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Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton


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Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans on Tuesday concluded their $7 million, two-year investigation into the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, with fresh accusations of lethal mistakes by the Obama administration but no "smoking gun" pointing to wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton, then secretary of state and now the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee.

After the long investigation, filled with partisan sniping by panel members, none of the new revelations highlighted by the House Benghazi committee in its 800-page report pointed specifically to Clinton's actions before, during or after the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. diplomatic outpost and CIA annex in the eastern Libyan city.

Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, died in the attacks. Allegations against Clinton were a main impetus behind the House Republicans' creation of the politically charged, Watergate-style select committee. Clinton testified before the panel for nearly 11 hours last fall.

While the panel's GOP members took shots at Clinton on Tuesday, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the chairman, summed up the document by asking "the American people to read this report for themselves, look at the evidence we have collected and reach their own conclusions."

In Denver, Clinton dismissed the report as an echo of previous probes with no new discoveries. "I think it's pretty clear it's time to move on," she said during a campaign stop.

Hardly — especially in the heat of an election. Republican rival Donald Trump, although silent on the subject Tuesday, has frequently lashed out at Clinton over Benghazi.

Nearly four years ago, the Libya attacks became immediate political fodder, given their timing in the weeks before President Barack Obama's re-election, and that has not abated despite seven previous congressional investigations. There has been finger-pointing on both sides over security at the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi and whether Clinton and the White House initially tried to portray the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack.

Republican insistence that the investigation was not politically motivated was undermined last year when House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., suggested that the committee could take credit for Clinton's then-slumping poll numbers.

His statements helped dash his chances of becoming House Speaker.

The committee interviewed more than 100 witnesses and reviewed some 75,000 pages of documents, but an almost accidental discovery by the panel last year has shadowed Clinton's candidacy. The committee disclosed that she had used a private email server to conduct government business while serving as secretary of state, a practice that has drawn widespread scrutiny, including an FBI investigation.

Already bitterly partisan, Tuesday's release of the report exposed divisions within Republican ranks.

Reps. Mike Pompeo of Kansas and Jim Jordan of Ohio issued a separate report slamming Clinton and the Obama administration, with Pompeo telling reporters that the former first lady and senator was "morally reprehensible." Clinton's public comments casting the attack as a possible protest over the anti-Muslim video differed sharply from her private assessments to her daughter, Chelsea, and foreign diplomats, Jordan and Pompeo said.

Gowdy, however, deflected questions about her, saying the report "is not about one person."

The GOP report severely criticizes the military, CIA and administration officials for their response as the attacks unfolded, and their subsequent explanations to the American people.

On the night of Sept. 11, a large group of men rushed into the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, firing guns and setting fires. Visiting Ambassador Stevens and computer specialist Sean Smith were killed despite taking cover in a safe room.

Hours later, before dawn, mortar fire hit the CIA roof nearby, killing security contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

The report found that Libyan military officers loyal to former leader Moammar Gadhafi, whom the U.S. had helped depose, had taken part in rescuing the remaining Americans.

"Not a single wheel of a single U.S. military asset had even turned toward Libya," Gowdy complained.

U.S. military leaders told the committee they thought an evacuation was imminent, slowing any response.

The committee's five Democrats denounced the Republicans' report as "a conspiracy theory on steroids — bringing back long-debunked allegations with no credible evidence whatsoever."

Democrats released their own report Monday saying that while the State Department's security measures in Benghazi were "woefully inadequate," Clinton never personally turned down a request for additional security. The military could not have done anything differently that night to save the lives of the Americans, Democrats said.

Military leaders have testified repeatedly that they didn't have intelligence information on what was happening or the resources on alert to respond in time to the attacks, which occurred at two separate locations over 13 hours.

The State Department also issued a statement Tuesday, saying that the "essential facts" of the attacks "have been known for some time," and have been the subject of numerous reviews, including one by an independent review board.


Associated Press reporter Matthew Lee contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-29

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Whitewash thumbsup.gif

On a further note:

Benghazi Security Team Member: We Were Told to ‘Stand Down

TEL AVIV – A member of the security team stationed at the CIA Annex in Benghazi testified that his chief of base directed him to “stand down” while the nearby U.S. Special Mission came under attack the night of September 11, 2012.


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Whitewash thumbsup.gif

On a further note:

Benghazi Security Team Member: We Were Told to ‘Stand Down

TEL AVIV – A member of the security team stationed at the CIA Annex in Benghazi testified that his chief of base directed him to “stand down” while the nearby U.S. Special Mission came under attack the night of September 11, 2012.


Those so called conservative republicans on the committe are really "Transnational Cosmopolitans?"

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Check my shocked face! facepalm.gif

CONFIRMED: Obama Skipped Intel Briefing After Americans Killed in Benghazi

"The House Benghazi Committee’s report confirms that President Obama did not attend his daily intelligence briefing even after the terrorist attack claimed the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans."


Well, of course. He had a scheduled golf game and that was far more important...wink.png

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But wait! There's more!

Benghazi Report: State Dept Withheld Weapons Because They Were Not "Aesthetically Pleasing"

"There were about 10 of us who continually asked for more weapons and more security in Benghazi and were routinely denied.” And we reported on that because the State Department told him it wasn’t aesthetically pleasing to have a belt-fed machine gun, for example."


Un-<deleted> believable! facepalm.gif

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Another right wing fake scandal exposed.

The Bengazzi Committee was a just another taxpayer-funded witch hunt against Hillary Clinton.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy admitted the committee was formed to drive down Clinton’s poll numbers and make her appear “untrustable.”

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Makes you wonder, if the American Embassy here in Thailand warrants armed marine protection then why not an embassy in countries that have actual daily threats. whistling.gif

The US Embassy is in Tripoli.

Ambassador Stevens was visiting Benghazi at the time to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital.

The military rapid response team was 2,000 miles away.

In 2014 the terrorist that masterminded the attack was captured by US Special Forces.

Suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.

Edited by Buzzz
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No smoking gun"? Read the 800 page report and then you will have enough information to make your own decision. Don't speculate or take anyone else word for it. After you read from the gathered evidence you will have a very clear view of how the three parts unfolded.

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Come on its not like any of the repugs care about the people who were killed in Benghazi. They just want to brandish spears and dance around a campfire chanting "Benghazi - Obama - Hillary" ....... "Benghazi - Obama - Hillary"

And what fun! biggrin.png

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The facts I find most important are (1) there were numerous requests to beef up security which were ignored by the State Department, (2) the Administration and the political hacks in the White House and State Department seemed more worried about putting the correct political spin on the incident rather than coming clean with the facts, (3) Hillary and her State Department and Obama and his White House were trying to explain the incident away as a spontaneous incident which came about from the video while Hillary was texting her daughter that it was a terrorist attack from the beginning, and (4) Obama who was not present and Hillary who was present at the meeting held at the White House while the incident was in real time, in which senior leadership should have been giving direction were not showing any leadership or direction at all. No matter the political party one with which on is affiliated, one cannot walk away without acknowledging that handling of the security in Libya was a cluster<deleted> at the State Department and that the reaction after the incident began a show of ineptness and lack of leadership. However one wants to assign the faults, they did occur and it seems like Harry Truman's adage that "The buck stops here" doesn't apply anymore. The fact that Congressional Committees can't seem to ever get information for whatever the reason from the Executive Branch without a tug of war makes it evidently clear that the government is broken. Congress is supposed to have oversight of government operations and they can't very well do that when the Executive Branch continuously stonewalls information requests hoping the public will get bored with the whole thing. Government no matter the party in the White House should be open, not run in secret as it has been far too long.

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The facts I find most important are (1) there were numerous requests to beef up security which were ignored by the State Department, (2) the Administration and the political hacks in the White House and State Department seemed more worried about putting the correct political spin on the incident rather than coming clean with the facts, (3) Hillary and her State Department and Obama and his White House were trying to explain the incident away as a spontaneous incident which came about from the video while Hillary was texting her daughter that it was a terrorist attack from the beginning, and (4) Obama who was not present and Hillary who was present at the meeting held at the White House while the incident was in real time, in which senior leadership should have been giving direction were not showing any leadership or direction at all. No matter the political party one with which on is affiliated, one cannot walk away without acknowledging that handling of the security in Libya was a cluster<deleted> at the State Department and that the reaction after the incident began a show of ineptness and lack of leadership. However one wants to assign the faults, they did occur and it seems like Harry Truman's adage that "The buck stops here" doesn't apply anymore. The fact that Congressional Committees can't seem to ever get information for whatever the reason from the Executive Branch without a tug of war makes it evidently clear that the government is broken. Congress is supposed to have oversight of government operations and they can't very well do that when the Executive Branch continuously stonewalls information requests hoping the public will get bored with the whole thing. Government no matter the party in the White House should be open, not run in secret as it has been far too long.

Who can disagree with any of that but it appears that although many more people died on 9/11 the inquiry into that event didn't merit the same scrutiny. Also the invasion of Iraq (based on a big fat lie, not sure who said that now) costing again many more lives, destabilized the whole of the Middle East as predicted by Dick Cheney in 1994, costing trillions of dollars still ongoing was also deemed not worthy of any in depth scrutiny. What is that saying about a can of worms?

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Mother of Benghazi Victim: ‘Hillary Is a Liar,’ ‘I Would Like To See Hillary In Stripes’

"On Tuesday’s “Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton” on the Fox Business Network, Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean Smith, was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack stated, “Hillary is a liar.” And “I would like to see Hillary in stripes.”

Of course she's a liar - we all know that but the fix is in. Read the rest here: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/28/mother-of-benghazi-victim-hillary-is-a-liar-i-would-like-to-see-hillary-in-stripes/

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All the news That Con-servatives love to hear

biggrin.png You, Fox and Trump are preaching to the choir. That Choir chanting around a campfire. To win you need to appeal to those NOT chanting around the campfire. Good luck because you and the Choir are going to get stomped yet again.

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Mother of Benghazi Victim: ‘Hillary Is a Liar,’ ‘I Would Like To See Hillary In Stripes’

"On Tuesday’s “Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton” on the Fox Business Network, Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean Smith, was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack stated, “Hillary is a liar.” And “I would like to see Hillary in stripes.”

Of course she's a liar - we all know that but the fix is in. Read the rest here: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/28/mother-of-benghazi-victim-hillary-is-a-liar-i-would-like-to-see-hillary-in-stripes/

Terrible for her and her family, but no matter how hard they tried, the republicans could not find an excuse to point the finger at Hillary.

This is why victims families make bad judges.

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Makes you wonder, if the American Embassy here in Thailand warrants armed marine protection then why not an embassy in countries that have actual daily threats. whistling.gif

The US Embassy is in Tripoli.

Ambassador Stevens was visiting Benghazi at the time to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital.

The military rapid response team was 2,000 miles away.

In 2014 the terrorist that masterminded the attack was captured by US Special Forces.

Suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.

The distance between Tripoli and Benghazi by air is around 400 miles by air and around 620 miles by road.

I find it hard to believe that the US didn't have people stationed in Tripoli or Malta that couldn't have responded by air.

London is around 1,680 miles by air, where exactly was this response team based? Riyadh? Even at a distance of around 2,000 miles that would be a 4.5 hour flight, the attacks took place over a period of several hours.

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The facts I find most important are (1) there were numerous requests to beef up security which were ignored by the State Department, (2) the Administration and the political hacks in the White House and State Department seemed more worried about putting the correct political spin on the incident rather than coming clean with the facts, (3) Hillary and her State Department and Obama and his White House were trying to explain the incident away as a spontaneous incident which came about from the video while Hillary was texting her daughter that it was a terrorist attack from the beginning, and (4) Obama who was not present and Hillary who was present at the meeting held at the White House while the incident was in real time, in which senior leadership should have been giving direction were not showing any leadership or direction at all. No matter the political party one with which on is affiliated, one cannot walk away without acknowledging that handling of the security in Libya was a cluster<deleted> at the State Department and that the reaction after the incident began a show of ineptness and lack of leadership. However one wants to assign the faults, they did occur and it seems like Harry Truman's adage that "The buck stops here" doesn't apply anymore. The fact that Congressional Committees can't seem to ever get information for whatever the reason from the Executive Branch without a tug of war makes it evidently clear that the government is broken. Congress is supposed to have oversight of government operations and they can't very well do that when the Executive Branch continuously stonewalls information requests hoping the public will get bored with the whole thing. Government no matter the party in the White House should be open, not run in secret as it has been far too long.

Who can disagree with any of that but it appears that although many more people died on 9/11 the inquiry into that event didn't merit the same scrutiny. Also the invasion of Iraq (based on a big fat lie, not sure who said that now) costing again many more lives, destabilized the whole of the Middle East as predicted by Dick Cheney in 1994, costing trillions of dollars still ongoing was also deemed not worthy of any in depth scrutiny. What is that saying about a can of worms?

Yeap, this whole Benghazi episode is about one political party wasting millions of taxpayer dollars and resources trying to smear a political opponent. Disgraceful.


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The facts I find most important are (1) there were numerous requests to beef up security which were ignored by the State Department, (2) the Administration and the political hacks in the White House and State Department seemed more worried about putting the correct political spin on the incident rather than coming clean with the facts, (3) Hillary and her State Department and Obama and his White House were trying to explain the incident away as a spontaneous incident which came about from the video while Hillary was texting her daughter that it was a terrorist attack from the beginning, and (4) Obama who was not present and Hillary who was present at the meeting held at the White House while the incident was in real time, in which senior leadership should have been giving direction were not showing any leadership or direction at all. No matter the political party one with which on is affiliated, one cannot walk away without acknowledging that handling of the security in Libya was a cluster<deleted> at the State Department and that the reaction after the incident began a show of ineptness and lack of leadership. However one wants to assign the faults, they did occur and it seems like Harry Truman's adage that "The buck stops here" doesn't apply anymore. The fact that Congressional Committees can't seem to ever get information for whatever the reason from the Executive Branch without a tug of war makes it evidently clear that the government is broken. Congress is supposed to have oversight of government operations and they can't very well do that when the Executive Branch continuously stonewalls information requests hoping the public will get bored with the whole thing. Government no matter the party in the White House should be open, not run in secret as it has been far too long.

What an utter waste of public money.

Yes there were faults, mostly in the military response, and they need to be fixed.

But the Republicans milking the deaths of Americans for all the political worth they feel they can squeeze out of it is despicable.

One hopes they will consider eight partisan witch hunts to be sufficient, since it doesn't appear to be achieving the desired effect, which for them is trying to win the election.

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Whitewash thumbsup.gif

On a further note:

Benghazi Security Team Member: We Were Told to ‘Stand Down

TEL AVIV – A member of the security team stationed at the CIA Annex in Benghazi testified that his chief of base directed him to “stand down” while the nearby U.S. Special Mission came under attack the night of September 11, 2012.


Thanks very much for providing the link that shows what a farce this is:

The one security team member who said that he had been told to “stand down” described what he said was an exchange with superiors in testimony to the Select Committee:

We’re probably sitting there a good 15 minutes, and I get out of the car. I have the Chief of Base, the Deputy Chief of Base, and [the Security Team Leader] on the front porch. They’re all three on the phone doing something. And I just say: Hey, you know, we’ve got to get over there. We’re losing the initiative. [The Chief of Base] looks at me, he says: Stand down, you need to wait. You need to come up with a plan.

That same individual did not mention any “stand down” order in previous testimony to the Committee.

What a surprise.


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So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

Which begs the question, what the **** was she doing?

All these bad life & death decisions being made while Americans are under attack and where was the Secretary of State?

Where was the President?

They were either making the decisions their positions demand of them or they weren't.

If the President and Secretary of State were not involved with the bad decisions that led to the deaths of 4 Americans WHY NOT? WHO WAS?

Who was making decisions like should any rescuers where civilian clothes or uniforms so as not to offend locals? (Oh, never mind, just don't send anyone).

There does not need to be a "smoking gun". It was Hillary's job as Secretary of State, her main, #1 priority on that day.

If no help came over a 13 hour period there is only one person who could have over-ruled Secretary of State Clinton, and that is President Obama.

So which one of them will accept the responsibility? Somebody needs to take responsibility for those 13 hours of in action.

Harry Truman (Democrat) famously had a sign on his desk, "the Buck stops here". Those were the days...


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So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

Which begs the question, what the **** was she doing?

All these bad life & death decisions being made while Americans are under attack and where was the Secretary of State?

Where was the President?

They were either making the decisions their positions demand of them or they weren't.

If the President and Secretary of State were not involved with the bad decisions that led to the deaths of 4 Americans WHY NOT? WHO WAS?

Who was making decisions like should any rescuers where civilian clothes or uniforms so as not to offend locals? (Oh, never mind, just don't send anyone).

There does not need to be a "smoking gun". It was Hillary's job as Secretary of State, her main, #1 priority on that day.

If no help came over a 13 hour period there is only one person who could have over-ruled Secretary of State Clinton, and that is President Obama.

So which one of them will accept the responsibility? Somebody needs to take responsibility for those 13 hours of in action.

Harry Truman (Democrat) famously had a sign on his desk, "the Buck stops here". Those were the days...


Well then, write your Senator & Congressman and demand a 9th inquiry.

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The baggers are heartbroken that didn't find enough to send HRC to prison. Oh well...there is always the email server nonsense.

Yes, reread the report, don't let this conspiracy go, you're running out of time!

It seems like bad news every day for the GOP. The Texas abortion requirements are unconstitutional? How dare they not let right wingers impede abortions!

At least they'll have many illustrious sports figures appearing at the convention, Mike Tyson, Bobby Knight, Mike Ditka et al. Ditka! I'd pay tio see Ditka speak.

And great bands, reconstituted Journey, reconstituted Beach Boys, Lynyrd Skynyrd. Lynyrd Skynyrd? I hope Neil Young will remember. Didn't they die? Now all they need is someone willing to speak at a Trump convention that has an ounce of respectability...Louie Gohmert?

Five more months till the Republican self-immolation. I've got the marshmallows, bring your own stick, and weenies...and beer. Bring more than you think you'll need. YUUUUUUUGE party. Let's bid a proper farewell to what's left of the Republican party.

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It will only get worse if Hillary is elected. In addition to the current scandals & crimes the will definitely be more, a lot more.

Not because of right-wingers, Republicans or Fox News.

There will be more because of the liberal media and the zombies that allow Hillary to get away with everything.

If after all the American voter knows about and she STILL get elected President...there is no reason whatsoever for her to start playing by the same rules as the rest of us.

There will be more scandals, more crimes, and they will be bigger than what we have now.

Why not? She is above the law. Putin must be envious. He has to kill and imprison journalists to keep them under control.

Edited by mopar71
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Mother of Benghazi Victim: ‘Hillary Is a Liar,’ ‘I Would Like To See Hillary In Stripes’

"On Tuesday’s “Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton” on the Fox Business Network, Patricia Smith, whose son, Sean Smith, was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack stated, “Hillary is a liar.” And “I would like to see Hillary in stripes.”

Of course she's a liar - we all know that but the fix is in. Read the rest here: http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/06/28/mother-of-benghazi-victim-hillary-is-a-liar-i-would-like-to-see-hillary-in-stripes/

Clearly Patricia Smith is an unbiased authority. Perhaps we should call her opinion "fair and balanced,"

By the way, what does Ambassador Stevens' family say about the case? You've been remarkably reticent on that score.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Makes you wonder, if the American Embassy here in Thailand warrants armed marine protection then why not an embassy in countries that have actual daily threats. whistling.gif

The US Embassy is in Tripoli.

Ambassador Stevens was visiting Benghazi at the time to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital.

The military rapid response team was 2,000 miles away.

In 2014 the terrorist that masterminded the attack was captured by US Special Forces.

Suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.

The distance between Tripoli and Benghazi by air is around 400 miles by air and around 620 miles by road.

I find it hard to believe that the US didn't have people stationed in Tripoli or Malta that couldn't have responded by air.

London is around 1,680 miles by air, where exactly was this response team based? Riyadh? Even at a distance of around 2,000 miles that would be a 4.5 hour flight, the attacks took place over a period of several hours.

Not even the Republican chairman of the committee thinks it was possible to get assistance there in time. But I'm sure you have the hard data to prove otherwise.

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It will only get worse if Hillary is elected. In addition to the current scandals & crimes the will definitely be more, a lot more.

Not because of right-wingers, Republicans or Fox News.

There will be more because of the liberal media and the zombies that allow Hillary to get away with everything.

If after all the American voter knows about and she STILL get elected President...there is no reason whatsoever for her to start playing by the same rules as the rest of us.

There will be more scandals, more crimes, and they will be bigger than what we have now.

Why not? She is above the law. Putin must be envious. He has to kill and imprison journalists to keep them under control.

The "liberal media and zombies allow Hillary to get away with everything."

WOW. The things you learn here on thaivisa.

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No smoking gun"? Read the 800 page report and then you will have enough information to make your own decision. Don't speculate or take anyone else word for it. After you read from the gathered evidence you will have a very clear view of how the three parts unfolded.

I think you overestimate the ability of the average person to comprehend more than a comic strip's worth of rhetoric; let alone make an intelligent decision on the information presented.

This was a Republican sponsored, House Select Committee investigating the Benghazi attack—it consisted of seven Republicans and five Democrats. After two years of investigation including interviews of US military, CIA, and Obama Administration officials, the result is announced—there is no evidence which points to Hillary's judgement as being at fault.

Like all the other whiners, the Republicans are crying because they could not prove any wrong-doing. The House Select committee was Republican inspired, Republican stacked, and the charges were Republican fabricated. With all that Republican-dominated investigative power; nothing was proven.

Even if those who attempt to read the report decide Hillary was at fault, the only thing it proves is either the Republicans are absolutely inept at proving Democrat fallibility or the Democrats are far smarter than the Republicans.

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