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Monk found with drugs, weapons and "masturbation equipment"


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Religion, once the opiate of the masses is now only the preserve of the scoundrel, and the determinedly backward.

Believe in being your best self. We could all start with that.

Edited by dhream
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What is happening to the monkhood? Simple. It is being looked at for perhaps the first time ever with the rose tinted spectacles removed! And about dammed time too from the results. People including myself have been complaining about changes not happening fast enough in all sorts of places but here is the question: Would they be happening at all under Yingluk, particularly the property encroachments. Probably not! There is a lot of mud to dig through

It will take years but bit by bit many (but probably not all) of these institutions will have to clean house. And they will kick and wriggle to avoid the embarrassing disclosures but be forced to admit to some and have to put measures in place to prevent some level of reoffending.

First time ever?

No, not really - this stuff has been happening for years, but tv knows what will draw in the foreigners and get clicks (hits). Anything with 'monk' in the title. Add 'drugs' and it'll be a success, but 'masturbation'? It's now a full on celebration, guaranteed to draw in many readers.

It makes many thai feel uncomfortable I bet - it's like many are loosing face on the daily, unfortunately.

Yes it is sad some of the headlines, purely for hits.
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"Thongchai said that he had been at the temple for 18 years and been selling ice for a long time. He got his drugs from an agent he knew as Ek"

By Ek!.

Ice and wanking.

Ice and wanking

there's no better when it comes to spanking.

Asia has discovered

You can't have one without the other.

Now do all those massive drug hauls, no matter how 'hard' they make war, make sense?


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What's happening in the Monkhood?

Same as has always happened. But why the surprise? There have been many studies which show that most people masturbate, and others which show that Thai monks are not the ascetic people they pretend to be.

The problem as reported is 90% humbug, and 10% an opportunity to vilify someone you don't like or who opposes you.

Look at the policemen in th picture,. You think they don't masturbate when nobody is looking? Dream on, get real.


Yes true, but how many of us have lethal weapons and deal drugs? Oh wait... the BIB do that too. My bad!

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Phra Control to Monker Tom

Take your yaba pill and put your saffron on


Here am I jerking in a tin can.

miles above the earth


And the papers want to know which brand you wear, now it's time to show the wrapper if you dare...

Phra Control to Monker Tom you're going to jail there's something wrong

Can you hear me monger Tom can you here am I sitting on a shit can, tapping out this tune....

RIP Bowie.

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I saw this you tube clip once where it was instructed (pretty much like a military instructional video actually) how to make a vagina out of a towel, a rubber glove and some lubricant......

'Bootiful' :)


Is this the bird that Bernard Matthews sponsors?
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ok the tin cans are a bit weird, but I guess better than using children like some, he wasn't hurting anyone except the teachings of Buddha with that.

How can ýou hurt 'teachings'?

I think the secular world has moved on from holiness actually meaning anything worth a damn.

And by the looks of it, too many of its practitioners, these so called holy men. Worldwide.

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If they were allowed to, these stories would make phenomenal television series.

Breaking Bad meets Shanghai Triad.

The news here reads like fiction. And fiction is like Sesame Street without the fun (or educational) bits. Oh and the muppets are real people, only muppets can act better.

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Thai monks are now ranking the worst in the world. Have we heard anything good about Thai monks in these years?

Well thats it ,you dont hear about the good ones ,which i am sure 90% are .They just go about their daily chores ,which is less exciting that hearing about the exotic goings on of Pattaya etc .One good Monastery comes to mind .( must be thousands i dont know about ) ,Wat Thamkrabok ,who have treated thousands of drug addicts with very high results ,link https://youtu.be/NAW5r5jksb8

It really is a spiritual place ,https://youtu.be/OrvRteUuRD0

Edited by anto
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They are only human after all. Who's going to pick up the tin can as evidence?

Have you never watched the telly, they use a pen... just thinking of how you can pick it up with a pen? gigglem.gif
1st rule of forensics. Every contact leaves a trace. But lab overalls hair nets masks and surgical booties are not sexy in Hollywood policing. Or Thailand real life policing either.
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Not really a monk.. He can dress like one... pretend to be one. But he's NOT a monk in his heart. Same same... Catholic "Priests" that are criminals and sexually abuse altar boys or other little children.

Wearing the Buddhist robes or the Catholic priests collar does not make a person a Buddhist monk or Catholic priest.. Not even taking the vows and doing the rituals... .

It must come from within.... in how you believe and think and how you live your life.

This guy is NOT a monk.

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Amazing Thailand !!! Never stops amazing amazing.

Monks with masturbating equipmentclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Webfact please stop posting things like this, the laughter is killing me.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Good job i have my medication to keep me calm.rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

Strange thou find it so funny.

It was ONE monk.

You haven't a clue buddy.

No.....you quite CLEARLY haven't a clue!smile.png

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Sixteen replies and no obligatory it-happens-all-over-the-world comment?

You mean like the Catholic church ?

I was brought up an Irish Catholic ,but early on (roughly aged 12 ) found there story in the Tall tales league .Am now a buddist if anyone asks .

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Don't know what's worse. Tin cans or a pigs head. I'll have to ask David Cameron.

LOL! That's the second time in a row I have heard David and pigs mentioned in one sentence in recent times, the first instance having been in this video clip:

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Amazing Thailand !!! Never stops amazing amazing.

Monks with masturbating equipmentclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Webfact please stop posting things like this, the laughter is killing me.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Good job i have my medication to keep me calm.rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

Strange thou find it so funny.

It was ONE monk.

You haven't a clue buddy.

No.....you quite CLEARLY haven't a clue!smile.png

Read the original source, especially the comments at the end. I'm sure colinneil didn't or he wouldn't be laughing.

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Thai monks are now ranking the worst in the world. Have we heard anything good about Thai monks in these years?

Well thats it ,you dont hear about the good ones ,which i am sure 90% are .They just go about their daily chores ,which is less exciting that hearing about the exotic goings on of Pattaya etc .One good Monastery comes to mind .( must be thousands i dont know about ) ,Wat Thamkrabok ,who have treated thousands of drug addicts with very high results ,link https://youtu.be/NAW5r5jksb8

It really is a spiritual place ,https://youtu.be/OrvRteUuRD0

anto, I know people who recovered from addictions at that Saraburi temple.

There are, as you say 90% good monks but the regulars here hate Thailand and look for excuses to say bad things about her.

The good monks rarely leave their temple.

There are some sick individuals here that find the case of one bad monk hilarious.One such guy felt the need for 10 smileys. Sadly, these kind of posters have replaced the original ones who have been driven away by their negative attitudes and ignorance of the country.

Personally I'm getting sick of them too and would much rather read the Thai press and speak to Thai people than old miserable grumpy Thai-bashers. Why on earth would they come here in the first place?

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