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Mongrel vs Pedigree – Why farangs in Thailand should be thanked for improving the human race


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there is something called hybrid vigor. in the past it has been a the done thing to have one pure breed of farm animal but now most farmers mix the breeds again and again which increases productivity. it would seem to be true that more different the genetics of the parents the more healthy the offspring are, cant get much more different than a thai woman and a western man without changing species. my 2 little mongrels seem to be good examples.

Actually there is a theory (which I have not studied)

The human race come from such a small genepool - coming from a base of about 5000 individuals, that we are programmed (if you will) to be attracted to others that different from us in order to diversify the genepool as much as possible, whether one of the rewards are children with higher intelligence or other superior traits I don't know.

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....and they will probably do a lot better in the private sector.

One would imagine that they would also have a Western passport.

If they can get their final tertiary education in their Western country and return to Thailand, they would surely be in a very strong position as a local-hire expat with international companies.

Fully fluent in both languages, bi-cultural, Western BA/MA/PhD.

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As noted, please keep the discussion civil and on topic.

Genetic diversity is generally considered to be a good thing from a biological point of view. With regard to mixed kids in Thailand, I think we need to keep in mind that most of the progeny come from marriages in which both people have certain advantages. Most of the women (and men married to Farang women) are physically attractive. Most men here do not find a wife working in the local clothing factory or hauling dirt on a construction site. Many of the women have managed to learn another language as well. Most of the farang men are a little older and a little more settled, so the children of mixed marriages have options that aren't always available to others. Most mixed marriages send their children to better schools and give them a wide exposure to different cultures.

We have a fair number of mixed children at the schools where I work. Almost all do exceptionally well in English because they are exposed to it more than others. Probably 70% of the students have a passport as compared to a very small number of the non-mixed children. Many of them have traveled overseas with their parent and many have had relatives from overseas come to visit.

So there are advantages to being mixed that go well beyond race or genetic diversity.

I'm rather surprised that you're taking this position, that "Genetic diversity is generally considered to be a good thing from a biological point of view." This could be easily debunked in a variety of ways. For instance, in America, there is a large number of African-Americans with "white blood." This originated in the slavery days when rape of slaves was rampant. Are you suggesting then that modern day African-Americans with even a small percentage of white blood are genetically superior to purebred Caucasians?

I agree that diversity has advantages (and disadvantages), but it's mostly due to the environment, not genetics. In Thailand, this may be more pronounced due to financial advantages that many mixed kids have.

But you do lose some credibility when you make comments like "most of the (Thai) women (married to Farangs) are physically attractive" (untrue, if not the exact opposite) and "Most men here do not find a wife working in the local clothing factory or hauling dirt on a construction site" (no, they find them in bars). Foreigners in Thailand are absolutely not getting the best that Thailand has to offer.

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....and they will probably do a lot better in the private sector.

One would imagine that they would also have a Western passport.

If they can get their final tertiary education in their Western country and return to Thailand, they would surely be in a very strong position as a local-hire expat with international companies.

Fully fluent in both languages, bi-cultural, Western BA/MA/PhD.

Educated at the best schools, fully fluent in several languages, bi-cultural, in a strong position to be hired by local companies........... oooooh, you mean Thai/Chinese! 555

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The topic is in very low taste that's for sure.

This has nothing to do with a "pedigree", but more to do with rich vs poor.

If those same "mixed race" kids were compared to the offspring of the 1% or let's face it, even the regular middle class family from the Western world they wouldn't get that far.

The only advantage they have is in Thailand because they are somewhat better off.

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"Flame" post removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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The average IQ for Thais is 90. Assuming that the government's educational efforts regarding birth control are effective, that means that there is a real dysgenic effect on IQ. This is the case in the USA, where stupid people have more children than smarter people. The result is a downward slide in IQ. If you are White and from a predominantly White country, such as Denmark, then the chances are that you are about 15 IQ points higher than the average Thai. That is huge...huge...it's the difference between being a janitor and a teacher. Or a teacher and a doctor (typically). That's very good news for the offspring of farang and Thais, since IQ is the best predictor of success in life...not just academics and income, but most socially desirable variables such as the likelihood to be adjudicated, having an unplanned pregnancy, or injured on the job. Aside from the genetics of IQ, which are quite high and stable, farangs provide a much better learning environment than typical Thais. Finally, farangs take care of thousands of children who are not their own. Unlike "typical" immigrants in the USA, where 70% end up on public welfare and perpetually dependent on the state, farangs in Thailand actually contribute positively to Thai society. The Thai government should actually be courting us, encouraging us to relocate here. Instead, they generally hold us in contempt (e.g., sanctioned dual pricing) and the BS about "Thainess" as a virtue. Without our genetic, social, and financial contributions, Thailand stands no chance whatsoever to leave its third world status.

Pure, industrial-grade drivel likely regurgitated from an op-ed by Mister Ed in the National Enquirer

I wouldn't mind your foolish and odious comments if you could point me to the typical, genetically superior typical farang living here

I see mostly overweight, belligerent, stressed out oafs from menial backgrounds who couldn't cut it in their own countries where they were just at or just-below average in terms of the societal pecking order.

Modestly educated Thai women routinely run rings around them using the most rudimentary and basic chicanery, leaving these buffaloes utterly shell-shocked

Sorry but just being white doesn't automatically confer intelligence, attractiveness and the likelihood of academic or vocational success on the product of a union between an ageing ex-postman and some Isaan trout. If it did, all white people in Western countries would be successful, attractive and intelligent - and we all know that's bunk

Nurture, a better education and, perhaps, the combination of Western and Thai upbringing will definitely contribute to a child's success but, sorry, you're not better than the Thais no matter how much you need to feel superior to somebody at least once in your life

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As noted, please keep the discussion civil and on topic.

Genetic diversity is generally considered to be a good thing from a biological point of view. With regard to mixed kids in Thailand, I think we need to keep in mind that most of the progeny come from marriages in which both people have certain advantages. Most of the women (and men married to Farang women) are physically attractive. Most men here do not find a wife working in the local clothing factory or hauling dirt on a construction site. Many of the women have managed to learn another language as well. Most of the farang men are a little older and a little more settled, so the children of mixed marriages have options that aren't always available to others. Most mixed marriages send their children to better schools and give them a wide exposure to different cultures.

We have a fair number of mixed children at the schools where I work. Almost all do exceptionally well in English because they are exposed to it more than others. Probably 70% of the students have a passport as compared to a very small number of the non-mixed children. Many of them have traveled overseas with their parent and many have had relatives from overseas come to visit.

So there are advantages to being mixed that go well beyond race or genetic diversity.

I'm rather surprised that you're taking this position, that "Genetic diversity is generally considered to be a good thing from a biological point of view." This could be easily debunked in a variety of ways. For instance, in America, there is a large number of African-Americans with "white blood." This originated in the slavery days when rape of slaves was rampant. Are you suggesting then that modern day African-Americans with even a small percentage of white blood are genetically superior to purebred Caucasians?

A question he'd answer if only it didn't blow his thinly-veiled implication that "pure white" sits at the top.

All based on an asinine assumption that it is the FARANG genes that contribute to high latent intelligence

"Hey, I can point to Iraq on a map so I've got be more intelligent than my Isaan queen"


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What a strange topic with wording l don't think is appropriate here......sad.png

Outright disgusting actually.

Talk about having tickets on ones-self.

I cruised around Europe for a few years, didn't see to many a.holes around the place, just the average type of thing. Come to Thailand and there's more European assssholz than you can point a stick at, and their breeding with Thais here too.

Cruised around Oztralia for a while, same thing, few grubs around, get over to Thailand though and there's Australian grubs everywhere and they're breedin with the locals too.

Same goes with Russian, American and probably just about every other walk of human on the planet, but for some reason the OP thinks farangs in Thailand should be thanked.


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Can smell the racism and superiority of this topic coming from the screen.

I had to go right back to the start and re-read it all. I thought I must of been having a senior moment.

I see the OP is a sponsor.

I'm starting to wonder if he's old macwheeeler, master of language and investment branching out into a new category creating some Mac-click bait service or something.

It's got to be a wind up?

555555555. You got me this time, hook, line and sinker.

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What a strange topic with wording l don't think is appropriate here......sad.png

Outright disgusting actually.

Talk about having tickets on ones-self.

I cruised around Europe for a few years, didn't see to many a.holes around the place, just the average type of thing. Come to Thailand and there's more European assssholz than you can point a stick at, and their breeding with Thais here too.

Cruised around Oztralia for a while, same thing, few grubs around, get over to Thailand though and there's Australian grubs everywhere and they're breedin with the locals too.

Same goes with Russian, American and probably just about every other walk of human on the planet, but for some reason the OP thinks farangs in Thailand should be thanked.


Agree. That's some evil crap the OP is spewing.

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What a strange topic with wording l don't think is appropriate here......sad.png

Outright disgusting actually.

Talk about having tickets on ones-self.

I cruised around Europe for a few years, didn't see to many a.holes around the place, just the average type of thing. Come to Thailand and there's more European assssholz than you can point a stick at, and their breeding with Thais here too.

Cruised around Oztralia for a while, same thing, few grubs around, get over to Thailand though and there's Australian grubs everywhere and they're breedin with the locals too.

Same goes with Russian, American and probably just about every other walk of human on the planet, but for some reason the OP thinks farangs in Thailand should be thanked.


Agree. That's some evil crap the OP is spewing.

It's got to be mac wheelie, hiding behind a new banner. Nobody else could pull this off.

Its too sophisticated for WUS and there was no foot chase, lady bar girl, fluent Thai speak or kickboxing involved.

It could of been one of the masters at the other place, but no mention of small rodents.

I give in, Tis got to be Mac wheelie. That's what I live about TVF, never a dull moment and behind ever corner lurks a 'new one' 5555555

Of course, I could be completely wrong, that's happened before too, just 2 or 3 million times. But I do smell a rat, just wanted to go on the record stating that.


Edited by neverdie
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On the ABC in Australia there's a little segment called "Fact Check". When one of Australia's pollies makes a claim, the show will run a 5 minute segment where it checks the facts. They will state at the end of the segment if it's true, false or partially true. Bit like mths busters, only better.

That would be great here at TVF.

There could be a whole new section within the forum. We could Mac fact check claims like these and publish the results. Would be good for giggles.

It would fit into pub nicely, but I'm thinking there won't be many results to the affirmative.

Anyway, if I could find my missing circle thread, I'd bump it and at least we could discuss something that was at least a little bit credible :D

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What a strange topic with wording l don't think is appropriate here......sad.png

Outright disgusting actually.

Talk about having tickets on ones-self.

I cruised around Europe for a few years, didn't see to many a.holes around the place, just the average type of thing. Come to Thailand and there's more European assssholz than you can point a stick at, and their breeding with Thais here too.

Cruised around Oztralia for a while, same thing, few grubs around, get over to Thailand though and there's Australian grubs everywhere and they're breedin with the locals too.

Same goes with Russian, American and probably just about every other walk of human on the planet, but for some reason the OP thinks farangs in Thailand should be thanked.


Agree. That's some evil crap the OP is spewing.

It's got to be mac wheelie, hiding behind a new banner. Nobody else could pull this off.

Its too sophisticated for WUS and there was no foot chase, lady bar girl, fluent Thai speak or kickboxing involved.

It could of been one of the masters at the other place, but no mention of small rodents.

I give in, Tis got to be Mac wheelie. That's what I live about TVF, never a dull moment and behind ever corner lurks a 'new one' 5555555

Of course, I could be completely wrong, that's happened before too, just 2 or 3 million times. But I do smell a rat, just wanted to go on the record stating that.


He has been a bit quiet....Could this be the start of a school of "farang etiquette"......laugh.png

Bahaaa haaa haaa.

You forgot the Mac.

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Can smell the racism and superiority of this topic coming from the screen.

I had to go right back to the start and re-read it all. I thought I must of been having a senior moment.

I see the OP is a sponsor.

I'm starting to wonder if he's old macwheeeler, master of language and investment branching out into a new category creating some Mac-click bait service or something.

It's got to be a wind up?

555555555. You got me this time, hook, line and sinker.

The OP is part of the same company that owns ThaiVisa let that sink in for a minute or less...its all part of the public record Edited by Bunnychow
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Can smell the racism and superiority of this topic coming from the screen.

I had to go right back to the start and re-read it all. I thought I must of been having a senior moment.

I see the OP is a sponsor.

I'm starting to wonder if he's old macwheeeler, master of language and investment branching out into a new category creating some Mac-click bait service or something.

It's got to be a wind up?

555555555. You got me this time, hook, line and sinker.

The OP is part of the same company that owns ThaiVisa let that sink in for a minute or less...its all part of the public record

As you know, I post from prison and I'm limited to what pages I can surf. For some reason down here at the big tiger, the guards give us farang so gifts down here if we spend our days posting on TVF.

Anyhooo, thanks for the tip.

Now what were we discussing? That's right, superior farangs. 555555. Priceless.

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Can smell the racism and superiority of this topic coming from the screen.

I had to go right back to the start and re-read it all. I thought I must of been having a senior moment.

I see the OP is a sponsor.

I'm starting to wonder if he's old macwheeeler, master of language and investment branching out into a new category creating some Mac-click bait service or something.

It's got to be a wind up?

555555555. You got me this time, hook, line and sinker.

The OP is part of the same company that owns ThaiVisa let that sink in for a minute or less...its all part of the public record

Does that make the subject OK....?

I didn't know this tied bit of information but now I do, I'd say, well yes, the owner can write what he wants, he's paying the bills. On a moral standing, I'd guess you'd have to ask a superior farang for the answer, problem is, I believe they're probably a rare creature in Thailand. 555555

Over and out.

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What a strange topic with wording l don't think is appropriate here......sad.png

I've not seen the words "mongrel" or "pedigree" used in this way since you know who used to post here.

I agree that these are strange (and perhaps inappropriate) terms.

Edited by Fabricus
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