that he got in to Chiang Mai to study mathematics (not in top 800 in mathematics) but I managed to convince him to apply to Chulalongkorn instead (at least they are in the top 400 in the world for mathematics) and he got accepted with no problem. Even his parents thanked me that I had made him see clearly that if he wants to become a mathematician then he must chose the only university in Thailand that makes the list of top 800 universities in the world....

Edited by Kasset Tak
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Here is an honest question, will a degree from Chula be recognized in the USA or Europe?

Actually it functions best as springboard for a Masters degree at a good Western Uni. My daughter has several Thai's all doing similar and mostly from Chula at her UK university and that is ranked among the top ten in the world.

I understand all the doubts and caveats surrounding the Thai system but you got to have a few brain cells to do as they are.[/quote

All I want to know is it accredited internationally? Yes or no?

Whilst you are right that Thais do Masters degrees on the premise of having a degree from Chula here. they do pay as foreign students which is considerably higher. if a British person for example went and did a degree at Chula and then applied for a masters in the UK, they would not get on it, unless they went the "foreign student" route. So the question of its academic standing is questionable.

Is that a fact? I have UK friends doing their MEd in the UK and the qualified based solely on work experience in Thailand i.e. no undergraduate degree to speak of. So you're saying a Thai university degree has a lower consideration that finishing high school in the UK blink.png

AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and EPAS accreditation. The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) has accredited EFMD Programme Accreditation System to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) International Program and Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program.

Currently, there is only five percent of the global educational institutions that earns AACSB accreditation and the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, is the one and only educational institution in Thailand to gain AACSB accreditation for both undergraduate and graduate programs.

Edited by Scotwight
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That's only the universities in Asia... in the world the numbers get a little different:

Chulalongkorn no. 253 in the world

Mahidol no. 295

Chiang Mai no. 550-600

Thamasat no. 601-650

Kasetsart no. 651-700

One of my former students was happy that he got in to Chiang Mai to study mathematics (not in top 800 in mathematics) but I managed to convince him to apply to Chulalongkorn instead (at least they are in the top 400 in the world for mathematics) and he got accepted with no problem. Even his parents thanked me that I had made him see clearly that if he wants to become a mathematician then he must chose the only university in Thailand that makes the list of top 800 universities in the world....

Top 800 ..... That's setting the bar quite low.

Intelligent and motivated students who find themselves stuck at a university outside the global top 100 can catch up by reading a lot of interesting books and taking additional courses via Coursera, EdX or FutureLearn.

Edited by tubby johnson
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Thai Universities may not rate highly in the world ratings. But: they are the only Universities available to all but a very small, very lucky, number of wealthy and well connected students. They are the best that are available for most Thais.

Hells Bells, the Rajabaht Universities (of which I have a little knowledge and experience) are hardly the pinnacle of academia, but they are a damn sight better than no University at all, which is the alternative for the majority of Thai youngsters.

Edited by JAG
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Thai Universities may not rate highly in the world ratings. But: they are the only Universities available to all but a very small, very lucky, number of wealthy and well connected students. They are the best that are available for most Thais.

Hells Bells, the Rajabaht Universities (of which I have a little knowledge and experience) are hardly the pinnacle of academia, but they are a damn sight better than no University at all, which is the alternative for the majority of Thai youngsters.

True. But does that not lay bare another, more serious question? One connected with all these wonderful government initiatives which require skills and knowledge way beyond the grasp of most Thai youths?

This is the fundamental reason why 'reforming Thailand', 'making Thailand a first-world nation', 'making Thailand a digital hub' etc etc ad nauseam is only hot air, somebody's wet dream of what he can accomplish . Damn, he cant even keep deckchairs and food vendors off the beaches.

Ambition is one thing, competence and fitness for purpose is quite another.


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Thai Universities may not rate highly in the world ratings. But: they are the only Universities available to all but a very small, very lucky, number of wealthy and well connected students. They are the best that are available for most Thais.

Hells Bells, the Rajabaht Universities (of which I have a little knowledge and experience) are hardly the pinnacle of academia, but they are a damn sight better than no University at all, which is the alternative for the majority of Thai youngsters.

True. But does that not lay bare another, more serious question? One connected with all these wonderful government initiatives which require skills and knowledge way beyond the grasp of most Thai youths?

This is the fundamental reason why 'reforming Thailand', 'making Thailand a first-world nation', 'making Thailand a digital hub' etc etc ad nauseam is only hot air, somebody's wet dream of what he can accomplish . Damn, he cant even keep deckchairs and food vendors off the beaches.

Ambition is one thing, competence and fitness for purpose is quite another.


Yes, all this talking up, self aggrandisement, claiming and speaking ( unauthorised) on behalf of other people, organisations and countries, and proclaiming unrealisable ambitions highlight the fact that the people who run this country; call them the "elite ", "amart", "establishment" or whatever label you wish, do so entirely in their own interest.

The Thai people are not well served by their largely self appointed leaders. That is true in higher and further education, as in every field.

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Thai Universities may not rate highly in the world ratings. But: they are the only Universities available to all but a very small, very lucky, number of wealthy and well connected students. They are the best that are available for most Thais.

Hells Bells, the Rajabaht Universities (of which I have a little knowledge and experience) are hardly the pinnacle of academia, but they are a damn sight better than no University at all, which is the alternative for the majority of Thai youngsters.

True. But does that not lay bare another, more serious question? One connected with all these wonderful government initiatives which require skills and knowledge way beyond the grasp of most Thai youths?

This is the fundamental reason why 'reforming Thailand', 'making Thailand a first-world nation', 'making Thailand a digital hub' etc etc ad nauseam is only hot air, somebody's wet dream of what he can accomplish . Damn, he cant even keep deckchairs and food vendors off the beaches.

Ambition is one thing, competence and fitness for purpose is quite another.


Yes, all this talking up, self aggrandisement, claiming and speaking ( unauthorised) on behalf of other people, organisations and countries, and proclaiming unrealisable ambitions highlight the fact that the people who run this country; call them the "elite ", "amart", "establishment" or whatever label you wish, do so entirely in their own interest.

The Thai people are not well served by their largely self appointed leaders. That is true in higher and further education, as in every field.

Doesn't Thailand have too many college graduates now? Seems I read that. Not enough skilled labor and too much .. Thais say froon fring moon ming (useless degrees).

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Does Harvard recognize a degree from Chula? It is a very simple question.

The Question is This Thailand and

Does Chula recognize a degree from Harvard?

I know what a Hoover is But what is a Harvard?

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I wonder how many Oxford and Harvard graduates hang out here on the TV forums? Must be quite a few judging by some of the reactions...

80% of TV members are either Navy Seals or Oxford graduates.

Not me I went to 3rd grade

And was Coward for Military Service but I still like to drink a lot

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Thailand spends a lot on education, but delivers terrible results. So much waste, nepotism and corruption. I have often noticed that even graduates of the prestigious Chula University have poor English writing skills.

If they are studying in an English language program they will require IELTS 6+, including Writing. If they are studying in a Thai program they don't need English writing skills.

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Here is an honest question, will a degree from Chula be recognized in the USA or Europe?

Actually it functions best as springboard for a Masters degree at a good Western Uni. My daughter has several Thai's all doing similar and mostly from Chula at her UK university and that is ranked among the top ten in the world.

I understand all the doubts and caveats surrounding the Thai system but you got to have a few brain cells to do as they are.[/quote

All I want to know is it accredited internationally? Yes or no?

Whilst you are right that Thais do Masters degrees on the premise of having a degree from Chula here. they do pay as foreign students which is considerably higher. if a British person for example went and did a degree at Chula and then applied for a masters in the UK, they would not get on it, unless they went the "foreign student" route. So the question of its academic standing is questionable.

So the British universities are prostituting themselves for foreign cash and academic standards don't apply? Surely any degree from said university is not worth the paper? Because who knows how much someone from home would be willing to pay?

Anyway, there are plenty of very average UK and US universities accepting Thai students in numbers and recognizing degrees from very average Thai universities. And nearly all the students graduate. So where did y'all graduate?

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