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'Ready to pass the baton:' Obama campaigns with Clinton


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'Ready to pass the baton:' Obama campaigns with Clinton
JULIE PACE, Associated Press

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — President Barack Obama vigorously vouched for Hillary Clinton's trustworthiness and dedication Tuesday, making his first outing on the campaign stump for his former secretary of state just hours after his FBI director blasted her handling of classified material.

Shirt sleeves rolled up in campaign form, Obama declared, "I'm ready to pass the baton."

"I'm here today because I believe in Hillary Clinton," he said. "I have had a front-row seat to her judgment and her commitment."

The energetic Obama-Clinton appearance in North Carolina was a show of Democratic unity in a state Clinton is hoping to put back in the party's column. But the moment wasn't what her campaign and the White House imagined during the long primary season.

Shortly before the president and his would-be successor flew to Charlotte together, FBI Director James Comey announced he would not recommend charges against Clinton for her email practices — but only after he presented a searing description of her "extremely careless" handling of classified information that ensured the matter won't be going away.

The White House declined to comment on Comey's findings, saying the investigation was not formally closed and it did not want to appear to be influencing prosecutors. Still, the timing of the trip pulled the president into a controversy he has at times tried to keep at arm's length. His appearance with Clinton was a reminder that it was his appointee who declined to pursue criminal charges.

Yet Clinton and Obama did not veer from their display of lockstep unity. The duo flew to Charlotte together on Air Force One, and they rode to the rally together in Obama's armored limousine, known as "The Beast." Clinton shared photos of her grandchildren, Charlotte and newborn Aidan, with the president.

Welcomed by a screaming crowd of supporters, the president led chants of "Hillary!" as they stood onstage under banners reading "Stronger Together." He declared that "there has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary Clinton, ever. And that's the truth. That's the truth."

Referring back to their own bruising primary battle in 2008, Obama said, "We may have gone toe to toe, from coast to coast, but we stood shoulder to shoulder for the ideals that we share."

Clinton's Republican rival didn't let the Democratic duo's outing go unanswered. As the rally began, Donald Trump released a lengthy statement casting the joint appearance as an example of a "rigged" political system.

"It was no accident that charges were not recommended against Hillary the exact same day as President Obama campaigns with her for the first time," Trump said, later echoing the charges at a rowdy rally held across the state in Raleigh.

Clinton shot back early as she introduced the president, chiding Trump for once leading the questioning of the president's birthplace.

She said Obama was a man that "I was honored to stand with in the good times and the bad times, someone who has never forgotten where he came from. And, Donald, if you're out there tweeting, it's Hawaii."

Obama, too, got in a dig at Trump.

"Anybody can tweet but nobody actually knows what it takes" to be president, he said.

Later, Obama and Clinton dropped in unannounced at Midwood Smokehouse, a barbecue place in Charlotte. He offered a hug to a woman who tried to pay for his meal while Clinton chatted up a woman and her preschool-age child.

At Trump's rally, which attracted a smaller but still enthusiastic crowd, Trump said Obama should be in Washington, dealing with the issues facing the nation, instead of out campaigning.

"We've got a person in the White House that's having a lot of fun," he said. "I watched them today. it's like a carnival act. A lot of fun."

The Clinton campaign hopes Obama can reassure voters about her experience, talent and character — and speak to their questions about her honesty and trustworthiness, some of which stem from the email investigation.

The president cast the negative impressions of her as a result of her many years in the political spotlight. He also noted that he had benefited from Americans' desire for a fresh face.

"Sometimes we take somebody who's been in the trenches and fought the good fight and been steady for granted," Obama said, as Clinton sat behind him. "As a consequence that means sometimes Hillary doesn't get the credit she deserves. But the fact is Hillary is steady and Hillary is true."

Likewise, Clinton said Obama doesn't get the credit he deserves for overseeing the nation's economic recovery. She shared memories of her four years in the administration, from crashing a meeting with the Chinese at a global climate summit to being in the Situation Room during the raid on Osama bin Laden

"He's made difficult, even unpopular, decisions for the good of our country," she said.

Obama and Clinton originally planned to make their first campaign appearance together in Wisconsin, a Democratic-leaning state where Clinton struggled in her primary fight with Bernie Sanders. Campaign aides viewed that as a way to forge Democratic unity after the primary and consolidate the party's voters in a state Clinton needs to carry in November.

The June 15 rally was postponed due to the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub. By the time the campaign and White House got around to rescheduling, Clinton aides said the landscape had shifted — they are now far less worried about bringing along Sanders voters and more interested in using the president to rally voters in one of the most divided general election battlegrounds.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-06

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The woman (Clinton) is just another puppet and was always going to be president. Even Holywood mentioned it in Eddy Murphy's futuristic film. She would not have gotten this far in the race due to her atrocities, unless they had a lunatic republican in Trump. They are best buddies really and he has and always was a plant to ensure Clinton gets to the white house.

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Ahaa, the proverbial baton, dose he mean that dusty rusty baton he didn't do anything with

in the last 8 years of his presidency? I do hope that Clinton will choose another baton to use

if she gets to be the president.....

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Ready to pass the baton? Is this election rigged and the outcome already known?

Wingnuts love conspiracies. Pass the baton is just an expression. As in, George W Bush tried to pass the baton to John McClain but dropped it and kicked it into the Potomac. No the election isn't rigged, it has already been decided, however and sorry, you lost.

The woman (Clinton) is just another puppet and was always going to be president. Even Holywood mentioned it in Eddy Murphy's futuristic film. She would not have gotten this far in the race due to her atrocities, unless they had a lunatic republican in Trump. They are best buddies really and he has and always was a plant to ensure Clinton gets to the white house.

Her atrocities..? Atrocities? cheesy.gif Why is it that people who don't watch Fox News, don't know what you're talking about? She's not a liar, she's not a criminal, all she's ever been is a strong woman and a Democratic politician. Something that scares the shit out of Republicans.

President Barack Obama vigorously vouched for Hillary Clinton's trustworthiness and dedication

Any credibility he had left was just .blown sky high.

The wingnuts HATE Hillary and Obama. Hate them with a burning passion. They hate them from the time they get up in the morning till they finally nod off in front of Fox News that they've been watching all day. Conspiracies, hate, fear, racism, guns, xenophobia 24/7.

Good day for Hillary. Bad day for Republicans. The path to the White House just had the conspiracy garbage put there by Republicans, plowed out of the way. Never anything there. Much to do about nothing. Hillary will dance in now. Her opponent is the worst excuse for a candidate in history.

Let's hear it for the first woman President of the United States. clap2.gif

Edited by Pinot
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The politic system is so corrupt now and has been totally rigged for many years, and that is as clear as the nose on your face. If it were only emails, or only Benghazi, or only the pay for play politics thru the Clinton Foundation, or only Whitewater, or her harassment of Paula Jones and other women victimized by her husband, or the deaths of so many associates and enemies. If it were only one, then Democrats could call foul and say she is being slandered, but when you look at a list and have to somehow dismiss each and every one, I would have to say you are in denial. Seriously. 

All of this to appease the PC zombies, and the wealthy elite who had to have a black man in office, now have to get a woman into office, have found the most corrupt, vile, evil puppet they can find, it's not a bad day for Republicans, it's a sad day for America.

Edited by righand3256
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"I have had a front-row seat to her judgment and her commitment."

All Americans have had a front-row seat to her lack of commitment to America and her lack of good judgement...

Electing this career political criminal will be yet another blow to America's sovereignty, economy, rule-of-law, Constitution, and would for generations to come have a liberal Supreme Court...which will hasten America's final undoing...

You can trust Obama's good judgement...has he ever lied or led America astray?

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Not sure why Obama and the Clinton's have seemingly went out of their way over the last week to trash any appearance of legitimacy. They must be convinced that the public is clueless or just so jaded that they don't care anymore.

Maybe they are right

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The politic system is so corrupt now and has been totally rigged for many years, and that is as clear as the nose on your face. If it were only emails, or only Benghazi, or only the pay for play politics thru the Clinton Foundation, or only Whitewater, or her harassment of Paula Jones and other women victimized by her husband, or the deaths of so many associates and enemies. If it were only one, then Democrats could call foul and say she is being slandered, but when you look at a list and have to somehow dismiss each and every one, I would have to say you are in denial. Seriously. 

All of this to appease the PC zombies, and the wealthy elite who had to have a black man in office, now have to get a woman into office, have found the most corrupt, vile, evil puppet they can find, it's not a bad day for Republicans, it's a sad day for America.

Not only that, they managed to get Donald Trump to be the Republican candidate. Probably the only candidate who could lose to Hillary Clinton. Come to think of it, there's Ted Cruz. They managed to make him the backup. Nice work, oligarchs!

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The politic system is so corrupt now and has been totally rigged for many years, and that is as clear as the nose on your face. If it were only emails, or only Benghazi, or only the pay for play politics thru the Clinton Foundation, or only Whitewater, or her harassment of Paula Jones and other women victimized by her husband, or the deaths of so many associates and enemies. If it were only one, then Democrats could call foul and say she is being slandered, but when you look at a list and have to somehow dismiss each and every one, I would have to say you are in denial. Seriously. 

All of this to appease the PC zombies, and the wealthy elite who had to have a black man in office, now have to get a woman into office, have found the most corrupt, vile, evil puppet they can find, it's not a bad day for Republicans, it's a sad day for America.

Not only that, they managed to get Donald Trump to be the Republican candidate. Probably the only candidate who could lose to Hillary Clinton. Come to think of it, there's Ted Cruz. They managed to make him the backup. Nice work, oligarchs!

Yeah, all a big conspiracy by the Democrats. I'll tell you, getting Donald Trump to be our Republican nominee wasn't easy. Fortunately, low-info Republicans will believe anything.

I love it when the wingnuts write how HRC is so corrupt "just look at all the things she's done." And then list all the conspiracy bullshit they've made up, "You look at the list and have to somehow dismiss each and every one..."

The pretzel logic of the right is breathtaking.

You don't have conspiracies with Trump. All the damage is self inflicted. Now he does deny and never apologizes but that's where YouTube comes in handy thumbsup.gif

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The woman (Clinton) is just another puppet and was always going to be president. Even Holywood mentioned it in Eddy Murphy's futuristic film. She would not have gotten this far in the race due to her atrocities, unless they had a lunatic republican in Trump. They are best buddies really and he has and always was a plant to ensure Clinton gets to the white house.

I like your post but i don't know why,

aching truth hurts.

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