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Clinton and Lynch met privately at Phoenix airport


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And offcourse "the Donald" Never had such a meeting!

As long as Trump not publicise his complete economics, I can never see him as anything but a scammer!

I recall he said a long time ago that "he was so smart he could be the first president actually making a personal profit"

WELL THERE YOU HAVE IT! It´s not making America greait, I´ts about making The trump family richer!

(I could draw some paralells to another controversial man, let´s all him T)

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Lynch and Clinton have a private meeting and later that day...

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months

Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.
If the court permits the delay, the public won’t be able to read the communications until October 2018, about 22 months into her prospective first term as President.
Is it a conspiracy? Maybe, maybe not. But it is without a doubt bad optics...especially coming from such a brilliant political mind such as Bill Clinton's.

Edited by mopar71
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You can not make this stuff up! Unprecedented conflict of interest...good chance Barrack and Hilary were on a conference call with Bill and Loretta...talking about grandchildren and golf...getting their plan together to refuse to charge Hilary...Dumb and Dumber...

I think I am more incensed that they continue to operate outside the law...on top of all the illegal activity they have already been involved in...

This administration...along with the Clintons...are undoubtedly the most high profile white-collar criminals the US has ever know...

S T U P I D!!!

PS: From now on the US is going to send it's up and coming political criminals to Thailand to get some on-job-training...

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The conspiracy contingent will be using this airport meeting as the "excuse" why Hillary "isn't going to jail" when the facts of email incident clear her.
Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOX news is going to go full "AIRPORT" for the next 4 years?
I can hear it now.....Airport! It was the airport! Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!! Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Buzzz
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I love this time of my life, in my 20's we had a telephone in the lounge room,, wow.

we then got colour TV, as a teen i worked part time in the newspaper printers, we

all bought the Sunday papers and spent the day reading it, the news was on at 6pm

and the whole family sat around the TV at 6pm to watch the news, i must be an old fart.

Today in my western house, mother, sister and her daughter, no TV, no newspapers,

all mobile phones at the ready. Hillary, times have moved forward, everything happens

at lightning speed, your going to get caught out, mark my words, cover ups don't work.

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Ok. Let's look at it this way.

So Bills airplane is parked next to the attorney generals plane and he doesn't say hello.

Why? What are they hiding? Why didn't he just go say hello. Definitely hiding something. Something's wrong!

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Another little "scandal" over which the right will work itself into a veritable frenzy over nothing.

Boon Mee will scurry along shortly with some exciting piece of Breitbart creative writing.


I hate to have to disagree with you but..

even if one was to accept that all they talked about was the weather and their grandchildren, one has to agree that they were getting chummy , and one has to agree that such chumminess might present a conflict of interest.

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"You know what's less likely that Clinton & Lynch running into each other on the tarmac? Clinton & Lynch running into each other in TSA line." -- David Burge

That meeting doesn't pass the "Duck" test boys...whistling.gif

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The conspiracy contingent will be using this airport meeting as the "excuse" why Hillary "isn't going to jail" when the facts of email incident clear her.




Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOX news is going to go full "AIRPORT" for the next 4 years?

I can hear it now.....Airport! It was the airport! Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!! Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Airport! It was the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know...you are right for once!

People from all over the world fly into the Phoenix Airport to discuss grandchildren and golf...it is the new way for Dems to communicate since their private E-mail servers have become favorite on-job-training for hackers from Russia, China, Iran, and N. Korea...coffee1.gif

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Another little "scandal" over which the right will work itself into a veritable frenzy over nothing.

Boon Mee will scurry along shortly with some exciting piece of Breitbart creative writing.


I hate to have to disagree with you but..

even if one was to accept that all they talked about was the weather and their grandchildren, one has to agree that they were getting chummy , and one has to agree that such chumminess might present a conflict of interest.

Not to the steadfast, blindered Clinton acolyte. thumbsup.gif .

The end always justifies the means.

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Lynch and Clinton have a private meeting and later that day...

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months

Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.
If the court permits the delay, the public won’t be able to read the communications until October 2018, about 22 months into her prospective first term as President.
Is it a conspiracy? Maybe, maybe not. But it is without a doubt bad optics...especially coming from such a brilliant political mind such as Bill Clinton's.

Bill hasn't been the same since his health issues 10 years ago. Maybe he refocused on life. I seriously doubt he wants to spend the next several years of his life under the international microscope of the White House. Not when he live out his days comfortable and wealthy and stay active writing and giving a few speeches a year.

But alas.....this is his final payback to Hillary.

He might have met with Lynch to give her evidence to use against Hillary hoping she could craft an indictment involving incarceration. Then he could live in paradise through his final years biggrin.png

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Republicans looking for a cesspit to stir ...again.

Dems have created cesspools everywhere one looks...Republicans are trying to find someway to keep from being drawn into the quagmire...

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Plenty of lifelong Democrats view Hillary in complete contempt. They will hold their nose and vote for her but this view transcends mere partisan politics. She's not her husband. Despite Bill's fault's, he was a likable person.. She just presents a dishonest, vile, manipulative, self serving persona

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Ok. Let's look at it this way.

So Bills airplane is parked next to the attorney generals plane and he doesn't say hello.

Why? What are they hiding? Why didn't he just go say hello. Definitely hiding something. Something's wrong!

"Lynch might be Mother Teresa for all we know, but we still have ethical codes for a reason. Any truly impartial attorney general would have said to the former president, “Why don’t we table this meeting until after the high-profile, politically charged criminal investigation of your wife is over?” Would that really have been so difficult?"
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I think if you were going to organise a top secret meeting to try and influence something, you probably wouldn't do it in front of a tarmac full of reporters eh?


Have you heard the term, hide it in plain view, and plausible deniability ?

If they were to have a secret meeting and it was exposed, then they are screwed, do it in public view and you can offer the excuse you just did.

But regardless of the content, as I implied in an other reply , it is the context.

If indeed the meeting was that of a friendly nature.

Then is someone, so friendly and that close to the accused, capable of rendering an impartial decision ??

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Thing I always hated about Bill is he thinks he can talk his way out of anything. The impeachment may have wiped the smirk off his face but I know somewhere inside he feels "I really can talk my through anything." He really stepped in it this time.

As Maureen Dowd said in today's column:

It’s part of a bizarrely predictable cycle of the Clintons: Just when things seem to be going well, they squander the advantage.


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