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Gunman arrested at Texas Donald Trump rally


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Texas has concealed and I believe an open carry law now. But there may be a federal law about being armed at the site of a Presidential Campaign. None the less, I believe nothing much will happen to the guy except being detained and questioned

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When any population, anywhere, become dependent on handouts, special access, belong to club for which there's intangible benefits, or receive some remuneration for being a victim, they will in time insist this is entitlement. They receive such benefits or access for breathing. Just ask them.

In time, when the 'entitlements' are threatened, a typical pattern of crowd behavior develops. The Soviets noticed this long ago and pioneered crowd research whereby they learned how few could agitate a crowd to violence and also learned to manage multiple crowds across time and distance and media to synergize each other toward a desired national outcome- coup, etc. US Special Forces built upon and elaborated this civilian Insurgency tool. (Ferguson, MO was so textbook perfect that it could have come directly from the Civil Affairs/PsyOps folks at Ft. Bragg. So, it's no surprise that the revolutionaries funding La Raza and others also funded MO and bused ppl in there too).

Trump opponents, mostly unwitting dolts- the left- have long been primarily the subjects of crowd violence hysteria- it's the left's territory since '10 Days that Shook the World.' So, anyone with a cursory understanding of agitprop and psyops can see unfolding in the US the near Manchurian cues to move these anti Trump crowds to violence, and soon rioting and destroying property will be added to the menu. Again, it's the LEFT who's most often been the manipulated subjects in crowd hysteria studies. The left have a long Hx of violence and so the reason exists at multiple levels why the studies were on leftist crowds. IMO, they're also much more prone to emotional triggers.

Leftist sycophants in the US gaslight the assertion that Trump causes his own violence to himself. State, repeat, repeat, repeat...find an example, skew the narrative with 'Trump causes violence to himself' and soon all violence begins to presumptively take place in this context. Repeat, repeat and it's de facto true in time: violence? Must be Trump.

In fact, even a failed gunman now serves the false narrative cobbled together by the left. It's utility is not fully exercised yet but watch- the left have a goldmine in the false narrative of Trump.

Next, agitate to property destruction and injury so Americans conclude nationally 'the price paid to permit Trump's free speech and association ate too high.' In essence, tap into that 'it's time' and guilt that figured so prominently in Obama's meteoric rise. However, in this case it's subtle threat working on the same place in the national psyche- "do as we demand or this is what you get!"

Last week the leftist HuffPost published an OpEd actually calling openly for violence after offering some variation on the false logic above- 'Trump says this, we don't like it. It makes us feel bad. Therefore, violence is appropriate.'

*The left is now so brazen in the US that they spin any facts into even the most outrageous narrative or connections. On every single issue its a nonstop propaganda machine. And Americans are generally too numb or dumb to catch it. It's this background that this gunman and the next one will fit into this ejection. Good, bad, up, down, in, out...everything- will be a reflection of propaganda narrative.

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Ironic that people compare Trump to fascists when it the people opposing him who actually behave like the followers of Hitler and Stalin.

See what you are doing?

You are not comparing Trump to his opponents , you are comparing him to his opponents followers.

Just as what led you to support Trump,Non Sequitur false logic lead you to the above conclusion

I do not believe that Hillary nor Bernie nor Trump are fascists.

I know that the regular people criticizing Trump as a fascist actually exhibit fascist behavior themselves when they try to disrupt/shutdown his rallies then lie in wait to physically attack his supporters as they leave the rally. Pure brown shirt tactics. If those fascists vote, they will vote for Hillary or Bernie.

I wonder how many of the TV members here, if they lived nearby to where Trump was having a rally, how many would go and try to shut it down in pure fascist style? OK, most of you are too old for that sort of thing, but if you weren't too old, how many of you would think it was OK to disrupt his rallies and shut them down? If you believe it is, then you too are a fascist.

This is not religion. Your Belief is not what makes Trump a fascist or not.

it is his own statements and behaviorist that make him a


We can believe all we want, facts stand on their own.

You're right. And the facts are clear...Trump is not a fascist.

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See what you are doing?

You are not comparing Trump to his opponents , you are comparing him to his opponents followers.

Just as what led you to support Trump,Non Sequitur false logic lead you to the above conclusion

I do not believe that Hillary nor Bernie nor Trump are fascists.

I know that the regular people criticizing Trump as a fascist actually exhibit fascist behavior themselves when they try to disrupt/shutdown his rallies then lie in wait to physically attack his supporters as they leave the rally. Pure brown shirt tactics. If those fascists vote, they will vote for Hillary or Bernie.

I wonder how many of the TV members here, if they lived nearby to where Trump was having a rally, how many would go and try to shut it down in pure fascist style? OK, most of you are too old for that sort of thing, but if you weren't too old, how many of you would think it was OK to disrupt his rallies and shut them down? If you believe it is, then you too are a fascist.

This is not religion. Your Belief is not what makes Trump a fascist or not.

it is his own statements and behaviorist that make him a


We can believe all we want, facts stand on their own.

You're right. And the facts are clear...Trump is not a fascist.

I f you say so.coffee1.gif

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Now we get a BRIT trying to shoot Trump in Vegas. Yet another illegal alien causing trouble...

Protester, 20, grabbed a policeman's firearm at Las Vegas rally and said he wanted to KILL Donald Trump, after driving from California and learning how to shoot on a gun range the day before
A British man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the billionaire Republican presidential candidate.
Anti-Trump protester Michael Steven Sandford, 19, who appeared in court on Monday, even went to a gun range on Friday so he could learn how to shoot.
The 20-year-old, who was carrying a UK driver's licence, was arrested at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino on Saturday after going for a metro police officer's gun.
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Now we get a BRIT trying to shoot Trump in Vegas. Yet another illegal alien causing trouble...

Protester, 20, grabbed a policeman's firearm at Las Vegas rally and said he wanted to KILL Donald Trump, after driving from California and learning how to shoot on a gun range the day before
A British man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the billionaire Republican presidential candidate.
Anti-Trump protester Michael Steven Sandford, 19, who appeared in court on Monday, even went to a gun range on Friday so he could learn how to shoot.
The 20-year-old, who was carrying a UK driver's licence, was arrested at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino on Saturday after going for a metro police officer's gun.

Yes, that information was all in the OP.

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Trump should be worried since in the USA it is Democrats and their allies on the left who are the ones who try to assassinate political leaders (sometimes succeeding). He has already had one violent leftist thug try to attack him on stage in Ohio.

Trump has been vilified in the media to such an extent I have no doubt there are people out there ready to shoot him in order to "save the country". After all, wouldn't it be justified? I mean, Trump isn't really human, he is just a "vile monster".

no, he is not a 'vile monster'.

he is just as human as adolf hitler, joseph stalin and idi amin. give him some slack, ok.

i am sure that, if he succeeds', we will all experience his true human nature.

can't wait!

Ironic that people compare Trump to fascists when it the people opposing him who actually behave like the followers of Hitler and Stalin.

There have been 3 Republican POTUS and 1 Democrat POTUS assassinated.

There has been 8 genuine attempts to assassinate Republican POTUS and 3 attempts on Democrat POTUS.

That says it all about the followers of the Left/Liberal agenda - they have (by far) more nutter fascists in their ranks.

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I do not believe that Hillary nor Bernie nor Trump are fascists.

I know that the regular people criticizing Trump as a fascist actually exhibit fascist behavior themselves when they try to disrupt/shutdown his rallies then lie in wait to physically attack his supporters as they leave the rally. Pure brown shirt tactics. If those fascists vote, they will vote for Hillary or Bernie.

I wonder how many of the TV members here, if they lived nearby to where Trump was having a rally, how many would go and try to shut it down in pure fascist style? OK, most of you are too old for that sort of thing, but if you weren't too old, how many of you would think it was OK to disrupt his rallies and shut them down? If you believe it is, then you too are a fascist.

This is not religion. Your Belief is not what makes Trump a fascist or not.

it is his own statements and behaviorist that make him a


We can believe all we want, facts stand on their own.

One of the defining characteristics of fascism is and always has been the absolute rejection of international law. It is more than cherishing national sovereignty, it is the outright rejection of international law itself, in anything, from trade to war and so on.

Another is a belief in supremacy, specificially by gender/sex, race, ethnicity and the like.

Here's one of the most respected guys in the business of identifying 21st century fascism....

Robert Paxton is an American historian and emeritus professor of history at Columbia University. In his book The Anatomy of Fascism (Alfred A. Knopf, 2004) he develops the following definition:

“Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a massed-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.” (Paxton, op. cit., p. 218)


We dunno who or what the guy in Texas with the gun may be or may not have been, but we do know Donald Trump's words, statements, attitude and his ever-changing views which all the same do have a certain consistency. One can find Trump in the various definitions of fascism but not 100% so. The contemporary definition above works pretty well but not entirely when trying to figure out Donald Trump (Trump for instance being essentially an isolationist against externalism).

It certainly does not define anti-Trump protesters or demonstrators unless one can prove the above about 'em. That some demonstrators sometimes and in some places use some violence or some force just does not define them as being ideological or philosophical fascist.

It's the "committed nationalist militants" who most immediately and prominently come to mind due to their "obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood". Add to this The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Donald Trump does begin to take a definitive shape.

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Now we get a BRIT trying to shoot Trump in Vegas. Yet another illegal alien causing trouble...

Protester, 20, grabbed a policeman's firearm at Las Vegas rally and said he wanted to KILL Donald Trump, after driving from California and learning how to shoot on a gun range the day before

A British man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the billionaire Republican presidential candidate.

Anti-Trump protester Michael Steven Sandford, 19, who appeared in court on Monday, even went to a gun range on Friday so he could learn how to shoot.

The 20-year-old, who was carrying a UK driver's licence, was arrested at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino on Saturday after going for a metro police officer's gun.


Yes, that information was all in the OP.

NOPE... two different stories ... please try to keep up.

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Now we get a BRIT trying to shoot Trump in Vegas. Yet another illegal alien causing trouble...

Protester, 20, grabbed a policeman's firearm at Las Vegas rally and said he wanted to KILL Donald Trump, after driving from California and learning how to shoot on a gun range the day before

A British man arrested at a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas told authorities he tried to grab an officer's gun so he could kill the billionaire Republican presidential candidate.

Anti-Trump protester Michael Steven Sandford, 19, who appeared in court on Monday, even went to a gun range on Friday so he could learn how to shoot.

The 20-year-old, who was carrying a UK driver's licence, was arrested at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino on Saturday after going for a metro police officer's gun.


Yes, that information was all in the OP.
NOPE... two different stories ... please try to keep up.
Ah, so it was just copying the op from one thread into the next.
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The nutter there displayed the same attributes as all the left wing nutters, although he was British.

Perhaps he was recruited by the democrats.

You know...the same democrats who advocate violence, chasing down defenseless women who go to see Trump.Tossing eggs. Jumping up and down on police cars, doing "sit-downs" like in Congress (like 3 year old whinging babies).... Hillary people.

Disgraceful lot.

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Time once again boys for one of those graphics that show how this bizarro PC world has gone off the rails:


Mark Steyn. Prominent member of the the conservative entertainment industry who has made millions as a demogue promoting islam phobia and genocide against Muslims in Europe and the US.

From his book America Alone:

Why did Bosnia collapse into the worst slaughter in Europe since the second World War? In the thirty years before the meltdown, Bosnian Serbs had declined from 43 percent to 31 percent of the population, while Bosnian Muslims had increased from 26 percent to 44 percent. In a democratic age, you can't buck demographyexcept through civil war. The Serbs figured that out, as other Continentals will in the years ahead: if you cannot outbreed the enemy, cull 'em. The problem that Europe faces is that Bosnia's demographic profile is now the model for the entire continent.


Why am not surprised you would hold his opinions in high regard.


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