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Calcification on the brain


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I had a CT scan on the brain and was able to compare the scan to one I did at the same hospital in 2008 (after a head injury). The neuro dr said that the lump of calcification on the outside of my brain was quite large in comparison to the norm.

Its on the falx cerebri area of my brain and thus lucky its on the outside. Its only just slightly larger compared to 2008. Is there any risk that this can lead to health issues later in life? Can it lead to a tumor or to any memory issues later down the track?

I read online that most people have some spots of calcification on the brain. But mine does seem large (1.7 x 0.9 diameter and width). What causes this to happen?


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CT on brain lots of radiation may want to limit those ?

and the relevance of your comment is what exactly? If its done at one of the big international hospitals the radiation protocol is reduced each year according to what I read. Also, it is a known fact that a CT scan only increases chance of cancer by 0.1% i.e. low radiation.

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Calcification of the falx cerebri can occur without evident a cause (a "physiologic" calcification - common in older people). It can also occur due to prior head trauma or tumor.

In rare cases, a condition called Fahr's Disease (also called Chavany-brunhes syndrome) can cause it, but in that case there is usually more than one area of calcification.

Since per your other thread you had a head injury 8 years ago, this is the most likely cause.

Calcification of the falx cerebri do not usually cause any symptoms, but be guided by what your neurologist says.

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  • 3 weeks later...

CT on brain lots of radiation may want to limit those ?

I am a CT tech.10 years now (also MRI tech). your Brain is NOT very radio-sensitive.

The parts of your body that ARE radio-sensitive are the parts where the cells are reproducing fast ... NOT YOUR BRAIN

parts like your abdomen, gonads, cancers, new born babies ... etc ..

PLEASE do some research before spouting BS radiation scares to people ..

A brain CT is more radiation than a chest Xray ... but, less harmful .. due to reasons stated above.

Edited by cocteau2x
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isn't one CT the same as a whole year of natural background radiation at once ?

what about the contrast fluids that can damage your kidneys ?

people can also die from anxiety and stress.

which is worse?

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