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First results in UK's historic referendum on EU membership


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After 167 results, out of 382, here are the latest figures.

It is the vote figures that count.


Remain: 51

Leave: 116


Remain: 5,846,811 (48.5%)

Leave: 6,199,790 (51.5%)

its 200 plus and the other way round on % now

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Talk (rumor) has it that since Scotland seems to lean Remain by a good margin that if the UK votes to exit, then Scotland may want to have another referendum to leave the UK in order to rejoin the EU. Is that true?

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After 167 results, out of 382, here are the latest figures.

It is the vote figures that count.


Remain: 51

Leave: 116


Remain: 5,846,811 (48.5%)

Leave: 6,199,790 (51.5%)

its 200 plus and the other way round on % now

See amended post

My leave V remain % figures are correct wink.pngwink.png

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If leave wins, will Europe close it borders for Brits?

Why? No talks between the EU and the UK would have happened and we will still have 2 years left

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Looking at the vote there are no surprises with Scotland. Personally I would give them independence but if they are after another referendum then the leave campaign will have just as much claim to another one, with this been so close too. Whatever the outcome the EU and its membership will not end here today.

If you think about it, if the vote is Leave then Scotland have done the right thing by overwhelmingly voting for what they want (to stay in the EU) as they couldn't very well vote "Leave" then complain afterwards that they wanted to "Remain" so now want their independence.

I think a Leave vote will lead to a 2nd Scottish referendum & the Scottish leaving the Union.

So Scotland seems to overwhelmingly want to stay in the EU. I will be interested to see at the end of the day what the result looks like with out the Scottish vote. It is looking like the rest of the UK want out besides London and Scotland of course.

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Talk (rumor) has it that since Scotland seems to lean Remain by a good margin that if the UK votes to exit, then Scotland may want to have another referendum to leave the UK in order to rejoin the EU. Is that true?

Think it's almost a certainty that in the event of Brexit, the Scotts will have a 2nd referendum & probably vote for Sexit (sorry couldn't resist) which would be another blow to the English economy.

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Talk (rumor) has it that since Scotland seems to lean Remain by a good margin that if the UK votes to exit, then Scotland may want to have another referendum to leave the UK in order to rejoin the EU. Is that true?

Think it's almost a certainty that in the event of Brexit, the Scotts will have a 2nd referendum & probably vote for Sexit (sorry couldn't resist) which would be another blow to the English economy.

Really, I am for the Scots leaving. More money for the rest of the UK as they get a lot. I hope they are happy with the euro.thumbsup.gif

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Whatever the result , people will get out of bed tomorrow , open the curtains and see the same view. There will be no flesh eating zombies or north Korean soldiers roaming the streets and life for most people will go on more or less the same. To read the newspapers hyperbole you would think it was the end of the world.

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From Telegraph live feed :

"Our chief political correspondent Christopher Hope puts the referendum into historical context.

The 2016 EU referendum is set to the biggest uprising against the people who run the UK since the Peasants Revolt in 1381.

Britain's bosses, politicians, church leaders, sports stars, bankers, economists and celebrities told the people to vote to Remain in the UK.

And (by the look of it now) the people sent back a massive V sign. Democracy indeed."

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Whatever the result , people will get out of bed tomorrow , open the curtains and see the same view. There will be no flesh eating zombies or north Korean soldiers roaming the streets and life for most people will go on more or less the same. To read the newspapers hyperbole you would think it was the end of the world.

how boring cheesy.gif

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If leave wins, will Europe close it borders for Brits?

Under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty there's a two year withdrawal period. Probably take longer.

Yes, but...

The great danger for Europe would be a contagion to other Euroseptiques countries like Sweden, Holland, Dannemark and even France.
For this reason she will do everything to sabotage any agreement or facility with the "deserter"
The result promises to be painful.
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If leave wins, will Europe close it borders for Brits?

Under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty there's a two year withdrawal period. Probably take longer.

Yes, but...

The great danger for Europe would be a contagion to other Euroseptiques countries like Sweden, Holland, Dannemark and even France.
For this reason she will do everything to sabotage any agreement or facility with the "deserter"
The result promises to be painful.

Dutch have already stated today they're going to hold a referendum. End of the failed EU project and the Euro is in sight.

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If leave wins, will Europe close it borders for Brits?

Under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty there's a two year withdrawal period. Probably take longer.

Yes, but...

The great danger for Europe would be a contagion to other Euroseptiques countries like Sweden, Holland, Dannemark and even France.
For this reason she will do everything to sabotage any agreement or facility with the "deserter"
The result promises to be painful.

Dutch have already stated today they're going to hold a referendum. End of the failed EU project and the Euro is in sight.

Well done the Dutch...glad to see its not just the UK p!55ed off with the EU and Junker

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If leave wins, will Europe close it borders for Brits?

Under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty there's a two year withdrawal period. Probably take longer.

Yes, but...

The great danger for Europe would be a contagion to other Euroseptiques countries like Sweden, Holland, Dannemark and even France.
For this reason she will do everything to sabotage any agreement or facility with the "deserter"
The result promises to be painful.

For the very reasons you cite you the EU will not be playing hardball with anyone.

The more the EU throws tantrums, the more it will cause others to rethink their current positions.

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Looking at the vote there are no surprises with Scotland. Personally I would give them independence but if they are after another referendum then the leave campaign will have just as much claim to another one, with this been so close too. Whatever the outcome the EU and its membership will not end here today.

If you think about it, if the vote is Leave then Scotland have done the right thing by overwhelmingly voting for what they want (to stay in the EU) as they couldn't very well vote "Leave" then complain afterwards that they wanted to "Remain" so now want their independence.

I think a Leave vote will lead to a 2nd Scottish referendum & the Scottish leaving the Union.

While I don't doubt that tactics are involved to an extent, I believe that Scotland in general is far less eurosceptic than England, so I think the results seen are not an unfair representation of attitudes to the EU.

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Talk (rumor) has it that since Scotland seems to lean Remain by a good margin that if the UK votes to exit, then Scotland may want to have another referendum to leave the UK in order to rejoin the EU. Is that true?

Think it's almost a certainty that in the event of Brexit, the Scotts will have a 2nd referendum & probably vote for Sexit (sorry couldn't resist) which would be another blow to the English economy.

When you look back through history (say hundreds of years) in how England at one time was the dominant power in the world; colonizes all over the world...colonizes which later went to independent countries; and how England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland eventually joined to become the UK, as the history time line forward continues and if Scotland decides to leave the UK, it's almost like how we hear the universe is still explaining but one day it may stop...start shrinking...and eventually collapse back on itself. I wonder if you go forward 50 years if the UK may completely break up and we'll be back to the original England?

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Yes, but...

The great danger for Europe would be a contagion to other Euroseptiques countries like Sweden, Holland, Dannemark and even France.
For this reason she will do everything to sabotage any agreement or facility with the "deserter"
The result promises to be painful.

Dutch have already stated today they're going to hold a referendum. End of the failed EU project and the Euro is in sight.

Well done the Dutch...glad to see its not just the UK p!55ed off with the EU and Junker

Check it out

The Brexit contagion: How France, Italy and the Netherlands now want their referendum too


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Well done the Dutch...glad to see its not just the UK p!55ed off with the EU and Junker

Dutch have already stated today they're going to hold a referendum. End of the failed EU project and the Euro is in sight.

Check it out

The Brexit contagion: How France, Italy and the Netherlands now want their referendum too


cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif awesome

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