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Buying Pearson Stock

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I've heard through a friend to buy stock in a company called Pearson.

Does anyone know if this is wise advice at this time, especially after brexit?

He had made a lot of money with stocks(So he says) but this is my first attempt.

I've opened a maybank account and thinking about buying when the market opens tonight.

Any thing obvious I should think about which I haven't mentioned?

Please be gentle this is my first time.

Any buying stock advice websites you can recommend?


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FWIW i would say its certainly worth a look,its not expensive ,on the face of it, with a good dividend yield and the balance sheet is fine. Its been derated as the market has become less convinced about its strategy, which essentially is to migrate its highly profitable education business (textbooks, study aids etc) into the online world (less profitable and harder to protect.)They have other businesses some of which have been sold (eg the FT) but it is the educational publishing business (mainly US focused) which is the driver. Have a look on the corporate website for presentations by the company then ask yourself and then your friend some questions such as; is this the kind of business that has a long term profitable future? Always worth learning as much as possible before you invest the hard earned; its also fun!

Edited by wordchild
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Thanks for the reply :-)

I notice they are in negotiations to sell Global English, which they bought recently for $90 million. Lots of changes, and like you said the Financial Times wad sold to Nikkei for hundreds of millions.

My source actually does business with the right honourable Charles Pearson in his large estate in Scotland.

Edited by Nearlynam
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Thanks for the reply :-)

I notice they are in negotiations to sell Global English, which they bought recently for $90 million. Lots of changes, and like you said the Financial Times wad sold to Nikkei for hundreds of millions.

My source actually does business with the right honourable Charles Pearson in his large estate in Scotland.[/quote

The family don't really have any involvement these days though they are still, I believe, smallish shareholders, however they may well have informal contact at various levels of the business. It would be more interesting ,and relevant , if your friend was involved in say the educational budget spend of a significant US state

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