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SURVEY: What affect will Brexit have on Europe and the EU?


SURVEY: What affect will Brexit have on Europe and the EU?  

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Britain will start up a new Euro alliance on realistic terms, attracting members from the old EU, which will disintegrate.

Expand the Commonwealth?

Take back Australia, America and India, revoke their independence, then renegotiate with the Eu, game over.

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Britain will start up a new Euro alliance on realistic terms, attracting members from the old EU, which will disintegrate.

Expand the Commonwealth?

Take back Australia, America and India, revoke their independence, then renegotiate with the Eu, game over.

Deploy the gunboats, Captain Hornblower!

Interesting times ahead. There wasn't much on the telly in any case.

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EU will go on. Decision making is likely to improve within EU. I'm hoping that the exit of England and Wales is a trigger to reform EU so that it will concentrate to bigger issues and give us more freedom at the same time.

Optimistic, but I vote for this ; EU and euro have a future, but there are things to change, for sure

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Plus -

Anyone that thinks the effects of Brexit have already been absorbed is wired to the moon.

The markets were in a state of shock on Friday.

The true run on the market will arrive in the next few weeks when the bad news starts to pour out of Brussels.

And it will all be bad news as it's not in the EU's interests to make life easy on us.

Vengeance will be theirs.

Or maybe thats just what yiu want to see happen

Quote "And it will all be bad news as it's not in the EU's interests to make life easy on us." end of quote

This is not what A Merkel has said so far, so we can only wait and see

But it's more fun to smread rumors and try and inflame the situation?

The delusion of the LEAVE side is astounding.

The last thing the EU wants or needs is anyone else heading for the exit.

To ensure that won't happen, they will put the boot right into the UK.

As a warning to other nations.

It's already been accepted that by the LEAVE side that free movement of labour will be a precondition of any future trade agreement.

So once again, I ask the LEAVE side -

What was the point of this referendum if it were not to prevent immigration? and now you are being told that it will not prevent European immigration -

How do you feel about that?


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And the next question to the LEAVE side is -

Which country can we now trade with that we couldn't trade with before?

North Korea?

Seriously - name one.

You have fallen for the greatest set of lies in British political history.

The size of the lies so breathtaking that many people cannot accept the truth.

They will not accept the truth.

The Flat Earth Society, Rule Britannia Branch, Lives.

Edited by phrodan
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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

If you're speaking for yourself, I'd have to agree.

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Plus -

Anyone that thinks the effects of Brexit have already been absorbed is wired to the moon.

The markets were in a state of shock on Friday.

The true run on the market will arrive in the next few weeks when the bad news starts to pour out of Brussels.

And it will all be bad news as it's not in the EU's interests to make life easy on us.

Vengeance will be theirs.

Or maybe thats just what yiu want to see happen

Quote "And it will all be bad news as it's not in the EU's interests to make life easy on us." end of quote

This is not what A Merkel has said so far, so we can only wait and see

But it's more fun to smread rumors and try and inflame the situation?

The delusion of the LEAVE side is astounding.

The last thing the EU wants or needs is anyone else heading for the exit.

To ensure that won't happen, they will put the boot right into the UK.

As a warning to other nations.

It's already been accepted that by the LEAVE side that free movement of labour will be a precondition of any future trade agreement.

So once again, I ask the LEAVE side -

What was the point of this referendum if it were not to prevent immigration? and now you are being told that it will not prevent European immigration -

How do you feel about that?


I can only speak for myself and no I don't feel conned, the word is Betrayed.

I think that Ukip will be doing a lot better come the next general election which will be unfortunate as it will promote the far right.

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Seems that Brexit has done some good. Juncker is rumoured to be sacked.

So it looks like EU started to reform itself immediately. That is what we all wanted thumbsup.gif

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European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit


I don't know if his is posted elsewhere I have just seen it.

I believe this is the long term goal of the EU but I can't believe the timing. Are they so out of touch with what's happening all over Europe? Then again, sitting in their cushy offices in Brussels, that's not surprising.

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European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit


I don't know if his is posted elsewhere I have just seen it.

I believe this is the long term goal of the EU but I can't believe the timing. Are they so out of touch with what's happening all over Europe? Then again, sitting in their cushy offices in Brussels, that's not surprising.

If I understood correctly the EU internal politics, UK has not wanted to deepen the EU co-operation.

Now, when UK is out of the picture, the EU can go forward with further integration and implement logical changes to it's structure. This could mean common foreign policy (which is almost in place already), common military etc. Basically this is one way for EU and member states to save money as there would no longer be duplicate resources in place. For some tasks it makes sense to do it collectively.

For the timing.. sounds a bit like it's a one way to push UK out as soon as possible. Even if UK is still a member, it's likely it is no longer invited to talks about EU's future.

The whole time UK is a hang-around member, it will still be paying fees to the EU. During this time, the collective money could be spent for EU's future plans. Thus it's beneficial for UK to exit as soon as possible.

So this is a win-win for both EU and Brexiters.

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European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit


I don't know if his is posted elsewhere I have just seen it.

I believe this is the long term goal of the EU but I can't believe the timing. Are they so out of touch with what's happening all over Europe? Then again, sitting in their cushy offices in Brussels, that's not surprising.

If I understood correctly the EU internal politics, UK has not wanted to deepen the EU co-operation.

Now, when UK is out of the picture, the EU can go forward with further integration and implement logical changes to it's structure. This could mean common foreign policy (which is almost in place already), common military etc. Basically this is one way for EU and member states to save money as there would no longer be duplicate resources in place. For some tasks it makes sense to do it collectively.

For the timing.. sounds a bit like it's a one way to push UK out as soon as possible. Even if UK is still a member, it's likely it is no longer invited to talks about EU's future.

The whole time UK is a hang-around member, it will still be paying fees to the EU. During this time, the collective money could be spent for EU's future plans. Thus it's beneficial for UK to exit as soon as possible.

So this is a win-win for both EU and Brexiters.

I agree with your first sentence completely.

However, this sentiment is not exclusively to the UK. There are very strong far right parties in the other countries (France, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary etc) that are not 100% keen on handing over full control and total integration. Brexit would undoubtedly give courage to some of them and I won't be surprised if there aren't more referendums over the coming months.

I agree also that the UK will not be involved in talks about EU's future - it would not make sense, naturally.

UK would continue to pay fees to the EU in order to enjoy the free market status. But I hope she will also start to put their foot down on some other issues that is not in her interests - agriculture, fisheries, military, immigration etc

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European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit


I don't know if his is posted elsewhere I have just seen it.

I believe this is the long term goal of the EU but I can't believe the timing. Are they so out of touch with what's happening all over Europe? Then again, sitting in their cushy offices in Brussels, that's not surprising.

If I understood correctly the EU internal politics, UK has not wanted to deepen the EU co-operation.

Now, when UK is out of the picture, the EU can go forward with further integration and implement logical changes to it's structure. This could mean common foreign policy (which is almost in place already), common military etc. Basically this is one way for EU and member states to save money as there would no longer be duplicate resources in place. For some tasks it makes sense to do it collectively.

For the timing.. sounds a bit like it's a one way to push UK out as soon as possible. Even if UK is still a member, it's likely it is no longer invited to talks about EU's future.

The whole time UK is a hang-around member, it will still be paying fees to the EU. During this time, the collective money could be spent for EU's future plans. Thus it's beneficial for UK to exit as soon as possible.

So this is a win-win for both EU and Brexiters.

I agree with your first sentence completely.

However, this sentiment is not exclusively to the UK. There are very strong far right parties in the other countries (France, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary etc) that are not 100% keen on handing over full control and total integration. Brexit would undoubtedly give courage to some of them and I won't be surprised if there aren't more referendums over the coming months.

I agree also that the UK will not be involved in talks about EU's future - it would not make sense, naturally.

UK would continue to pay fees to the EU in order to enjoy the free market status. But I hope she will also start to put their foot down on some other issues that is not in her interests - agriculture, fisheries, military, immigration etc

I don't think you need to be far-right to object to what the EU is up to in this regard.

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European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit


I don't know if his is posted elsewhere I have just seen it.

I believe this is the long term goal of the EU but I can't believe the timing. Are they so out of touch with what's happening all over Europe? Then again, sitting in their cushy offices in Brussels, that's not surprising.

If I understood correctly the EU internal politics, UK has not wanted to deepen the EU co-operation.

Now, when UK is out of the picture, the EU can go forward with further integration and implement logical changes to it's structure. This could mean common foreign policy (which is almost in place already), common military etc. Basically this is one way for EU and member states to save money as there would no longer be duplicate resources in place. For some tasks it makes sense to do it collectively.

For the timing.. sounds a bit like it's a one way to push UK out as soon as possible. Even if UK is still a member, it's likely it is no longer invited to talks about EU's future.

The whole time UK is a hang-around member, it will still be paying fees to the EU. During this time, the collective money could be spent for EU's future plans. Thus it's beneficial for UK to exit as soon as possible.

So this is a win-win for both EU and Brexiters.

I agree with your first sentence completely.

However, this sentiment is not exclusively to the UK. There are very strong far right parties in the other countries (France, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary etc) that are not 100% keen on handing over full control and total integration. Brexit would undoubtedly give courage to some of them and I won't be surprised if there aren't more referendums over the coming months.

I agree also that the UK will not be involved in talks about EU's future - it would not make sense, naturally.

UK would continue to pay fees to the EU in order to enjoy the free market status. But I hope she will also start to put their foot down on some other issues that is not in her interests - agriculture, fisheries, military, immigration etc

Zero Hedge not everyone likes (Naam) but they have an article about more Countries that want a referendum


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One good thing that might happen (but i wouldnt bet on it) is that it might prompt governments of the scavenger europe economies like poland, romania, latvia etc to ponder what a governments true purpose is.

To create opportunities for their citizens within their own borders. Not encourage their people to leave and become the uuk's problem.

But that would require the lazy twunts to actually do some work, wouldnt it?

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One good thing that might happen (but i wouldnt bet on it) is that it might prompt governments of the scavenger europe economies like poland, romania, latvia etc to ponder what a governments true purpose is.

To create opportunities for their citizens within their own borders. Not encourage their people to leave and become the uuk's problem.

But that would require the lazy twunts to actually do some work, wouldnt it?

I have to disagree with you here.

A lot of the Eastern Europeans working and residing in the UK are actually there to work, to earn some money that they can send it back to their family homes. The problem for them is that there are no jobs in their own countries.

How many of us would leave our home countries to work in a foreign country unless the wages are much better than we can get in our home countries? I have spent the last 25 years of my working life working in various countries. I consented to a transfer each time because the remuneration was substantially more than what I was getting at that time. A case in point is that my last posting was from Hong Kong to Thailand with increased pay and benefits. I was already earning a decent wage by Hong Kong standards but this wage+ translated into disposable income in Thailand took me to another level altogether.

If the EU had been able to create jobs for workers in their own countries, then I would say that their model has worked. But all they (the EU) managed to achieve is to open the borders of richer countries for citizens of poorer countries to ply their relatively unskilled labour.

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One good thing that might happen (but i wouldnt bet on it) is that it might prompt governments of the scavenger europe economies like poland, romania, latvia etc to ponder what a governments true purpose is.

To create opportunities for their citizens within their own borders. Not encourage their people to leave and become the uuk's problem.

But that would require the lazy twunts to actually do some work, wouldnt it?

I have to disagree with you here.

A lot of the Eastern Europeans working and residing in the UK are actually there to work, to earn some money that they can send it back to their family homes. The problem for them is that there are no jobs in their own countries.

How many of us would leave our home countries to work in a foreign country unless the wages are much better than we can get in our home countries? I have spent the last 25 years of my working life working in various countries. I consented to a transfer each time because the remuneration was substantially more than what I was getting at that time. A case in point is that my last posting was from Hong Kong to Thailand with increased pay and benefits. I was already earning a decent wage by Hong Kong standards but this wage+ translated into disposable income in Thailand took me to another level altogether.

If the EU had been able to create jobs for workers in their own countries, then I would say that their model has worked. But all they (the EU) managed to achieve is to open the borders of richer countries for citizens of poorer countries to ply their relatively unskilled labour.

Spot on. Marek, Meehi and Soran. Three of my best buddies and work mates are Polish, Romanian and Bulgarian, respectively. Without them and others the firm couldn't function.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

That old chestnut.. protect the people from themselves from your ivory palace.


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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

That old chestnut.. protect the people from themselves from your ivory palace.


Not quite, it's the decision making abilities of people such as these that many people need protection from:


(Thanks MJP for the link)

I ask you, how can you possibly put a decision such as Eu membership in the hands of people like her and the millions of others like her.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

That old chestnut.. protect the people from themselves from your ivory palace.


Not quite, it's the decision making abilities of people such as these that many people need protection from:


(Thanks MJP for the link)

I ask you, how can you possibly put a decision such as Eu membership in the hands of people like her and the millions of others like her.

Nevertheless, it was bimbos like her that managed to carry the more important message like the one below, home.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

That old chestnut.. protect the people from themselves from your ivory palace.


Not quite, it's the decision making abilities of people such as these that many people need protection from:

(Thanks MJP for the link)

I ask you, how can you possibly put a decision such as Eu membership in the hands of people like her and the millions of others like her.

She needs to dump her boyfriend, such a nice guy baiting her and then putting the video on the net for all to mock her

And you seem to be implying that 17+million UK voters are like her, which goes to show your level of intelligence.

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There are some complex decisions that are simply beyond the capabilities of the majority of the general public to make, they are just not equipped to make them, the Eu referendum is one, decisions regarding democracy is another.

That old chestnut.. protect the people from themselves from your ivory palace.


Not quite, it's the decision making abilities of people such as these that many people need protection from:


(Thanks MJP for the link)

I ask you, how can you possibly put a decision such as Eu membership in the hands of people like her and the millions of others like her.

Apparently very few of them voted, so nothing was put in their hands.

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I ask you, how can you possibly put a decision such as Eu membership in the hands of people like her and the millions of others like her.

So you're a misogynist as well!

Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Edited by MissAndry
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