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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that


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My mother used to tell me about school in Scotland in 1930 where they used a cat of nine tails on the girls...hurt like hell. When I was at school in the fifties we had one woman teacher who used to hurl a ruler at the kids.....no thought to hitting them in the eye!

A bamboo cane was also used on our hands, and these teachers did not hold back., and who knows if thay had sadistic tendencies. In the Royal Navy way back a sailor could be flogged around the fleet, (if he was lucky it was a small fleet) and quite often he was dead before they reached all the ships.

All this kind of punishment is from a bygone age when we were growing from Neanderthals. Think back to your childhood, did any of this punishment stop the behavior you were punished for? chances are you still did the same thing but made sure you were not caught again. It also breeds anger and resentment and hatred....none of these are healthy things to grow in a child. Maybe some of the serial killers grew up with this rage inside them....and these things eventually need an outlet as they fester and grow.

The world is changing rapidly and you can either get on board with change, or be left behind.

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What's wrong with a man hitting a woman? Or a teacher hitting a child?

You are all in the wrong, just watch our wonderful superstars in action on Thai soaps to see its totally acceptable for our cowardly useless males to hit women.

Next you'll say it's wrong for a pack of cowardly, weak little punks to gang up on an elderly tourist and bash her up...

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Many would say that wearing uniforms and students kissing teachers butts as they do in Thailand is great. It's the Thai way and creates a society of people who submit to superiors. I am absolutely sure that many of those who complain about this one teacher are at the same time supporting/benefiting form the oppression of individuality which happens under the Thai system. I hope that these folks can see their hypocrisy and the larger picture of why certain people so comfortably abuse others under their power here. It's so much more than just a teacher hitting a student.

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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

Co-ordinating trousers and dancing on the same day might just be too difficult for some

He was probably annoyed at missing out on his weekly upskirt... Didn't these girls realise the reason long pants were arbitrarily banned on dance class day??

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Thailand, the country where there's always a good excuse for anything, may it be cold blood murder, fatal hit and run, child molestation, rape, violence against minors, whatever... If excuses don't help, the victim will volunteer to blame herself... TIT :(

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Whatever you think of corporal punishment head shots should always be a total no-no, cos of the potential for future brain damage. This teacher, and the people defending him, should know better. Incidentally, many Thai teachers carry rods, as it's the only way they can maintain order.

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Defending him saying he's a good person.

If it was my daughter I'd be giving him more than a bloody clip over the ear the scumbag.

The school should sack him immediately and assault chargers brought and make an example of him to deter this ongoing practice in Thailand .

Sure in the west that would happen, but it is in the east.. different rules, if there are any at all !!

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Sickening in many ways.

Firstly shows he cannot control himself or manage situations, someone who vindictively chases a child to hit them should be thrown out of the teaching profession.

Secondly, why have people leapt to his defence ? He might have won the Nobel prize in the past, what he did here is indefensible.

Thirdly, the girl admits she did wrong and pleads for the clip to be taken down, "because of the trouble it causes". She is petrified of further revenge stunts from this low life and/or his colleagues. Suddenly she is bottom of the class in her marks, oh what a surprise.

Rant over, you get the gist.

I wonder what the punnishment is for really doing something wrong, I dread to think

It really is not a wonder why Thailand is/becoming so violent, they teach it from a very early age

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Amazing how excited this gets people excited. The problem started with long pants. These girls should just conform.There is absolutely not place for those who don't in Thailand. No place. When they realize this their lives will be better. The teacher should be fired for insulting the nation. Shame on both the girls and teacher for harming the nation's image.

What a confusing post............Their lives will be better...ha???...........so after their lives are better,we sack the teacher...ha??

I'm not sure of your stance on this matter?.........I think i need a teacher to explain to mefacepalm.gif

On second thoughts....maybe you're saying the teacher was right because the student wasn't conforming but he still needs to be sacked

for damaging thailand's imagewub.png

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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

Co-ordinating trousers and dancing on the same day might just be too difficult for some

He was probably annoyed at missing out on his weekly upskirt... Didn't these girls realise the reason long pants were arbitrarily banned on dance class day??

Yes it sounds like that's the reason for banning long trousers on dance day, as they don't give any other reason for it,

Just grubby male teachers doing grubby things to their girl students, at least until a reasonable reason for it is given !

The girls should have worn shorts under their dresses, like most girls do that wear short short skirts...

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How many of you have taught in the public school system in the USA? Raise your hands... Now, how many of you have taught in the public school system in Thailand? Raise your hands... How many of those who have taught in Thailand have experienced verbal abuse, Physical abuse including bodily harm, and death threats? None?

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

The problem with this many teachers begin to enjoy it....I've seen it and to be honest,this is old school thinking.

discipline starts at home.....

Sure does but in countries like Australia now give your kid a little slap in public and child services will be their in a heartbeat. Personally I have never seen a problem with giving your kids a slap but as some said some start enjoying it a little too much and at what point does it become abuse. I went to a christian brothers school so we were smacked, caned and belted for just about everything. I can honestly say in the most I was in the wrong and I know its old school thinking, but for some things and especially for boys a good talking to achieves nothing. Can't learn about fire if you dont get burnt and I think if administered correctly without cruelty smacking as a punishment teaches you a lot more than a time out will. Then again im a <deleted> dinosaur.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

The problem with this many teachers begin to enjoy it....I've seen it and to be honest,this is old school thinking.

discipline starts at home.....

Sure does but in countries like Australia now give your kid a little slap in public and child services will be their in a heartbeat. Personally I have never seen a problem with giving your kids a slap but as some said some start enjoying it a little too much and at what point does it become abuse. I went to a christian brothers school so we were smacked, caned and belted for just about everything. I can honestly say in the most I was in the wrong and I know its old school thinking, but for some things and especially for boys a good talking to achieves nothing. Can't learn about fire if you dont get burnt and I think if administered correctly without cruelty smacking as a punishment teaches you a lot more than a time out will. Then again im a <deleted> dinosaur.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

Fair point Coiln.

I remember my old man giving me a second dose after discovering I'd been chastised at school. That said, try doing the same these days in the UK. I wouldn't be a schoolteacher anywhere now for all the tea in China. I've just returned from a trip to the UK, my first in a decade. Young people now just do whatever they want in a way that we could never have dreamed of doing and seem to have little or no respect for anyone or anything.

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If that was my daughter, the teacher would prematurely meet his maker for sure !

You sound like your Thai? something you don't like happens, then the answer is kill them..

Sure a slap around the ear was not at all justified, and never is,

but that doesn't carry a death sentence like your advocating......

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And here is the law regarding this brutality! thumbsup.gif

Thai Law against corporal punishment in schools

Corporal punishment is unlawful in all schools under the Ministry of Education

Regulation on Student Punishment (2005) and the National Committee on Child

Protection Regulation on Working Procedures of Child Protection Officers Involved

in Promoting Behaviour of Students (2005), pursuant to article 65 of the Child

Protection Act.

การลงโทษทางกายเปน*สงผดกฎหมายในโรงเรยน* ตามกฎกระทรวงศกษาธการ (..

2548) และ ระเบยบคณะกรรมการค$%มครองเด'กแห(งชาต


(.. 2548) ตามมาตรา 65 แห(งพระราชบ*ญญ*ตค$%มครองเด'ก

1, This applies to ALL schools in Thailand with NO exceptions be they public

or private institutions! If a school tells you different then they are wrong

and you should be wary of schools who are ignorant of the law.


ถ%าโรงเรยนใดแจ%งให%ท(านทราบต(างไปจากน1 แสดงว(าโรงเรยนเหล(าน*1นไม(ถ7กต%อง


2. There is no such thing as a parental opt out. Individuals cannot "opt

out" of the law of the land. Any teacher who hits a child with parental

permission is STILL breaking the law.

ไม(มการเล5อกปฏบ*ตจากผ7%ปกครอง ไม(มบ$คคลใดถ7ก "เล5อกปฏบ*ต"



3. That parents of children who are hit can demand financial compensation

from the school. (nothing like money to make parents become more active).

บอกผ7%ปกครอง โดยผ7%ปกครองสามารถเรยกร%องค(าชดเชยจากโรงเรยน


4. The new Women`s and Child protection Unit of the Royal Thai police waht to

catch and punish teachers who hit kids (they are beinhd the website)

ขอบค$ณมาก เราสามารถกย$ตการลงโทษทางกายได%



5. Remember a teacher who hits a child has broken the law and you are

entitled to protection from people who commit a crime.

โปรดจ9าไว%ว(า คร7ทตเด'กน*1นท9าผดกฎหมาย


6. You should NOT respect people who break the law.


7. You should report all events of teachers hitting kids to your local



8. The Thai Ministry of Education recommends that children who have been hit

by a teacher to report the matter. See the MOE website below (it is in


กระทรวงศกษาธการแนะน9าให%น*กเรยนทถ7กคร7ตร%องเรยน โปรดอ(านเวบไซต,ของ ศธ.

ด%านล(างน1 (เปนภาษาไทย)

9. Corporal punishment is illegal in Thailand. Any teacher who hits a child

is breaking the law. If you break the law you are committing a crime. If you

commit a crime you are a *criminal*!


คร7คนใดก'ตามทตเด'กถ5อว(าก9าล*งท9าผดกฎหมาย ถ%าค$ณท9าผดกฎหมาย

ค$ณก'ก9าล*งก(ออาชญากรรม ถ%าค$ณก(ออาชญากรรม ค$ณก'ค5อ*อาชญากร*!

This brilliant yet highlights what I have seen so often in Thailand. Have many laws which make sense BUT enforce the minor ones like " no pants Tuesday " . Same on the roads. We have all seen it

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If that was my daughter, the teacher would prematurely meet his maker for sure !

You sound like your Thai? something you don't like happens, then the answer is kill them..

Sure a slap around the ear was not at all justified, and never is,

but that doesn't carry a death sentence like your advocating......

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If that was my daughter the teacher would need to leave the country...because I'm coming to get you and when I do I cannot ensure your safety! Needless to say I will be bashing his head with seriously accrued interest!!!

Then you are no better than the teacher as you are also resorting to violence to resolve an issue. How can you condemn him for violence and then do the same yourself. This makes you a part of the same problem.

Of course you could rationalize your behavior because he hit your princess.....but it is still the same issue of violence begets violence. So who is right, him or you? Neither one of you because you both resorted to your fists instead of using your mouth to resolve the problem. What happened to count to ten before reacting?

And your thoughtless knee jerk reaction beating up the teacher could have ended with you in jail and now your daughter has no father....or worst case, the teacher falls and hits his head on concrete because of your punching him, and he dies from a fractured skull.....and all because you couldn't engage your brain to actually talk with the man and find out his point of view right or wrong. There is always more than one way to resolve a problem, but if we don't look for it, then we cannot see it.

This isn't a condemnation of you....I can relate to your thinking.....but it isn't a solution to the issue at hand.

Thanks for letting me speak here.

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Amazing how excited this gets people excited. The problem started with long pants. These girls should just conform.There is absolutely not place for those who don't in Thailand. No place. When they realize this their lives will be better. The teacher should be fired for insulting the nation. Shame on both the girls and teacher for harming the nation's image.

What a confusing post............Their lives will be better...ha???...........so after their lives are better,we sack the teacher...ha??

I'm not sure of your stance on this matter?.........I think i need a teacher to explain to mefacepalm.gif

On second thoughts....maybe you're saying the teacher was right because the student wasn't conforming but he still needs to be sacked

for damaging thailand's imagewub.png

Yep, horrible grammar. Just pointing out that Thailand is a nation that demands people submit to those higher in rank. Those who go against Thai culture are condemned or called insane. If the girls just do what their masters want, their future lives will be better because Thailand likes those who are submissive. Personally, I am against this bs. People deserve their individuality if they don't hurt others. The teachers shouldn't have care about their wearing long pants. It's just silly but the fanaticism and violence by teachers enforcing Thai nationalist culture really is fascism.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

Fair point Coiln.

I remember my old man giving me a second dose after discovering I'd been chastised at school. That said, try doing the same these days in the UK. I wouldn't be a schoolteacher anywhere now for all the tea in China. I've just returned from a trip to the UK, my first in a decade. Young people now just do whatever they want in a way that we could never have dreamed of doing and seem to have little or no respect for anyone or anything.

sorry but violence and assault is not the answer no matter how you spin it, there are other ways and should be an integrated into their training, the first step is getting respect through non violent means

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Spare the rod and spoil the child ! I believe in minor punishment for major "naughtiness" by children, never did them any harm and in most cases did them a lot of good :)

Based on what evidence? What you are quoting is from the end of the 19th century and that is where it deserves to stay.

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Not like in the West where discipline is dead and the children have no respect for their parents nor the law. Because your child can make a call and send you possibly to prison. No one listens to the west anymore because it is the new Sodom and Gomorrah where anything goes and accepted.

Wow, ISIL is on holiday that week? Hold on, medieval age is calling and wants to have its clown back.

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