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SURVEY: What affect will Brexit have on Europe and the EU?


SURVEY: What affect will Brexit have on Europe and the EU?  

178 members have voted

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Personally I think this will be the end of the EU, at least as we know it. It was a really great idea, but it is so undemocratic and bureaucratic it makes the UN look positively efficient.

It has tons of regulations, but has been completely ineffective in protecting itself or its borders.

I agree...

I think it is fair to say that those who voted Leave had been sold the idea of being on equal status as Norway and Switzerland.

I also think there are may citizens of other countries that are net contributors who want to ditch the bureaucrats, derail the gravy train, kick out benefit tourists, and revert back to just a Free Trading Alliance.

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Oh really. Newsflash for the uninformed: Brexit won.


Well, you don't really yet understand how things are done in the educated part of the world. We don't tend to get overly exited over the less informed decisions. We tend to find our ways to get over those.

It's actually the same as in the old days when a wrong monarch was selected to lead the country, his or hers time was up in a moment. Pretty much everybody were happy once the change to better leader happened.

I think you just made very clear why we made the right decision.

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I am yet to hear one 'expert' present even the foggiest notion of what effect it will have. The people who voted 'stay' or 'leave' didn't have a clue either.

The most ill informed referendum ever presented to a 'haven't a clue' population in the history of Democracy.

Even the most ill-informed can safely decide from two boxes which to mark their cross.

I voted leave and don't care whether you think I have a clue or not. It was my vote and not yours, pal.

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Personally I think this will be the end of the EU, at least as we know it. It was a really great idea, but it is so undemocratic and bureaucratic it makes the UN look positively efficient.

It has tons of regulations, but has been completely ineffective in protecting itself or its borders.

I agree...

I think it is fair to say that those who voted Leave had been sold the idea of being on equal status as Norway and Switzerland.

I also think there are may citizens of other countries that are net contributors who want to ditch the bureaucrats, derail the gravy train, kick out benefit tourists, and revert back to just a Free Trading Alliance.

I don't want any of the other options, Norway, Switzerland or whatever we need our own model that suits us, failer to get this means no trade deal so we go to wto rules.

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Oh really. Newsflash for the uninformed: Brexit won.


Well, you don't really yet understand how things are done in the educated part of the world. We don't tend to get overly exited over the less informed decisions. We tend to find our ways to get over those.

It's actually the same as in the old days when a wrong monarch was selected to lead the country, his or hers time was up in a moment. Pretty much everybody were happy once the change to better leader happened.

Slagging the forum members off again, oilinki? We don't tend to get overly excited? You've been getting excited all day due to your reluctance to accept the wishes of the majority.

Get over it.

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I think you just made very clear why we made the right decision.

That's good. So you finally understood that you are not the golden boy, who can behave however it wishes while dealing with adults who wish to get things forward.

The separation is most likely beneficial for both of us. EU can move forward and the UK have space to grow up. At least the political scene in UK can't anymore behave like a child, like it has been doing for the last few decades.

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Plus -

Anyone that thinks the effects of Brexit have already been absorbed is wired to the moon.

The markets were in a state of shock on Friday.

The true run on the market will arrive in the next few weeks when the bad news starts to pour out of Brussels.

And it will all be bad news as it's not in the EU's interests to make life easy on us.

Vengeance will be theirs.

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Plus -

Anyone that thinks the effects of Brexit have already been absorbed is wired to the moon.

The markets were in a state of shock on Friday.

The true run on the market will arrive in the next few weeks when the bad news starts to pour out of Brussels.

And it will all be bad news as it's not in the EU's interests to make life easy on us.

Vengeance will be theirs.

Or maybe thats just what yiu want to see happen

Quote "And it will all be bad news as it's not in the EU's interests to make life easy on us." end of quote

This is not what A Merkel has said so far, so we can only wait and see

But it's more fun to smread rumors and try and inflame the situation?

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I am yet to hear one 'expert' present even the foggiest notion of what effect it will have. The people who voted 'stay' or 'leave' didn't have a clue either.

The most ill informed referendum ever presented to a 'haven't a clue' population in the history of Democracy.

my goodness you must feel so superior. Was going to say mustbe a Yank but no iIdecided on an Australian ????

Well I don't actually. I was looking for some indepth analysis from independent leading experts on the exiting of the UK from the EU but on each interview and question they didn't seem to have a clue. The answer, it seemed, was a pineapple. If they were submitting a response to this Poll they would have needed to mark each choice. No one seems to have the foggiest idea. The people who would be in the most foggiest position are the actual people who voted to exit the EU. Which makes you wonder if anyone had the foggiest idea when they actually signed up to join the EU. A logical assumption is they had no clue on that decision either.

I'm sorry but you really don't get it.

Some people will vote for what's best for their country instead of what's best for themselves. That's how all of the great democracies got started. The men who founded America in defiance of the King of England wrote "We pledge our lives and our fortunes..."

This is a worldwide revolution. The elite have pushed the people too far with mass and ugly immigration, shipping good jobs to low wage foreign countries, and generally trying to destroy the host country's culture. If you haven't seen that happening you've been asleep.

People simply want their country back. They want to preserve their culture. They don't want to support every person who walks over the border. They don't want the crime they bring either. Already Muhammed is the most popular name for newborn boys in the UK. What bigger sign do you need that we won't have an England any longer if things don't change?

Those of us who have believed that there is a Western revolution brewing among the people and who predicted Brexit and yes Donald Trump believed it for what I just wrote.

We want our countries back and we're going to get them even if it costs us. Don't talk about money or sacrifices I might have to make. Just talk about how I get my country back for my children and my grandchildren and their children.


Oliver is the most popular Boys name in the UK.

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President Putin has given the UK exit from the EU the thumbs up.

Just as a comment it's interesting to note those those ambition is absolute power support the leave vote - any observation on this phenomenon?

Personally, I do not support the Britex decision. As you correctly highly much misinformation was banded about with some of the Britex leaders quickly appearing to acknowledge. The thought of UKIP, who flirt with or indeed encourage the far right, being in a coalition government is a nightmare. Same concept as the forecast that Hanson, Lambie & Co will gain seats in the upcoming Oz election. If nations are not paying attention, ideologues, whom many on this forum support, will gain power with the disasters which will eventuate.

Edited by simple1
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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

so we should keep following the EU bureaucrats who have gotten us into this mess of inequality,stagflation,african/european refugee crisis,no hope

in sight of economic growth.....but more of the same!.....

Why would you follow the same people who got us into this mess...believing they know how to make good of this mess!facepalm.gif

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

so we should keep following the EU bureaucrats who have gotten us into this mess of inequality,stagflation,african/european refugee crisis,no hope

in sight of economic growth.....but more of the same!.....

Why would you follow the same people who got us into this mess...believing they know how to make good of this mess!facepalm.gif

Far better and easier to change things from the inside than from the outside.

Your list of problems are not solely of the Eu's making, they are global issues where responsibility for them is shared across many continents.If you think the cure to stagflation is for the UK to leave the Eu, I'll have some of what you're smoking, later!

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Euro is a flawed concept from day 1.

Cannot have a monetary union without political and fiscal union.

Plus some countries are strong and low inflation while others are weak and much higher inflation.

What politician wants to give up his trough? They all have different characters and will never agree is a trillion years.

The euro will eventually fail at a horrific cost.

Yes, Europe was a flawed concept, especially since she allowed GB to enter as a pebble in his shoe.
- Europe in excusif Service of Bank and finance
- Without démocatique evolution.
- With main concern: "me first"
- With haggling and re endless issue like in last February
All these blockages were due mainly to the England. It is true that this country with its special links from its history: Commonwealth, USA ... did not have the same interest as the others to the success.
Note that one of the initiators, General de Gaulle, has always refused membership Columbia. It took wait his death to open the door. On this issue as on many others later showed he was right.
I think the EU will bear the brunt of Brexit awhile. But it will liberate of a major portion of its blockages and new rules will finally implemented to advance better and faster.
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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

Given the facts from people who are independent and specialists in certain fields the majority of people are quite capable of making a rational informed decision. That isn't what happens though once the politicians get involved.

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The survey question is flawed since the UK is not leaving Europe.It is leaving the EU which is a completely different matter.In fact the argument of the Brexiteers - of which I am not one - is that co-operation can be better achieved in Europe without the superstate infrastructure..NATO continues of course to provide European defence and Britain remains a member.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

Phew, isn't that exactly what the Yellow Shirts in Bkk were saying 2/3 years ago? The ignorant Reds are too uneducated to make important decisions?

Yessir, nossir, three bags fullsir.

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None of the above.

The EU WILL make reforms.

Other countries are already calling for their own referendum.

Outlook for the EU is uncertain but will almost certainly survive.

Outlook for UK, IF the referendum result is ratified by parliament, poor.

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I'm sorry but you really don't get it.

Some people will vote for what's best for their country instead of what's best for themselves. That's how all of the great democracies got started. The men who founded America in defiance of the King of England wrote "We pledge our lives and our fortunes..."

This is a worldwide revolution. The elite have pushed the people too far with mass and ugly immigration, shipping good jobs to low wage foreign countries, and generally trying to destroy the host country's culture. If you haven't seen that happening you've been asleep.

People simply want their country back. They want to preserve their culture. They don't want to support every person who walks over the border. They don't want the crime they bring either. Already Muhammed is the most popular name for newborn boys in the UK. What bigger sign do you need that we won't have an England any longer if things don't change?

Those of us who have believed that there is a Western revolution brewing among the people and who predicted Brexit and yes Donald Trump believed it for what I just wrote.

We want our countries back and we're going to get them even if it costs us. Don't talk about money or sacrifices I might have to make. Just talk about how I get my country back.


Don't be an arse.


Oh really. Newsflash for the uninformed: Brexit won.

You have repeatedly denigrated Europe in general with minimal experience (1 / 2 months in total traveling in Europe?) & often posted erroneous observations it's not surprising you keep posting nonsense in this & other topics regards Britex.

Britex does not represent a fundamental change to 'elites' governing Britain or elsewhere.

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I am yet to hear one 'expert' present even the foggiest notion of what effect it will have. The people who voted 'stay' or 'leave' didn't have a clue either.

The most ill informed referendum ever presented to a 'haven't a clue' population in the history of Democracy.

So are you and your "likers" uninformed as well or do you know everything?

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

Phew, isn't that exactly what the Yellow Shirts in Bkk were saying 2/3 years ago? The ignorant Reds are too uneducated to make important decisions?

Yessir, nossir, three bags fullsir.

And they were broadly correct also!

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I don't think the EU was a big success story from day one. I never really understood the reason for that either. So that German Tax Payers could bail out Greece Tax payers, where people from Greece work less hours and get better pensions?

I mean you can still have close association without having to share the same Currency. You can still have Free Trade Agreements and lower you Borders and yet have different currency and government. Canada and the USA have being doing this for over a Century now and we still have different currency and different governments spending our tax dollars foolishly. But yet we are probably much closer in culture and understanding each other better than say France and Poland are. Spain and Greece.

I think the UK sees that and why they decided to go the way they went. I, like them, don't ever see the EU working the way they want it to. Not now, or in a hundred years. Personally I think it best for everyone to give up on the stupid idea of a United Europe. They have fought past wars far longer than they where friends. Because they are different.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

Given the facts from people who are independent and specialists in certain fields the majority of people are quite capable of making a rational informed decision. That isn't what happens though once the politicians get involved.

I think we've seen an over supply of facts in the lead up to the referendum, every major business, economic and political body in the world has provided input and the vast majority have said the same thing. The problem is the antagonists, in the absence of any other useful constructive things to say have merely cried, "scare mongering" to everything that was said, no wonder we got the wrong result..

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

Given the facts from people who are independent and specialists in certain fields the majority of people are quite capable of making a rational informed decision. That isn't what happens though once the politicians get involved.

I think we've seen an over supply of facts in the lead up to the referendum, every major business, economic and political body in the world has provided input and the vast majority have said the same thing. The problem is the antagonists, in the absence of any other useful constructive things to say have merely cried, "scare mongering" to everything that was said, no wonder we got the wrong result..

"we"??? "wrong"????

Let me assure you, Lord Remain, that you do not speak for me....

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I think we've seen an over supply of facts in the lead up to the referendum, every major business, economic and political body in the world has provided input and the vast majority have said the same thing. The problem is the antagonists, in the absence of any other useful constructive things to say have merely cried, "scare mongering" to everything that was said, no wonder we got the wrong result..

"we"??? "wrong"????

Let me assure you, Lord Remain, that you do not speak for me....

Well if you haven't it's because you haven't looked, if you have looked then you haven't understood.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

Given the facts from people who are independent and specialists in certain fields the majority of people are quite capable of making a rational informed decision. That isn't what happens though once the politicians get involved.

I think we've seen an over supply of facts in the lead up to the referendum, every major business, economic and political body in the world has provided input and the vast majority have said the same thing. The problem is the antagonists, in the absence of any other useful constructive things to say have merely cried, "scare mongering" to everything that was said, no wonder we got the wrong result..

Very few actual facts were provided by anyone - especially "every major business, economic and political body in the world"

A multitude of OPINIONS were provided, along with one hell of a lot of scaremongering.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

Given the facts from people who are independent and specialists in certain fields the majority of people are quite capable of making a rational informed decision. That isn't what happens though once the politicians get involved.

I think we've seen an over supply of facts in the lead up to the referendum, every major business, economic and political body in the world has provided input and the vast majority have said the same thing. The problem is the antagonists, in the absence of any other useful constructive things to say have merely cried, "scare mongering" to everything that was said, no wonder we got the wrong result..

Very few actual facts were provided by anyone - especially "every major business, economic and political body in the world"

A multitude of OPINIONS were provided, along with one hell of a lot of scaremongering.

There was a lot of fact that came out as a result of the lead up debate, a number of scenario's and issues were made clear, (not least of which was the cost to the UK of Eu membership), based on what the facts were vs what people thought the answer was. And yes, there was a lot of opinion also and much of it did conflict. But huge amounts of that opinion was expert opinion which was confirmed by several different sources. So my statement stands, if voters couldn't find the fact they were looking for it's because they didn't look or didn't understand. But if a voter was looking for factual answers to events in the future that weren't based solely on fact and instead, more on circumstances and peoples interactions, tough, nobody has a crystal ball.

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