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AP sources: Gingrich, Christie being vetted for Trump VP


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Well Newt is the Republican's 'village idiot' and fat boy Christie would make the perfect lap dog if you keep the cream donuts coming.

Have the GOP ever had worse candidates? W Bush comes out looking like a 'boy genius' compared to this lot and he was as thick as axle grease.

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He oughta go for Sanders. No vetting required.

And I hate to say it, but his selection of VP may be the VP most likely to become president since LBJ.

Who has committed himself to doing everything he can to make sure that Trump doesn't become president. Why does the right wing persist in this delusion that Sanders and the vast majority of his supporters might support Trump who has on almost every issue taken a stand that is extremely right wing.

Between Christie, Gingrich and Sanders, who has actually been a serious contender for a nomination for President? Who can pull the most votes away from HRC?

Why would a smart guy choose the 2nd or 3rd best vote getter of the 3?

Are you under the impression that this is like the draft? That if Trump wants Sanders, then Sanders has no say in the matter?

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He oughta go for Sanders. No vetting required.

And I hate to say it, but his selection of VP may be the VP most likely to become president since LBJ.

Who has committed himself to doing everything he can to make sure that Trump doesn't become president. Why does the right wing persist in this delusion that Sanders and the vast majority of his supporters might support Trump who has on almost every issue taken a stand that is extremely right wing.

Between Christie, Gingrich and Sanders, who has actually been a serious contender for a nomination for President? Who can pull the most votes away from HRC?

Why would a smart guy choose the 2nd or 3rd best vote getter of the 3?

Are you under the impression that this is like the draft? That if Trump wants Sanders, then Sanders has no say in the matter?

I'm a fan of Sanders- at least of the words that come out of his mouth. But I also have no doubt that he'd jump at the chance to be VP and HRC ain't gonna offer it to him.

Edit: And Trump in the race makes this the first election in my lifetime when someone may (heavy on the may) be able to jump the aisle at this late juncture.

Another edit: And given how disgusted Americans are with the Demicans and Republicrats ('cause they're pretty much the same), imagine the prospect of having a Dem and a Repub running on one ticket- promising to actually work together. They could take it by landslide. Or crash and burn. But it's worth a shot.

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Who has committed himself to doing everything he can to make sure that Trump doesn't become president. Why does the right wing persist in this delusion that Sanders and the vast majority of his supporters might support Trump who has on almost every issue taken a stand that is extremely right wing.

Between Christie, Gingrich and Sanders, who has actually been a serious contender for a nomination for President? Who can pull the most votes away from HRC?

Why would a smart guy choose the 2nd or 3rd best vote getter of the 3?

Are you under the impression that this is like the draft? That if Trump wants Sanders, then Sanders has no say in the matter?

I'm a fan of Sanders- at least of the words that come out of his mouth. But I also have no doubt that he'd jump at the chance to be VP and HRC ain't gonna offer it to him.

Edit: And Trump in the race makes this the first election in my lifetime when someone may (heavy on the may) be able to jump the aisle at this late juncture.

You're a fan of Sanders? Sanders wants tighter regulation of banks and other financial institutions. Trump wants to ease them. Sander's wants a $15 per hour Federal minimum wage. Trump wants no increase in the Federal minimum wage. Trump wants to appoint extreme right wing justices to the Supreme Court. You think Sanders wants a right wing Supreme Court? There's more, and I could go on and on. Most of the things that Sanders has stood for all his political life he'd have to turn his back on to join Trump. And yet you believe he would abandon all that just to be VP to Trump? And you say you're a fan of his? You're certainly not a fan of his stands on the issues. Or if you are, how could you possibly support Trump?

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And yet you believe he would abandon all that just to be VP to Trump? And you say you're a fan of his? You're certainly not a fan of his stands on the issues. Or if you are, how could you possibly support Trump?

In a word? Yes.

Who said I support Trump? If there was a lever labelled "none of the above", that's the one I'd pull. Trump is just the closest thing we've had in a long time. Since Perot.

Edit; I agree with Sanders about regulating the Banksters, and I agree with him about raising the minimum wage for all but kids working part time through high school, though I'm not in love with $15 figure.

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And yet you believe he would abandon all that just to be VP to Trump? And you say you're a fan of his? You're certainly not a fan of his stands on the issues. Or if you are, how could you possibly support Trump?

In a word? Yes.

Who said I support Trump? If there was a lever labelled "none of the above", that's the one I'd pull. Trump is just the closest thing we've had in a long time. Since Perot.

Edit; I agree with Sanders about regulating the Banksters, and I agree with him about raising the minimum wage for all but kids working part time through high school, though I'm not in love with $15 figure.

Trump is an extremely right wing candidate. So what exactly is he closest to?

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And yet you believe he would abandon all that just to be VP to Trump? And you say you're a fan of his? You're certainly not a fan of his stands on the issues. Or if you are, how could you possibly support Trump?

In a word? Yes.

Who said I support Trump? If there was a lever labelled "none of the above", that's the one I'd pull. Trump is just the closest thing we've had in a long time. Since Perot.

Edit; I agree with Sanders about regulating the Banksters, and I agree with him about raising the minimum wage for all but kids working part time through high school, though I'm not in love with $15 figure.

Trump is an extremely right wing candidate. So what exactly is he closest to?

He is the closest thing to sending the Repubs a message that we're so tired of their politics of obstruction that we thumbed our nose at their power base to nominate (and maybe elect) a complete outsider. And until they get their house in order and start working for the country instead of for themselves, we ain't gonna elect anybody from the power structure of their party.

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Christie may have to keep his wife May Pat out of the media spotlight during Trump's speeches if her performance during a speech in April is any indication of how she has trouble in keeping her real feelings under control :

On the other hand, Americans may embrace the fact that she isn't acting like a Stepford wife during the campaign.

Political incorrectness doesn't seem to be hurting Trump at all.

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Hide and watch. As you do, think back to the last time you saw Trump lay all of his cards out on the table before the last hand was dealt. Let me help you out, that would have been....NEVER. rolleyes.gif

You sort of have a point.

He hasn't got a clue what he's doing, so how can anyone else?

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Please baby jesus, make it Sarah.

Are you familiar with the expression "jumping the shark"? 'Cause that's what McCain did with "Drill baby, drill" Palin.

Trump is colorful, but he ain't gonna lose the plot.

He had the clownette out on stage again, so I think he's already lost it.


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Christie may have to keep his wife May Pat out of the media spotlight during Trump's speeches if her performance during a speech in April is any indication of how she has trouble in keeping her real feelings under control :

On the other hand, Americans may embrace the fact that she isn't acting like a Stepford wife during the campaign.

Political incorrectness doesn't seem to be hurting Trump at all.

Among the small, poorly educated that support him, not one bit.

He "loves the poorly educated" our Donald.

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Christie may have to keep his wife May Pat out of the media spotlight during Trump's speeches if her performance during a speech in April is any indication of how she has trouble in keeping her real feelings under control :

On the other hand, Americans may embrace the fact that she isn't acting like a Stepford wife during the campaign.

Political incorrectness doesn't seem to be hurting Trump at all.

Among the small, poorly educated that support him, not one bit.

He "loves the poorly educated" our Donald.

The poorly educated love him.

If you are stupid, he's your man.

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There is no way on this green Earth that Bernie would team up with Trump.

You think LBJ liked the Kennedy's or anything they stood for?

Whether LBJ liked the Kennedys or not is irrelevant. Did he agree with their general political outlook? Did he support bills that they would have supported? The answer is yes.

It's such a lie that Trump threatens the Republican elites. Or rather, that he threatens the powers behind the Republican elites. In fact, what he is using is the standard Republican playbook. Get the base angry but give the powerful what they really want: more money and less control on what they do.. He wants to give wealthy a huge tax break, bigger than the tax break for any other tax bracket. He actually wants to allow banks and hedge funds to engage in the same behavior that nearly brought on a depression. He wants to get rid of laws that limit the shenanigans of credit card companies. He want to appoint Supreme court justices who will continue ruling against workers and in favor of corporations and make it possible to outlaw abortions.

Not only is he a fraud but I from what I see of the discourse of his political supporters here, they are mostly very right wing conservatives who claim that they like Trump because he is disruptive and will go after the elites. No, they like Trump because he is offering an extremely right wing program that will only damage the middle class, blue collar workers and the working poor even more.

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There is no way on this green Earth that Bernie would team up with Trump.

You think LBJ liked the Kennedy's or anything they stood for?

Whether LBJ liked the Kennedys or not is irrelevant. Did he agree with their general political outlook? Did he support bills that they would have supported? The answer is yes.

LBJ hated the Kennedy's with a passion. He hated almost everything they stood for and he hated many of their policies.

But he wanted to be president so bad he accepted when they asked him to be on the ticket. Maybe Sanders wants to be president bad enough to hop on a Trump ticket. Easier to influence policy your way from inside than from the outside. And make no mistake, HRC may throw him a bone, but he's on the outside.

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There is no way on this green Earth that Bernie would team up with Trump.

You think LBJ liked the Kennedy's or anything they stood for?

Whether LBJ liked the Kennedys or not is irrelevant. Did he agree with their general political outlook? Did he support bills that they would have supported? The answer is yes.

LBJ hated the Kennedy's with a passion. He hated almost everything they stood for and he hated many of their policies.

But he wanted to be president so bad he accepted when they asked him to be on the ticket. Maybe Sanders wants to be president bad enough to hop on a Trump ticket. Easier to influence policy your way from inside than from the outside. And make no mistake, HRC may throw him a bone, but he's on the outside.

He hated almost everything they stood for

What does that even mean and why should we care? As citizens we should care about the laws politicians support and enact.

and he hated many of their policies.

Really?JFK tried to get the precursor to Medicare through Congress and failed Johnson succeeded. JFK began pushing for Civil Rights. It was Johnson who carried it to fruition. 2 hugely important goals they both agreed on. What political goals of Kennedy did Johnson oppose? Anything as important as the 2 laws I cited?

Anyway, your posts are just nonsense. You're someone who thinks because both Trump and Sanders are angry candidates, somehow that shared emotion should unite them. Even though on most issues they are diametrically opposed. Clearly, you have no respect for Sanders.

Asked if was going to vote for Clinton in November, Sanders told a CNN interviewer: “Yes – I think the issue right here is, I’m going to do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump.

He added: “We do not need a president whose cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry, is insulting Mexicans and Latinos, and Muslims and women, who does not believe the reality of climate change when virtually every scientist who has studied this issue understands we are at a global crisis. This is not somebody who should become president.”


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To even entertain the notion that Sanders would run as The Divider's sideman is absurd. Maybe that idea was broached as a soggy attempt at humor.

Incidentally, there are some dark clouds on Trump's horizon, all his doing. He's done some dastardly things in his career, and some people wronged by him are not too cowed (by his threats) to speak up and tell the truth. It takes a lot of guts to speak the truth against a billionaire mafia-wannave who threatens to ruin and/or harm you if you speak out. There are some sexual scandals brewing, and some bare facts about his biz dealings in NYC and Atlantic City which, if made clear to the public, will turn off all but his die-hard cultish fans. His cheating on taxes won't help either.

The more I hear, the more I want Trump to officially get the nomination and stay in the race. His chances of winning in November have gone from poor to abysmal, and that's good. .....except, during the course of his political downfall (for the next 3 months), he will do all he can to drag others down with him. He may also leave a lot of people unpaid for materials and services, which is a Trump hallmark.

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