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Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?


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I think that this outcome is the beginning of Europe world becoming 'right' again. The 'leftist' Governments of Europe have gone too far in deciding what is best for the people.

As is the want of those of the left, the power to control the people has been more and more centralised, resulting in an incompetent and corrupt bureaucracy that refuses to listen to the people because they know what is best for the people, and who panders to the minority groups and their own vested interests.

The people of the UK have spoken and most of the rest of Europe will follow suit. They may not be perfect, but they want to control their own destiny, and that is the right of every individual in any democratic state.

Best news I have had for a long time. 24th June - Independence Day for the UK.

And even more looking forward to watching the movie which was released worldwide yesterday (Independance Day 2).

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Donald Trump'et whilst making a speech about the UK Brexit vote result from a golf course in Scotland made a reference to being in Florida. How stupid is this man when he isn't aware of what country or continent he's currently in.

About as stupid as Fox...


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What comes next is a mountain of laws to review/revive, dozens of trade agreements to be negotiated, at least 2 years in limbo (part of the EU but no say on its policies)

But turmoil in the markets is always a good opportunity to make some £££s so I'm sure the Bankers/Traders PNW will increase because of it, meanwhile the people who voted for it will find theirs goes down (for the 'foreseeable future.

As one poster has said, if you're happy to give up 30% of your PNW it's a good day, if you're a struggling retiree it may not be so good

Thankfully, there are still people who don't value their freedom in dollars and cents...or pounds and pence.
If that's the message you took from my post then obviously it didn't come across as intended.

It was meant to be a comment on the issues that the UK now faces & the fact that the majority of the pain will be felt by the people who voted to Leave (tended to be the less affluent areas) rather than the ones who wanted to Remain.

Ok, I take your point but I don't think anyone can really know at this point. The "experts" trotted out to opine on these matters have often been completely wrong in the past. It's just as likely that without cheap eastern european labour flooding into the country, wages and salaries may rise.

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Northern Ireland it's already on the way out from Britain, the same it's true for Scotland which made no mystery of their wish to remain part of the EU, even London want to leave England now!laugh.png

Last time I checked, NI rejected joining ROI so if they do want to stay in the EU, I suspect they'll want to do it on their own 2 feet rather than an Ireland reunification.

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Northern Ireland it's already on the way out from Britain, the same it's true for Scotland which made no mystery of their wish to remain part of the EU, even London want to leave England now!laugh.png

That's probably because there aren't many English people in London.

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What comes next is a mountain of laws to review/revive, dozens of trade agreements to be negotiated, at least 2 years in limbo (part of the EU but no say on its policies)

But turmoil in the markets is always a good opportunity to make some £££s so I'm sure the Bankers/Traders PNW will increase because of it, meanwhile the people who voted for it will find theirs goes down (for the 'foreseeable future.

As one poster has said, if you're happy to give up 30% of your PNW it's a good day, if you're a struggling retiree it may not be so good

Thankfully, there are still people who don't value their freedom in dollars and cents...or pounds and pence.
If that's the message you took from my post then obviously it didn't come across as intended.

It was meant to be a comment on the issues that the UK now faces & the fact that the majority of the pain will be felt by the people who voted to Leave (tended to be the less affluent areas) rather than the ones who wanted to Remain.

Ok, I take your point but I don't think anyone can really know at this point. The "experts" trotted out to opine on these matters have often been completely wrong in the past. It's just as likely that without cheap eastern european labour flooding into the country, wages and salaries may rise.

Unlikely to make much of a difference. Manufacturing is global which means if labour affects the cost then the manufacturing will move elsewhere or replace with automation. Fast food chains will finally take the opportunity to replace the line with a machine to manufacture/assemble the food on demand (and does a better job than your average whinging citizen). Unskilled labour holding employers hostage through labour actions and strikes are long past their prime.

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Shorter queues for Brits at LHR immigration.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

....and much much longer queues at any other airports which are not in England, possibly Visa and other charges on their way too, but hey, who cares?

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Donald Trump'et whilst making a speech about the UK Brexit vote result from a golf course in Scotland made a reference to being in Florida. How stupid is this man when he isn't aware of what country or continent he's currently in.

About as stupid as Fox...


I'll bet that 80% of their audience wouldn't know the difference anyway :)

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What is Martin Schulz's title in the EU? Who is the EU Council president? European Commission President?

These people are unknown, unelected and unaccountable. They are also extravagant and incompetent. Look how they, with some help from Angela Merkel, made the refugee crisis much worse than it need have been.

"Come to Europe," they said. "We will welcome you." Result? Ever more drifting corpses in the Mediterranean and Aegean. If you reward risky behaviour, you get more of it.

Whatever short-term difficulties the UK faces, they are nothing compared to the benefit of getting these self-serving turds out of the UK's hair.

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Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

(mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.

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What is Martin Schulz's title in the EU? Who is the EU Council president? European Commission President?

These people are unknown, unelected and unaccountable. They are also extravagant and incompetent. Look how they, with some help from Angela Merkel, made the refugee crisis much worse than it need have been.

"Come to Europe," they said. "We will welcome you." Result? Ever more drifting corpses in the Mediterranean and Aegean. If you reward risky behaviour, you get more of it.

Whatever short-term difficulties the UK faces, they are nothing compared to the benefit of getting these self-serving turds out of the UK's hair.

Here's something about our dear European Council president : Jean-Claude Juncker


and Merkel's finance minister:


Edited by BuaBS
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Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

(mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.

So (human) rights, economy and trade are left-wing issues.... brilliant!

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the most ridiculous thing I ve heard in the remain campaign was border control and Independence is Xenophobic clap2.gif what a propaganda cheesy.gif . This vote is about the right for a sovereign country to self rule, the right to govern oneself and to have a democracy where the elected are accountable to the electorate, the right for a government to determine how its tax is spent, the right to determine its own law, the right to develop international trade with whom it chooses, the right to protect itself. This decision is about the people's right to choose its own future and not to have a future dictated by others outside of the sovereign country.

the right to protect itself

yeah, leave the NATO

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

Have you stocked up on teabags?

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

hey haven't you heard the referendum has been and goneblink.png

no need for any more scaremongering it's pointlessrolleyes.gif

don't you people ever give up?bah.gif

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

It's attitudes of people like you that sealed the deal for Brexit. The patronizing attitude that all the "unwashed" people who want to take their country's destiny into their own hands and do not wish to be governed by unelected faceless bureaucrats in another country are all somehow racists and don't know what's good for them is what seal the Brexit exit.

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Last time I checked, NI rejected joining ROI so if they do want to stay in the EU, I suspect they'll want to do it on their own 2 feet rather than an Ireland reunification.

Yes, last time you checked the UK was still "IN"
Given it was a vote to leave the UK & move more towards the EU I'd guess that a "UK Out" makes it even more unlikely. Edited by JB300
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Shorter queues for Brits at LHR immigration.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

....and much much longer queues at any other airports which are not in England, possibly Visa and other charges on their way too, but hey, who cares?
Not me

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Cameron took a stupidly huge gamble and lost but the EU must share some of the blame as Britain's were fed up being dictated to by Brussels bureaucrats but before too many Yanks start telling us how 'stupid' we are I don't think the US would ever contemplate joining such a union themselves.

Dude, get a clue. The USA is so HUGE it comprises it's OWN union. You Brits made a mistake. The damage will be massive. Really sorry about that.

Our union's called the Commonwealth.

Yeah, we still have Nigeria and Bangladesh. Now we just need Zimbabwe back on board.

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

Is that you dodgy Dave ? Its over...you lost..so enough of the scare mongering...it falling sky hysterical scaremongering in posts like the above which cost "remain" the poll in the first place

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Cameron took a stupidly huge gamble and lost but the EU must share some of the blame as Britain's were fed up being dictated to by Brussels bureaucrats but before too many Yanks start telling us how 'stupid' we are I don't think the US would ever contemplate joining such a union themselves.

Dude, get a clue. The USA is so HUGE it comprises it's OWN union. You Brits made a mistake. The damage will be massive. Really sorry about that.

Our union's called the Commonwealth.

Yeah, we still have Nigeria and Bangladesh. Now we just need Zimbabwe back on board.

Pfft, you turned your backs on the Commonwealth countries when you changed the citizenship rules.... the only way we will accept you back is on your knees...

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

I wouldn't worry too much about Farage. He gets a lot of publicity, but doesn't hold any power. He has 1 seat in parliament and his raison d'etre is now gone.

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Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

(mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.

So (human) rights, economy and trade are left-wing issues.... brilliant!

Brilliant ,, is failing to READ a post.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

Europe = left-wing

Rights = left-wing

Economy = status quo

Trade (with Europe) = status-quo/left-wing

Human (rights) = left-wing

Future (?) = left-wing (?)

Edited by BB24
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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened ... <snip pages of useless drivel> ... Be very afraid...

Yes, this is the attitude of the "progressives" everywhere. We know what's best for you. We are nobler and wiser than you. So just shut up and do what you're told. If you disagree with us you are backward and stupid. You, the Great Unwashed, don't know what's good for you. Do you watch Fox News/read the Daily Mail? Leave everything to us. If you blockheads weren't so dim and brainwashed, you'd agree with us, The Anointed.

Well, the self-styled Anointed just got a mighty kick in the balls. And I hope it hurt.

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