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Mongrel vs Pedigree – Why farangs in Thailand should be thanked for improving the human race


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It's hardly news that diversity among biological organisms is a good thing. We've knows this more or less for over a century. For *at least* half a century, we've also known that there are dramatic advantages to cultural diversity (though there are many who still don't seem to get it). So there'd be nothing objectionable about the OP making (repeating) these well known facts.

But there's a LOT more to biodiversity than race, and the OP here made this about race. Which is essentially a quick slide into eugenics. And there's a lot that's objectionable about eugenics. Also, the OP implied that he should be thanked by humanity for his contribution to the gene pool, which is just... smug and superior in an annoying and ugly way.

Let's hope his genetically diverse super children are smart and poised enough not to repeat their father's bad form.

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Which farangs have improved the race? ?

I know a few which could not be credited with this achievement.

I don't like the tone of this whole post. In whose eyes are the mixed race better??

In those who agree with that statement, obviously.

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Some years ago there was a British tv show where a female Indian doctor looked into the genetics of her mixed race children.

Her findings were similar to what the OP posted.

There are many studies to confirm this, here is just one:-


These studies show that the more diverse the gene pool, the better for the offspring.

Therefore, mixed race offspring would have advantages over pure bred offspring from either parent.

Perhaps it's the rather boastful manner in which the OP posted that many find offensive, but the essence of his post appears to be correct.

Just sayin

I couldn't pull up the article. But from a purely scientific standpoint, was this a controlled experiment? Were the external elements accounted for? What I mean is, parents who are financially better off will certainly give their kids an advantage over parents who are not. Not just in terms of basic quality of life, but nutrition, safety/security, education, mentoring, networking, etc.

And the fact that the OP's kids are mixed makes it a rather self-serving exercise. Unless he's encouraging widespread race-mixing on a grand scale around the world to improve the human race. Didn't sound like it.

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Some years ago there was a British tv show where a female Indian doctor looked into the genetics of her mixed race children.

Her findings were similar to what the OP posted.

There are many studies to confirm this, here is just one:-


These studies show that the more diverse the gene pool, the better for the offspring.

Therefore, mixed race offspring would have advantages over pure bred offspring from either parent.

Perhaps it's the rather boastful manner in which the OP posted that many find offensive, but the essence of his post appears to be correct.

Just sayin

I couldn't pull up the article. But from a purely scientific standpoint, was this a controlled experiment? Were the external elements accounted for? What I mean is, parents who are financially better off will certainly give their kids an advantage over parents who are not. Not just in terms of basic quality of life, but nutrition, safety/security, education, mentoring, networking, etc.

And the fact that the OP's kids are mixed makes it a rather self-serving exercise. Unless he's encouraging widespread race-mixing on a grand scale around the world to improve the human race. Didn't sound like it.

Sorry that you couldn't access the article which is dated todays date.

From the article:-

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh analysed health and genetic information from more than 100 studies carried out around the world.

These included details on more than 350,000 people from urban and rural communities.

Research has found humans today are taller and more intelligent than their ancestors, and the cause has been linked to the rise in more genetically diverse populations. And those born to parents from different races and cultures also tend to have higher levels of education.

Mixed-race relationships are making us taller and smarter: Children born to genetically diverse parents are more intelligent than their ancestors

Researchers analysed genetic information from more than 100 studies

These included details of 350,000 people from urban and rural communities

The team found that greater genetic diversity is linked to increased height

It is also associated with better cognitive skills and higher education levels


Nearly one in 10 couples are now ethnically mixed, according to recent research.

It found there are 2.3 million people living as part of a mixed couple in the UK and their numbers have gone up by more than a third in a decade.

The report also found that 833,000 children, some seven per cent of those under 16 or still at school in England and Wales, are being brought up in a home led by an ethnically-mixed couple.

The count of ethnically mixed couples was taken from the 2011 national census results. The most likely people to be living in a mixed relationship are those whose parents were ethnically mixed themselves, the report said.

The figures on inter-ethnic relationships were compiled by the Office for National Statistics.

Edited by laislica
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Nearly one in 10 couples are now ethnically mixed, according to recent research.

It found there are 2.3 million people living as part of a mixed couple in the UK and their numbers have gone up by more than a third in a decade.

The report also found that 833,000 children, some seven per cent of those under 16 or still at school in England and Wales, are being brought up in a home led by an ethnically-mixed couple.

The count of ethnically mixed couples was taken from the 2011 national census results. The most likely people to be living in a mixed relationship are those whose parents were ethnically mixed themselves, the report said.

The figures on inter-ethnic relationships were compiled by the Office for National Statistics.

"Ethnically-mixed couple." So a Burmese/Thai kid falls in this category? Japanese/Chinese? Mexican/Brazilian? Italian/Irish? Well that changes things. Unless you think race and ethnicity are the same things? They are not.

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Yea a lot of stupid farangs Think that their Shit don't Stink,,,,

I got News for them,,,IT DOES,,, all people are Born the same and have Brains

A lot of Farang kids are as Dump/Stupid/Ignorant as the day they were born

From my experience EVERY race has Dumb/Smart/Genius offspring

But you don't(Won't) see that all the time.

...so where is the base line..who establishes that one race is smarter, brighter, taller, prettier, stronger, more handsomer than the next..goodness sake remember the Hair musical in the 60s and that song 'One big melting pot'..

Just accept it and get on with it.

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"the Thai wife...". Does that mean the author shares a communal village wife or is there some kind of sharing club set up for that purpose?smile.png

Exactly my sentiments - I have heard this term for over 40 years, and always ask "Why do you call her that?? they say "Call her what??" I say "My Thai Wife" most don;t know why,they just do, its like they have other wives elsewhere. When have you ever heard someone say "My German Wife" 'My American Wife', my Japanese wife......so on so forth - never,its always 'my Thai wife' I have a friend that has been calling his wife "My Thai Bride" since they got married in 1999, boggles the mind. It's like saying "I really love my car". Maybe they subconsciously think their wife is a possession rather than a partner.1zgarz5.gif it mad.gif

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Breeding? The brilliant but certainly not good looking playwright George Bernard Shaw was once approached by a famous beautiful actress of the day who proposed that they mate, as a child with her beauty and his brains would be incomparable. To which Shaw responded "but what if the child has my beauty and your brains?"

l read that George Bernard Shaw asked a gold-digger if she would sleep with him for £1000.

She replied "of course".

So then he asked her if she would sleep with him for 1 shilling(10 cents).

She said "just what do you think l am?"

He replied, "Madam, we have already established what you are, now we're just haggling about the pric

Benny Hill did that same routine on one of his shows.

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Possible something to do with better (or different ?) life opportunities, higher aspirations and improved nutrition.

Consider the education achievements of children of foreign families living in the UK.

Students from , for example, Chinese, Indian, or Pakistani families are frequently top of the class.

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Mixed race kids can turn out good or not, depending entirely on the parents genetics and I love my mixed race brown skinned granddaughter just the same as my other mixed race (English, Irish, Austrian) grandkids.

Being a smug, overbearing white elitist ahole is bad. No question about it.

Being a smug overbearing, elitist, white American ahole is ...........well, quite unspeakable in TV terms. But a certain Mr Trump seems to fit the bill quite well.

Dogs don't come into it, but as a matter of fact the strongest, fastest and certainly the cleverest dogs are all purebred of one type or the other.

But I love my Thai bitas just as much as I loved my Alsatian with a pedigree as long as your ......

I just hate racists.

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Possible something to do with better (or different ?) life opportunities, higher aspirations and improved nutrition.

Consider the education achievements of children of foreign families living in the UK.

Students from , for example, Chinese, Indian, or Pakistani families are frequently top of the class.

Yes, but they are not the mixed race ones's, who regrettably, frequently do not come out top of the class in the UK.

Especially Thai mixed, because all to often neither their mothers or fathers are highly educated or wealthy.

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A discussion on eugenics in farang pub...the author of article must have got the premise for the piece from the collected works of Ernst Rudin

But given the average age of farang fathers in a lot of that one of being geriatrics , one would be concerned about passing on defective DNA in the sperm of the fathers in a lot of the offspring, so i would disagree with statement about farangs improving anything

Edited by Bunnychow
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there is something called hybrid vigor. in the past it has been a the done thing to have one pure breed of farm animal but now most farmers mix the breeds again and again which increases productivity. it would seem to be true that more different the genetics of the parents the more healthy the offspring are, cant get much more different than a thai woman and a western man without changing species. my 2 little mongrels seem to be good examples.

Not to dispute what you're saying about hybrid vigor... But. Might any objective delta just be due to the combined "enhancements" of a childhood diet that's comparatively richer than the pure local one plus social values and attitudes toward education, discipline & socialization largely missing in most pure Thai households?

Incidentally, I'm death on political correctness, but "mongrel" WAS an incredibly poor choice of words. Actually, the entire title is objectionable: I'm surprised it has remained. The topic doesn't need to be set off that way.

...You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation."

Edited by hawker9000
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Why is it that the study was only done with Farangs? Why didn't they account for other races. The Chinese are academically superior and test higher than the Farang. Maybe the Chinese should be thanked too and for matter maybe other races too. This article makes it seem like the Thai people are an inferior people. What a dumbass article.

Edited by Tiger55
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The average IQ for Thais is 90. Assuming that the government's educational efforts regarding birth control are effective, that means that there is a real dysgenic effect on IQ. This is the case in the USA, where stupid people have more children than smarter people. The result is a downward slide in IQ. If you are White and from a predominantly White country, such as Denmark, then the chances are that you are about 15 IQ points higher than the average Thai. That is huge...huge...it's the difference between being a janitor and a teacher. Or a teacher and a doctor (typically). That's very good news for the offspring of farang and Thais, since IQ is the best predictor of success in life...not just academics and income, but most socially desirable variables such as the likelihood to be adjudicated, having an unplanned pregnancy, or injured on the job. Aside from the genetics of IQ, which are quite high and stable, farangs provide a much better learning environment than typical Thais. Finally, farangs take care of thousands of children who are not their own. Unlike "typical" immigrants in the USA, where 70% end up on public welfare and perpetually dependent on the state, farangs in Thailand actually contribute positively to Thai society. The Thai government should actually be courting us, encouraging us to relocate here. Instead, they generally hold us in contempt (e.g., sanctioned dual pricing) and the BS about "Thainess" as a virtue. Without our genetic, social, and financial contributions, Thailand stands no chance whatsoever to leave its third world status.

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I find the responses of the posters here to be much more fascinating than the topic. So much virtue signalling here really shows how much PC programming has taken hold in the last 30 years. Why is it that we can't have a discussion on the biological advantages of biracial kids without the need to scream racist on every other post. The research has been done many times. Biracial kids tend to inherit healthier genes. Just as it is with every other species of animal in the world that such testing has been done on. Purebred dogs are a mess generally while hybrids are generally healthy and long lived. I used hybridized fish in my fish farm so they grow better and get less disease.

But apparently the mind goes to a red mist when anything remote racial comes to the discussion. Grow up people. The article is poorly written, the headline was designed for shock value, and instead of using good research the author chose to brag about his kids. But beyond that it was not a racist argument he was presenting. The biracial advantage is a real thing.

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As noted, please keep the discussion civil and on topic.

Genetic diversity is generally considered to be a good thing from a biological point of view. With regard to mixed kids in Thailand, I think we need to keep in mind that most of the progeny come from marriages in which both people have certain advantages. Most of the women (and men married to Farang women) are physically attractive. Most men here do not find a wife working in the local clothing factory or hauling dirt on a construction site. Many of the women have managed to learn another language as well. Most of the farang men are a little older and a little more settled, so the children of mixed marriages have options that aren't always available to others. Most mixed marriages send their children to better schools and give them a wide exposure to different cultures.

We have a fair number of mixed children at the schools where I work. Almost all do exceptionally well in English because they are exposed to it more than others. Probably 70% of the students have a passport as compared to a very small number of the non-mixed children. Many of them have traveled overseas with their parent and many have had relatives from overseas come to visit.

So there are advantages to being mixed that go well beyond race or genetic diversity.

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Evidently you do not.

You want insults? l can give you insults.

You don't know what l have assumed. you assume far too much & most of it is pure rubbish.

lt seems that you are bright enough to distinguish between cows & humans, how perceptive of you.

Unfortunately TV will not let me tell you what l really think of you, but, you get my drift.

While we're in the "assuming" mood, which you started, l'm assuming that you have a couple of under achieving "pure" breed children & are stung by the fact that someone else has more intelligent children than you.

How do you like that for "toilet-seat eugenics", my jealous little friend?

Of course we are already mixed, you are not stating anything new.

Don't go away, this is getting interesting♥

..seems you didn't inherit the equality gene.

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And this is why,Thais say that the mixed race kids,eg Thai/ferang,will never be accepted as Thai.I will agree that the mixed race kids do have certain advantages over the 100 % When i was teaching,i did find that it was the m/r kids that tended to run away with most of the educational accolades.I also found them easier to teach and more willing to learn.

Because they have a Ferang parent,most of them were better behaved,due to Ferang standards being taught in the parental home.

I had a conversation with a lecturer at Mahidol University,when i was taking my Thai culture course.She said (and i had never given this a thought)that the m/r children will never be given the opportunity to aspire to positions in Thai government,because the Thai authorities fear that should a number of the children ever hold a position of that status,they might start to see things the ferang way,and that could lead to problems.Also that because the Ferang parent usually comes from a free, democratic society,that they would be harder to control. And we all know how the populace of this country is controlled by keeping them ignorant of the outside world,lack of education, and never asking questions.She also said that the majority of m/r kids tend totake up proffesions in the medical world here,such as doctors,dentists etc.But i would say that i feel,that an m/r child willnever reach any position here that allows them to argue,or question the Thai powers that be.


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As noted, please keep the discussion civil and on topic.

Genetic diversity is generally considered to be a good thing from a biological point of view. With regard to mixed kids in Thailand, I think we need to keep in mind that most of the progeny come from marriages in which both people have certain advantages. Most of the women (and men married to Farang women) are physically attractive. Most men here are do not find a wife working in the local clothing factory or hauling dirt on a construction site. Many of the women have managed to learn another language as well. Most of the farang men are a little older and a little more settled, so the children of mixed marriages have options that aren't always available to others. Most mixed marriages send their children to better schools and give them a wide exposure to different cultures.

We have a fair number of mixed children at the schools where I work. Almost all do exceptionally well in English because they are exposed to it more than others. Probably 70% of the students have a passport as compared to a very small number of the non-mixed children. Many of them have traveled overseas with their parent and many have had relatives from overseas come to visit.

So there are advantages to being mixed that go well beyond race or genetic diversity.

Do me a favor and ban me from this forum.

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As noted, please keep the discussion civil and on topic.

Genetic diversity is generally considered to be a good thing from a biological point of view. With regard to mixed kids in Thailand, I think we need to keep in mind that most of the progeny come from marriages in which both people have certain advantages. Most of the women (and men married to Farang women) are physically attractive. Most men here are do not find a wife working in the local clothing factory or hauling dirt on a construction site. Many of the women have managed to learn another language as well. Most of the farang men are a little older and a little more settled, so the children of mixed marriages have options that aren't always available to others. Most mixed marriages send their children to better schools and give them a wide exposure to different cultures.

We have a fair number of mixed children at the schools where I work. Almost all do exceptionally well in English because they are exposed to it more than others. Probably 70% of the students have a passport as compared to a very small number of the non-mixed children. Many of them have traveled overseas with their parent and many have had relatives from overseas come to visit.

So there are advantages to being mixed that go well beyond race or genetic diversity.

Genetic diversity is of course a good thing, although all the "advantage" factors you have listed have little to do with genetics and all to do with wealth and the advantages that brings. The kids at the schools farangs teach in have automatic advantages over kids at Thai state schools simply because the schools can afford a farang teacher. But overseas, in France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy and the UK to name a few where I have Thai farang friends, the kids are not all so lucky as those here with parents who can afford posh schools; and it shows in the high problem rates for mixed race kids at schools abroad (and not only for Thai mixed, but for many other races as well).

It's been noted before, its 100% Indian and Chinese kids with close-knit supportive families who do well abroad.

I also question the IQ statistics here, I don't know, but it seems apparent that the questions do not take Thai language and culture sufficiently into account, most farangs with such low IQ scores would be gibbering idiots, but that simply (pun)is not the case here.

Its not the question of genetic diversity that is the problem, it's the smug my kids are more beautiful, cleverer, taller than yours attitude of the poster that is racist and divisive.

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And this is why,Thais say that the mixed race kids,eg Thai/ferang,will never be accepted as Thai.I will agree that the mixed race kids do have certain advantages over the 100 % When i was teaching,i did find that it was the m/r kids that tended to run away with most of the educational accolades.I also found them easier to teach and more willing to learn.

Because they have a Ferang parent,most of them were better behaved,due to Ferang standards being taught in the parental home.

I had a conversation with a lecturer at Mahidol University,when i was taking my Thai culture course.She said (and i had never given this a thought)that the m/r children will never be given the opportunity to aspire to positions in Thai government,because the Thai authorities fear that should a number of the children ever hold a position of that status,they might start to see things the ferang way,and that could lead to problems.Also that because the Ferang parent usually comes from a free, democratic society,that they would be harder to control. And we all know how the populace of this country is controlled by keeping them ignorant of the outside world,lack of education, and never asking questions.She also said that the majority of m/r kids tend totake up proffesions in the medical world here,such as doctors,dentists etc.But i would say that i feel,that an m/r child willnever reach any position here that allows them to argue,or question the Thai powers that be.


A lot of interesting points. I have also taught a number of mixed race kids, but I didn't find them easier to teach. Unlike their full-Thai counterparts, they tended to question more and be less compliant. In a western context, that's viewed as positive; in a Thai context, it isn't. Most, but not all, tended to be smarter, but not always better students. In other words, they didn't get the best grades.

As far as not being able to climb the social ladder in Thailand that is probably due to a lot of factors, not the least of which is that a lot of them didn't come from families which were properly connected. Mix that with a bit of xenophobia and racism and they will probably do a lot better in the private sector.

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Why would TV promoted such article of low taste.....perhaps if the title was worded different it would be less offensive..its not the "Mongrel vs Pedigree" that is offensive, its the later part of the title.

For those who think their kids are superior...lets put this into perspective. Perhaps your kids are smarter because their parents has given them a better opportunity and education compare to the other local kids in the surrounding area. Perhaps your kid is a model because you look different! This has nothing to do with being superior human beings.

Perhaps its because your kids are in Thailand, when you compare to other Thai kids - you find that your kids are smart. Try putting your kid in Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, or Korea. Your preciously won't be so "intelligent".

Having attend an international school in thailand, I can tell you that there are as many below average luk khruengs as there are smart ones. So all in all, their genetics does not make them any different. Perhaps more attractive and stand out yes....just like the study they says beautiful / handsome people on average have better opportunities and higher salaries in a work place.

So the it should be that they should THANK Thailand for giving them and their kids a better opportunity in life.

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