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Taunts, threats surge in days following British referendum


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In every Country these types exist. They just think everyone thinks like them atm . But hopefully this kind of thing should abate

True. You should also consider the fact that many nations write racism and discrimination into the laws. This causes the people to be more friendly towards foreigners because they know in the end the system will choose them over a foreigner. Thailand for example has laws that put limits on foreigners living in the nation. It jails overstayers and kicks them out. If there is an argument and the law is used the police or courts often side with the local. Maybe things are changing but that's what I've seen for quite some time. I thought foreigners can't buy land or own a small business without Thai partners of some sort.Thai women used to lose rights if they married a foreigner. Luk kreung weren't allowed to be a civil servants from what I remember. Is that still the case? Well, anyways, stronger laws against abuse by foreigners might do Britain good since most of the world seem to have stronger laws. The people react when the system is weak and they feel they are being treated unfairly.

The moaners are putting England down but isn't it the place most foreigners want to go to? You don't hear about everyone trying to get into Poland or Italy. Everyone is going for England. Maybe its the English language.

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With all of this anti-foreigner sentiment and actions, I'm ashamed to be "British".

What a mess. Take the "Great" out of the name, we don't deserve it.

The actions of a few numb nuts make you ashamed to be a Brit? Are you really one?

I agree regards the taunts and any racism, it is out of order, but if anything you should be blaming the EU for allowing nations to be swamped.

Of the name, GREAT Britain -- just for the cheap seats -- the 'Great' simply refers to Britain (Eng, Scot, Wales) being the largest island in the British Isles, or as differentiator between Britain and Britanny (little Britain). However deserved of such a title, it was not meant as a grandiosity. But I'm sure you really knew that.

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(Some nested quotes removed to comply with forum software)

You (BuaBS) appear as ignorant as the first interviewee in the following:

It has escaped his notice that no African country is in the EU; neither are Syria and Iraq!Has it escaped your notice as well?Brexit may, probably will, reduce immigration from other EU and EEA countries.But, as the freedom of movement directive only applies to non EEA nationals if they are the qualifying family member of an EEA national, Brexit will have zero effect on immigration from all other parts of the world."What about all those refugees in Europe?" you may ask.As the UK is not a member of the Schengen area (look it up while you're looking up the difference between the EU and EEA) then those people cannot legally enter the UK without obtaining UK entry clearance first.Which is one reason why they haven't all crossed The Channel!

Don't mock the man. You know exactly what he means. With Merkel encouraging all of the Syrians to come to Germany you are welcome etc but which also encouraged other people from the Middle East and North Africa to come also. Germany isi in Europe , the U.K. Is in Europe. Where do most of these immigrants want to go ? They have escaped passed through numerous safe countries long before coming to Calais. As soon as they apply for citizenship in Europe they can then apply to come to the uk. But they don't do they? Look at Calais, why won't they register asylum in France? Then apply to the uk like every other EU citizen has to just like a Brit wanting to live in Spain. Makes you wonder....

Your comments show that you

  1. didn't read the final part of my post,
  2. read it but have ignored it as the facts don't suit your argument/prejudices, or
  3. read it but didn't understand it.

I'll assume that it is number 3, so will try and explain again for you.

A Schengen visa allows the holder entry to the Schengen area, and once in there entry to all other Schengen states.

The UK and RoI are not members of the Schengen area, so a Schengen visa does not allow the holder to enter either of these countries. Unless the holder is the qualifying member of an EEA national and travelling with or to join their EEA national family member.

The EEA freedom of movement directive only applies to EEA nationals and their qualifying non EEA national family members; provide those family members are travelling with or to join their EEA national family member.

Other than this, a non EEA national living in one EEA state, even if they have permanent residence, needs the appropriate entry clearance to enter any other EEA state. Their permanent residence in a Schengen state may allow then free movement within the Schengen area, but, as said, the UK and RoI are not in the Schengen area.

Each EEA state has their own rules on naturalisation; but in each it takes a long time.

For example, to apply for naturalisation as German you must have been legally resident in Germany for at least 8 years, plus meet all the other requirements.

So the refugees/migrants in Germany would first have to obtain legal residence in Germany, which takes time, and then live there for a further 8 years before they can even apply for German citizenship and then use that citizenship to move to the UK.

Plus, of course, in order to live in the UK they would also have to be exercising a treaty right; despite the lies of some of the Leave campaigners, EEA nationals can't just turn up in the UK and live on the state!

BTW, I have used Germany as an example as it is by far the most popular destination in Europe for asylum seekers; Followed by Sweden, Italy, France and Hungary; the UK is sixth.

This may be because the UK is so much more difficult to enter than the others; not only because it has no land border with any other European country, except the RoI, but also because there is immigration control between the UK and all other European countries; even the common travel area between the UK and RoI only applies to nationals of both countries.

You mention Calais.

Yes, those camped in and around Calais do want to enter the UK.

So why haven't they?

Because they can't; as explained above.

N.B., I have attempted to post links to my sources of various facts, but for some reason can't at the moment. You can Google to check them.

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"Just because of one referendum ... it's coming out like woodworms," said Julie Sauter Daoud, a French-German national who has lived in Britain most of her life. On Sunday, she said two men overtook her car shouting, "Go home, you (expletive) German."

How did they know she was German?

Wondering if the OP contains 'fictional stories'.

Edited by MissAndry
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(Some nested quotes removed to comply with forum software)

You (BuaBS) appear as ignorant as the first interviewee in the following:

It has escaped his notice that no African country is in the EU; neither are Syria and Iraq!Has it escaped your notice as well?Brexit may, probably will, reduce immigration from other EU and EEA countries.But, as the freedom of movement directive only applies to non EEA nationals if they are the qualifying family member of an EEA national, Brexit will have zero effect on immigration from all other parts of the world."What about all those refugees in Europe?" you may ask.As the UK is not a member of the Schengen area (look it up while you're looking up the difference between the EU and EEA) then those people cannot legally enter the UK without obtaining UK entry clearance first.Which is one reason why they haven't all crossed The Channel!

Don't mock the man. You know exactly what he means. With Merkel encouraging all of the Syrians to come to Germany you are welcome etc but which also encouraged other people from the Middle East and North Africa to come also. Germany isi in Europe , the U.K. Is in Europe. Where do most of these immigrants want to go ? They have escaped passed through numerous safe countries long before coming to Calais. As soon as they apply for citizenship in Europe they can then apply to come to the uk. But they don't do they? Look at Calais, why won't they register asylum in France? Then apply to the uk like every other EU citizen has to just like a Brit wanting to live in Spain. Makes you wonder....

Your comments show that you

  • didn't read the final part of my post,
  • read it but have ignored it as the facts don't suit your argument/prejudices, or
  • read it but didn't understand it.
I'll assume that it is number 3, so will try and explain again for you.

A Schengen visa allows the holder entry to the Schengen area, and once in there entry to all other Schengen states.

The UK and RoI are not members of the Schengen area, so a Schengen visa does not allow the holder to enter either of these countries. Unless the holder is the qualifying member of an EEA national and travelling with or to join their EEA national family member.

The EEA freedom of movement directive only applies to EEA nationals and their qualifying non EEA national family members; provide those family members are travelling with or to join their EEA national family member.

Other than this, a non EEA national living in one EEA state, even if they have permanent residence, needs the appropriate entry clearance to enter any other EEA state. Their permanent residence in a Schengen state may allow then free movement within the Schengen area, but, as said, the UK and RoI are not in the Schengen area.

Each EEA state has their own rules on naturalisation; but in each it takes a long time.

For example, to apply for naturalisation as German you must have been legally resident in Germany for at least 8 years, plus meet all the other requirements.

So the refugees/migrants in Germany would first have to obtain legal residence in Germany, which takes time, and then live there for a further 8 years before they can even apply for German citizenship and then use that citizenship to move to the UK.

Plus, of course, in order to live in the UK they would also have to be exercising a treaty right; despite the lies of some of the Leave campaigners, EEA nationals can't just turn up in the UK and live on the state!

BTW, I have used Germany as an example as it is by far the most popular destination in Europe for asylum seekers; Followed by Sweden, Italy, France and Hungary; the UK is sixth.

This may be because the UK is so much more difficult to enter than the others; not only because it has no land border with any other European country, except the RoI, but also because there is immigration control between the UK and all other European countries; even the common travel area between the UK and RoI only applies to nationals of both countries.

You mention Calais.

Yes, those camped in and around Calais do want to enter the UK.

So why haven't they?

Because they can't; as explained above.

N.B., I have attempted to post links to my sources of various facts, but for some reason can't at the moment. You can Google to check them.

Thanks for the explanation. It does make sense and I hold my hands up. So me like most others ,esp the brexit lot have been blagged. Even though I did vote remain and I do actually know of the schengen aggrement and the fact that they cannot just waltz on into the UK. But it does bring them just that little bit closer and the English Channel is all that's left between them.

Again thanks for the explanation,but maybe less of the sarccy sh#t at the start would of been nice.

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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It's not just the UK, we've been going through something similar in Singapore for a few years now with complaints about foreigners taking all of the jobs especially Indians taking the IT jobs & Filipinos taking the sales/f&b jobs, funny enough nobody is complaining about the Filipino/Indonesian/Myanmar maids or the Bangladeshi construction workers as that sort of work is beneath the locals.

Best laugh is that they (taxi drivers, hairdressers, shop owners etc) do this complaining about foreigners to me, a Caucasian :|

Edited by JB300
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