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What Happened To Stick's Website?


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They give a high price to encourage you to sell with them.. of course they charge a fee for that... The rate is based on search engine ranks and links only.

In reality, it's rare for a domain to sell for more than a few thousand these days. If he was giving up the site, then he'd be better off parking it and charging advertisers for click-thrus of all that traffic.

Edited by VanZam
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You are talking in tongues, britmaveric. I can guess that TV stands for ThaiVisa, but the other two?

With a little nudge (PM) from britmaveric I’ve figured it out now, and he did well not mentioning them by name. I understand there is the death penalty on mentioning the names of competitors on this forum :o , and so it should be :D



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They give a high price to encourage you to sell with them.. of course they charge a fee for that... The rate is based on search engine ranks and links only.

In reality, it's rare for a domain to sell for more than a few thousand these days. If he was giving up the site, then he'd be better off parking it and charging advertisers for click-thrus of all that traffic.

Yeah, I'd need to see all kinds of conversion rates for various types of site marketing to make any kind of real valuation. They're just extrapolating off of available data, which is thin.
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they initialed wanted a million baht, but stick was able to get them down to around 500k baht. i dont know what kind of lawyer fees has run into along the way, but i would imagine they are getting expensive.

I find this hard to believe.

Firstly is he really making enough money out of his ventures to generate a cashflow that warrants this?

Secondly paying the MIB is a slippery slope IMHO.

Once you have paid once you are on the books and basically liable anytime when they feel the need for extra cash.

Thirdly paying one set of MIB may not protect you against other Thais with greater influence.

If you have broken the law or laws might be better to leave Thailand or go thru the proper legal channels otherwise you may be in for a very bumpy ride.

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It never seizes to amaze me how the rumour mill propogates here in Thailand.

This rumour is no different to the one of Elvis and John Lennon last being seen doing the rounds in Chiang mai singing a duet together.

It's all land of the fantasy stuff and Australia 1980 is just feeding the grapevine with the usual nonesense that you get from certain members of the expat community here.

You know who they are, we know who they are and it's the usual bull brigade spinning yarns from their book of 'seen and done it all' yet in all reality it's all pumpkin pie.

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I respect Stickman's common sense in opting for his day job which also fits in with his new lifestyle with a middle-class Thai wife and increasingly wanting to mingle with middle-class Thais. a memorable article by him was on how he had come to avoid the company of "lower class" Thais.

This is hugely funny, AFAIK his wife is from, where? Korat?!!!

And he teaches english and then alledgedly mingles with middle class Thais, inbetween hanging out doing bar investigations at Nana Plaza and running a website that is even more anti Thai than some of the stuff on this one?


Chong 7 see, lakorn mai, dear John Jungwat Udon, mai poor heart barooken you mut undersatand


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stickman is , or was , just serving up a weekly sidedish of sleaze and gossip to whet the appetites of a huge number of people in this country for whom sleaze , mongering , and barhopping is their reason d'etre , their religion , their life.

his site is , or was entertaining enough , and he is , or was far more perceptive than many of his readers and contributors.

it is unfortunate that he has been stalked by an american psycho and has had to review his situation , but maybe , like trink before him , his time has come.

his writing style is amiable and not too difficult to understand considering the intelligence levels of a lot of his readership , and he should have no trouble finding other subjects to write about.

unfortunately , to a large proportion of foriegn males here , few subjects have the same draw as cheap prostitutes and expensive beer..

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They give a high price to encourage you to sell with them.. of course they charge a fee for that... The rate is based on search engine ranks and links only.

In reality, it's rare for a domain to sell for more than a few thousand these days. If he was giving up the site, then he'd be better off parking it and charging advertisers for click-thrus of all that traffic.

Exactly right. I just happened to be looking on the GoDaddy domain auction site last night and it was a rare name that had bids over $100, and the vast majority had no bids. I think the highest bid I saw was $5,000 but I could be wrong. I am sure that the domains cited are worth something, but LeapFish are just blowing those out their A**.

Full disclosure: I checked my site on Leapfish and it is worth a whopping $21. Well, that is more than double what I paid for it, so I guess I can't complain.

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I respect Stickman's common sense in opting for his day job which also fits in with his new lifestyle with a middle-class Thai wife and increasingly wanting to mingle with middle-class Thais. a memorable article by him was on how he had come to avoid the company of "lower class" Thais.

This is hugely funny, AFAIK his wife is from, where? Korat?!!!

And he teaches english and then alledgedly mingles with middle class Thais, inbetween hanging out doing bar investigations at Nana Plaza and running a website that is even more anti Thai than some of the stuff on this one?


Chong 7 see, lakorn mai, dear John Jungwat Udon, mai poor heart barooken you mut undersatand


What does coming from Korat have to do with anything???? you think everyone in Korat province is eigher a motorbike taxi driver or bar girl?

Also there is a difference between the teachers who get 20g a month and the ones who are teaching in the better schools.

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it is unfortunate that he has been stalked by an american psycho and has had to review his situation , but maybe , like trink before him , his time has come.

"Galt" is a Kiwi...don't let the facts get in your way

He claimed to be American. :o


There are other sites covering this dust-up blow by blow, and while I admit I had never visited either Galt or Sticks websites, I kinda got intrigued and now I read up on the daily developments. I'll be glad to pm you the site where you can keep up with events if thats your bag. Please pm me where I can read about his claiming to be American.

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For the people that are interested I subscribe to the Asia Bugle that is email to subscribers twice a month. This just arrive and please let me put a disclaimer here. I am only passing this along and I have no way to verify if the content is accurate or not. mods please feel free to edit as you see fit.

it reads as follows.

Stickman stalked

One of the talking points of the week has been the removal of the stickmanbangkok.com site from the net. The reason for its demise is that what many of us first thought was a bit of fun has actually turned very nasty.

The notstickman site started as though it was a mickey take on Stickman and I think most of us were mildly amused. I even posted a link to the site here a few weeks ago. However, I did not realise, nor I fear did many people, that this guy is in reality a stalker. And sadly, as with most stalkers, he has eventually become dangerous.

He started posting personal information about Stickman and ended up publishing pictures of his co-workers and trying to identify the school were Stickman works. Suddenly we realised this was not a piss take, but somebody trying to harm Stickman.

The web boards were full of supporters of both sides, although the consensus was that notstickman, also called John Galt, was out of order. And I agree.

Stickman is not always right; in fact he is sometimes very wrong and a number of bar owners have taken grave exception to the misinformation he has posted. I don't believe the inaccuracies were anything other than a slip-up, and to be fair, I doubt they ever did anybody any real damage. It goes back to the old adage that there is only one thing worse than bad publicity, and that's no publicity.

Most websites try hard to get their facts right, but I'm sure that even I get it wrong, sometimes. The problem for Stickman is that he has a serious day job as a teacher, and anybody who thinks you can live off a site such as Stickman or Baronbonk, is in cloud cuckoo land. Maybe Galt is! And that has led to massive speculation over John Galt's true identity.

Maybe here I should say a little about pen names, pseudonyms, nom de plume and the like.

There are many legitimate reasons for using a pen name. Indeed, some of the most famous authors in history wrote under an assumed name – Mark Twain, C S Forester and Voltaire are three that spring to mind. It is an old tradition, as is the practice of not exposing the identities of those behind the names. The truth is that many people know who Stickman is, just as many others know the barons of Baronbonk. John Galt seems to be anxious to hide his identity, while abusing the right of Stickman to do the same.


Very early on it was discovered that Galt's real name is Keith Summers and that he has a Thai business selling LED lighting electronics and controls, and runs a website named asiansignals.com. It was then found out that he is also makes a living, like many other farangs here, as an Ebay trader.

A recent email to me reveals more. Keith Summers first came to Thailand in 2001 on a mantour.com package. This is essentially a company that promotes sex tours to Thailand and it seems Keith liked what he found. There are several pictures of him on the website including the obscured one here. He looks harmless enough so I am not sure what his gripe is.

I understand Stickman's site may soon be back up. Summers has clearly broken several Thai laws and could be dealt with legally. I expect that will happen if he does not get back in his box. Reading Keith's latest ravings, he seems to be most upset by the fact that Stickman won't even acknowledge him. He is truly a stalker; a lonely, sad individual who requires recognition: so be nice to him, he needs your help.

I have no intention of getting into a fight with Galt, Summers, or whatever he wishes to be called, and thus I shall not, for the time being, publish the rest of the personal information I have about him, or for that matter the un-obscured picture. I hope the matter ends here!

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