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Democrats to give Trump 'rude awakening' in summer onslaught


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It doesn't matter what they reveal if the media doesn't bother to report it...

TV News Feasts on Trump Controversies While Ignoring Hillary’s Scandals

For example, the lingering questions about Clinton’s handling of the 2012 Benghazi attack drew only 77 seconds of evening news airtime from January 1 through June 7. [77 seconds in 6 months]

It's hard to find much news on Hillary's scandals - ANYWHERE outside of right-leaning news sources . One of the few exceptions is a recent CNN report about this...

Because people are sick of it. We've had, what... seven or eight Congressional Benghazi probes all investigating different aspects of the event, and all have been a huge snooze-fest. Your tax dollars at work.

Benghazi is only one scandal.

You would have to search to find mention of these scandals anywhere in the MSM, or even on the pages here.

Getting that one big donor on the International Security Advisory Board despite lacking any qualifications?


Or the on-going FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation?


Or Obama delaying the release of her State Dept emails concerning the Tans Pacific Partnership Agreement?


From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer


Those are real, serious scandals. Not stupid things she just said at a rally.

BTW - Does anyone tired of gridlock in Congress, or how the Republicans go after Obama...do you really think calling Hillary "Madam President" will slow them down one bit? It will all get worse.

No, if anyone is in for a rude awakening, it is Clinton. Then if Trump wins in November, it will be a rude awakening for everyone else.

Best chance for America to start fresh is to vote Libertarian in November. :) Gary Johnson isn't rude and he isn't a criminal. CNN will have a Libertarian special later this week, watch it and make up your own minds.

I like many things about the Libertarian party and Green Party platforms. I think their picks are also both honest. With the young generation and so much information on the Internet it would not surprise me if these two independent parties win 20 or 30 percent of the vote. This will perhaps put the power to pick the president in the House. Times are a changing and I think for the best ! I just hope somehow Bernie gets back in the mix. Edited by ttthailand
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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

Let's try and briefly address the latest nonsense being bandied about by the Fox News media echo chamber

1. Democrats are geniuses compared to the low-info trailer trash that make up Trump's minions. <deleted> geniuses.

2. Afraid? No Democrats are different than Republicans. They don't live in constant fear. They don't have an armory of guns and pallets of ramon noodles parked in the garage. They don't have gold buried in the back yard. They're leery of guns. They're distrustful of their wingnut Republican neighbor who just bought another new AR-15 because HRC is going to take his guns away from him. Republicans own the fear factor. Cheeto Jesus doesn't have a plan.

3. I don't know why she would slide as long as Trump keeps talking. Sorry that trend doesn't favor any new converts to the Trump train that's gaining speed as it heads for the cliff.

4. They meaning Trump? Democrats? Saudi Arabia? Maybe HRC is using Saudi money? Okay, whatever.

5. Gays are flocking to Trump because...? Really, I'd like to know why you'd write that. After last week, I think everyone is disgusted by him, especially the LGBT community. Sarcasm?

6. Trashed for Eternity! The Orlando shooting was another mass shooting by an American crazy man with access to an AR-15. Like the mass shooting, like the next mass shooting. Sorry, Americans know who did the shooting, a psychotic gun nut. Is a mass shooting an act of Terrorism? Who cares about semantics? 50 people are dead and the Republicans just voted against doing anything about because they're owned by the NRA.

7. Why would someone use those words? To get elected President? They're not applicable to anything except Trump's low-info view of the world.

The chances of getting killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US remains at 20,000,000 to 1. All Trump has is fear and it won't work. His campaign is a dumpster fire.

The RNC set Trump up last week to make just 20 calls to big GOP donors to raise money for his campaign. Just 20 calls, to try and make him competitive with the Democrats. He made 3.

Do you read the news much ??? cheesy.gif I am guessing that

if you conducted a poll at a jail with people that are serving life

for murder with a gun , that 90 % would be Democrats.......

I know liberal loonies hate facts, but I personally like them...


"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats."

Also to your link, as you scroll the page through other articles the one about the dem from

some back east state got 3 Poncho's for his bad facts about guns:

"The Post's fact check column said a review of the data that Murphy was citing shows that most gun deaths are suicides.

When those deaths are removed to examine only homicide, the data show that half of the 10 states with the lowest rates of gun-related deaths are states with less-restrictive gun laws.".

rice555 a Calif. Dem. that had over 50 guns.

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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

Golly ... Not many smart ones on this forum. Any scientists here?

Computer nerds in silcon valley are not exactly my idea of the kind of people I want making decisions for the hard working, middle class.

Neither are Whoopie Goldberg....and that other fat malcontent that would run away to Canada.....

Your people are more like Jane Fonda...and less like the backbone of America....the hard working middle class (you know, the people who pay for all those idiot liberals giving out money to people that don't want to work).

Tons of uneducated, lazy people are democrats.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

Golly ... Not many smart ones on this forum. Any scientists here?

Computer nerds in silcon valley are not exactly my idea of the kind of people I want making decisions for the hard working, middle class.

Neither are Whoopie Goldberg....and that other fat malcontent that would run away to Canada.....

Your people are more like Jane Fonda...and less like the backbone of America....the hard working middle class (you know, the people who pay for all those idiot liberals giving out money to people that don't want to work).

Tons of uneducated, lazy people are democrats.

Well, if you want to play that game...it's areas where methamphetamine and opioid abuse are the highest are the same areas which support Donald Trump the most strongly. Therefore, Donald Trump is the preferred candidate of drug addicts. Oh excuse me... hard-working drug addicts.

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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

Let's try and briefly address the latest nonsense being bandied about by the Fox News media echo chamber

1. Democrats are geniuses compared to the low-info trailer trash that make up Trump's minions. <deleted> geniuses.

2. Afraid? No Democrats are different than Republicans. They don't live in constant fear. They don't have an armory of guns and pallets of ramon noodles parked in the garage. They don't have gold buried in the back yard. They're leery of guns. They're distrustful of their wingnut Republican neighbor who just bought another new AR-15 because HRC is going to take his guns away from him. Republicans own the fear factor. Cheeto Jesus doesn't have a plan.

3. I don't know why she would slide as long as Trump keeps talking. Sorry that trend doesn't favor any new converts to the Trump train that's gaining speed as it heads for the cliff.

4. They meaning Trump? Democrats? Saudi Arabia? Maybe HRC is using Saudi money? Okay, whatever.

5. Gays are flocking to Trump because...? Really, I'd like to know why you'd write that. After last week, I think everyone is disgusted by him, especially the LGBT community. Sarcasm?

6. Trashed for Eternity! The Orlando shooting was another mass shooting by an American crazy man with access to an AR-15. Like the mass shooting, like the next mass shooting. Sorry, Americans know who did the shooting, a psychotic gun nut. Is a mass shooting an act of Terrorism? Who cares about semantics? 50 people are dead and the Republicans just voted against doing anything about because they're owned by the NRA.

7. Why would someone use those words? To get elected President? They're not applicable to anything except Trump's low-info view of the world.

The chances of getting killed by an Islamic terrorist in the US remains at 20,000,000 to 1. All Trump has is fear and it won't work. His campaign is a dumpster fire.

The RNC set Trump up last week to make just 20 calls to big GOP donors to raise money for his campaign. Just 20 calls, to try and make him competitive with the reDemocrats. He made 3.

crikey..you sure are thick

Topic is Democrats.

Read the first line again in my post.

"They" equals "Democrats"

should say Democrats on every line. Defined it for you first.

I needed to add in one more "they"

they are thick

One more thing....you seem to love Fox news so much......how is it I live in a trailer and watch fox news.

That is one crazy post, dude.

Finally....what the heck are ramon noodles? Or do you mean ramen?

I tried to show you as much respect as you deserve, but if you live in Asia, you should at least know noodles.

Seems you got that wrong too.

Soooooo, the Democrats are using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

Didn't know that. Thanks for sharing. Fox News, I'll bet. whistling.gif

"One more thing....you seem to love Fox news so much......how is it I live in a trailer and watch fox news."

I don't know? How is it? coffee1.gif
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Trump provides the material.

All the Democrats have to do is edit and broadcast.

Liberals "edit" the news even when it isn't Trump making it.

Unfortunately that's rubbish.

He has had more free live coverage than any candidate in living memory.

They just have to turn it on and let the drivel flow.


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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

Well......convicted felons are overwhelming Democratic. What does that

tell you as well ??? Loony liberal college professors that are so out of

touch with reality are also Democratic. What does that tell you ?

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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

Well......convicted felons are overwhelming Democratic. What does that

tell you as well ??? Loony liberal college professors that are so out of

touch with reality are also Democratic. What does that tell you ?

My reply was to his point questioning the intelligence of democrats. And really, do we need that stupid cliche about "loony liberal college professors"? The data backs you on felons but "loony liberal college professors"? This is just a demonstration of how people who might otherwise be intelligent say stupid things because of their political beliefs.

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1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

Golly ... Not many smart ones on this forum. Any scientists here?

Computer nerds in silcon valley are not exactly my idea of the kind of people I want making decisions for the hard working, middle class.

Neither are Whoopie Goldberg....and that other fat malcontent that would run away to Canada.....

Your people are more like Jane Fonda...and less like the backbone of America....the hard working middle class (you know, the people who pay for all those idiot liberals giving out money to people that don't want to work).

Tons of uneducated, lazy people are democrats.

Endless right wing myth and propaganda.

The rightwhinge fringe self-righteously assigns hard work and respectable societal values to themselves only, while daily for decades falsely portraying Democrats as leeches on society and, worse, intent on destroying all that is good and decent in and of the United States.

This campaign confronts the right's decades of reciting these old myths and their repeated lines because now we're hearing them from the chief clown of the circus maximus Donald Trump. He tells it like it is because he parrots almost everything the rightwhingenuts have been inventing and pursuing all of this time.

The wingnoids need to create the enemy they need to defeat, not the America that is the Democratic party to include those Independent voters who consistently lean Democratic in each general election. We know who we are and we know why we vote Democratic party for Potus, which means moderate and centrist middle Americans decide who will become Potus, not the rightwingnoids.

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2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

Let's see. Jewish-Americans and Asian-Americans 2 highly successful groups of Americans in business and the sciences vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Scientists vote overwhelmingly Democratic. The people who are at the cutting edge of American technology in Silicon Valley vote overwhelimingly Democratic. What does this tell you?

Well......convicted felons are overwhelming Democratic. What does that

tell you as well ??? Loony liberal college professors that are so out of

touch with reality are also Democratic. What does that tell you ?

My reply was to his point questioning the intelligence of democrats. And really, do we need that stupid cliche about "loony liberal college professors"? The data backs you on felons but "loony liberal college professors"? This is just a demonstration of how people who might otherwise be intelligent say stupid things because of their political beliefs.

Sigh......where there is smoke, there is fire. Have never seen

anybody of reasonable intellect defend the PC lunacy that

occurs regularly on American college campuses. Why the thin skin?

Are you one of the fabled ajarns of Thailand ? Feel compelled to

defend your brethren ?


"That increase has created a lopsided ideological spread in higher education, with liberal professors now outpacing their conservative counterparts by a ratio of roughly 5 to 1."

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some excerpts (first installment from me) from Trump's most recent speech, along with comments by NPR commentators.

Trump: "Though I was not in government service, I was among earliest to criticize the rush to war (Iraq II). And yes, even before the war ever started."
[Politifact has rated this claim as False, saying they "didn't find any examples of Trump unequivocally denouncing the war until a year after the war began." In fact, in Sept. 2002 he told Howard Stern, "Yeah, I guess so" when questioned as to whether he supported the invasion of Iraq. — Jessica Taylor]
Trump: "Under her plan, we would admit hundreds of thousands of refugees from the most dangerous countries on Earth with no way to screen who they are, what they are, what they believe, where they come from."
[This repeats a claim that Trump made in is speech right after the Orlando attacks, which was false. There is indeed a lengthy system in place, which begins with the UN identifying people as refugees. Their names and fingerprints are then run through criminal and terrorism background checks, and are cross-referenced with classified material. The entire process takes about one to two years. — Jessica Taylor]
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Additional excerpts from Trump's recent speech, comments by NPR commentators.

Trump: "Hillary Clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of Brunei when she was Secretary of State. Plus millions more for her foundation."

[Clinton accepted the jewelry, but it went to the State Department, as required for gifts worth $350 or more that are presented by foreign governments.]

Trump: "And we are by the way the highest taxed nation in the world. Please remember that."

[Not true. Out of 34 OECD countries, the U.S. has the 16th-highest top marginal income tax rate. As a share of GDP, this doesn't stack up, either. U.S. tax revenue equals around 26 percent of the nation's GDP. The OECD average as of 2013 was around 34 percent.]

Full speech by Fwump

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