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Democrats to give Trump 'rude awakening' in summer onslaught


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Just wondered...

besides the fact that she is a woman (first to be nominated)....

Can anyone tell me if she has done anything that would make me change my mind about her?

Any amazing foreign policy strategies?

Anything else....except that screeching, annoying voice?

I know she lies a lot. But is there anything positive?

Silly question. You've already made up your mind, so what's the point? I will say that no Trump-supporter has ever been able to give me a rational answer on why they're voting for Trump. So let's call it even on that front. What we should be able to agree on--since it's based on fact--is that more Americans hate Trump than Hillary. So Don the Con will be yesterday's news come Inauguration Day.

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I'm a Democrat, but Republicans really did deserve a better candidate than Trump.

Trump becoming the presumptive Republican candidate makes me appreciate for the first time why the founding fathers set up the electoral college mechanism to try and temper the passions of the masses.

Trump has already done enormous damage to America's stature in the world just by managing to capture the Republican nomination. The mere fact that he has gotten as far as he has has raised uncertainty around the globe of what America represents in terms of its leadership and values. His presumptive nominee status alone has been destabilizing. Putting aside his incredible laundry list of bigoted, racist, sexist, divisive, and xenophobic comments, the sad truth is that he will have an extremely hard time delivering on his promises of salvation for "the silent majority" of Americans who feel they have been marginalized and left behind by changing demographics, globalization and technological change. His supports are being duped. Time and time again I am left with the impression that he does not respect their intelligence.

He is offering little more than rabble-rousing populist empty promises. To try to abruptly tear up trade agreements (or even threaten to do so) in an effort to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US would likely destabilize the global economy to such a degree that it would trigger a global depression, the likes of which the world has never seen. Proposals to "build a wall on the Mexican border and have Mexico pay for it" and to "ban Muslims from coming into the US" would create such fiscal and constitutional problems, as well as social unrest, that they would never get off the ground. His policies are incredibly ill-thought out, and his temperment is shockingly ill-suited for the political process and the executive office.

Will his supporters be amused when he disparages the intelligence of a third world leader, comments on Angela Merkel's face, mimics Holland, mocks the Japanese and Chinese for eating with chop sticks, or threatens Putin or Xi Jinping? Are his supporters seriously eagerly awaiting the day America starts carpet bombing Syria, starts rounding up illegal immigrants, stops talking to the press, proposes massive liberalization of gun ownership laws, or tries to shut down the internet in the name of national security, etc., etc.?

These are uncertain times, and most people are under stress of one kind or another. Appealing to our basest fears and prejudices is not going to make things better. It's going to make things worse. A lot worse.

God help us if he is ever elected President.

Edited by Gecko123
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$41 million in attack ads? What a waste of money. These people cannot be allowed to control the country's finances.

You don't need attack ads to defeat Trump. His ratings are tanking lately and it has all to do with his own mouth. He is his own worst attack ad.

The Hillary campaign would be better off announcing they were donating that $41 million to help the poor or something. But then again, the poor usually vote Democrat anyway so screw 'em (in the sense their vote has already been bought, so screw it. use the money elsewhere).

It could be seen as a waste of money. But Americans are world champs at wasting money. Yet, election funds are not being flushed down the drain. That money will go to thousands of people, mostly execs, who are involved in industries which feed on elections: TV ads, online ads, magazine ads, print shops (some of which are in China), Trump's red hats, T-shirts, convention expenses, etc ad nauseum. Those execs can then go vacation in places like Bora Bora and St. Moritz.

If a person wants to zero in on what money gets wasted in the US, it's a tough topic, because there are soooooo many ways that Americans waste money. The hard part would be gauge what the US DOESN'T waste money on.

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The big one is the Supreme Court, The GOP shot themselves in the foot not going forward with Garland, but still early days,

As we get closer to November and as the ducks are aligning we'll see how they respond. If the runes are predicting a Clinton win, expect a quick confirmation hearing as he is the best they can hope for!

If that does happen, wait to see if Obama double bluffs them and withdraws the nomination.

Fun n Games All Around

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My personal opinion is certainly that Trump is no angel.

However Clinton to me represents all that is wrong in

American politics. She is a liar and a thief, and I truly

look forward to the general election when all the facts

about her sordid past are aired out by Trump. Attack

ads on Trump ??? Don't throw stones if you live in a

glass house.........

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My personal opinion is certainly that Trump is no angel.

However Clinton to me represents all that is wrong in

American politics. She is a liar and a thief, and I truly

look forward to the general election when all the facts

about her sordid past are aired out by Trump. Attack

ads on Trump ??? Don't throw stones if you live in a

glass house.........

Now she's a thief too? Or was that just your mind running on automatic pilot?

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The Troglodyte Right has been throwing mud at Hillary for more than 20 years, digging up as many bodies as the they could find and stretching conspiracy theories to their limits. Do you really think there are any more skeletons that opponents have been keeping quiet about?

Edited by attrayant
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it would be wonderful if there was a conservative counterpart to Bernie Sanders...someone who holds fairly conservative outlooks on domestic spending and foreign affairs, someone who has held reasonable convictions for decades rather than moments...but the last two decades has purged these people from government...

I think the closest we have this election is Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate..and he is on the ballot in all 50 states.

Is Gary Johnson Like Bernie Sanders? Libertarian Nominee Says He’s Similar To Vermont Senator


It would be wonderful if Bernie spoke his true mind (and he may yet do that) about Clinton and the money-machine and throw his hat in the ring as Johnson's VP and running-mate.

After all, Clinton's husband has already told the Bernie supporters that they didn't matter.

This is a wet dream of Trump supporters and nothing more. Sanders has already said the most important thing is to stop Trump. How do you reconcile that with him running alongside of Johnson, with whom he disagrees about almost everything.

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Trump has an unfavorable rating of 78% with women, 89% with Latinos, and 94% with black as well as a 70% unfavorable rating with Americans as a whole.

This is up 10 points in the last month.

His crazy train is about to derail in a big way.

Maybe there is hope for the American voters after all?

From one point of view, it's not at all surprising. White American Males now realize the great society agendas have produced an [un]intended consequence. As a diagnosis of exclusion, there's only one minority left in America- The White American Male.

It's this kind of attitude that really perplexes me. When I look at the leadership in America, from corporate leaders/CEOs, to senior military officers, to elected officials, senators/congressmen, to leaders of news organizations and movie studios, to owners of major sports teams, to the list of wealthiest Americans, and the leadership of just about every single major institution in the US in the year 2016....all still dominated by white American males. So what in freaks name are you talking about???

I would call this self-pity but I guess it's just pity since Arjunadawn is female.

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Just wait til wikileaks reveals their info in Clinton. Boom.

It doesn't matter what they reveal if the media doesn't bother to report it...

TV News Feasts on Trump Controversies While Ignoring Hillary’s Scandals

For example, the lingering questions about Clinton’s handling of the 2012 Benghazi attack drew only 77 seconds of evening news airtime from January 1 through June 7. [77 seconds in 6 months]


The potential conflict-of-interest scandal surrounding the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was given a paltry 44 seconds of coverage — half of which came when her socialist rival Bernie Sanders brought it up during the waning days of the Democratic primaries.


Anyone who doesn't like the source, well, just think about it yourself. How much do you hear about Trump's "scandals" (mostly just stupid things he says) versus how much have you heard about Hillary's scandals - things she has actually done?


It's hard to find much news on Hillary's scandals - ANYWHERE outside of right-leaning news sources . One of the few exceptions is a recent CNN report about this...

State Department Blocks Release Of Hillary Clinton-Era TPP Emails Until After The Election

Trade is a hot issue in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. But correspondence from Hillary Clinton and her top State Department aides about a controversial 12-nation trade deal will not be available for public review — at least not until after the election. The Obama administration abruptly blocked the release of Clinton’s State Department correspondence about the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), after first saying it expected to produce the emails this spring.


Does that really seem OK to anyone here? The combined scandals of all other candidates combined (Trump + everyone else) still don't come close to the seriousness of any one of several different Hillary scandals.

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Reading some of those hacks, the democrat machine has been primed from day one with only one possible candidate on the ballot, Hilary. Not sure why democrat is in the party name, as they have no semblance to democracy.

No doubt Tump is about to feel the onslaught on the neoconservative bankster funded corrupt establishment and their media lackeys.

If Trump actually is an anti-establishment wild card, although hard to believe, he has no hope of ever winning whether he gets the votes or not.

A small but reportedly increasing coalition of delegates say there may be enough Republicans to unite against Trump and make changes to party rules. If they change those rules, then delegates have the ability to vote for anyone at the convention. They would be allowed to vote for someone besides Trump if it violates their moral or religious beliefs. On Thursday, at least 30 delegates from 15 states participated in a conference call on the subject, the Washington Post reported. The convention’s rules committee meets July 14 and 15. Even if the rules committee supported the proposal, a majority of convention delegates would still have to agree, the Post added. The effort is being led by a Colorado delegate who supported Ted Cruz and is a member of the party rules committee, Kendal Unruh.


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It doesn't matter what they reveal if the media doesn't bother to report it...

TV News Feasts on Trump Controversies While Ignoring Hillary’s Scandals

For example, the lingering questions about Clinton’s handling of the 2012 Benghazi attack drew only 77 seconds of evening news airtime from January 1 through June 7. [77 seconds in 6 months]

It's hard to find much news on Hillary's scandals - ANYWHERE outside of right-leaning news sources . One of the few exceptions is a recent CNN report about this...

Because people are sick of it. We've had, what... seven or eight Congressional Benghazi probes all investigating different aspects of the event, and all have been a huge snooze-fest. Your tax dollars at work.

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My personal opinion is certainly that Trump is no angel. However Clinton to me represents all that is wrong in American politics. She is a liar and a thief, and I truly look forward to the general election when all the facts about her sordid past are aired out by Trump. Attack ads on Trump ??? Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.........

Attack ads on Trump are as easy to put together as cute kitten segments. There's endless material.

The Republican Attack Machine (RAM) and now Trump,have been going through HRC's garbage pail for decades, and they don't have much to show for their tireless efforts to try and find mud that sticks. If she had stolen a candy bar at 8 yrs old, the RAM would have shouting tape loops of it running 24/7.

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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

Let's try and briefly address the latest nonsense being bandied about by the Fox News media echo chamber

1. Democrats are geniuses compared to the low-info trailer trash that make up Trump's minions. <deleted> geniuses.

2. Afraid? No Democrats are different than Republicans. They don't live in constant fear. They don't have an armory of guns and pallets of ramon noodles parked in the garage. They don't have gold buried in the back yard. They're leery of guns. They're distrustful of their wingnut Republican neighbor who just bought another new AR-15 because HRC is going to take his guns away from him. Republicans own the fear factor. Cheeto Jesus doesn't have a plan.

3. I don't know why she would slide as long as Trump keeps talking. Sorry that trend doesn't favor any new converts to the Trump train that's gaining speed as it heads for the cliff.

4. They meaning Trump? Democrats? Saudi Arabia? Maybe HRC is using Saudi money? Okay, whatever.

5. Gays are flocking to Trump because...? Really, I'd like to know why you'd write that. After last week, I think everyone is disgusted by him, especially the LGBT community. Sarcasm?

6. Trashed for Eternity! The Orlando shooting was another mass shooting by an American crazy man with access to an AR-15. Like the mass shooting, like the next mass shooting. Sorry, Americans know who did the shooting, a psychotic gun nut. Is a mass shooting an act of Terrorism? Who cares about semantics? 50 people are dead and the Republicans just voted against doing anything about because they're owned by the NRA.

7. Why would someone use those words? To get elected President? They're not applicable to anything except Trump's low-info view of the world.

The chances of getting killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US remains at 20,000,000 to 1. All Trump has is fear and it won't work. His campaign is a dumpster fire.

The RNC set Trump up last week to make just 20 calls to big GOP donors to raise money for his campaign. Just 20 calls, to try and make him competitive with the Democrats. He made 3.

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My personal opinion is certainly that Trump is no angel. However Clinton to me represents all that is wrong in American politics. She is a liar and a thief, and I truly look forward to the general election when all the facts about her sordid past are aired out by Trump. Attack ads on Trump ??? Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.........

Attack ads on Trump are as easy to put together as cute kitten segments. There's endless material.

The Republican Attack Machine (RAM) and now Trump,have been going through HRC's garbage pail for decades, and they don't have much to show for their tireless efforts to try and find mud that sticks. If she had stolen a candy bar at 8 yrs old, the RAM would have shouting tape loops of it running 24/7.

Digging dirt on Hillary is like shooting fish in a barrel....

Start with Whitewater, work up to their theft of White

House furnishings, and then move onto the cash cow

of the Clinton Foundation. So far Trump has not been

running against her, so has kept his powder dry. When

the general election starts, the fur is really going to fly....

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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

Let's try and briefly address the latest nonsense being bandied about by the Fox News media echo chamber

1. Democrats are geniuses compared to the low-info trailer trash that make up Trump's minions. <deleted> geniuses.

2. Afraid? No Democrats are different than Republicans. They don't live in constant fear. They don't have an armory of guns and pallets of ramon noodles parked in the garage. They don't have gold buried in the back yard. They're leery of guns. They're distrustful of their wingnut Republican neighbor who just bought another new AR-15 because HRC is going to take his guns away from him. Republicans own the fear factor. Cheeto Jesus doesn't have a plan.

3. I don't know why she would slide as long as Trump keeps talking. Sorry that trend doesn't favor any new converts to the Trump train that's gaining speed as it heads for the cliff.

4. They meaning Trump? Democrats? Saudi Arabia? Maybe HRC is using Saudi money? Okay, whatever.

5. Gays are flocking to Trump because...? Really, I'd like to know why you'd write that. After last week, I think everyone is disgusted by him, especially the LGBT community. Sarcasm?

6. Trashed for Eternity! The Orlando shooting was another mass shooting by an American crazy man with access to an AR-15. Like the mass shooting, like the next mass shooting. Sorry, Americans know who did the shooting, a psychotic gun nut. Is a mass shooting an act of Terrorism? Who cares about semantics? 50 people are dead and the Republicans just voted against doing anything about because they're owned by the NRA.

7. Why would someone use those words? To get elected President? They're not applicable to anything except Trump's low-info view of the world.

The chances of getting killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US remains at 20,000,000 to 1. All Trump has is fear and it won't work. His campaign is a dumpster fire.

The RNC set Trump up last week to make just 20 calls to big GOP donors to raise money for his campaign. Just 20 calls, to try and make him competitive with the Democrats. He made 3.

Do you read the news much ??? cheesy.gif I am guessing that

if you conducted a poll at a jail with people that are serving life

for murder with a gun , that 90 % would be Democrats.......

I know liberal loonies hate facts, but I personally like them...


"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats."

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

Let's try and briefly address the latest nonsense being bandied about by the Fox News media echo chamber

1. Democrats are geniuses compared to the low-info trailer trash that make up Trump's minions. <deleted> geniuses.

2. Afraid? No Democrats are different than Republicans. They don't live in constant fear. They don't have an armory of guns and pallets of ramon noodles parked in the garage. They don't have gold buried in the back yard. They're leery of guns. They're distrustful of their wingnut Republican neighbor who just bought another new AR-15 because HRC is going to take his guns away from him. Republicans own the fear factor. Cheeto Jesus doesn't have a plan.

3. I don't know why she would slide as long as Trump keeps talking. Sorry that trend doesn't favor any new converts to the Trump train that's gaining speed as it heads for the cliff.

4. They meaning Trump? Democrats? Saudi Arabia? Maybe HRC is using Saudi money? Okay, whatever.

5. Gays are flocking to Trump because...? Really, I'd like to know why you'd write that. After last week, I think everyone is disgusted by him, especially the LGBT community. Sarcasm?

6. Trashed for Eternity! The Orlando shooting was another mass shooting by an American crazy man with access to an AR-15. Like the mass shooting, like the next mass shooting. Sorry, Americans know who did the shooting, a psychotic gun nut. Is a mass shooting an act of Terrorism? Who cares about semantics? 50 people are dead and the Republicans just voted against doing anything about because they're owned by the NRA.

7. Why would someone use those words? To get elected President? They're not applicable to anything except Trump's low-info view of the world.

The chances of getting killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US remains at 20,000,000 to 1. All Trump has is fear and it won't work. His campaign is a dumpster fire.

The RNC set Trump up last week to make just 20 calls to big GOP donors to raise money for his campaign. Just 20 calls, to try and make him competitive with the reDemocrats. He made 3.

crikey..you sure are thick

Topic is Democrats.

Read the first line again in my post.

"They" equals "Democrats"

should say Democrats on every line. Defined it for you first.

I needed to add in one more "they"

they are thick

One more thing....you seem to love Fox news so much......how is it I live in a trailer and watch fox news.

That is one crazy post, dude.

Finally....what the heck are ramon noodles? Or do you mean ramen?

I tried to show you as much respect as you deserve, but if you live in Asia, you should at least know noodles.

Seems you got that wrong too.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

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If Trump is worth around 10 billion $$'s as he says, then he could easily finance his own campaign.

Those who have been watching Trump closely, suspect he's worth a lot less than he claims. Indeed, he applied for and got grants for special favors in NYC, for a program for which the recipients can not make over $500k/year. He qualified for several years running, which indicates Trump makes less than a half million per year. Which is it? Did Trump lie to get the government hand-outs or has he been grossly lying about his worth? Either way, it further explains why he refuses to release any tax statements for the past 3 years. He knows it will further expose his lies.

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Clinton has and will continue to have more money than Trump for this race. Trump got great news coverage before but now perhaps his free coverage will be less and the money he needs, which he doesn't have, will increase.

I still think we are in for a few more surprises during this election. We now have 4 parties running but I think we will see one more Republican come into the race soon. If no one gets the required 270 votes the House will be electing the President and this would be a Republican.

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Clinton has and will continue to have more money than Trump for this race. Trump got great news coverage before but now perhaps his free coverage will be less and the money he needs, which he doesn't have, will increase.

I still think we are in for a few more surprises during this election. We now have 4 parties running but I think we will see one more Republican come into the race soon. If no one gets the required 270 votes the House will be electing the President and this would be a Republican.

Perhaps the "surprise" is that national support for the vile monster already peaked a few weeks ago and it's ALL DOWNHILL from here. The vile monster fascist movement did take us by surprise but sooner or later things might get boring again. Ready for Hillary?!?

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It doesn't matter what they reveal if the media doesn't bother to report it...

TV News Feasts on Trump Controversies While Ignoring Hillary’s Scandals

For example, the lingering questions about Clinton’s handling of the 2012 Benghazi attack drew only 77 seconds of evening news airtime from January 1 through June 7. [77 seconds in 6 months]

It's hard to find much news on Hillary's scandals - ANYWHERE outside of right-leaning news sources . One of the few exceptions is a recent CNN report about this...

Because people are sick of it. We've had, what... seven or eight Congressional Benghazi probes all investigating different aspects of the event, and all have been a huge snooze-fest. Your tax dollars at work.

Benghazi is only one scandal.

You would have to search to find mention of these scandals anywhere in the MSM, or even on the pages here.

Getting that one big donor on the International Security Advisory Board despite lacking any qualifications?


Or the on-going FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation?


Or Obama delaying the release of her State Dept emails concerning the Tans Pacific Partnership Agreement?


From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer


Those are real, serious scandals. Not stupid things she just said at a rally.

BTW - Does anyone tired of gridlock in Congress, or how the Republicans go after Obama...do you really think calling Hillary "Madam President" will slow them down one bit? It will all get worse.

No, if anyone is in for a rude awakening, it is Clinton. Then if Trump wins in November, it will be a rude awakening for everyone else.

Best chance for America to start fresh is to vote Libertarian in November. :) Gary Johnson isn't rude and he isn't a criminal. CNN will have a Libertarian special later this week, watch it and make up your own minds.

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