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Former deputy commerce minister Banyin Tangphakorn arrested for murder


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Former deputy commerce minister arrested for murder


BANGKOK: -- Former deputy commerce minister Pol Lt Col Banyin Tangphakorn was arrested today at a resort in Khao Yai national park by the Crime Suppressionn Division (CSD) police for murder charge.

The arrest of the former MP of Nakhon Sawan and a member of the Pheu Thai party came as the Phra Khanong District Court issued warrant for his arrest upon request by the CSD yesterday

The CSD police are escorting him back to the headquarters in Bangkok for a press conference late this afternoon.

The CSD sought warrant for his arrest after several months long investigation revealed that he was allegedly responsible for the death of a billionaire contractor Chuwong Sae Tang in a mysterious car accident on June 26 last year.

Mr Chuwong was travelling in a car driven by Pol Lt-Col Banyin when the car accidentally rammed into a roadside tree killing Mr Chuwong.

After the victim was cremated, his family became suspicious of his death and asked the CSD police to investigate the case.

The police investigators found out that shortly before Mr Chuwong’s death, about 300 million baht worth of shares owned by the billionaire contractor were transferred to two woman, one a stock broker, and a golf course caddy.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/former-deputy-commerce-minister-arrested-murder/

-- Thai PBS 2016-06-28

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Arrested, but with this much money involved I doubt he'll see the inside of a cell.

Ever heard of presumption of innocence?

Yeah. I was once told that his owner was completely innocent because he hasn't been convicted of the multiple charges he refuses to face. I'm not convinced.

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................the former MP of Nakhon Sawan and a member of the Pheu Thai party ...............

Another one of Thaksins squeaky-clean henchmen put away. This just gets better and better!


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I cannot believe a former MP and policeman could do such a thing, who would have known? What are the odds for that - 1:1?

Even money for a copper, about right. But a PTP MP picked to be in the cabinet, London to a brick he's gonna be a crim.

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I actually think they'll do the right thing here, whether it takes the customary 10 years to get this dirtbag in a cell or not, his lame attempts at making everything look legitimate have crashed and burned.

Plus he stupidly thought the family of a billionaire wouldn't chase up such a suspicious death and absolutely bogus share transfers so soon after the fact. A good story for a change (even though he's probably out on negligibly low bail already).

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I cannot believe a former MP and policeman could do such a thing, who would have known? What are the odds for that - 1:1?

Even money for a copper, about right. But a PTP MP picked to be in the cabinet, London to a brick he's gonna be a crim.

No respectable bookie would give you 1:1 :blink: Probably more like 10:1 :D

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I actually think they'll do the right thing here, whether it takes the customary 10 years to get this dirtbag in a cell or not, his lame attempts at making everything look legitimate have crashed and burned.

Plus he stupidly thought the family of a billionaire wouldn't chase up such a suspicious death and absolutely bogus share transfers so soon after the fact. A good story for a change (even though he's probably out on negligibly low bail already).

Can we hope his passport and that of the three female suspects are revoked, and the immigration police at the borders to be alert(ed)...?

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The chances of him doing time are slim and none...that was very convenient having the body cremated so soon after the crash...whistling.gif

The cremation was held at the request of the family, not the accused, and it is was the family that brought this case to the attention of the CSD, so suggesting that the early cremation was convenient makes no sense.

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There is law...........whether he finally gets a conviction, remains to be seen.....but at least he's been found out!

There is no "found out" till the trial is over. May he somehow magically put the tree in the path of the deceased vehicle. Strange how he was a member of the expunged late PTP party.

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I actually think they'll do the right thing here, whether it takes the customary 10 years to get this dirtbag in a cell or not, his lame attempts at making everything look legitimate have crashed and burned.

Plus he stupidly thought the family of a billionaire wouldn't chase up such a suspicious death and absolutely bogus share transfers so soon after the fact. A good story for a change (even though he's probably out on negligibly low bail already).

Can we hope his passport and that of the three female suspects are revoked, and the immigration police at the borders to be alert(ed)...? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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He is accused of murder of a billionaire so perhaps we will see some form of justice here, although he is likely to do a runner while on bail because they didn't cease his passport. Time will tell.

There will be much more to this story before it's over.

How do so many police become high ranking government officials here?

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It sure took them long enough to see what was evident to everyone else from the start of this case. Of course, arresting him and seeing him serve jail time are two different things. I assume he is out on bail and WILL be a flight risk if there is even the slightest chance the charges might stick.

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strange way to kill someone, because theres a good chance of killing or injuring yourself using this method

Not when 'crashing' a modern 'top' Lexus SUV at an apparent speed of 30km. on a rather small tree (in a straight line?)... The chance that Banyin character took was rather not to put the 'crash' in scene in a realistic and credible way... Though the (ret.) Pol. Lt. Col. RTP friends did, let's not forget it, totally go for the accident theory, and when it would not have been for the family fighting with all means (and they seem to have quite some, means) available, this story would have been buried 1st class for some time already, Banyin free and richer, three nasty women settled for life...!

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Mmmmm,,He was/is a bad Driver ,,,,or this was No accident,,,,Who will tell?

Well he's obviously a very unlucky driver as his ex-wife died in similar circumstances back in 1988.

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The arrest of the former MP of Nakhon Sawan and a member of the Pheu Thai party

Didn't recognise the name, but when I read PTP it was no surprise.

Never see Kohn Korn arrested for murder. Not because the law is on his side, but because he is not a criminal.

Gotta love justice, although knowing the Thai political system PTP members never go to jail. At the end of the day the law must be respected. That is part of a democracy after all.

​Respect the law no matter the result.

Edited by djjamie
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I think the Thai Rak Thai / Pheua Thai references in this thread are disingenuous and misleading in linking directly to an incorrect conclusion that TRT / PT are bad - current admin is therefore good.

Thailand has basically had 3 types of government since WWII

1. Military dictatorship. Murderous and unaccountable.

2. Parliamentary democracy. Majority always has to be composed of factions led by regional godfathers hobbled together. Godfathers are, by definition, murderous. They only become accountable when govt. type 1 comes into power and they cannot reach an accommodation with the new powers.

3. Interim govt. appointed by type 1, typically technocratic, unaccountable but less murderous than types 1 or 2.

Banyin belongs to type 2.

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He is accused of murder of a billionaire so perhaps we will see some form of justice here, although he is likely to do a runner while on bail because they didn't cease his passport. Time will tell.

There will be much more to this story before it's over.

How do so many police become high ranking government officials here?

in particular when taksin's gang is in power

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I think the Thai Rak Thai / Pheua Thai references in this thread are disingenuous and misleading in linking directly to an incorrect conclusion that TRT / PT are bad - current admin is therefore good.

Thailand has basically had 3 types of government since WWII

1. Military dictatorship. Murderous and unaccountable.

2. Parliamentary democracy. Majority always has to be composed of factions led by regional godfathers hobbled together. Godfathers are, by definition, murderous. They only become accountable when govt. type 1 comes into power and they cannot reach an accommodation with the new powers.

3. Interim govt. appointed by type 1, typically technocratic, unaccountable but less murderous than types 1 or 2.

Banyin belongs to type 2.

You're claim and yours only. More realistically TRT/PTP are bad, current mob are less so. If only because they have enough manners to hide their corruption.

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