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ALERT - dog poisoning

The Snark

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Take a bullet, oh brother you don't know anything about me. People been trying to kill me since I was 19 yrs. old I'm still here and they are gone. There may have been one lucky enough, but none good enough, no brag, just fact. I'm still damn good at gunfighting but I specialize in long range work, get my drift, ese'. Back to the topic. I am sorry for your dog and I understand your anger, your dog wasn't one of the problem ones. BTW, I was in addtition to being a professional guide, a law enforcement officer working along side NM Game and Fish. Dogs packed, miles from house collar or not, and I was 5 miles from nearest house, died. Policy same as coyotes, they killed deer. Oh and I just chased and rocked 2 that came and urinated on my truck tires and garbage can. Damn right I would have shot them.

Wow I'm in awe of you I wish wish wish I could be a key board warior as you are and wow shotting dogs that wee on your precious tyres. God your so brave. Please please can I be as big and brave and as you!!!!! No second thoughts I will be a coward and sit back and let <deleted> like you steal the lime light your a true legend in your own small narrow minded brain. Ps whenever your ready I'm here

You are a funny <deleted>, if your dog was shitting in front of my house, you would know about it. Only a moron would think it is ok to let their animals affect other people's lives.

Bloody hell two keyboard warriors I'm pooing my pants now.

Not at all, i write as i do. But as you seem to think dogs shitting in front of a person's house is ok, it show's you're lacking in understanding normal behaviour.

Don't be too hard on him, we all know the prerequisite of dog ownership is having your brain removed.

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This topic makes me feel better about being a smoker; apparently dog owners are even more selfish than we are. Barking, growling, biting, pooping, etc. are apparently all "no big deal" when inflicted on others. But it's a big deal when somebody does something about it...

It appears the time has come to ban dog ownership and to fine owners of dogs to the fullest extent of the law. 5,000 Baht for every time your dog irritates someone, 10,000 Baht for every time it fouls the walkways and 1,000,000 Baht for biting someone should do the trick. I suspect the owners will "take care of" their dogs in that instance and it won't need a good Samaritan to do it for them.

Indeed. It was precisely this attitude that caused our condo committee to ban dogs. Originally, the motion was to ban pets, but it was pointed out that all the reported problems were caused by dogs (or rather their owners) and not cats and their owners, so the motion was amended and passed.

Some of the problems the dog owners created were amazing. For example, dogs would mess in the elevators (lifts) and the owners wouldn't clean up after them. Indeed, when confronted about it, the response often was "the building has a housekeeping staff, it's their job to clean up messes". Some owners even let their dogs out into the halls to do their duty rather than taking them outside. Some dogs, when left alone, barked every time someone walked outside the door of their condo in the hall, much to the annoyance of their neighbors. Again, the owners saw nothing wrong with this. I could go on.

I wasn't one who complained about the dogs, even though I had to step over their messes from time-to-time. But, as the owner of two trouble-free cats, I didn't want to see them tossed out based on the sins of the canine occupants and their owners.

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This topic makes me feel better about being a smoker; apparently dog owners are even more selfish than we are. Barking, growling, biting, pooping, etc. are apparently all "no big deal" when inflicted on others. But it's a big deal when somebody does something about it...

It appears the time has come to ban dog ownership and to fine owners of dogs to the fullest extent of the law. 5,000 Baht for every time your dog irritates someone, 10,000 Baht for every time it fouls the walkways and 1,000,000 Baht for biting someone should do the trick. I suspect the owners will "take care of" their dogs in that instance and it won't need a good Samaritan to do it for them.


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Take a bullet, oh brother you don't know anything about me. People been trying to kill me since I was 19 yrs. old I'm still here and they are gone. There may have been one lucky enough, but none good enough, no brag, just fact. I'm still damn good at gunfighting but I specialize in long range work, get my drift, ese'. Back to the topic. I am sorry for your dog and I understand your anger, your dog wasn't one of the problem ones. BTW, I was in addtition to being a professional guide, a law enforcement officer working along side NM Game and Fish. Dogs packed, miles from house collar or not, and I was 5 miles from nearest house, died. Policy same as coyotes, they killed deer. Oh and I just chased and rocked 2 that came and urinated on my truck tires and garbage can. Damn right I would have shot them.

Wow I'm in awe of you I wish wish wish I could be a key board warior as you are and wow shotting dogs that wee on your precious tyres. God your so brave. Please please can I be as big and brave and as you!!!!! No second thoughts I will be a coward and sit back and let <deleted> like you steal the lime light your a true legend in your own small narrow minded brain. Ps whenever your ready I'm here

You are a funny <deleted>, if your dog was shitting in front of my house, you would know about it. Only a moron would think it is ok to let their animals affect other people's lives.

Bloody hell two keyboard warriors I'm pooing my pants now.

Not at all, i write as i do. But as you seem to think dogs shitting in front of a person's house is ok, it show's you're lacking in understanding normal behaviour.

Did I indeed say it was acceptable for other dogs to mess near someone's gate NO I belive I did not. I was comenting on your post Mr American sniper indeed. (And before you say I'm not a yank think of your post and the film a perfect fit). So you think it acceptable to shoot dogs that pee on your tyres????? then is that a normal behaviour I think indeed not.

Picking up a bit of dog poo on a shovel and placing it in the ground somewhere is not a big task now is it. A lot of this comes down to its my land syndrome as for road in front of gate again easy to remove with spade.wonder what you would do if a human urinated against your wheels????

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This topic makes me feel better about being a smoker; apparently dog owners are even more selfish than we are. Barking, growling, biting, pooping, etc. are apparently all "no big deal" when inflicted on others. But it's a big deal when somebody does something about it...

It appears the time has come to ban dog ownership and to fine owners of dogs to the fullest extent of the law. 5,000 Baht for every time your dog irritates someone, 10,000 Baht for every time it fouls the walkways and 1,000,000 Baht for biting someone should do the trick. I suspect the owners will "take care of" their dogs in that instance and it won't need a good Samaritan to do it for them.

Indeed. It was precisely this attitude that caused our condo committee to ban dogs. Originally, the motion was to ban pets, but it was pointed out that all the reported problems were caused by dogs (or rather their owners) and not cats and their owners, so the motion was amended and passed.

Some of the problems the dog owners created were amazing. For example, dogs would mess in the elevators (lifts) and the owners wouldn't clean up after them. Indeed, when confronted about it, the response often was "the building has a housekeeping staff, it's their job to clean up messes". Some owners even let their dogs out into the halls to do their duty rather than taking them outside. Some dogs, when left alone, barked every time someone walked outside the door of their condo in the hall, much to the annoyance of their neighbors. Again, the owners saw nothing wrong with this. I could go on.

I wasn't one who complained about the dogs, even though I had to step over their messes from time-to-time. But, as the owner of two trouble-free cats, I didn't want to see them tossed out based on the sins of the canine occupants and their owners.

Why in hell would you want a dog in a condo for goodness sake. Poor thing needs a pee has to wait for elevator !!!!!!!

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Will be gathering mutts from Pattaya and Jomtien and shipping them to your area where someone has figured out how to make a dent in the doggie do...

No thanks keep your bar girls down there

Dogs are fine thank you???????

Edited by Deepinthailand
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This topic makes me feel better about being a smoker; apparently dog owners are even more selfish than we are. Barking, growling, biting, pooping, etc. are apparently all "no big deal" when inflicted on others. But it's a big deal when somebody does something about it...

It appears the time has come to ban dog ownership and to fine owners of dogs to the fullest extent of the law. 5,000 Baht for every time your dog irritates someone, 10,000 Baht for every time it fouls the walkways and 1,000,000 Baht for biting someone should do the trick. I suspect the owners will "take care of" their dogs in that instance and it won't need a good Samaritan to do it for them.

Indeed. It was precisely this attitude that caused our condo committee to ban dogs. Originally, the motion was to ban pets, but it was pointed out that all the reported problems were caused by dogs (or rather their owners) and not cats and their owners, so the motion was amended and passed.

Some of the problems the dog owners created were amazing. For example, dogs would mess in the elevators (lifts) and the owners wouldn't clean up after them. Indeed, when confronted about it, the response often was "the building has a housekeeping staff, it's their job to clean up messes". Some owners even let their dogs out into the halls to do their duty rather than taking them outside. Some dogs, when left alone, barked every time someone walked outside the door of their condo in the hall, much to the annoyance of their neighbors. Again, the owners saw nothing wrong with this. I could go on.

I wasn't one who complained about the dogs, even though I had to step over their messes from time-to-time. But, as the owner of two trouble-free cats, I didn't want to see them tossed out based on the sins of the canine occupants and their owners.

Why in hell would you want a dog in a condo for goodness sake. Poor thing needs a pee has to wait for elevator !!!!!!!

You could ask the same question about why someone would feed a dog, yet allow it to run wild, forming packs that terrorize the neighborhood, don't get the dog immunized or neutered and get angry when someone poisons their "pet".

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I thought for some years,

dogs here, in small rural village, had been given poison, mostly puppies died, some month old, up to a year young, but more likely it was that, I believe now, after talking with Veterinarian.

The fast death, only 2-4 days, after witnessing different behavior, the whiteness of their gums let me believe = poison, but now I think different. sad.pngblink.png


Dogs that develop the disease show signs of the illness within 3 to 7 days.

The signs may include lethargy, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea (usually bloody).

Generally, the first sign of CPV is lethargy. Secondary signs are a loss of appetite or diarrhea followed by vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting result in dehydration that upsets the electrolyte balance and this may affect the dog critically.

Secondary infections occur as a result of the weakened immune system.

Because the normal intestinal lining is also compromised, blood and protein leak into the intestines leading to anemia and loss of protein, and endotoxins escaping into the bloodstream, causingendotoxemia.

Dogs have a distinctive odor in the later stages of the infection.

The white blood cell level falls, further weakening the dog. Any or all of these factors can lead to shock and death.


virus then begins to deplete the lymphocytes found in the lymph nodes and destroys and kills the tissue in the intestines.

As the intestines are affected by the virus it becomes possible for leakage to occur in the bloodstream which results in sepsis that can quickly lead to death.

When left untreated, the mortality rate of parvo virus infection is around 91%

Edited by ALFREDO
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Take a bullet, oh brother you don't know anything about me. People been trying to kill me since I was 19 yrs. old I'm still here and they are gone. There may have been one lucky enough, but none good enough, no brag, just fact. I'm still damn good at gunfighting but I specialize in long range work, get my drift, ese'. Back to the topic. I am sorry for your dog and I understand your anger, your dog wasn't one of the problem ones. BTW, I was in addtition to being a professional guide, a law enforcement officer working along side NM Game and Fish. Dogs packed, miles from house collar or not, and I was 5 miles from nearest house, died. Policy same as coyotes, they killed deer. Oh and I just chased and rocked 2 that came and urinated on my truck tires and garbage can. Damn right I would have shot them.

Wow I'm in awe of you I wish wish wish I could be a key board warior as you are and wow shotting dogs that wee on your precious tyres. God your so brave. Please please can I be as big and brave and as you!!!!! No second thoughts I will be a coward and sit back and let <deleted> like you steal the lime light your a true legend in your own small narrow minded brain. Ps whenever your ready I'm here

You are a funny <deleted>, if your dog was shitting in front of my house, you would know about it. Only a moron would think it is ok to let their animals affect other people's lives.

Bloody hell two keyboard warriors I'm pooing my pants now.

Not at all, i write as i do. But as you seem to think dogs shitting in front of a person's house is ok, it show's you're lacking in understanding normal behaviour.

Did I indeed say it was acceptable for other dogs to mess near someone's gate NO I belive I did not. I was comenting on your post Mr American sniper indeed. (And before you say I'm not a yank think of your post and the film a perfect fit). So you think it acceptable to shoot dogs that pee on your tyres????? then is that a normal behaviour I think indeed not.

Picking up a bit of dog poo on a shovel and placing it in the ground somewhere is not a big task now is it. A lot of this comes down to its my land syndrome as for road in front of gate again easy to remove with spade.wonder what you would do if a human urinated against your wheels????

I think you have mixed up my quote with sgtsabai's post. I have made no comment regards guns at all.

Picking up shit, that is another persons dogs shit is not acceptable at all. Although i have done so and planted in front of the gate of the offending dog.

It is a private Soi, the land in front of my gate is mine with an right of way over it. The Soi is not a public dog toilet.

​If i saw someone pissing on my wheels, he would get slapped. But then again, i am sure that would not happen.

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I thought for some years,

dogs here, in small rural village, had been given poison, mostly puppies died, some month old, up to a year young, but more likely it was that, I believe now, after talking with Veterinarian.

The fast death, only 2-4 days, after witnessing different behavior, the whiteness of their gums let me believe = poison, but now I think different. sad.pngblink.png


Dogs that develop the disease show signs of the illness within 3 to 7 days.

The signs may include lethargy, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea (usually bloody).

Generally, the first sign of CPV is lethargy. Secondary signs are a loss of appetite or diarrhea followed by vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting result in dehydration that upsets the electrolyte balance and this may affect the dog critically.

Secondary infections occur as a result of the weakened immune system.

Because the normal intestinal lining is also compromised, blood and protein leak into the intestines leading to anemia and loss of protein, and endotoxins escaping into the bloodstream, causingendotoxemia.

Dogs have a distinctive odor in the later stages of the infection.

The white blood cell level falls, further weakening the dog. Any or all of these factors can lead to shock and death.


virus then begins to deplete the lymphocytes found in the lymph nodes and destroys and kills the tissue in the intestines.

As the intestines are affected by the virus it becomes possible for leakage to occur in the bloodstream which results in sepsis that can quickly lead to death.

When left untreated, the mortality rate of parvo virus infection is around 91%

This is an important post and everyone who owns or cares for a dog should read the wikipedia article about canine parvovirus. It could definitely explain local outbreaks of canine death where people think someone is poisoning the local dogs.

I wonder how many of the "poisoned" dogs described in the OP had been immunized against CPV?

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This topic makes me feel better about being a smoker; apparently dog owners are even more selfish than we are. Barking, growling, biting, pooping, etc. are apparently all "no big deal" when inflicted on others. But it's a big deal when somebody does something about it...

It appears the time has come to ban dog ownership and to fine owners of dogs to the fullest extent of the law. 5,000 Baht for every time your dog irritates someone, 10,000 Baht for every time it fouls the walkways and 1,000,000 Baht for biting someone should do the trick. I suspect the owners will "take care of" their dogs in that instance and it won't need a good Samaritan to do it for them.

Indeed. It was precisely this attitude that caused our condo committee to ban dogs. Originally, the motion was to ban pets, but it was pointed out that all the reported problems were caused by dogs (or rather their owners) and not cats and their owners, so the motion was amended and passed.

Some of the problems the dog owners created were amazing. For example, dogs would mess in the elevators (lifts) and the owners wouldn't clean up after them. Indeed, when confronted about it, the response often was "the building has a housekeeping staff, it's their job to clean up messes". Some owners even let their dogs out into the halls to do their duty rather than taking them outside. Some dogs, when left alone, barked every time someone walked outside the door of their condo in the hall, much to the annoyance of their neighbors. Again, the owners saw nothing wrong with this. I could go on.

I wasn't one who complained about the dogs, even though I had to step over their messes from time-to-time. But, as the owner of two trouble-free cats, I didn't want to see them tossed out based on the sins of the canine occupants and their owners.

Why in hell would you want a dog in a condo for goodness sake. Poor thing needs a pee has to wait for elevator !!!!!!!

You could ask the same question about why someone would feed a dog, yet allow it to run wild, forming packs that terrorize the neighborhood, don't get the dog immunized or neutered and get angry when someone poisons their "pet".
Chill out that question has been asked thousands of times on here. What facts and figure have you re imunizing dogs???around us yes there are 10 to 15 dogs along street who bark and run to gate if someone comes past yes all can if they wish get onto road yrs it is a nuisance but not all the time. All are imunized for rabies and have had flea jabs. But keeping a dog in a condo is just wrong on all levels (no pun intended ) Edited by Deepinthailand
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Confined dogs actually bark more than free range, my neighbors leave their gate open a crack so the dog come home, they are quiet and everybody knows which dog goes where, confined dogs get too frustrated and go crazy, teritorial and confined, free dogs learn to socialize or else they get killed. only an arshoie hates a socialized dog.

What are you blathering about?

Are these "socialized" dogs the ones that run around and attack in packs?

You can put me at spot #1 on your list of "arshoies"

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Actually, I see nothing the matter with keeping a dog in a condo -- the right kind of dog, like those little expensive "arm dogs" that the Thai ladies and young people seem to favor. You know, the ones that are never more than 3 meters away from their owners. Their little feet never touch the earth and they certainly aren't left alone to yap all day. They're smaller than a cat and don't seem to be much more bother.

Those weren't the ones causing the problems in the condo and they aren't the ones being "poisoned" either in the OP's neighborhood. Sadly, they got caught in the "no dogs" ban in our condo because of other irresponsible dog owners, some of whom opined that those little dogs weren't "real dogs" when it was pointed out that their behavior was exploratory because they never left their owners side.

Incidentally, I don't think that poisoning of dogs is ever justified. Maybe their owners, but not the dogs.

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I fail to understand how some people can defend dogs free roaming on public streets.. They piss on everything they see, they poop where people want to walk. They run out into the street to chase cyclists, motorcyclists and even cars causing accidents resulting in property damage and personal injury. They are full of disease, often very sick and in pain. They are an absolute menace in harassing responsible dog owner who would exercise their leashed dog by taking them for a walk. The diseases the strays carry can be transferred to the dogs of responsible owners. They have been known to attack, injure and even kill young children and the elderly. To say they should be there is preposterous and anybody who says so is totally mad and NOT human.


The only way to end the problem (and it is a problem) is to end the dogs, humanly.


Edited by Keesters
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I fail to understand how some people can defend dogs free roaming on public streets.. They piss on everything they see, they poop where people want to walk. They run out into the street to chase cyclists, motorcyclists and even cars causing accidents resulting in property damage and personal injury. They are full of disease, often very sick and in pain. They are an absolute menace in harassing responsible dog owner who would exercise their leashed dog by taking them for a walk. The diseases the strays carry can be transferred to the dogs of responsible owners. They have been known to attack, injure and even kill young children and the elderly. To say they should be there is preposterous and anybody who says so is totally mad and NOT human.


The only way to end the problem (and it is a problem) is to end the dogs, humanly.

Hang on a minute whilst I stop crying !!!! Tears of laughter "end the dogs"

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I fail to understand how some people can defend dogs free roaming on public streets.. They piss on everything they see, they poop where people want to walk. They run out into the street to chase cyclists, motorcyclists and even cars causing accidents resulting in property damage and personal injury. They are full of disease, often very sick and in pain. They are an absolute menace in harassing responsible dog owner who would exercise their leashed dog by taking them for a walk. The diseases the strays carry can be transferred to the dogs of responsible owners. They have been known to attack, injure and even kill young children and the elderly. To say they should be there is preposterous and anybody who says so is totally mad and NOT human.


The only way to end the problem (and it is a problem) is to end the dogs, humanly.

Hang on a minute whilst I stop crying !!!! Tears of laughter "end the dogs"


If this was your child you would stop your stupid remarks, if you were human you would be crying for the victims such as this!

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I enjoy seeing all my dog friends on my walks and they are friendly to me. It is one of the special aspects of Thailand that dogs are given some freedom to roam and have relationships with neighbors and other dogs. Why should they be prisoners?

I guess you're either deaf or live atop a very high, fenced off mountain where there are lots of trees to hug rolleyes.gif. I love dogs and think poisoning them is abhorrent, but roaming soi dogs are a menace that shouldn't be a part of civilised society. The amount of injuries and accidents they cause on the streets and roads of Thailand is sobering. It is one of the problems I banked on the dictatorship in solving. They should have systemically gone around removing (humanely) and/or spaying them, but I guess they have more important things to do like adjusting the attitudes of humans. I get that Buddhism kind of forbids that sort of treatment of animals and is part of the reason, but aside from the hassles for humans, the side effect is the suffering of mangy mutts.

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So what poison is being used?

Rat poison that you can buy at any supermarket takes weeks of almost daily baiting to do anything -- kill or drive them away.

Is there some chemical you can get at the pharmacy or hospital that is more effective?

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I was told by a local guy that these is a pesticide sold at just about every ma and pa shop that is used. He did tell me the name of it but I've forgotten what it was.

Very quick stuff he said. Maybe 15 minutes and it's all over.

Personally I don't think it's a humane way to 'dispose' of any dog.

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I fail to understand how some people can defend dogs free roaming on public streets.. They piss on everything they see, they poop where people want to walk. They run out into the street to chase cyclists, motorcyclists and even cars causing accidents resulting in property damage and personal injury. They are full of disease, often very sick and in pain. They are an absolute menace in harassing responsible dog owner who would exercise their leashed dog by taking them for a walk. The diseases the strays carry can be transferred to the dogs of responsible owners. They have been known to attack, injure and even kill young children and the elderly. To say they should be there is preposterous and anybody who says so is totally mad and NOT human.


The only way to end the problem (and it is a problem) is to end the dogs, humanly.

Hang on a minute whilst I stop crying !!!! Tears of laughter "end the dogs"


If this was your child you would stop your stupid remarks, if you were human you would be crying for the victims such as this!

For goodness sake chill out man you take things far to seriously. Dog attacks happen all over the world yes a real tragic ending but in the minority. If your just looking for an argument so you can quote chapter and verse I'm not your man.

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Or you could be a responsible dog owner, keep your dog on your property. and not let it run around trying to bite people in the street and pooping everywhere.

Or you could join reality, they toss the bait/poison over your fence into your property.

If they toss it over your fence then it is easy to figure. Your dogs are annoying somebody massively. It is owners responsibility to prevent that. So it is likely they would prefer YOU get the poison and maybe the dog could get a new home and a new and responsible owner................ Just some "Food for thought"............... If the shoe fits--- wear it.............

Bullshit, there are many reasons they might poison a dog that have nothing to do with the dog.

OK Bullshitter......... Give me a few of those reasons.... LOL

Could one reason be that they really want to poison the owner but that carries a higher penalty if caught so they just get the dogs that the owner wouldn't control????????????

C'mon Bullshitter........... Put your money where your mouth is.....

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Or you could be a responsible dog owner, keep your dog on your property. and not let it run around trying to bite people in the street and pooping everywhere.

Or you could join reality, they toss the bait/poison over your fence into your property.

If they toss it over your fence then it is easy to figure. Your dogs are annoying somebody massively. It is owners responsibility to prevent that. So it is likely they would prefer YOU get the poison and maybe the dog could get a new home and a new and responsible owner................ Just some "Food for thought"............... If the shoe fits--- wear it.............

Bullshit, there are many reasons they might poison a dog that have nothing to do with the dog.

OK Bullshitter......... Give me a few of those reasons.... LOL

Could one reason be that they really want to poison the owner but that carries a higher penalty if caught so they just get the dogs that the owner wouldn't control????????????

C'mon Bullshitter........... Put your money where your mouth is.....

Oh dear raw nerve hit dummies out toys next.

Just one case three doors away lovley old couple breed huskies have done for years. Proper kennel set up all dogs looked after in there own enclosure. Can not get onto road but older dogs allowed onto the couples drive and garden area. Someone wanted to buy a puppy couple said no (apparently the buyer has history of I'll treatment). Three weeks later 4 dogs dead of poisoning thrown over gate!!!!! 2+2 seems everyone knew it was him no proof.so there are other reasons

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I fail to understand how some people can defend dogs free roaming on public streets.. They piss on everything they see, they poop where people want to walk. They run out into the street to chase cyclists, motorcyclists and even cars causing accidents resulting in property damage and personal injury. They are full of disease, often very sick and in pain. They are an absolute menace in harassing responsible dog owner who would exercise their leashed dog by taking them for a walk. The diseases the strays carry can be transferred to the dogs of responsible owners. They have been known to attack, injure and even kill young children and the elderly. To say they should be there is preposterous and anybody who says so is totally mad and NOT human.


The only way to end the problem (and it is a problem) is to end the dogs, humanly.


You are spot on, Keester........ I am totally in agreement....... There may be a rare case (and I mean Rare) when some dogs are poisoned and don't deserve it.

What ever happened to the dog and owner that totally shredded the face of a 15-16 year old girl in Bangkok a couple months ago. I never did hear more about it. Poor girl will go thru life very scarred and ugly now as no body will ever pay for proper restorative plastic surgery....

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I had the most lovely dogs poisoned by a neighbor who claimed they killed 40 of his ducks. Firstly he doesn't nor never had 40 ducks, secondly he would have surely asked for compensation if it did in fact happen (and I would have readily payed). He never spoke to us about it, just spread false rumors in the local market. But he did tell us he was going to kill our dogs which he did. The villagers then just said he was crazy as if that makes it ok. After he pumped out his fish pond I to out rice fields instead the klong which was just as far I went over and "discussed" it with him. Never had a problem in the years since. Interesting how someone who keeps ducks, chickens, geese, cows, horses and dogs could just kill someone else's pet for no reason.

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