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Gunman arrested at Texas Donald Trump rally


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Gunman arrested at Texas Donald Trump rally


A man who allegedly had a gun at a rally for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the US state of Texas was detained on Friday (June 17).

NBC reported that the man was discovered in a parking garage with a gun in his possession at the site of the rally in the The Woodlands, just north of Houston.

The man was detained several hours before Trump was scheduled to arrive.

It was not clear whether he was a supporter or opponent of the controversial real estate billionaire.

Video footage showed the man, who was wearing a Trump t-shirt, being handcuffed and led away by police.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-19

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Probably not a good idea to carry a weapon where the Secret Service is prepping for the arrival of a presidential candidate.

But probably not illegal, either. It is Texas, after all...

If he has a concealed carry permit and the location isn't a school, a bar, or private property clearly marked to exclude concealed firearms, he probably didn't break any laws. Except the one against being stupid.

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

If you were a reasonable person you would know there are exceptions to all rules.

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

If you were a reasonable person you would know there are exceptions to all rules.


..when you right-wingers need it for the sake of the argument, suddenly there are!

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

If you were a reasonable person you would know there are exceptions to all rules.

Really? Didn't someone carry a rifle to an Obama rally in Arizona a couple of years ago? It was perfectly legal.

There are no exceptions to rules unless they are explicitly defined.

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In America it's in our constitution to carry arms. When we beat the British in the Revolutionary War, we won freedom from the Monarchy and taxes without representation. Our country is now almost 250 years and our Constitution is alive and a little sick, with a wannabe dictator Obama, but he'll gone soon! God Bless America!

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

If you were a reasonable person you would know there are exceptions to all rules.


..when you right-wingers need it for the sake of the argument, suddenly there are!

As I said, a reasonable person.

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I expect to see more than someone carrying a gun, shots fired would t surprise me and I'm not passing comment about the retarded gun laws because it's irrelevant really.

I wonder if a JFK type incident is already in the pipeline for this rather unsavoury presidential runner 55555

Hope Donald has his bullet proof socks on, I fairly sure they always aim for the brain & his little toe mustbe the target ;)

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Trump said if everybody was packin heat at the Pulse nightclub they would have shot the jihadi right betwixt the eyes and it would be a beatiful thing.... well why not the same for the rallies? ...oh yea, secret service, damn feds always gettin in the way.

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

If you were a reasonable person you would know there are exceptions to all rules.

Really? Didn't someone carry a rifle to an Obama rally in Arizona a couple of years ago? It was perfectly legal.

There are no exceptions to rules unless they are explicitly defined.

That was then and this is now. There have been major events in the past two years that have changed the rules. Examples are Orlando and the loony left rednecks attacking Trump supporters without provocation intended on inflicting bodily harm.

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I expect to see more than someone carrying a gun, shots fired would t surprise me and I'm not passing comment about the retarded gun laws because it's irrelevant really.

I wonder if a JFK type incident is already in the pipeline for this rather unsavoury presidential runner 55555

Hope Donald has his bullet proof socks on, I fairly sure they always aim for the brain & his little toe mustbe the target wink.png

Some years ago, I remember having a punt on a UK(?) gambling site where you could bet on public figures dying in the next year. I took a trifecta which included Hansie Cronje, and he 'got up' or should that be down.

At the time I noticed the odds on US political figures were lower than other world leaders of similar ages/health. Must be the stress I suppose. A brave long-shotter would go for both the current candidates.

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

If you were a reasonable person you would know there are exceptions to all rules.

Really? Didn't someone carry a rifle to an Obama rally in Arizona a couple of years ago? It was perfectly legal.

There are no exceptions to rules unless they are explicitly defined.

Too good not to share...btw, he was not inside the Obama rally, he was outside on the street,..

Edited by mopar71
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Trump should be worried since in the USA it is Democrats and their allies on the left who are the ones who try to assassinate political leaders (sometimes succeeding). He has already had one violent leftist thug try to attack him on stage in Ohio.

Trump has been vilified in the media to such an extent I have no doubt there are people out there ready to shoot him in order to "save the country". After all, wouldn't it be justified? I mean, Trump isn't really human, he is just a "vile monster".

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Trump should be worried since in the USA it is Democrats and their allies on the left who are the ones who try to assassinate political leaders (sometimes succeeding). He has already had one violent leftist thug try to attack him on stage in Ohio.

Trump has been vilified in the media to such an extent I have no doubt there are people out there ready to shoot him in order to "save the country". After all, wouldn't it be justified? I mean, Trump isn't really human, he is just a "vile monster".

no, he is not a 'vile monster'.

he is just as human as adolf hitler, joseph stalin and idi amin. give him some slack, ok.

i am sure that, if he succeeds', we will all experience his true human nature.

can't wait!

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I expect to see more than someone carrying a gun, shots fired would t surprise me and I'm not passing comment about the retarded gun laws because it's irrelevant really.

I wonder if a JFK type incident is already in the pipeline for this rather unsavoury presidential runner 55555

Hope Donald has his bullet proof socks on, I fairly sure they always aim for the brain & his little toe mustbe the target wink.png

Some years ago, I remember having a punt on a UK(?) gambling site where you could bet on public figures dying in the next year. I took a trifecta which included Hansie Cronje, and he 'got up' or should that be down.

At the time I noticed the odds on US political figures were lower than other world leaders of similar ages/health. Must be the stress I suppose. A brave long-shotter would go for both the current candidates.

You forgot, "and do the world a favour"

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If Trump and all the other gun-nuts had their way, EVERYBODY at that rally would have had a gun. Such a brillianf idea! I mean, what could possibly go wrong if someone pulled a gun in a crowd of thousands of people who also have a gun? The mind boggles ......

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Trump should be worried since in the USA it is Democrats and their allies on the left who are the ones who try to assassinate political leaders (sometimes succeeding). He has already had one violent leftist thug try to attack him on stage in Ohio.

Trump has been vilified in the media to such an extent I have no doubt there are people out there ready to shoot him in order to "save the country". After all, wouldn't it be justified? I mean, Trump isn't really human, he is just a "vile monster".

no, he is not a 'vile monster'.

he is just as human as adolf hitler, joseph stalin and idi amin. give him some slack, ok.

i am sure that, if he succeeds', we will all experience his true human nature.

can't wait!

Ironic that people compare Trump to fascists when it the people opposing him who actually behave like the followers of Hitler and Stalin.

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Ooooooh, come on! you luuuuuurve guns and ...wooooooooo...2nd amendtment! Them people have the right to have guns and carry them at any times! Now, live up to your own stupidity and LET them people carry arms in you rally! clap2.gif

If you were a reasonable person you would know there are exceptions to all rules.

''aaaarm a red neck''

''OK no problem''

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Trump should be worried since in the USA it is Democrats and their allies on the left who are the ones who try to assassinate political leaders (sometimes succeeding). He has already had one violent leftist thug try to attack him on stage in Ohio.

Trump has been vilified in the media to such an extent I have no doubt there are people out there ready to shoot him in order to "save the country". After all, wouldn't it be justified? I mean, Trump isn't really human, he is just a "vile monster".

no, he is not a 'vile monster'.

he is just as human as adolf hitler, joseph stalin and idi amin. give him some slack, ok.

i am sure that, if he succeeds', we will all experience his true human nature.

can't wait!

Ironic that people compare Trump to fascists when it the people opposing him who actually behave like the followers of Hitler and Stalin.

See what you are doing?

You are not comparing Trump to his opponents , you are comparing him to his opponents followers.

Just as what led you to support Trump,Non Sequitur false logic lead you to the above conclusion

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If Trump and all the other gun-nuts had their way, EVERYBODY at that rally would have had a gun. Such a brillianf idea! I mean, what could possibly go wrong if someone pulled a gun in a crowd of thousands of people who also have a gun? The mind boggles ......

And if the Left had its way everyone would be unarmed...and riding atop rainbows on the back of unicorns. None of which is realistic.

For some reason - unknown only to liberals - criminals don't obey laws. So instead of taking guns out of the hands of criminals, they want to take them out of the hands of everyone else. Who else but a law-abiding citizen would even think of turning in their gun if banned? Ask Chicago how that has worked out for them.

Statistics show that if everyone with a gun was a card-carrying member of the NRA there would be almost no gun homicides at all. Probably zero since the media would go nuts with glee pointing out how a crazed NRA member shot someone.

Oddly enough, we never hear about NRA members shooting a place up. Plenty of Muslim extremists. Plenty of registered Democrats.

So if we MUST have a law banning guns...ban Democrats and their allies from owning them.

Make American Safe Again...Disarm Democrats.

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I expect to see more than someone carrying a gun, shots fired would t surprise me and I'm not passing comment about the retarded gun laws because it's irrelevant really.

I wonder if a JFK type incident is already in the pipeline for this rather unsavoury presidential runner 55555

Hope Donald has his bullet proof socks on, I fairly sure they always aim for the brain & his little toe mustbe the target wink.png

Some years ago, I remember having a punt on a UK(?) gambling site where you could bet on public figures dying in the next year. I took a trifecta which included Hansie Cronje, and he 'got up' or should that be down.

At the time I noticed the odds on US political figures were lower than other world leaders of similar ages/health. Must be the stress I suppose. A brave long-shotter would go for both the current candidates.

You forgot, "and do the world a favour"

Ummmm......I meant long-shot punter. But that's not to say you're wrong.

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Trump should be worried since in the USA it is Democrats and their allies on the left who are the ones who try to assassinate political leaders (sometimes succeeding). He has already had one violent leftist thug try to attack him on stage in Ohio.

Trump has been vilified in the media to such an extent I have no doubt there are people out there ready to shoot him in order to "save the country". After all, wouldn't it be justified? I mean, Trump isn't really human, he is just a "vile monster".

no, he is not a 'vile monster'.

he is just as human as adolf hitler, joseph stalin and idi amin. give him some slack, ok.

i am sure that, if he succeeds', we will all experience his true human nature.

can't wait!

Ironic that people compare Trump to fascists when it the people opposing him who actually behave like the followers of Hitler and Stalin.

See what you are doing?

You are not comparing Trump to his opponents , you are comparing him to his opponents followers.

Just as what led you to support Trump,Non Sequitur false logic lead you to the above conclusion

I do not believe that Hillary nor Bernie nor Trump are fascists.

I know that the regular people criticizing Trump as a fascist actually exhibit fascist behavior themselves when they try to disrupt/shutdown his rallies then lie in wait to physically attack his supporters as they leave the rally. Pure brown shirt tactics. If those fascists vote, they will vote for Hillary or Bernie.

I wonder how many of the TV members here, if they lived nearby to where Trump was having a rally, how many would go and try to shut it down in pure fascist style? OK, most of you are too old for that sort of thing, but if you weren't too old, how many of you would think it was OK to disrupt his rallies and shut them down? If you believe it is, then you too are a fascist.

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no, he is not a 'vile monster'.

he is just as human as adolf hitler, joseph stalin and idi amin. give him some slack, ok.

i am sure that, if he succeeds', we will all experience his true human nature.

can't wait!

Ironic that people compare Trump to fascists when it the people opposing him who actually behave like the followers of Hitler and Stalin.

See what you are doing?

You are not comparing Trump to his opponents , you are comparing him to his opponents followers.

Just as what led you to support Trump,Non Sequitur false logic lead you to the above conclusion

I do not believe that Hillary nor Bernie nor Trump are fascists.

I know that the regular people criticizing Trump as a fascist actually exhibit fascist behavior themselves when they try to disrupt/shutdown his rallies then lie in wait to physically attack his supporters as they leave the rally. Pure brown shirt tactics. If those fascists vote, they will vote for Hillary or Bernie.

I wonder how many of the TV members here, if they lived nearby to where Trump was having a rally, how many would go and try to shut it down in pure fascist style? OK, most of you are too old for that sort of thing, but if you weren't too old, how many of you would think it was OK to disrupt his rallies and shut them down? If you believe it is, then you too are a fascist.

This is not religion. Your Belief is not what makes Trump a fascist or not.

it is his own statements and behaviorist that make him a


We can believe all we want, facts stand on their own.

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