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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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Many many months ago I wrote that the UK was a highly racist country, this was in the context of something other than Brexit and based on my personal experiences and thaose of trusted friends. Another very British poster took umbrage and accused me of not knowing the first thing about England and wondered if indeed I'd ever been there. To that poster, hello, it's wake up time:


Not sure of your point. Of course Britain is racist, as are most other countries!

The populace of Britain is just a bit more pissed off as they've watched their wages either going down or stagnating - partly as a result of companies finding it easy to employ cheap, unskilled labour from abroad.

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Many many months ago I wrote that the UK was a highly racist country, this was in the context of something other than Brexit and based on my personal experiences and thaose of trusted friends. Another very British poster took umbrage and accused me of not knowing the first thing about England and wondered if indeed I'd ever been there. To that poster, hello, it's wake up time:


Not sure of your point. Of course Britain is racist, as are most other countries!

The populace of Britain is just a bit more pissed off as they've watched their wages either going down or stagnating - partly as a result of companies finding it easy to employ cheap, unskilled labour from abroad.

So they started abusing foreigners in the street, posting dogshit through letter boxes, and beating foreigners senseless because......?


Many many months ago I wrote that the UK was a highly racist country, this was in the context of something other than Brexit and based on my personal experiences and thaose of trusted friends. Another very British poster took umbrage and accused me of not knowing the first thing about England and wondered if indeed I'd ever been there. To that poster, hello, it's wake up time:


Not sure of your point. Of course Britain is racist, as are most other countries!

The populace of Britain is just a bit more pissed off as they've watched their wages either going down or stagnating - partly as a result of companies finding it easy to employ cheap, unskilled labour from abroad.

So they started abusing foreigners in the street, posting dogshit through letter boxes, and beating foreigners senseless because......?

This is a new thing???

Edit - Anyway, its irrelevant as of course most people of all nations are nationalistic and many are looking for an excuse to blame the scapegoat rather than their politicians and big business who hold all the power.


Many many months ago I wrote that the UK was a highly racist country, this was in the context of something other than Brexit and based on my personal experiences and thaose of trusted friends. Another very British poster took umbrage and accused me of not knowing the first thing about England and wondered if indeed I'd ever been there. To that poster, hello, it's wake up time:


Not sure of your point. Of course Britain is racist, as are most other countries!

The populace of Britain is just a bit more pissed off as they've watched their wages either going down or stagnating - partly as a result of companies finding it easy to employ cheap, unskilled labour from abroad.

It's very easy to agree the point now in light of everything that has transpired over recent weeks/months, six twelve months ago was a very different proposition and to call the UK racist was akin to calling a baby ugly! Yet some of us/many of us always knew this was the case but only a few dare say so. And actually, those lowly skilled workers who are so pi**ed off only use racism as an excuse for their plight, the fact is they are pi**ed off at globalism, not being a part of the have's and of course at the erosion of nationalism in favour of the Eu.


Why? Because it's an underlying sentiment that has pretty much always existed but has been suppressed, Brexit has given an excuse to release it, in spades.


Brexit knocks manufacturers' confidence - report


This is an interesting comment.

"A quarter of respondents in the region were positive about lower regulatory burden and increased demand, the report said."

Many manufacturers resented EU legislation that forced them to comply with recognised standards. Seems like they think it will be a return to the old ways.

You're twisting the statement to fit a pre-conceived agenda.

It seems more likely that they're not referring to safety or quality standards, but rather the red-tape and other expensive and wasteful restrictions applied by the EU with which they need to comply.

It seems you have rather a naive view of business' reaction to regulation, particularly safety and quality, you'll be telling me next that the signs around business premises stating 'Safety First' mean 'Safety First'.

It is interesting though, the only solid statements made on deregulation during the Brexit campaign referred, not to 'the heavy burden of bureaucracy' but to removing the minimum wage, removing the working hours directive and removing maternity rights.

Not really. Workers can easily sue in the UK - and do so often when the employer falls short in any way on safety standards. Similarly consumers.

Safety and compliance are two separate issues, improvements is safety were brought about by the Health and Safety Executive, a home grown institution.

EU legislation was introduced that required the manufacturer to document the manufacturing process to ensure the consumer was supplied the same product that had been approved. This was seen as an infringement of the company's right to make a profit as it saw fit. Prior to this legislation the consumer had very little to go on if product was not to the standard expected.

It was common practice to use good quality components and materials for test and demonstration and change to lower quality for production.

I just hope that the PM will follow through on her claim that all EU legislation not already UK legislation will be written into UK legislation.


The populace of Britain is just a bit more pissed off as they've watched their wages either going down or stagnating - partly as a result of companies finding it easy to employ cheap, unskilled labour from abroad.

{qoute ]

Reluctantly i have to visit Britainistan soon , to collect rent on my properties , in cash of course .

Why pay tax and support immigrants , and the lame and and lazy , and charitable organisations .

Actually , i feel more like a foreigner , when i visit my, once called homeland

. Maybe , i am the wrong colour wai2.gif


The populace of Britain is just a bit more pissed off as they've watched their wages either going down or stagnating - partly as a result of companies finding it easy to employ cheap, unskilled labour from abroad.

{qoute ]

Reluctantly i have to visit Britainistan soon , to collect rent on my properties , in cash of course .

Why pay tax and support immigrants , and the lame and and lazy , and charitable organisations .

Actually , i feel more like a foreigner , when i visit my, once called homeland

. Maybe , i am the wrong colour wai2.gif

Well at least we know you commit tax fraud.

Something to keep in mind next time you are complaining about criminals.


The populace of Britain is just a bit more pissed off as they've watched their wages either going down or stagnating - partly as a result of companies finding it easy to employ cheap, unskilled labour from abroad.

{qoute ]

Reluctantly i have to visit Britainistan soon , to collect rent on my properties , in cash of course .

Why pay tax and support immigrants , and the lame and and lazy , and charitable organisations .

Actually , i feel more like a foreigner , when i visit my, once called homeland

. Maybe , i am the wrong colour wai2.gif

Well at least we know you commit tax fraud.

Something to keep in mind next time you are complaining about criminals.

Peter Rachman rang a bell for me.


A cut from 0.5 to 0.25 ........ half of nothing is nothing. What I wonder is where they will go from there? 

BoE is deliberately trying to devalue the GBP, a punishment for Brexit or something else?


Everyone should take their money out of the banks and keep it in safes. No more free loans to British Bankers.


In reply to the question of this thread, Nothing yet,as we are still

joined at the hip to the EU,but as soon as we leave properly I have

faith that things will improve,BUT this depends on the Politicians that

are in charge,and if they can take full advantage of prospects that

will be offered,when we are free from the laws and restrictions of

a corrupt EU.


When we joined the European Common Market,nobody could have

foreseen what it would morph into,taking sovereignty from its members ,

making laws,restrictions,that have to be followed,its a good job we did not

join the Euro,I would say that has more problems than the UK has,and do not

expect a bright future for the EU's monetary policy,there are great problems 

in Greece,Italy,Portugal,Spain,and as soon as Germany and other countries

stop pumping money into a black hole,then the foundations of the EU will

start to crumble.

regards worgeordie

5 hours ago, MissAndry said:

A cut from 0.5 to 0.25 ........ half of nothing is nothing. What I wonder is where they will go from there? 

BoE is deliberately trying to devalue the GBP, a punishment for Brexit or something else?


Everyone should take their money out of the banks and keep it in safes. No more free loans to British Bankers.



I am sorry Maam but you will never make a journalist.




I read that Carney (odious little twerp) was going to "SLASH" base rates in the wake of BREXIT.



You make it sound too simple, and unsensational, by referring to a 0.25% cut and half of bugger-all still being nothing.


Now the EU says that Britain has to pay its share of EU liabilities first before they "let the UK go". LOL...... € 25bn they are talking about. Oh well, a divorce never comes cheap ... 

On 8/5/2016 at 5:08 PM, DUS said:

Now the EU says that Britain has to pay its share of EU liabilities first before they "let the UK go". LOL...... € 25bn they are talking about. Oh well, a divorce never comes cheap ... 


That comment shows how poor the brexiteers were informed, if they thought the liabilities would disappear the day after the referendum.


From the beginning has been made clear that the whole exit process would take 2 years from the date it is started, and during that period UK remains a full member with all  duties and benefits involved.

On 8/5/2016 at 5:08 PM, DUS said:

Now the EU says that Britain has to pay its share of EU liabilities first before they "let the UK go". LOL...... € 25bn they are talking about. Oh well, a divorce never comes cheap ... 


That comment shows how poor the brexiteers were informed, if they thought the liabilities would disappear the day after the referendum.


From the beginning has been made clear that the whole exit process would take 2 years from the date it is started, and during that period UK remains a full member with all  duties and benefits involved.

On 8/5/2016 at 5:08 PM, DUS said:

Now the EU says that Britain has to pay its share of EU liabilities first before they "let the UK go". LOL...... € 25bn they are talking about. Oh well, a divorce never comes cheap ... 


That comment shows how poor the brexiteers were informed, if they thought the liabilities would disappear the day after the referendum.


From the beginning has been made clear that the whole exit process would take 2 years from the date it is started, and during that period UK remains a full member with all  duties and benefits involved.

On 8/5/2016 at 5:08 PM, DUS said:

Now the EU says that Britain has to pay its share of EU liabilities first before they "let the UK go". LOL...... € 25bn they are talking about. Oh well, a divorce never comes cheap ... 


That comment shows how poor the brexiteers were informed, if they thought the liabilities would disappear the day after the referendum.


From the beginning has been made clear that the whole exit process would take 2 years from the date it is started, and during that period UK remains a full member with all  duties and benefits involved.


I voted for Brexit and I am not racist.


I voted for Brexit because the polical union of European Countries know as the EU, spends billions of my nations pounds and they do not even bother to publish or audit a budget.


I voted for Brexit because the decisions of Angela Merkel to allow in Millions of Syrian Refugees, will in time decide which school my little girl goes to, where she can get Cancer Treatment and what job she will do.


I voted Brexit because I would acountable represention for laws that affect me.


I voted Brexit, because it was my democratic right to disagree. 


What are the short term benefits, well I think that is clearly NONE.


The long term benefits will be decided by British not European Ministers.


Britain may be first Country to leave the EU, will certainly will not be the last.

On 8/9/2016 at 7:42 PM, lungbing said:

Repeating your post a number of times doesn't make it true.


The issue about my repeated posts you should take up with the system administrators, for the rest feel free to adjust with any credible sources what untruths I wrote in my post.

On August 9, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Berty100 said:


That comment shows how poor the brexiteers were informed, if they thought the liabilities would disappear the day after the referendum.


From the beginning has been made clear that the whole exit process would take 2 years from the date it is started, and during that period UK remains a full member with all  duties and benefits involved.



The majority of the British People who chose to leave the EU, did not rely on advice from UKIP or Brexit Campaigners. We only had to look at the state of our Country, to know which way to vote.  The only shock to people who wanted to stay is how many of us, actually wanted to leave.


If it cost the UK economy 1 Trillion Pounds to leave the EU, then it would be a an investment, as we are free again to decide our own destiny. Good or bad.


The fact remains that we have chosen to leave, now we must leave the horse trading and back room deals to those who are in power. Brexit will happen, when is not so important as how we leave and what settlement we get.  If they believe that not triggering article 50 is a good idea, then I will go along with that, so long as we make the Politicians keep their promise that Brexit means Brexit.

9 hours ago, autanic said:

I voted for Brexit and I am not racist.


I voted for Brexit because the polical union of European Countries know as the EU, spends billions of my nations pounds and they do not even bother to publish or audit a budget.


I voted for Brexit because the decisions of Angela Merkel to allow in Millions of Syrian Refugees, will in time decide which school my little girl goes to, where she can get Cancer Treatment and what job she will do.


I voted Brexit because I would acountable represention for laws that affect me.


I voted Brexit, because it was my democratic right to disagree. 


What are the short term benefits, well I think that is clearly NONE.


The long term benefits will be decided by British not European Ministers.


Britain may be first Country to leave the EU, will certainly will not be the last.

Couldn't agree more with the emboldened part.


EU financial waste is known by everyone - overpaid bureaucrats only interested in furthering their own 'nests'/empires.


Its become fairly obvious since the 'leave' vote that they have no intention of changing this, which is a shame.

1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

Couldn't agree more with the emboldened part.


EU financial waste is known by everyone - overpaid bureaucrats only interested in furthering their own 'nests'/empires.


Its become fairly obvious since the 'leave' vote that they have no intention of changing this, which is a shame.



It would appear that audits are carried out

1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

Couldn't agree more with the emboldened part.


EU financial waste is known by everyone - overpaid bureaucrats only interested in furthering their own 'nests'/empires.


Its become fairly obvious since the 'leave' vote that they have no intention of changing this, which is a shame.



It would appear that audits are carried out

5 hours ago, autanic said:


Not to my satisfaction.




"Claim: The European Union is so corrupt that the European Court of Auditors has not signed off its accounts for 20 years.

Reality Check verdict: The Court of Auditors has signed the EU accounts every year since 2007, while pointing out that EU countries, once they receive the EU funds, misuse about 4.4% of the total budget."


"The latest report, published in 2015 for accounts in 2014, explicitly said that the auditors were "signing off the accounts" as they have done every year since 2007.


The Court did point out that some of the funds - 4.4% of the total in 2014 - were not used in accordance with the EU rules. But it stressed that this "is not a measure of fraud, inefficiency or waste", but money that: "should not have been paid out because it was not used in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations"."

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