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Sukhumvit Smooth Talking Scammer Still On Loose

The Dude

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Tropo Dude, you're getting carried away.

Tropo is very undiggable!!!! :o

:D So if The Dude hands out shovels to people he digs, what does he hand out to those who are undiggable?

Troll, did you consider that maybe by February 1 there may be 40% less people to scam?

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The scammer dude has obviously got some talent in sales. Why doesn't he go back to Canada and work as a used car salesman? He would make a killing. I think he is partly attracted to the diabolical power trip of tricking someone out of his/her cash, and for that very reason what he is doing in wrong - no excuses.

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I don't think anyone has the right to interfere with people's lifes, it is their choice. I am all for helping when they ask for help (or when they are mentally so disturbed that they clearly need help). If he has been making a living by telling people stories, even kept up with his visa stamps, then i believe he is well capable of looking after himself.

ColPyat-This guy has been cheating not only farangs but also Thais for more than three years, but according to you, 'nobody has the right to interfere with people's lifes [sic]'. But it is apparently OK with you for him to interfere with other people's lives by cheating them. Would it be OK to interfere with his life he were a pickpocket? A thief? A wife-beater? A mugger? A rapist? Please expand on your philosophy of non-interference.

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Tropo Dude, you're getting carried away.

Tropo is very undiggable!!!! :o

:D So if The Dude hands out shovels to people he digs, what does he hand out to those who are undiggable?

Troll, did you consider that maybe by February 1 there may be 40% less people to scam?

You're just basicly unpleasant aren't you? :D

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you're really being tough on this particular one. Were you the school yard bully when you were at school? ...or perhaps the tattle teller?

Tropo, you foolish man..................

He's being tough on this one cos you're so easy to be tough on. :o

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You're just basicly unpleasant aren't you? :o

Yes, if you keep up with your asinine replies you will find me basically very unpleasant. Keep it coming TROLL.

Methinks with your attitude you won't last long here and even if you do, nobody will take you seriously. Don't really see any need for any further dialog with you. Bye!

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you're really being tough on this particular one. Were you the school yard bully when you were at school? ...or perhaps the tattle teller?

Tropo, you foolish man..................

He's being tough on this one cos you're so easy to be tough on. :o

Go ahead genious, knock yourself out.

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Methinks with your attitude you won't last long here and even if you do, nobody will take you seriously. Don't really see any need for any further dialog with you. Bye!

You've yet to "dialogue" as all I've seen from you so far is trolling bs. Methinks with your attitude people stopped taking you seriously years ago.

Thanks for popping by, goodbye.

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are you the scammer ? :D

Are you?


A new pinnacle of conversation has been reached

Yes, you and a few other baiting one-liner trolls have certainly elevated the level of this debate.

Thank you. :D

PS. Sorry, I forgot this one:

CDNvic said:


"You're just basicly unpleasant aren't you?"

That would mean of course that you are basically pleasant right?....

But what would that have to do with the alleged Sukhumvit scammer?

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all this bickering about some bloke begging on the streets.


not really a scammer is he. i mean his asking for money...not like his doing it without you knowing.

so if you want to give money then give it.if not then tell him to f"ck off.

ok, now the fact that his a white guy begging in thailand is the main problem here.

white guy in england ,australia, any other western country begging and most of you wouldnt look twice at the guy.

obviously mentally unstable.

known to all.(except newbies)

complete idiot


still getting the sympathy of many


cos nobody likes to see suffering.

and this guy is suffering.send him home.seems to be a good idea, but send him home to what......

another street to beg on in the cold.less caring people in canada im sure,probably end up dead within a month.

Tropo is right,but so is everyone else who commented on this subject,its opinions, nothing more.

kill the prick now..put him out of his misery.

just my opinion :o:D

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Yes ....live and let live....but that applies both ways, the best thing for this gentlemen is to get some help, which pratically means he has to return home.

It's become clear now that he doesn't want to go home. I suspect being homeless in the harsh Canadian climate is not on his wish list. What now?

The reports are he is an addict, and therefore not likely to save his funds but is living day to day. This is the classic poverty trap.

Eventually he gets sick, bashed or has some other problem so that he cannot scam for a while…what happens then?

Thailand has no obligation to him at all, Canada does.

Canada is a first world country and has first world social and health services, Thailand is not and has little if nil social services available to a Farang.

I also think Maizefarmer answers this point in his post above, with an actual example of the German guy who spent many years in jail, which is a far worse fate than being in a Canadian homeless shelter.

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all this bickering about some bloke begging on the streets.


not really a scammer is he. i mean his asking for money...not like his doing it without you knowing.

so if you want to give money then give it.if not then tell him to f"ck off.

ok, now the fact that his a white guy begging in thailand is the main problem here.

white guy in england ,australia, any other western country begging and most of you wouldnt look twice at the guy.

obviously mentally unstable.

known to all.(except newbies)

complete idiot


still getting the sympathy of many


cos nobody likes to see suffering.

and this guy is suffering.send him home.seems to be a good idea, but send him home to what......

another street to beg on in the cold.less caring people in canada im sure,probably end up dead within a month.

Tropo is right,but so is everyone else who commented on this subject,its opinions, nothing more.

kill the prick now..put him out of his misery.

just my opinion :o:D

Hi splitlid, he is definately a professional scammer, if you came in late on the thread he has been at it since 2002, it is not just a few baht here or there.

The Dude brought it up in another thread last year and Maizefamers 2 posts set the background...have a look, cheers.

(Anyway I've posted too much on this thread so will retire)

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The scammer dude has obviously got some talent in sales. Why doesn't he go back to Canada and work as a used car salesman? He would make a killing. I think he is partly attracted to the diabolical power trip of tricking someone out of his/her cash, and for that very reason what he is doing in wrong - no excuses.

Good idea! Or he could work as a bargirl. Just separate the customers from their cash.............

Sorry folks, I can't be serious. So far 8 pages about an alleged beggar is a little bit too much ado about nothing.

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I have to add that this scamster guy isn't Thai, and nor does he have any family or friends to gang up on anyone with.

You never know, the food chain here goes mysterious ways at times.

Many of those farang scamsters do live in the slums, and supply a large network of people with their earnings who would be very pissed off if a tourist on a bit too much self righteous testosteron interferes with something he has not the slightest comprehension of.

If you are that streetwise hard man you claim to be (of which i have some serious doubts), you should know that people don't interfere with others business as long as it does not personally threaten you, your family or your friends.

So what, he makes a living scamming some citizens? None of your business.

Excellent advice. Lived here and the mean streets back home. My sentiments exactly

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ColPyat, I often read your posts and enjoy your point of view, however have to disagree with your assessment here.

The key points are this guy is a professional scammer who has apparently been living of the same method since 2002, secondly I don't see it as victimless crime, the scale of what he is doing is quite large.

It is in quite a different category to someone down on his luck and needing a few baht.

He needs help, we need to be protected, Maizefarmer has again got some excellent background info, indicating he has a serious substance problem. As Maizefarmer goes on to point out the long term ramifications of his behaviour can be a lot worse than the alternatives of a return home.

Yes ....live and let live....but that applies both ways, the best thing for this gentlemen is to get some help, which pratically means he has to return home.

People like this have been around here forever, long before the moral majority made their way to Asia.

He is not exactly forcing people at gunpoint to hand over their wallets, he tells them a story, and people can decide if they give or not. A year or so ago, when i met him, he told me the story as well, and i knew that it was bull, but still gave him a few hundred baht, and would do so today as well. I always give to those people, have always done so. It is so easy to make one mistake, that leads to another, and results in a chain event that cannot be reversed anymore.

Everybody can end up on the street one day, and find himself in exactly the position this guy is in. There are no guarantees in life apart from one.

What help would he get back home? He would be on the streets. There not enough therapy places in the west, and half way houses etc are only for the people who know how to be subordinate to the social workers. Shelters for the homeless are generally very unpleasant places, full of violence and alcohol.

Personally, i am disgusted by this thread. Why is it allowed to publish personal information about this guy? Why are people allowed to issue thinly veiled threats of violence against this guy?

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Taking money under false pretences is called fraud.

Bar-girls provide a service for the money you give, there's no comparison.

You mean like the service of telling you and several others how much they love you alone and only in order to get as many sponsors as she can so she and her Thai boyfriend can have a good life. :o

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Taking money under false pretences is called fraud.

Bar-girls provide a service for the money you give, there's no comparison.

You mean like the service of telling you and several others how much they love you alone and only in order to get as many sponsors as she can so she and her Thai boyfriend can have a good life. :o

Do you think she could work in this manner several times a day for years ? It's not the same as the ancient profession or the scammer dude in this respect. Like Sir Burr said, bar-girls provide a 'legit' service. The scammer guy is a true fraudster, many times a day, for years.

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Taking money under false pretences is called fraud.

Bar-girls provide a service for the money you give, there's no comparison.

You mean like the service of telling you and several others how much they love you alone and only in order to get as many sponsors as she can so she and her Thai boyfriend can have a good life. :o

Do you think she could work in this manner several times a day for years ? It's not the same as the ancient profession or the scammer dude in this respect. Like Sir Burr said, bar-girls provide a 'legit' service. The scammer guy is a true fraudster, many times a day, for years.

As by legal definition, a bargirl does not provide a "legit" service, because prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, but not legal.

And if you look at the off numbers of the most popular bargirls, yes, some of them do provide service several times a day. And yes, many do juggle around several sponsors, getting monthly payments under false pretences. And most of the ones who are not in this position, aspire to be there.

But i don't judge them, because i am not in their position.

What is your base of judgement, especially when calling 3rd world prostitution "legit". There are many people in this world who would judge anyone who enjoys the services of a prostitute here as slightly above a rabid dog.

And no, i don't judge those blokes as long as they don't force anyone.

The guy is a fraudster, yes, so what? Are you gonna give him a monthly salary now to keep him from scamming folks? If you are not prepared to help him out of his hole, than don't judge him, please.

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You mean like the service of telling you and several others how much they love you alone and only in order to get as many sponsors as she can so she and her Thai boyfriend can have a good life. :o

You forgot the tell tale stories about the sick buffalo, the bad harvest or the sister's motorcycle accident... :D

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Probably just another English teacher trying to survive. :D

Why, yes! My cardboard box was getting a bit soggy and sad after rainy season, so time to hit the pavement and get the funds for an upgrade (I'm going for a wooden crate this year, but I'm not sure yet if I can afford it!) :o

What soi/alley are you on Steve? On the house, mate. Our crates smell like fresh flowers too!


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As by legal definition, a bargirl does not provide a "legit" service, because prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, but not legal.

I think you misunderstood. In case you don't already know, using quotes " or ' mean's the word is not to be taken too literally. Be prepared to strech the meaning a little.

'Legit' in the sense there is an exchange between two people without deception, unlike the scammer. I think it was clear from the context.

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As by legal definition, a bargirl does not provide a "legit" service, because prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, but not legal.

I think you misunderstood. In case you don't already know, using quotes " or ' mean's the word is not to be taken too literally. Be prepared to strech the meaning a little.

'Legit' in the sense there is an exchange between two people without deception, unlike the scammer. I think it was clear from the context.

No deception?

As another poster pointed out already, no sick buffalo stories?

No attempts to get a monthly stipend by pretenses of everlasting love?

No faked orgasms, and everybody is a hansume man?


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The man should be crucified at the New Airport as a warning to all other deadbeat Farang lowlifes that run away from reality.

If you run away from a 1st world country to beg and sponge in a 3rd world country, then crucifixtion seems a fair and just demise.

Over to Trollope....................I mean, over to Tropo. :o

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