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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Brexit U-turns: who is rowing back on their Project Fear warnings?


In the run-up to the referendum, we were warned Brexit would unleash misery. George Osborne suggested a vote for Brexit would lead to a DIY recession. And numerous business bosses and the great and the good piled in to add their warnings to the doom-mongering. Yet in the weeks since the referendum, their predictions of chaos have not come true. What’s more, many of those shouting the loudest about the consequence of Brexit are now furiously rowing back on their warnings. Here, The Spectator compiles the Brexit u-turns and referendum backtracking:




But surely.....Tom Goodenough must be telling fibs, because "Alex Rich" has repeatedly assured us that nobody said any of this. Er.....wait.....doesn't that make Alex a.....


Love the Pinocchio pic at the head of the linked article :biggrin: . Remain should make it their official symbol.

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3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The UK hasn't left the EU and is unlikely to do so for many years, if at all. The full ramifications of the disastrous Brexit vote will not be fully clear for a long time.


30 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


How long? Apple wouldn't make such a major HQ change for a short-term move.


Remainers are starting to sound like Seventh Day Adventists. They have The Faith.

Agree entirely about one or two of the 'remainers' on this thread beginning to sound like those with unshakable religious beliefs  :lol:


On the other hand, I think brewsterbudgen has a point insofar as I know the vast majority of Brit. politicians want(ed) to remain in the EU and therefore will do their best to delay/stop invoking article 50. 


May is sensible enough to delay too - but hopefully because she realises that the EU already has tremendous problems, and so it makes sense to wait and see what happens next.....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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The man who brought you Brexit


Until about nine months ago, leaving the European Union was not something that sensible British politicians talked about. They hadn’t, really, since the country entered the bloc in 1973, the year that Theresa May sat her O-levels. In the intervening 43 years, as the EEC became the EU; and Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair came and went; and the Channel Tunnel was dug; and the borders spread to the east; and the euro was launched, and then foundered; our relationship with Brussels seemed, more or less, to embody a settled ambivalence towards the European continent that most British people instinctively recognised as their own. Close, but separate. In, but not integrated. Related, but not the same. We did not learn French.


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As a newly independent WTO member outside the EU, we will continue to fight for trade liberalisation as well as potentially helping developing markets trade their way out of poverty by giving them preferential access to our markets. '


From Liam Fox speech in manchester ,


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In previous posts I mentioned 2 banks that are in serious kaka


Commerzbank today



Commerzbank to axe nearly 10,000 jobs

One in five jobs to go as Germany’s second biggest lender also suspends dividend as part of wide-ranging overhaul to combat heavy losses




Deutsche Bank is obviously the gamechanger.


Watch this space.


All talk of Brexit negotiations are premature to say the least.


3 Events that will happen that will change all negotiations.


1. Deutsche Bank bail out. It is too big to fail and will destroy Germany.

2. French Elections

3. German Elections.


I have said it before and I will say it again. Currently, Brexit is providing a focal point to hide other serious problems within the EU.

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24 minutes ago, Craig krup said:

The way things are going there may not be an EU to leave. It'll be an ex-EU; it'll have ceased to be. 


     Two things come to mind ,

 Angela Merkel , will be ousted  and the EU ,  will cease to be,    ASAP.

 Madam May ,  has no plans or intentions of a EU exit . she has made no significant statements or taken any actions .

  Is there any glimmer of hope  for the UK ,?     NO .

Jeremy Corbyn ,  is a clown , puppet  , whose strings  are pulled  by his controller , Mr ?.

   UK , is doomed ,  we will not see gbp /50 bht , for a long time .


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16 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

... the vast majority of Brit. politicians want(ed) to remain in the EU and therefore will do their best to delay/stop invoking article 50. ...

Arguments about the intelligence of the Brexiteer voter aside, woe betide the elected British parliamentarian that chooses to bite the hand that feeds him.

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17 hours ago, Khun Han said:


How long? Apple wouldn't make such a major HQ change for a short-term move.


Remainers are starting to sound like Seventh Day Adventists. They have The Faith.


...whereas in truth its the forum Brexiteers showing all the signs of speaking in tongues when confronted with the actual fact of sterling taking a 10%+ bath with a hilarious response of mumbo jumbo rolling around telling us that there are more important things than money.

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"We Brexiteers are so dumb" well i have just read that the E.U are talking about spending 1 billion pounds on giving all 18 year old's free train tickets to explore the E.U country's ,now if that's not dumb ,God knows what is , and to those who laugh at us because we say there are more important things than money , there are i grant , but its not giving it away , also on the other hand i have lost about 10% because of brexit , but i still voted to get out of the madhouse it was cheap at twice the price .

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4 hours ago, SheungWan said:


...whereas in truth its the forum Brexiteers showing all the signs of speaking in tongues when confronted with the actual fact of sterling taking a 10%+ bath with a hilarious response of mumbo jumbo rolling around telling us that there are more important things than money.


Not content with highlighting the low level of your own education, you continually reinforce it with your gibberish.


Most people fully understood that the £ would take a hit. That hit has been nowhere near as bad as the experts of fear tried to make out.


What a sad little individual that you are, if you think there is nothing more important than money.


All the money in the world is of no use to you when you are lying face down in the gutter. Remember those words when you land there with a splash.


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The run on Deutsche Bank starts



The Run Begins: Deutsche Bank Hedge Fund Clients Withdraw Excess Cash








Tick Tock said the clock.


Brexit negotiations :cheesy::cheesy:

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1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


From the zerohedge link:


"Deutsche Bank concerns just went to '11'....."


Yes, the remainer world is going a bit "Spinal Tap" :laugh: .


(I'll get my coat)

Edited by Khun Han
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14 hours ago, elliss said:


     Two things come to mind ,

 Angela Merkel , will be ousted  and the EU ,  will cease to be,    ASAP.

 Madam May ,  has no plans or intentions of a EU exit . she has made no significant statements or taken any actions .

  Is there any glimmer of hope  for the UK ,?     NO .

Jeremy Corbyn ,  is a clown , puppet  , whose strings  are pulled  by his controller , Mr ?.

   UK , is doomed ,  we will not see gbp /50 bht , for a long time .


So Brexit's effects are to be judged by the exchange rate between the pound and the Thai baht?....... Well there's an interesting perspective on the future of the UK economy.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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3 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Not content with highlighting the low level of your own education, you continually reinforce it with your gibberish.


Most people fully understood that the £ would take a hit. That hit has been nowhere near as bad as the experts of fear tried to make out.


What a sad little individual that you are, if you think there is nothing more important than money.


All the money in the world is of no use to you when you are lying face down in the gutter. Remember those words when you land there with a splash.



One can just imagine the rage if any government announced that they were going to deliberately reduce people's net income by 10%, but that is exactly what our holier than thou forum Brexiteers have delivered to UK sterling income expats in the Far East. 'Most people fully understood.....' maybe in your small bar they did while handing out small Union Jacks to celebrate their financial losses. Did any of these guys pass O level maths?

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And the hits just keep on coming for Deutsche Bank



Deutsche Bank shares open at record lows in Europe



The shares extended losses overnight in New York trading to fall below €10 (£8.60) for the first time ever.

The latest slide followed reports that some hedge funds had taken out cash and withdrawn positions in its investment bank.




Shares fall below the euro 10 that many fear was the point of no return for Deutsche Bank


Tick Tock.

Edited by SgtRock
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6 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

And the hits just keep on coming for Deutsche Bank






Shares fall below the euro 10 that many fear was the point of no return for Deutsche Bank


Tick Tock.


A long day of copying and pasting for those experts on the stock exchange who don't trade and haven't studied economics for even one day.

Edited by SheungWan
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2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Yes, for the forum Brexiteers, better change the subject because their message for the UK income residents in Thailand nursing their 10% (or should we say 12%) sterling to baht losses is suck it up! and don't forget your Union Jacks (made in China)


Too much for the single brain cell squad to understand that for some there is more to life than money and a 12 % fall in the £ - Baht is irrelevant.


You sound pretty desperate, are you just about to get your P45 ?

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Just now, SgtRock said:


Too much for the single brain cell squad to understand that for some there is more to life than money and a 12 % fall in the £ - Baht is irrelevant.


You sound pretty desperate, are you just about to get your P45 ?


'12% fall in the £ - baht is irrelevant'. :cheesy:

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Just now, SheungWan said:


Slogging away on this thread with Brexit ignoramuses who can't count but hey-ho.


Is that it ? Is that the best that you can come up with ?


What are you ? 12 years old. You best give the keyboard back to your mummy.


You are certainly not educated enough to contribute anything other than off topic insults to the thread.


Still nothing on Deutsche Bank and the effects that it will have on Brexit , especially Brexit negotiations, if they are still needed.


Thought not, trolls usually have nothing to offer.

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Been over in Belfast last couple of days to see a friend. He voted to leave, mainly because of the increase in foreigners, but now realises he made a mistake. He is now of the opinion that the only solution is a reunited Ireland, a view that seems to be gaining momentum.

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12 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Been over in Belfast last couple of days to see a friend. He voted to leave, mainly because of the increase in foreigners, but now realises he made a mistake. He is now of the opinion that the only solution is a reunited Ireland, a view that seems to be gaining momentum.

This has privately occurred to me too, as has the thought that the British isles (All of it!) might one day be better off becoming a US state. If that happened we would eventually make an impact there but not in our lifetime...


I guess that's another thread? :)

Edited by evadgib
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27 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Been over in Belfast last couple of days to see a friend. He voted to leave, mainly because of the increase in foreigners, but now realises he made a mistake. He is now of the opinion that the only solution is a reunited Ireland, a view that seems to be gaining momentum.

The good friday agreement is intertwined with the EU, and Scotlands devolution act states any laws enacted can be incompatible with EU laws. I am sure there will be a work around 

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