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Trump's changes coming too late? Republicans worrying


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Stacking Crooked Hillary's Lies throught her sordid carreer against the Donald's so-called 'lies' I'm afraid hers would resemble the ancient Temple of Babel!

Besides, Crooked Hillary is moraly and ethically berift. thumbsup.gif

The Full Senate approved Hillary as Secretary of State 94-2 yet these bozos here keep blabbering on about all sorts of imaginary offenses they hear about on FOX or wacky conspiracy shows.

Edited by Buzzz
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It was Barry Obama who belittled the "Bitter Clingers' - remember?

Barry, huh?

Right....The illegal alien that ran for President and is being paid to destroy America.

Gotta love these Trump supporters.

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If anyone should be worried it's Crooked Hillary.

She's lost the Evangelical vote now - what's next?

TOP EVANGELICAL LEADERS: Hillary Clinton’s Positions are WICKED and EVIL


Trump has 4 + months to rollover any last vestiges of Crooked Hillary support which he can do with his standard ablomb smile.png

God botherers rant at Democrats.

Tell me, do you have any more exciting and unexpected newsflashes like this?


P.S. Can you post a picture of Trump's "ablomb". Is it a cake? A hairstyle?

Edited by Chicog
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On top of all this, Trump has been using his own companies for his campaign. 4.6 million to his airline, rent to Trump Tower Commercial, he bough wine from one of his sons, paid for an event at his golf course in Miami, etc. etc. All in all about 6 million.

All those expenses may in themselves be legit, but they certainly do not give an impression of somebody who is above board in his dealings.

Just an honest question. If he has been basically self financing his own campaign why shouldn't he leverage the assets he has?

By self-financing, he means his company has been loaning money to his campaign. The campaign is like a separate business which has to pay back the loan, most likely through campaign contributions. A good deal of the expenses for this "business" has been paid to other Trump entities. So the money is basically being recycled back to Trump--he can't lose. And I'm sure there are tax benefits to all this. Again, pretty slick.

Sounds like something any member of TV would do if we could.

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Trumps angry voters. Why so angry?

Not angry - just fed up with the lies.

Plus, what's the alternative, eh?

Crooked Hillary? laugh.png

I refuse to believe how many people do not keep up with the news. The only anger I have seen are from the No-Trumpers (democrats). Examples all over the news during the primaries.

They seem to be way over the top. What makes the democrats look so ridiculous is that they believe Hillary has it in the bag. Now, if that is true, then why do they turn towards uncontrollable violence and temper tantrums?

Never saw any intelligent life in those crowds.

What makes the Trumpeteers so ridiculous is they actually believe think President Donald Trump is a possibility. It doesn't look like he's trying anymore.

Uncontrollable violence? Temper tantrums? These posts are starting to worry me. They're getting further and further out into...

Cue the music:

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There is nothing unpredictable about this election. You will have all the bluster and swinging backwards and forward but there never has been any doubt that the democrats would win, no matter who was the candidate. Even the unsuitable Clinton woman. Just the same as when Obama won his first and second election the republicans are stuck with outdated policies and opinions based on hatred. Until they change their approach they will never win. It is really unhealthy not to have a viable opposition, especially in a country as big and influential as the USA.

You need a real candidate, not a homophobic, racist moron

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Trump does as everybody in his position will do however to judge him people should make a close look at H. Clinton dealings and corrupt and greedy Clintons.

Here it is about Hilary:

Here the Clintons:

Do you still want to vote for criminals?

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If all these things they say about Hillary are true, how is it the Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94 - 2.

Me thinks these guys are just repeating the nonsense they hear on FOX. Dirty politics and nothing to do with reality.

Edited by Buzzz
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Donald Trump has repeatedly labeled his political opponents liars.

He dubbed Senator Ted Cruz Lyin' Ted when it became clear that Cruz was a serious rival for his nomination.

He called Senator Marco Rubio an "even bigger liar" than Cruz.

He dubbed Dr. Ben Carson a pathological liar.

He said former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's lies were almost as bad as Cruz's.

Trump has termed virtually every mildly adversarial media member a liar, too.

But there's only one truly massive liar in this race, Donald Trump. When Politico measured how many lies Trump told over the course of 4.6 hours of speeches, they found that he lied, on average, once every five minutes. At just one town hall event, they came up with 71 lies in a one hour speech.

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If all these things they say about Hillary are true, how is it the Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94 - 2.

Me thinks these guys are just repeating the nonsense they hear on FOX. Dirty politics and nothing to do with reality.

94 - 2, I forgot about that.

Yes, they really really hate Obama and a long history of hating Bill and Hillary. And why wouldn't they? There is a cottage industry out there of manufacturing the bullshit that they're accused of. Fox News is 24/7, Hillary is the devil.

It's going to be a long five months of "Hillary is a lying crook" and Cheeto Jesus is going to save us. This is the last hurrah for the Republican party and this Republican convention could be a disaster for them. Who is going to make credible endorsement speeches for this clown, Scott Baio? Sarah Palin? Really, who?

I think we're seeing the last sputtering gasps of the Republican party. A new Supreme Court Justice is going to throw out the things that this Conservative Supreme Court has allowed into politics. First of all Citizens United that allowed money to dominate politics, gerrymandering that has allowed the Republicans to play the strategic redistricting into control of the House and finally throwing out these Voter ID laws and restrictions that have hurt full participation by the minority community.

If there were mandatory voting like they have in Australia, a Republican couldn't get elected Dog Catcher. There are no new Republicans.

If you belong to a political party that uses voter restrictions as a tool to get elected, your days are numbered. As California goes, so goes the nation. The Republican party in California is no longer a factor.

It's over for Republicans...and they know it.

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If anyone should be worried it's Crooked Hillary.

She's lost the Evangelical vote now - what's next?

TOP EVANGELICAL LEADERS: Hillary Clinton’s Positions are WICKED and EVIL


Trump has 4 + months to rollover any last vestiges of Crooked Hillary support which he can do with his standard ablomb smile.png

If somebody asked me to show one posting of how politically ignorant someone can be, this one would be it. I think the last time that Evangelicals went for a Democratic candidate was Jimmy Carter in 1976. And that was before Jerry Falwell and others got the Evangelicals involved with politics. What's going to be your next posting? DOG BITES MAN!!

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Paul Ryan and the republicans realize they are on a suicide mission with an honorary member of the Third Reich as their nominee.

What are they going to do? Say nice things about the him?

I usually don't watch conventions but I will be watching this one, just like i watched all those old failed NASA rocket launches in the early 60s.

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Heres a tip for you. Check out your local garbage bins and retrieve one of the thousands of Trump tee shirts that are being dumped there every day. Wash it, iron it and then put it away. One day in the distant future it will be worth something as a collectable, just like Nazi memorabilia is today.

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The rightparawingnoids need a new/old bash Hillary thread, the 101st I'd guess.

Their fear and expectation of HRC winning to become Potus is palpable. The rightwhinge know from as far back as the 1970s that the Clinton name on the ballot in November means a win. True 99% of the time. Hence the 30 years of rightwingnut political attacks that always lead to nothing.

Trump's never had his name on the ballot but it's in a lot of court suits and documents filed by working stiffs from all around and everywhere. Donald Trump is going to lead the Republican party into this general election and right straight on through the gates of hell never to be heard from again.

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On top of all this, Trump has been using his own companies for his campaign. 4.6 million to his airline, rent to Trump Tower Commercial, he bough wine from one of his sons, paid for an event at his golf course in Miami, etc. etc. All in all about 6 million.

All those expenses may in themselves be legit, but they certainly do not give an impression of somebody who is above board in his dealings.

Just an honest question. If he has been basically self financing his own campaign why shouldn't he leverage the assets he has?

By self-financing, he means his company has been loaning money to his campaign. The campaign is like a separate business which has to pay back the loan, most likely through campaign contributions. A good deal of the expenses for this "business" has been paid to other Trump entities. So the money is basically being recycled back to Trump--he can't lose. And I'm sure there are tax benefits to all this. Again, pretty slick.

Sounds like something any member of TV would do if we could.

Except none of us are running for President of the USA.

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Stacking Crooked Hillary's Lies throught her sordid carreer against the Donald's so-called 'lies' I'm afraid hers would resemble the ancient Temple of Babel!

Besides, Crooked Hillary is moraly and ethically berift. thumbsup.gif

The Full Senate approved Hillary as Secretary of State 94-2 yet these bozos here keep blabbering on about all sorts of imaginary offenses they hear about on FOX or wacky conspiracy shows.

I would not call the FBI bozos.

Just wait two weeks.

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Trumps angry voters. Why so angry?

Trumps supporters are skewed toward, white, uneducated, poor. Low wage earners.

The single best predictor of a Trump supporter is they didn't attend college.

In other words, a bunch of lazy dummies that have reached retirement age, broke, & want to blame everybody else for their poor planning.

The single best predictor of 70% of the population is that they don't have a college degree. Not that I criticize as some of the smartest people I encounter fall into that category.

Hillary's primary base is Blacks, Hispanics & boomer aged white women. What do you think the average educational attainment of those demographics might be?

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@ Post 51

"Hillary's primary base is Blacks, Hispanics & boomer aged white women. What do you think the average educational attainment of those demographics might be?"

I have no idea. What is your theory?

What do I think?

You have spewed the most ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynist projections that I have read on this thread so far.

All lumped into two sentences.

Edited by iReason
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@ Post 51

"Hillary's primary base is Blacks, Hispanics & boomer aged white women. What do you think the average educational attainment of those demographics might be?"

I have no idea. What is your theory?

What do I think?

You have spewed the most ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynist projections that I have read on this thread so far.

All lumped into two sentences.

You're not going to identify the poster you're replying to and insist on using a post number that can potentially change over time (that is not a permalink link), eh?

After how many thousands of posts on this forum?

Permalink to NovaBlue05's post to which you are replying is HERE (ie, click this)

I'll give you a pass on your overuse of silly emoticons.

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It is hilarious reading the comments of (non) Americans, and/or (socialists) right-ards regarding the upcoming election.

Don't believe everything the (left) right wing media reports.

There, fixed that for you.

Bonus points for you if you can actually explain 'socialist' or 'socialism' too. Knock yourself out son!

And no wiki peeking, just give us your explaination straight off the bat. I need my morning chuckle gigglem.gif

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If anyone should be worried it's Crooked Hillary.

She's lost the Evangelical vote now - what's next?

TOP EVANGELICAL LEADERS: Hillary Clinton’s Positions are WICKED and EVIL


Trump has 4 + months to rollover any last vestiges of Crooked Hillary support which he can do with his standard ablomb smile.png

That's almost comical. Even if evangelicals voted as a block (which they don't) they're a small % of the electorate. If they purportedly don't like HRC, then they will loathe Trump. One is still married to her first spouse. The other is a philadering bimbo. And the "Top Evangelical Leaders" ....that's doubly funny. TV preachers are among the most corrupt rip-offs in the US. I'd sooner hire a baby sitter for my kids who was a sidewalk drug peddler than an evangelical preacher. Here are some names to look up, if in doubt: Tammy and Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, ......and there are hundreds of other flim-flammers.

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@ Post 51

"Hillary's primary base is Blacks, Hispanics & boomer aged white women. What do you think the average educational attainment of those demographics might be?"

I have no idea. What is your theory?

What do I think?

You have spewed the most ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynist projections that I have read on this thread so far.

All lumped into two sentences.

You're not going to identify the poster you're replying to and insist on using a post number that can potentially change over time (that is not a permalink link), eh?

After how many thousands of posts on this forum?

Permalink to NovaBlue05's post to which you are replying is HERE (ie, click this)

I'll give you a pass on your overuse of silly emoticons.

He/she became too predictable and tedious long ago.

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Trumps angry voters. Why so angry?

Trumps supporters are skewed toward, white, uneducated, poor. Low wage earners.

The single best predictor of a Trump supporter is they didn't attend college.

In other words, a bunch of lazy dummies that have reached retirement age, broke, & want to blame everybody else for their poor planning.

Ad hominem. The irony is probably lost that an educated mind wouldn't be polluted with emotion- anger!
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@ Post 51

"Hillary's primary base is Blacks, Hispanics & boomer aged white women. What do you think the average educational attainment of those demographics might be?"

I have no idea. What is your theory?

What do I think?

You have spewed the most ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynist projections that I have read on this thread so far.

All lumped into two sentences.

No - not at all ... What he posted was REALITY ... The Dems Farm the poor and ignorant regardless of race ... because they are compliant voters needing another handout... that the Democrats have trained them to do -- be subservient ... to their Democrat 'Masters'

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@ Post 51

"Hillary's primary base is Blacks, Hispanics & boomer aged white women. What do you think the average educational attainment of those demographics might be?"

I have no idea. What is your theory?

What do I think?

You have spewed the most ignorant, bigoted, racist, misogynist projections that I have read on this thread so far.

All lumped into two sentences.

No - not at all ... What he posted was REALITY ... The Dems Farm the poor and ignorant regardless of race ... because they are compliant voters needing another handout... that the Democrats have trained them to do -- be subservient ... to their Democrat 'Masters'

Strange. One would think the conservatives, you know the religious types, would be the compassionate ones when it comes to the meek & poor.

The meanest people I know are serious conservative christians.

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