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Video: Youth shot in the lung as ordination turns into a fight


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Video: Youth shot in the lung as ordination turns into a fight


Image: Thairath

KORAT: -- A fight broke out among teenagers after a Buddhist ordination ceremony in Korat. Gunshots can be heard and one youth aged just 14 was reported as being shot in the lung by a stray bullet.

A video of the incident created a lot of comment online after it was posted yesterday on the Youlike (Clip Det) page, reported Thairath. The poster said that it had happened on Monday after an ordination ceremony in Sa Krok, Bua Yai, Nakorn Rachasima.

Apparently there were two injuries with another youth suffering head and arm wounds.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-07-06

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It doesn't look that serious to me. Where I come from there are much more serious fights when the lads have a belly-full.


Do they also have knives and guns and 14 year old children get shot in the lung?

Please tell me where you come from so that I can avoid it like the plague.

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At least there are more and more farang coming in and giving these guys and their mothers monthly salaries.

They'd have utterly no hope in live otherwise.

I am not sure this is true. I believe that things are changing.

I see more older Farang couples coming to live here and more older guys happy to live alone, freed of the cr4p that a Thai woman drags along with her when permanently installed.

The girls in the bars seem also less interested in "overnighters" and prefer short time, so the "emotional attachment" doesn't build up.

And I also see way more Farang guys in their 30's and 40's in a "normal" relationship, where the girl goes out to work as well.

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Note to self.

When attending. Buddhist ordinations never bring a knife to a gunfight.

Note to the stutttering parrot:

Better to avoid Buddhist ordinations where alcohol and prayer get mixed.thumbsup.gif

I have only been to one ordination. (I refuse to go to temples anymore, the hypocrisy just annoys me).

From my one experience, alcohol and getting drunk was a huge part of the deal.

The women knelt down in front of the monks and passed the "bun" around by holding on to each other.

The men passed the bottle around, got utterly pi55ed and holding on to each other for support. One fell backwards down the temple steps and was propped up against the wall, whilst they all trooped around anti-clockwise. He could no longer stand.

Never again.

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If we are in the most beautiful surroundings and have everything we need, the moment we get angry any happiness we may have disappears. This is because anger has destroyed our inner peace...Teachings of Buddhism...

There was an enormous amount of inner peace destroyed during this ordination...wai2.gif

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At least there are more and more farang coming in and giving these guys and their mothers monthly salaries.

They'd have utterly no hope in live otherwise.

What rubbish, I guess you subscribe to the theory (no doubt you see it as fact) that 99% of upcountry Thai families are supported by / married to a farang.

This is just not true, the number who are 'connected' to a farang is actually quite small.

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