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Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?


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Most Brits in Thailand aren't posting online now. They've run to sell their pounds before they lose 20%.

Yes, it will be a little more difficult for UK pensioners to get by in Thailand with a bit of a haircut. Expect more winging about the low level of the pound.

UK in some ways acted as a proxy for North America in regards to trading relationships with Europe... and London as a financial hub will likely be lessened.... which means less of a demand for GBP... and a lower exchange rate for the foreseeable future....

This currency fluctuation is short term.

When the EU introduce their financial transaction tax, the relatively small amount of trading in Europe will move to London.

The city is going nowhere but up off this.

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These people just have no idea what's going to happen.

It's already happening, look at the video where Farage just said that he's NOT going to respect his promises, just because, well you know, he got just a bit too much carried out from the campaign, so he don't care it was all a lie for the gullible ones, now he's in power with people just the same as himself.

Some people probably wouldn't care if they will get abused and mistreated in any possible ways, as long as they can do the same to someone else in an even worse position than them, sad sad sad, let's hope that at least the few ones whom were genuinely intending to create something positive, will rise up against their puppeteers....

You and the Grouse should start your own scaremongering thread..the British people have spoke...you lost get over it
Yes we lost and I accept that with good grace.

BUT WE WILL ALL suffer for this foolishness. Mark my words [emoji52]

You were already wrong once.

Doubling down rarely works out well.

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This currency fluctuation is short term.

A "fluctuation" would go up and down, this is actually a currency devaluation.

The city is going nowhere but up off this.

Right ..would love an explanation why 'the city' campaigned to remain and why markets have reacted negatively to the result?

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The currency is currently fluctuating wildly because it has to find a new normal and the markets have not yet determined what that will be... but it could mean settling in 10% to 15% lower - but stable.

As long as the rest of the northern european states stay together in the EU, it makes little sense to centralize trading related (especially anything euro based) OUTSIDE the union. That would be like having USD trading done in Toronto. The markets will migrate more to the larger of the two economies.

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This currency fluctuation is short term.

A "fluctuation" would go up and down, this is actually a currency devaluation.

The city is going nowhere but up off this.

Right ..would love an explanation why 'the city' campaigned to remain and why markets have reacted negatively to the result?

Nope this is a fluctuation, not a devaluation.

What you are seeing is short side speculation and a lack of liquidity providers.

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This currency fluctuation is short term.

A "fluctuation" would go up and down, this is actually a currency devaluation.

The city is going nowhere but up off this.

Right ..would love an explanation why 'the city' campaigned to remain and why markets have reacted negatively to the result?

Nope this is a fluctuation, not a devaluation.

What you are seeing is short side speculation and a lack of liquidity providers.

You are beginning to sound like the Mayor of Bangkok.... Bangkok was not flooded it just had an excess of water.

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This currency fluctuation is short term.

A "fluctuation" would go up and down, this is actually a currency devaluation.

The city is going nowhere but up off this.

Right ..would love an explanation why 'the city' campaigned to remain and why markets have reacted negatively to the result?

Nope this is a fluctuation, not a devaluation.

What you are seeing is short side speculation and a lack of liquidity providers.

You are beginning to sound like the Mayor of Bangkok.... Bangkok was not flooded it just had an excess of water.

He can explain things to you...but he cant understand things for you

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What's next?

Not even one day has passed and the 'big money' in the Remain camp is pressing forward for a new referendum. If you can't sway the voters with fear and propaganda the first time, try, try again! coffee1.gif

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You have at least 2 years of uncertainty, some are saying it could drag on to 2020 - with another referendum in Scotland which could further change things. Money is flowing away and into markets that they think may be safer. On top of that you have a relative small market (England/Wales) who are turning inwards - with an aging population. You have market trading which will likely migrate to the larger economy (which is why London traders did not seem to happy), and banks that are re-evaluating what to downsize in the relatively small UK market. But hey, at least you won't have polish immigrants out competing you in your own country....

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What's next?

Not even one day has passed and the 'big money' in the Remain camp is pressing forward for a new referendum. If you can't sway the voters with fear and propaganda the first time, try, try again! coffee1.gif

Too late. The people have spoken and this must now be dealt with.

I think Jeremy Clarkson has put it most succinctly what must happen next:

Jeremy Clarkson @JeremyClarkson

Right. We should have 24 hours of despair and moaning, and then we will all have to roll up our sleeves and make this shit shower work.

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

Sounds great. So I might be able to find work if I return to the U.K. Polish immigrants will be kicked out, housing for U.K citizens will increase, welfare paid out to immigrants will stop. And gun shops? I always wanted to own a gun. Yep, I'm thinking of moving back, I loved the good old days!
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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

Sounds great. So I might be able to find work if I return to the U.K. Polish immigrants will be kicked out, housing for U.K citizens will increase, welfare paid out to immigrants will stop. And gun shops? I always wanted to own a gun. Yep, I'm thinking of moving back, I loved the good old days!

No guns please, we're British.

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This currency fluctuation is short term.

A "fluctuation" would go up and down, this is actually a currency devaluation.

The city is going nowhere but up off this.

Right ..would love an explanation why 'the city' campaigned to remain and why markets have reacted negatively to the result?

Nope this is a fluctuation, not a devaluation.




noun: fluctuation; plural noun: fluctuations

an irregular rising and falling in number or amount;


The pound has fallen, it has not risen ...therefore it is a devaluation!

So either you don't understand what the word "fluctuation" means or you are misinformed as to the value of UK pound dropping in the last 24hrs....as a direct result of the referendum result!

These are the facts ....not opinions or baseless projections.


Edited by HappyDazed
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The Brexit is made by people over 45 Years like most posters here.

The young people voted for the EU.

Conclusion: Emotions win over facts. (or understanding of the facts,)

Some of he old British people in Thailand will see the facts when they hav to go home

because the Pound will go down 2o%.

Rotten healthsystem, no Thai food they can afford, living in slums

with the other million of British people who lost the job.

But they will have the best music. British Bands working in the EU

have no mork permit, but wonderful they can enjoy in pubs.

I think you will find it's the euro that will sink as the implications of losing the EU's second largest contributer sinks in. And it will need a life jacket as people in Holland and the Nordic countries start campaigning for a referendum. I'll tell you something else; in France when the anti EU movement can find a more acceptable politician than Marine Le Pen to rally around you can kiss the EU goodbye.

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Words cannot express my Fear and Loathing of what has happened. The very worst elements of our society now feel empowered and will be flexing their muscles. Even the Leave voters who have been so cruelly deceived by the promises of our soon to be dictators will come to rue this day. Britain First will be laughing all the way to the gun shops that will soon be re-opening if the loathsome man Farage has his way. There will be many more Thomas Mairs, and many more victims of hate. Racists and thugs will soon be looking for someone to blame when the golden apples of the sun fail to rain down, and who will they be picking on? Employers will be cutting wages, and turning the clock back to the "Good old days" of mass unemployment, and only the "Right sort of people" will be able to find jobs. The asset stripping of the NHS has already begun, and the carpetbaggers will be moving into the City and the stock market this very morning. A climate of fear, not seen since the great depression and the rise of the Blackshirts, will pervade our society. There will be more Cabal Streets, (alas with no such inspiring results), and any liberal thinkers amongst the judiciary will soon find themselves sidelined and purged. I can only hope that one day the leave voters will understand what they did for their grandchildren yesterday. That they were lied to by people who never had their interests at heart will become apparent all to soon. The NHS will be the first casualty, as Farage took back his false promises within a matter of hours. Be very afraid...

After acknowledging defeat this morning, I have been too depressed to contribute. However, I take my hat off to you for telling the truth here. These people just have no idea what's going to happen.

Ahh .....everything will be fine...........Just go and pour yourself another wee grouse!

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Eurovision break.

Eurovision LEAVE songs!

Congratulations Quitters!

“I have to leave, but you are still sleeping. There’s nothing to say, our time has run out… But you don’t even care what I am about… Leave me alone, I wanna go home”

“And now, too many lies. Too many cries. They are as long as the infinity. I’m, starting to rise… I’m, skinning you out, no longer a part. We don’t beat from the same heart”

Bonus Song: Euro Neuro

Edited by Jingthing
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From OP: "Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?"

Maybe we can talk about immigration without being called "racist"?

I've been buying European stocks and the British Pound "while there is blood in the street". This is my sentinel event that will allow me to shout "bullshit" the next time someone tells me what the oddsmakers' lines are.

Maybe fewer people will make fun of Nigel Farage and certain other prominent nationalists?

This is the beginning of a real Great Britain comeback if it starts making decisions that benefit its people instead of the elite.

People are tired of being oppressed by globalists and they want their countries back. This is just the beginning.

Congratulations Great Britain #Brexit. Everything will be not only OK but better.


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The EU is a profoundly anti-democratic movement at its core and this has now been exposed. The Dutch, French, Poles, and Hungarians may well be next to push the eject button. It should return to its original purpose as a trade union (at which it was doing quite well)...not a political, social, and currency union (at which it has failed).

Do you think the inept leaders in Brussels (especially Juncker, Tusk, etc.) now realise that they have made gigantic, unforgivable errors? Don't think so. I expect them to carry on in exactly the same stupid ways. It is time to replace these people. Urgently!

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My heart goes out to David's family at this time. Words cannot express how sad we were that he lost his ego today. May he rekindle that over a kebab. Heres hoping his dads off shore account is not affected by todays announcement. Be brave David.

He lost his ego today but bet he still has his pigs head to try and screw..he attempted to screw the people of the UK and they responded..no means no

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Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

(mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.

So (human) rights, economy and trade are left-wing issues.... brilliant!

Brilliant ,, is failing to READ a post.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

Europe = left-wing

Rights = left-wing

Economy = status quo

Trade (with Europe) = status-quo/left-wing

Human (rights) = left-wing

Future (?) = left-wing (?)

Well, I can tell you I am about extremely right wing when it comes to economy and trade (libertarian) and I don't find human rights or rights, trade etc. to be a left-wing thing or even a status-quo thing. I think the US constitutional writers would be very surprised to hear that rights were a left-wing thing. Facists and Communists typically are those that have problems with rights.

You have no idea what you are talking about - you do not understand the difference between US and UK/EU politics.

This is about UK politics - not US politics - and your political values are way from the reality of the geographic location being discussed.

You are so wrong - the EU is a left-wing bureaucracy dominated by left-wing agendas - such as the the RIGHTS of EU people to enter/work in the UK (whether UK people like it or not).

Your comment about Fascists and Communists makes no sense. Communists are far left-wing. Fascists are far right-wing.

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From OP: "Now that Britain has voted to leave the EU, what comes next?"

Maybe we can talk about immigration without being called "racist"?

I've been buying European stocks and the British Pound "while there is blood in the street". This is my sentinel event that will allow me to shout "bullshit" the next time someone tells me what the oddsmakers' lines are.

Maybe fewer people will make fun of Nigel Farage and certain other prominent nationalists?

This is the beginning of a real Great Britain comeback if it starts making decisions that benefit its people instead of the elite.

People are tired of being oppressed by globalists and they want their countries back. This is just the beginning.

Congratulations Great Britain #Brexit. Everything will be not only OK but better.


Well said. And it is just the beginning.

And next will be the USA - Trump will take back what the Bushes and Clintons and Obama have sold out or given away - the US people will again become first.

Come 2017 there will be a wave of anti-elitist sentiment sweeping across Europe,

By 2020 I doubt the EU will exist - maybe as a 'trading block' which is all it was supposed to be!!!

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Post 85 by marcofuny sums it all up.

Those supporting brexit did so for the following main reasons:

Country, Sovereignty, Borders, Immigration, Control, Laws.

(mainly right-wing self-determination issues)

While those supporting remain did so for the following main reasons:

Europe, Rights, Economy, Trade, Human (rights?), Future.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

What does it mean? The first of many coming defeats that the left-wing ideologues will be facing over the coming years.

So (human) rights, economy and trade are left-wing issues.... brilliant!

Brilliant ,, is failing to READ a post.

(mainly left-wing status-quo issues)

Europe = left-wing

Rights = left-wing

Economy = status quo

Trade (with Europe) = status-quo/left-wing

Human (rights) = left-wing

Future (?) = left-wing (?)

Well, I can tell you I am about extremely right wing when it comes to economy and trade (libertarian) and I don't find human rights or rights, trade etc. to be a left-wing thing or even a status-quo thing. I think the US constitutional writers would be very surprised to hear that rights were a left-wing thing. Facists and Communists typically are those that have problems with rights.

You have no idea what you are talking about - you do not understand the difference between US and UK/EU politics.

This is about UK politics - not US politics - and your political values are way from the reality of the geographic location being discussed.

You are so wrong - the EU is a left-wing bureaucracy dominated by left-wing agendas - such as the the RIGHTS of EU people to enter/work in the UK (whether UK people like it or not).

Your comment about Fascists and Communists makes no sense. Communists are far left-wing. Fascists are far right-wing.

The thing is these days its politcally correct to label people as facists, communist or racist without understanding what these terms actually mean

The poster concerned branded me a facist because i stated a country should look after its own people/citizens first...well if this is facism...the fact they label people with differing views is also being a facist, communist or racist

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