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EU wants Thai fishing vessels to be trimmed

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EU wants Thai fishing vessels to be trimmed


BANGKOK: The number of commercial fishing vessels in Thailand will be trimmed down within the next two years as recommended by the European Union, Agriculture Minister Chatchai Sarikalya disclosed on Friday.

He said that an EU team of observers recently met with Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan to follow up Thailand’s performance pertaining to illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing problem.

The EU team expressed appreciation with the government’s sincerity to resolve the IUU fishing problem and confidence with the Thai authorities charged with solving the problem, said Gen Chatchai, adding, however, that the EU team raised concern about the high number of commercial fishing vessels which, said the EU team, do not reflect the reality of marine resources.

For the sake of sustainable fishing, the EU team suggested that the number of fishing vessels should be slashed. About 40,000 fishing vessels have been registered with the Fisheries Department.

One of the options to reduce the number of fishing vessels is to buy the legally-registered vessels from their owners to be used as artificial coral reefs, said the agriculture minister, adding that a fund might be set up to retrain the fishermen so that they can do other jobs once they are laid off.

He went on saying that the EU team had suggested that refrigerator ships should be equipped with vessel monitoring system so that they can be tracked at all time.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/171735-2/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-09

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The EU just can't help interfering can they. Next thing you know it'll be like blighty where local boats have no quotas because the eurocrats gave all rights to their beloved Spanish fleet. ASEAN really should ban the sale of seafoods to the EU, get them back there netting up the Med and see how well that works out for them.

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The EU just can't help interfering can they. Next thing you know it'll be like blighty where local boats have no quotas because the eurocrats gave all rights to their beloved Spanish fleet. ASEAN really should ban the sale of seafoods to the EU, get them back there netting up the Med and see how well that works out for them.

Not so sure the EU is interfering considering the amount of praise Thailand claims the EU heaps on them. gigglem.gif

LoS must feel secure to actually report the EU brought up the issue of fleet reduction.

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The last time I checked Thailand was not a member of the EU.

The EU is becoming like the UN in thinking it can be an international bully and control everything that goes on in the world. They well have a point about the excess number if fishing boats but in reality it is none of their business.

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The last time I checked Thailand was not a member of the EU.

The EU is becoming like the UN in thinking it can be an international bully and control everything that goes on in the world. They well have a point about the excess number if fishing boats but in reality it is none of their business.

If you say so, but if Thailand resents the interference they are free to not sell their products to the EU.

Tell me, if you did your grocery shopping in a store that started selling you rotten produce would you say that informing them about this was none of your business???

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EU interference. That is why the UK voted out.

EU are just a bunch of interfering pillocks.

Yes and now with the Pound going down and down and maybe Scotland going out the UK the Brits are all quite happy about leaving. cheesy.gif

And yes the EU is interfering just like the US does but it does so that the fish that is caught here will be sustainable. You see how sustainable things are here in Thailand ?

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The EU and the US are the main buyers. Customers is always right, if EU and US don't want to buy slave labour it is their right to give Thailand the choice between adapting or not selling to them anymore .I am very glad the EU ensure we do not buy slave products or products that would endanger the marine environment. If Thailand wants a Thaixit very easy just don't sell to the EU anymore.

No wonder there was a Brexit.

Like the US, the EU can't keep their nose out of anything.

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The EU just can't help interfering can they. Next thing you know it'll be like blighty where local boats have no quotas because the eurocrats gave all rights to their beloved Spanish fleet. ASEAN really should ban the sale of seafoods to the EU, get them back there netting up the Med and see how well that works out for them.

The EU does have a point. One of the reasons why there is such a problem with piracy off the coast of Somalia is that fishing vessels from countries like Thailand and China illegally fished out the waters, putting the local fisher population out of work. Thailand's fishing fleet has a large number of illegal and unregulated vessels who illegally fish. Thailand has historically done nothing about the problem. It;s no different than when the Russians, Chinese and Spanish destroyed the fish stocks off the Grand Banks with their over fishing and illegal sized nets.

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The EU just can't help interfering can they. Next thing you know it'll be like blighty where local boats have no quotas because the eurocrats gave all rights to their beloved Spanish fleet. ASEAN really should ban the sale of seafoods to the EU, get them back there netting up the Med and see how well that works out for them.

Interesting comment. Thailand has a simple choice: do what they're told or risk some of their export revenue.

They're in this position because Thais like to lie.cheat and steal and think they're better than other nationals.

Pay yer money and take yer choice./Nobody really gives a toss and nobody is riding out of the sunset to help Thailand because nobody likes Thais on account of their long-term xenophobic behaviour and their belief that they are a favoured nation.

All nations who believe they are favoured by God are despised; I'm thinking Thailand, USA and Israel here but I'm sure there are others too. Thailand joined that club a while ago when it sold superstitious nonsense to it's under-educated people.


Edited by Winniedapu
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The last time I checked Thailand was not a member of the EU.

The EU is becoming like the UN in thinking it can be an international bully and control everything that goes on in the world. They well have a point about the excess number if fishing boats but in reality it is none of their business.

but in reality it is none of their business.

So the business profiteering of uncontrolled fishing, slave labor and human trafficking should be be left to Thais only?

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The last time I checked Thailand was not a member of the EU.

The EU is becoming like the UN in thinking it can be an international bully and control everything that goes on in the world. They well have a point about the excess number if fishing boats but in reality it is none of their business.

but in reality it is none of their business.

So the business profiteering of uncontrolled fishing, slave labor and human trafficking should be be left to Thais only?

Indeed. And Europe buys (iirc) 21 billion baht worth of sea produce from Thailand every year.

That makes it their business.


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No wonder there was a Brexit.

Like the US, the EU can't keep their nose out of anything.

I think, that this is totally okay, as the Thais cannot get there act done. See the statistics from the Thai Fishery department below. No wonder, that boat owners have to "hire"slaves to make a profit nowadays.


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Hopefully the Deputy PM & the fishermen will see the ultimate benefit in doing this. First off, over-fishing has drastically cut the amount of fish actually available. Their centuries-old methods of indiscriminately snaring everything/anything in their nets has reduced fish populations to bare minimum. Boat captains report having to fish almost 3x deeper than they did just 20 yrs ago.

In addition, Thai fishers are netting 10's of millions (and that's no exaggeration) of sharks every year, many of which are on the endangered species list. Thai's actually love shark but don't realize why it's getting harder to catch.(Ever tasted shark's fin soup? Bleechh! Besides, someone invented a natural substitute for shark fin that's actually cheaper than real shark) This is actually bad for the fishermen & the people in general because without sufficient sharks the secondary predator' numbers like elephant seals, other seal species, etc. are exploding. These can eat up to half their weight in fish daily which really demolishes fish populations. Some species of shark like Mako, Reef Bull sharks have lost over 90% of their total population over the last 40 yrs. Even the Great Whites, once numbering in the millions are severely endangered with an estimated 20,000 left world-wide. Like it or not, taking care of our oceans is EVERYONE'S responsibility.

Sinking the extra boats (up to 5,000 of them according to some estimates) would help create a new reef system which would draw more fish & help replenish supplies. Each boat would take from 15-30 yrs to become a full-fledged habitat for 100's of species.

Those who criticize the EU for 'butting in' don't understand that it's only in the last 8-10 yrs we have developed the technology to understand why we have to stop treating the oceans like a 'all-you-can-eat' buffet & a handy garbage dump for toxic wastes. When you take out the apex predators in any situation you allow other species to breed wild. Think of America in the early 1900's when they almost wiped out wolves, bears & coyotes. It didn't take long for nuisance species like rats, rabbits & deer to almost decimate every forest, grassland & farm. It was only by banning hunting of the predators & re-introducing them to the wild that the problems have started to improve.

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Hopefully the Deputy PM & the fishermen will see the ultimate benefit in doing this. First off, over-fishing has drastically cut the amount of fish actually available. Their centuries-old methods of indiscriminately snaring everything/anything in their nets has reduced fish populations to bare minimum. Boat captains report having to fish almost 3x deeper than they did just 20 yrs ago.

In addition, Thai fishers are netting 10's of millions (and that's no exaggeration) of sharks every year, many of which are on the endangered species list. Thai's actually love shark but don't realize why it's getting harder to catch.(Ever tasted shark's fin soup? Bleechh! Besides, someone invented a natural substitute for shark fin that's actually cheaper than real shark) This is actually bad for the fishermen & the people in general because without sufficient sharks the secondary predator' numbers like elephant seals, other seal species, etc. are exploding. These can eat up to half their weight in fish daily which really demolishes fish populations. Some species of shark like Mako, Reef Bull sharks have lost over 90% of their total population over the last 40 yrs. Even the Great Whites, once numbering in the millions are severely endangered with an estimated 20,000 left world-wide. Like it or not, taking care of our oceans is EVERYONE'S responsibility.

Sinking the extra boats (up to 5,000 of them according to some estimates) would help create a new reef system which would draw more fish & help replenish supplies. Each boat would take from 15-30 yrs to become a full-fledged habitat for 100's of species.

Those who criticize the EU for 'butting in' don't understand that it's only in the last 8-10 yrs we have developed the technology to understand why we have to stop treating the oceans like a 'all-you-can-eat' buffet & a handy garbage dump for toxic wastes. When you take out the apex predators in any situation you allow other species to breed wild. Think of America in the early 1900's when they almost wiped out wolves, bears & coyotes. It didn't take long for nuisance species like rats, rabbits & deer to almost decimate every forest, grassland & farm. It was only by banning hunting of the predators & re-introducing them to the wild that the problems have started to improve.

Yes, we already know all that. You new here? SJW? 'Eggs 'Teaching to suck' and all that.

Edited by dageurreotype
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EU interference. That is why the UK voted out.

EU are just a bunch of interfering pillocks.

Yes and now with the Pound going down and down and maybe Scotland going out the UK the Brits are all quite happy about leaving. cheesy.gif

Scotland leaving? Oh no. Shock horror! The UK will lose 10% of its populace... oh, but wait, it'll save double that on welfare and subsidies.

The euro is also going down and down last time I looked, but small price to pay to be free of that weak joke of a club. The British cab fish their own water's again, while the rest of the kowtowing numbnuts scrat around the arse end of the English Channel on their little quotas. Get yer twolips around that. laugh.png

Anyway, I hear the ole web-footed folk will be jumping ship next, but in case you opt to remain wrapped up in cotton wool, don't worry I'm sure the Brits will step in to save Europe again should you get into strife.

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They wont need to worry to much , the way this industry is going they wont have to many fish to catch in the near future.

The surplus boats can always drag big skimmers and skim plastic bags off of the surface so the ocean wildlife do not choke to death on them. Yes fishing is doomed. There are constantly more boats chasing fewer fish especially ones of breeding age. They seem able to turn plastic into clothing and lumber maybe they can rework it into an edible product. Pass the plastic please. Edited by elgordo38
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The EU just can't help interfering can they. Next thing you know it'll be like blighty where local boats have no quotas because the eurocrats gave all rights to their beloved Spanish fleet. ASEAN really should ban the sale of seafoods to the EU, get them back there netting up the Med and see how well that works out for them.

I am unsure if interfering to help the reduction of slavery, isn't a bad thing. The simple answer if you are not happy would be to stop selling to the EU as you suggest. mmmmm Thought not.

Regardless the Thai waters are over fished and with a mentality of let tomorrow worry about itself with no forward planning less boats can only help. If only for a short while until the people here consume all the sea stocks possible.

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They shouldn't need the EU to tell them the freaking obvious. Flying over the Gulf of Thailand one night there were so many lights of fishing boats out there I actually thought it was land.

Unsustainable growth is the gravest danger to the planet. One day it will come to a sudden halt, and when the people suddenly go hungry there will be absolute mayhem.

The brakes need to be applied now. Yes, that means austerity.

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The last time I checked Thailand was not a member of the EU.

The EU is becoming like the UN in thinking it can be an international bully and control everything that goes on in the world. They well have a point about the excess number if fishing boats but in reality it is none of their business.

but in reality it is none of their business.

So the business profiteering of uncontrolled fishing, slave labor and human trafficking should be be left to Thais only?

Indeed. And Europe buys (iirc) 21 billion baht worth of sea produce from Thailand every year.

That makes it their business.


They may well do but how much of that is farmed seafood and nothing to do with wild fishery and fishing boats. In any case I qualified my statement by by saying they may have a point.

Slave labour and human trafficking is a matter for the UN (rather than the EU) as Thailand is presently finding out while tugging their forelock furiously to try to please them.

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The last time I checked Thailand was not a member of the EU.

The EU is becoming like the UN in thinking it can be an international bully and control everything that goes on in the world. They well have a point about the excess number if fishing boats but in reality it is none of their business.

but in reality it is none of their business.

So the business profiteering of uncontrolled fishing, slave labor and human trafficking should be be left to Thais only?

Indeed. And Europe buys (iirc) 21 billion baht worth of sea produce from Thailand every year.

That makes it their business.


They may well do but how much of that is farmed seafood and nothing to do with wild fishery and fishing boats. In any case I qualified my statement by by saying they may have a point.

Slave labour and human trafficking is a matter for the UN (rather than the EU) as Thailand is presently finding out while tugging their forelock furiously to try to please them.

I have no problems with any of your posts or opinions, but if there are sanctions (which I now doubt), they probably would not be so discerning as to the source of the product.

As I understand it, the UN cannot prohibit imports into Europe, that is and will likely remain the prerogative of the EU, unless there is a world-wide

ban which China and Russia would not allow anyway.

I don't like it much because I frankly think the EU has no balls, but that's the way I believe it is.


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The EU just can't help interfering can they. Next thing you know it'll be like blighty where local boats have no quotas because the eurocrats gave all rights to their beloved Spanish fleet. ASEAN really should ban the sale of seafoods to the EU, get them back there netting up the Med and see how well that works out for them.

Yeah. Great idea. Have ASEAN ban billions-of-Euros in trade with their largest market in the world (i.e., the EU). That'll show 'em.

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"ASEAN really should ban the sale of seafoods to the EU, get them back there netting up the Med and see how well that works out for them."

Not in this lifetime. If you think ASEAN will scratch their bums to help Thailand then you don't understand the depth of loathing that Thailand's neighbours have for Thailand, and (in my humble opinion), with good reason.

As for banning exports and cutting off their own markets, don't hold your breath. The other members of ASEAN (to the extent that their own fishing businesses permit). will watch the crucifixion of Thailand with smiles on their faces, and then graciously offer their own exports to fill the gap.

Some folk are doubtless looking forward to seeing Thailand taken down a notch or two, a plot some years in the plotting. For me, popcorn all ordered. a modest amount of beer to celebrate, and my very best supercilious look at the ready for when I say "Oh dear, I'm so very sorry to see Thailand in such a state.'

It will almost eclipse the joy of watching the Thai psyche collapse, which is already starting to happen in anticipation of a coming event - unless I miss my guess. And watch what happens to Humpty and Dumpty and a few other worthy notables.

Almost but not quite. In any event, mustn't count chickens as yet unhatched.

They do say that if you wait long enough by the river....


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