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exploiting univ. interns and trainees


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I have observed over a decade the use of univ trainees working at guesthouses under thr "intern program" I am an advocate of these programs when properly used, however; i'm aware of guesthouses than have NO staff but use the intertern program as conscripted labor. One case in point (staff),interns work 1w to 15 hours a day, 7 days a week (average 84 to 90 hourse a week. No pay, supervision or traineer, purely labor.

As we know, a student in Thailand cannot complain to a teacher or school. A student is in fear of complaining to boss, as he will not sign accreditation report showing 800 hours of training.

Mail to the Labor authority are not answered,

These students are virtual slaves to exploitive employers who either have " deal" with scool or the Labour authority.

We wonder why the average Univ. Students in Thailand lack basic skills. When students ( all from remote provinces) have no recourse, and unfortunately when a farang attemps to highlight this problem,we are confronted with a smile and " this is thai way"

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You missed that in some places they have to BUY their own uniforms too. Also are rotated through different areas, reception bar/ waitress etc and are often subjected to sexual harrassment for better/easier duties.

The only thing they seem to get free is food. But that must be eaten on the premises.cannot wear trousers and are often told to shorten skirts when working the bar.

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It is not only in the hospitality industry but also education sector. I have witnessed how happy the full-time Thai teachers are when they get a fresh load of trainee students come to the school. This basically gives them the chance to bunk-off while the poor trainee is left with sometimes the possible help of an assistant, who also sees this as a chance for some extra free time to disappear from class. Obviously my observation is more aimed at primary school level schools rather than high schools.

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While taking advantage of the college senior interns may happen in some businesses, it is not true in all fields or organizations. I have seen cases where the intern return as happy full time employees after graduation.

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