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Hillary Clinton boasts double-digit lead as support for Trump plunges: poll


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Who do I want to win? I can't decide which scenario will be more entertaining.

Bernie. I would vote for him just to see Larry David on Saturday Night Live each week.

But between Trump & Hillary, Trump is a more fun, quotable character.

Hillary - nothing entertaining about her unless they frog march her off to prison on live TV.

Well, there is one way Hillary could provide endless entertainment. Congress won't stop its investigations and there will surely be new "irregularities" from a Clinton presidency to investigate. If she escapes the email crimes she has committed then she will certainly believe herself invulnerable. So if people find political scandals entertaining, President Hillary will be a non-stop roller coaster rides of thrills, chills, laughs and crimes. Oh, what fun.

Yeah elect Trump, he's be more fun...fun like funhouse fun.

It's going to be the non-stop HRC is a crook on Fox, that's for sure. No one believes anything from the Republicans anymore, except those sipping the Kool Aid. The sham Benghazi investigation, the email server nonsense, it's almost time for the next Hillary conspiracy.

Crimes? Vetted more than any other candidate in history. Delusional ramblings. When you ain't got nothing...make something up.

Trump is a different story. Press hasn't even begun to nail this guy down. Mafia connections, Trump University, multiple bankruptcies, the way he conducts business, and he won't release his taxes. I wonder why?

At least, It's good to see President Hillary used in a sentence. Funny, I don't remember other Presidents being addressed like that. President Barack? President George? Doesn't matter. It's progress.

Email server nonsense? Only in your deluded fantasy world.

Has she been "vetted"? No, not really. For everyone else, if they were properly vetted and it was discovered they did 1/4 what Clinton has done, that candidate's political career would be over. But in the Clinton world where her allies control most of the media her vetting results in the delusional hogwash you posted in her defense.

Honestly, it is despicable. How people can turn a blind eye to what Hillary has done and live with themselves shows as much about their own character as it does hers. At least many Republicans have the decency to hold their noses while supporting Trump.

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It seems Trey Gowdy and his laughable kangaroo court are about to issue the report into the EIGHTH Benghazi show trial.

Guess we know what's going to be on Fox non-stop for the next few days then.


It just came out and the committee has come forward with a massive and irrefutable indictment of ....nobody. If you think nothing new is exciting, then you'll find the committee's report thrilling.

Last September the msm reported that Hillary just kicked azz and took names at the hearing! They ignored (like her supporters here) that the emails showed that while she was claiming to the world that a crappy movie caused it, she was privately emailing everyone else that it was a group affiliated with al Qaeda.

That is important for at least two reasons; 1) the maker of that crappy movie went to prison for it and, 2) it swayed the election to Obama by lying to the American voter days after he told them al Qaeda wasn't a threat anymore.

For these reasons, the espionage/email scandal and using the Clinton Foundation to peddle influence, the only double-digits Hillary should be looking at are the years when it comes time for the judge to sentence her.

Edited by mopar71
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Clinton Leads Trump on Orlando Massacre Response, Trust to Handle Terrorism

"Americans overwhelmingly support barring gun purchases by individuals on the FBI’s terrorist watch list — an initiative that has thus far failed in Congress."

"And Hillary Clinton has moved ahead of Donald Trump in trust to handle terrorism, boosted by her response to the Orlando attack."

"Eighty-six percent of respondents in an ABC News/Washington Post poll released today favored a ban on gun purchases by those on the watch list."


While he is tanking in everything else, the Bloviator certainly is qualified in the Art of The Bankruptcy... biggrin.png



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Clinton Widens Her Edge in the Electoral College over Beleaguered Trump

"The electoral map in the United States may be in flux as the presumptive presidential nominees feel their way forward in a volatile election."

"But if the map is changing, it could be getting worse for Donald Trump."

"The problems surrounding the Republican's presidential bid have been mounting."


Beleaguered? Crushed.


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So with Trump at all time lows and Hillary in her way to prison, who's going to be the leader of the new free world?

Mike Tyson ? He'd have more smarts than this crew and he's never afraid to bite things off and chew them.

Will 2016 be the first failed election campaign in the history of the USA?

Looking more and more shaky as each day passes. Two words come to mind, 'failed state'.

Edited by neverdie
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GOP Releases Major Report on Benghazi, Fingering Hillary Clinton

"After 26 months of hearings, public testimony and in-depth investigation, the committee has uncovered significant failures on behalf of the Obama Administration and the Clinton State Department in the months leading up to the September 11, 2012 attack, indecision and lack of focus or direction during the attack, and spin, finger-pointing, obfuscation and political damage control in the days and weeks following the deadly terror attacks."


But, but, we were told it was that darn video that was responsible? whistling.gif

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GOP Releases Major Report on Benghazi, Fingering Hillary Clinton

"After 26 months of hearings, public testimony and in-depth investigation, the committee has uncovered significant failures on behalf of the Obama Administration and the Clinton State Department in the months leading up to the September 11, 2012 attack, indecision and lack of focus or direction during the attack, and spin, finger-pointing, obfuscation and political damage control in the days and weeks following the deadly terror attacks."


But, but, we were told it was that darn video that was responsible? whistling.gif

U Huh.

Aren't you the same guy that was here earlier telling us that Obama is an anti American, illegal alien, gay, double agent, muslim loving terrorist, being paid "big bucks" to destroy America? cheesy.gif

Edited by Buzzz
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GOP Releases Major Report on Benghazi, Fingering Hillary Clinton

"After 26 months of hearings, public testimony and in-depth investigation, the committee has uncovered significant failures on behalf of the Obama Administration and the Clinton State Department in the months leading up to the September 11, 2012 attack, indecision and lack of focus or direction during the attack, and spin, finger-pointing, obfuscation and political damage control in the days and weeks following the deadly terror attacks."


But, but, we were told it was that darn video that was responsible? whistling.gif

U Huh.

Aren't you the same guy that was here earlier telling us that Obama is an anti American, illegal alien, gay, double agent, muslim loving terrorist, being paid "big bucks" to destroy America? cheesy.gif

You only just now coming to that realization?

Please try to keep up! smile.png

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Who do I want to win? I can't decide which scenario will be more entertaining.

Bernie. I would vote for him just to see Larry David on Saturday Night Live each week.

But between Trump & Hillary, Trump is a more fun, quotable character.

Hillary - nothing entertaining about her unless they frog march her off to prison on live TV.

Well, there is one way Hillary could provide endless entertainment. Congress won't stop its investigations and there will surely be new "irregularities" from a Clinton presidency to investigate. If she escapes the email crimes she has committed then she will certainly believe herself invulnerable. So if people find political scandals entertaining, President Hillary will be a non-stop roller coaster rides of thrills, chills, laughs and crimes. Oh, what fun.

Yeah elect Trump, he's be more fun...fun like funhouse fun.

It's going to be the non-stop HRC is a crook on Fox, that's for sure. No one believes anything from the Republicans anymore, except those sipping the Kool Aid. The sham Benghazi investigation, the email server nonsense, it's almost time for the next Hillary conspiracy.

Crimes? Vetted more than any other candidate in history. Delusional ramblings. When you ain't got nothing...make something up.

Trump is a different story. Press hasn't even begun to nail this guy down. Mafia connections, Trump University, multiple bankruptcies, the way he conducts business, and he won't release his taxes. I wonder why?

At least, It's good to see President Hillary used in a sentence. Funny, I don't remember other Presidents being addressed like that. President Barack? President George? Doesn't matter. It's progress.

lol at you and your lot.

Hillary has now been crowned "Queen of the Funhouse Clowns"

White house has just declared her activities as "Criminal"

Your game is over.

Your goddess....Hillary the lying, cheating criminal that she is, has just been deflowered.


Ah yes, the educated Trump supporter.

Let me help you, "loser". Got it? Good.

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Hillary Clinton’s Vow To College Grads: I’ll Outsource Your Jobs To Foreign Graduates

Whoa! let's elect this fine woman immediately! laugh.png

Hillary Clinton today promised donors that she’ll provide Green Cards to an unlimited number of foreign college graduates, even though the resulting flood of university-trained foreign labor will drown the lifetime wages and career prospects of her college-indebted American supporters.

The open-borders promise to foreign graduates is posted at her campaign, and is titled “Hillary Clinton’s Initiative on Technology & Innovation.


Amazing the sheer ignorance of the Crooked Hillary supporters, eh? Everything she's going to do is just Obama Part 3!bah.gif

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I wouldn't pay any attention to polls. They can be manipulated and mean squat on the day as we've seen on the other side of the pond.

Come on... The only way Trump wins is if he quits his sham-paign and we know he won't do that... Lol. The beauty of it all is not only will Republicans lose the Whitehouse they will also lose power in the House and Senate. Hope you're not having Duck for Thanksgiving.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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June 29, 2016 - Hate Winning, As Clinton-Trump Race Too Close To Call, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Neither Candidate Would Be Good President, Voters Say

Democrat Hillary Clinton has 42 percent to Republican Donald Trump's 40 percent - too close to call - as American voters say neither candidate would be a good president and that the campaign has increased hatred and prejudice in the nation, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.


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Democrat Hillary Clinton is up 44-38 percent over Trump in a head-to-head matchup.


The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.


Fairness in media? Do you think the above deserves a thread?

Edited by Scotwight
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Democrat Hillary Clinton is up 44-38 percent over Trump in a head-to-head matchup.


The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.


Fairness in media? Do you think the above deserves a thread?

It definitely does. Then we can cite fivethirtyeight's C+ grade for Rasmussen. Washington Post/ABC polls get a mere A+. Reuters/Ipsos an A-. NBC/WSJ A-. Out of all the major polling organizations, Rasmussen lies at the bottom in terms of accuracy.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Democrat Hillary Clinton is up 44-38 percent over Trump in a head-to-head matchup.


The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.


Fairness in media? Do you think the above deserves a thread?

It definitely does. Then we can cite fivethirtyeight's C+ grade for Rasmussen. Washington Post/ABC polls get a mere A+. Reuters/Ipsos an A-. NBC/WSJ A-. Out of all the major polling organizations, Rasmussen lies at the bottom in terms of accuracy.

Not trying to cast aspersions on the Red Chinese news agency bi line this story but the poll in question (this thread) was done Washington Post ABC News ranks 18 in accuracy and Rasmussen ranks 20th.



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Democrat Hillary Clinton is up 44-38 percent over Trump in a head-to-head matchup.


The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.


Fairness in media? Do you think the above deserves a thread?

It definitely does. Then we can cite fivethirtyeight's C+ grade for Rasmussen. Washington Post/ABC polls get a mere A+. Reuters/Ipsos an A-. NBC/WSJ A-. Out of all the major polling organizations, Rasmussen lies at the bottom in terms of accuracy.

Not trying to cast aspersions on the Red Chinese news agency bi line this story but the poll in question (this thread) was done Washington Post ABC News ranks 18 in accuracy and Rasmussen ranks 20th.



Apparently, Silver and his time have since refined their analysis



The format on the webpage makes it very difficult to find individual pollsters. I can message you an excel version that puts the pollsters in alphabetical order. It doesn't contain all the data because I'm pretty inept at using Excel but the rankings and some other stuff is there.

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The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.


Fairness in media? Do you think the above deserves a thread?

It definitely does. Then we can cite fivethirtyeight's C+ grade for Rasmussen. Washington Post/ABC polls get a mere A+. Reuters/Ipsos an A-. NBC/WSJ A-. Out of all the major polling organizations, Rasmussen lies at the bottom in terms of accuracy.

Not trying to cast aspersions on the Red Chinese news agency bi line this story but the poll in question (this thread) was done Washington Post ABC News ranks 18 in accuracy and Rasmussen ranks 20th.



Apparently, Silver and his time have since refined their analysis



The format on the webpage makes it very difficult to find individual pollsters. I can message you an excel version that puts the pollsters in alphabetical order. It doesn't contain all the data because I'm pretty inept at using Excel but the rankings and some other stuff is there.

My point was that it was news when Hillary pulled ahead and now it is news that Trump is pulling ahead but he will not get equal time because the fix is in just like it was for Brexit. The people do win occasionally.

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The polls would be about Trump and Bernie if the media would do its job...

June 29th, Attorney General Lynch meets privately with Bill Clinton...

Judicial Watch Asks Justice Inspector General to Investigate Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Meeting
Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President William J. Clinton on board a parked private plane on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona on June 29, 2016, according to multiple press reports.


and later that day...

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months
Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.
If the court permits the delay, the public won’t be able to read the communications until October 2018, about 22 months into her prospective first term as President.
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