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Student,19, seeks justice after employer claims she stole 10 million baht in gold


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So many people suggest she should've gone to Hong Kong! Would you want to work as a prostitute or do people not understand the words human trafficking? I wouldn't have allowed my daughter to go either. If they did take the money, they needed it to keep their daughter safe. If they didn't take the money than that explains the job search. I wish her luck, this all sounds like a horrible thing to go through as she tries to complete her studies.

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jesus. poor girl. what is the going rate for cat sitting?

I don't know she might not be so poor-------the response on here is hardly what Fox would call "fair & balanced"....... their ex employer is married to a policeman there for she must be lying about the theft.

They all ran away from a job that the parents had held for some time...because.......they say--the daughter was being harassed about going to HK, it wasn't easier just to send the daughter away---it was easier for the whole family to disappear in the night. (they must have been owed some wages) and then have the money to stay off the grid, & when the Daughter got arrested.....no one came forward with this tale. Just let the daughter stay in jail.

If I was a Thai Visa Sherlock ----- I would lean towards it was probably taken--- but it was probably ill gotten gains----leaves them (Policeman & wife) between a rock & a hard place.......... but I find do it hard to believe that the family all leave a job and their accommodation & money owed like this & disappear instead of just saying no---not going to HK.

Sounds a little fishy as far as the parents are concerned, They've disappeared, and why would the daughter hang around to reignite the case with the police? I believe her but wonder about the parents.

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see if you can understand. i will try to explain the details of the program.

according to this program. The girl Nong Goy mentions that her family is under pressure when the Khun Ying wants the girl to go to work in HK.

if she doesn't go the Khun Ying threatens to accuse the family of some crime and they will be lock up.

After this the parents of Nong Goy decides to tender their resignation but was rejected by the Khun Ying after repeated attempts.

After which the family decides to leave quietly under pressure and fear of their safety.

Now after Nong Goy was caught. Lawyer Songkran decides to take up the case.

Lawyer Songkran mentions that Nong Goy's family is not the only case of missing gold n theft from this Khun Ying.

According to Lawyer Songkran, there are several other cases as well involving this Khun Ying missing gold and theft with 1 other of missing 3mil baht in gold and money and others.

1 case has already landed a person in prison while other cases are in progress now. Lawyer Songkran sees too much of a coincidence here and will look up and if possible take up all other cases as well.

Then the Program manages to contact the Khun Ying and the Khun Ying claims she has video evidence of Nong Goy going into her room and taking committing the theft.

Nong Goy challenges this claim and challenges the Khun Ying to send it via LINE. to which the Khun Ying says she will and sends over a video of Nong Goy and her mum with the Khun Ying bags in the lift on the day Nong Goy's family left. This Nong Goy says are the bags which the Khun Ying returns from chiang mai and ask her n her mum to put it in her room. after which they have never went into her room after and left.

When question for the video evidence that the Khun Ying says she has of Nong Goy stealing, the Khun Ying says that video alone is enough to show the theft.

LOL for me i say <deleted> Khun Ying. obviously they r a ring of human traffickers trying to threaten a young girl into prostitution and when she refuse decides to frame her for theft as in other cases this khun Ying is involved with.

Thanks to Lawyer Songkran willing to take up this case and fight for Nong Goy. Please RTP do not bow to these human traffickers and corruption and please deal justice to this disgusting Khun Ying.

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if nong goy and parents are innocent, and lawyer songran can win the win the case.

lawyer songkran can earn a place on thailand's smallest memorial

'victory of the little people'

the khun ying factored in inflation, theft by peasant cpi, 3 mill to 10 mill.

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Wow... had to read this story twice to make sure I read it right! Hope that the crime suppression unit does a proper investigation and apprehends the "true" criminals because it seems that as long as there is corruption within the police ranks criminal activity will continue to thrive to the point where Thailand is no longer the Land of Smiles. My only legal advice to this young lady is to file a complaint for slander because it is clear that these "accusations" appear to be false on their face because she didn't want to "work" in Hong Kong and then sue the hell out of these people for the damage that this has caused this young lady and her family.

and end up dead, sure solid advice.
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