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Obama says America is horrified over Dallas attack


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He never promised that.

You may be correct about that but I would have to do the research to determine if this a fact. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. However, you can't deny that race relations are much worse after these almost 8 years of his presidency. This is due to some degree to his dishonesty and incompetence.

As chief law-enforcement officer for the country, he has several times commented on cases before the facts were established causing great damage to race relations. He had absolutely no business saying anything about the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases before the grand juries/trials had been finalized. This is beyond incompetence and into the world of irresponsibility. And it has gotten people killed. He is contributory to getting the BLM movement started and supporting it even though its foundation was based a "Big Lie".

What do you have to say about the over 100 visits by Al Sharpton, probably the biggest race-baiter in the US, to the White House? Do you suppose Obama was giving him therapy sessions and trying to get Sharpton to change his ways?

Here's a pre-election LA Times piece on "Obama's post-racial promise" by Shelby Steele dated November 5, 2008 :


An excerpt:

"But what about black Americans? Won't an Obama presidency at last lead us across a centuries-old gulf of alienation into the recognition that America really is our country? Might this milestone not infuse black America with a new American nationalism? And wouldn't this be revolutionary in itself? Like most Americans, I would love to see an Obama presidency nudge things in this direction. But the larger reality is the profound disparity between black and white Americans that will persist even under the glow of an Obama presidency. The black illegitimacy rate remains at 70%. Blacks did worse on the SAT in 2000 than in 1990. Fifty-five percent of all federal prisoners are black, though we are only 13% of the population. The academic achievement gap between blacks and whites persists even for the black middle class. All this disparity will continue to accuse blacks of inferiority and whites of racism -- thus refueling our racial politics -- despite the level of melanin in the president's skin."

Of course, Shelby couldn't have foreseen the accelerant that Obama was going to drip on the smoldering racial politics with his careless statements about black shootings by non-blacks.

Edited by MaxYakov
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After the most divisive president America has ever had, we hear that he is horrified?

Jesus wept...facepalm.gif

Being black doesn't make him divisive. Being hated by white Republicans for being black is what makes him divisive, no matter what feeble excuses they come up with. Their excuses are like putting lipstick on a pig.

He's hated because he failed to usher in a "post-racial society" which is what having a black president was supposed to do.

He failed. Totally.

Well as the US Government has been totally dysfunctional for 8 years it is hardly surprising. Not because of Obama I might add but because he has been so hated by the Republicans and their devotees that no matter what he would have tried to have done the Republicans would always have gone for the opposite.

Democracy means that you try and win in politics, but when you lose, it is because the people have spoken and at that point your salaries are being paid for by the people, and you have to resign yourself to the fact that now you must work with the person the people chose in order to enhance the nation. America has been a text book nightmare for 8 years. You want Obama to bring in a "post Racial Society", that is a laugh. If Obama wanted to bring in a bill to say the sun is hot and yellow the republicans would have voted against it. Hard to bring in a post racial society when Republican Gun crazy cops keep shooting unarmed/innocent blacks. Is that part of the agenda to usurp the Whitehouse N........... as he seems to be frequently referred to. The USA is going down the toilet so fast, it will be our modern day lesson on how great empires fall. We all have to look in history books for those lessons at the moment, but we will get it all in HD via a multitude of media sometime soon. Unfortunately this event will have a profound effect on the rest of the world. The clock is counting. America had freedom and has totally screwed it.

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Having to take him out with a robot bomb suggests there were no police with the courage to take this one gunmen on.

Utilise all available means at your disposal. Sound judgement from where I'm standing.

So you would also argue the gunmen acted with sound judgement? He utilised all available means at his disposal to combat a threat?

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I am worried about the possibility of a race war being sparked.

But here is good way to frame thinking about that threat we are facing:


This is the central thing to understand about what happened in Dallas: Black people who target whites are fundamentally allied with white people who target blacks. They’re on the same team: the race war team.


This is the war Micah Johnson joined in Dallas on Thursday night. He didn’t join the side of black people, any more than Bin Laden or ISIS joined the side of Muslims.

Obama has already started a race war. Where u been-Pattaya? hahahahaha.

Obama started the current Race War the moment he stepped into that church in Chicago and absorbed the preacher's "Goddamn America" BS.

The most divisive president ever - the worst imaginable...facepalm.gif

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America may be horrified. But America is not surprised. America EXPECTS much of the same, next week, and the week after that, and the week after that, and the week after that, ... etc.

Until the majority wakes up.This is a country in decline,more civilized countries have gun laws.It is only a matter of time until more cops get popped by people who <deleted>.

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After the most divisive president America has ever had, we hear that he is horrified?

Jesus wept...facepalm.gif

I rekon the previous prez had that dubious honour.Everything Obama has to fix came from the mess leftover from Bush and co.And now the Republicians want Trump.The Reps haven't got much.have they.The world is laughing.

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After the most divisive president America has ever had, we hear that he is horrified?

Jesus wept...facepalm.gif

Barack Obama has always had the support of mainstream Americans and of the vast American political and socio-cultural middle.

Which is why President Obama structured his statement carefully, to say "I believe I am speaking for all Americans..." He knows he does not speak for all Americans, that the wingnutracistright must properly be excluded from the scope of the statement. While the wingnuts are also aghast, they are up in verbal arms for radically different reasons than those of Potus.

The mainstream of Americans blame a gunman and feeble gun laws (or gun law enforcement), while the whingenut right blame one man, Barack Obama. This is distorted thinking and it is a view that is contorted by racialism.

From the innocent unarmed Treyvon Martin to the unarmed Michael Brown to the armed but carrying-only Alton Sterling in New Orleans onward, the vast and broad American political center are aghast at the recent years-long national police crime wave against black American males, to include a 12-year old boy in Cleveland playing in a park with a toy gun.

The political mainstream is horrendously aghast by this willful, organised and malicious attack on a specific police department, in Dallas, because it is an attack on police and law enforcement in general, nationally. Its perp definitely needs to suffer the ultimate punishment.

Every civilised society needs and must have police as an institution so becoming and being a police officer must be encouraged, supported; and mutual police-citizen respect reciprocated. Being a police officer is both a great responsibility and a great obligation to the society as a whole. So a pattern of killing unarmed citizens of a certain demographic does indeed raise questions.

The great number of police in the USA are Republicans or vote Republican in elections of Potus. Police departments in all 50 states include many right wingers besides (has anyone ever read a police magazine or website?). One suspects a majority of police will vote for (and have voted for) Donald Trump.

This is the great and still deep socio-cultural divide, and it has existed since hundreds of years before Barack Obama was elected then reelected Potus. Ten years from now, after the presidency of Barack Obama and the election of his successor who he himself endorses, there will be a more stable post-racial America.

President Obama has a current approval rating of 56% in the USA. Which means the racist whingenut right has failed miserably in its vile 7+ year campaign of a daily invective against our president. A lot of police in USA need to catch up or be left behind by the society as a whole. As Potus said, blue lives matter too. It should not need to be said that life matters period.

Edited by Publicus
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Black Lives do Matter, as do all other lives. The US has a lot of people with military training and a lot of people who have served in active war zones. Many people do not come back from battle zones with the same moral compass that they left with. Combine that with a lot of heavy duty weapons on the street and you have an explosive situation.

It is fairly obvious that the police need some training as well.

I wandered into a bar in Angeles City 35 years ago.The drinkers were shocked to see me as they were all black servicemen.Once they heard my accent it was all cool.After a few beers together i said the armed forces would be the last job an Ozzy would do.They said the same in the US,but seeing they came from poor families and they were black,it was the only way to get an education and support their families.One lad added that they also learn how to shoot straight.I have always remembered this and when a group of people are repressed and their backs are against the wall,this is what happens.Expect more.This is happening across the world and until the west change their attitude,it ain't gunna stop.It is a battle of the haves and the have nots and there are more of the latter,and in the States they have easy access to war weapons.It only takes one.

Luckily he didn't leave a message about being a 5 minute convert to IS.that would have fitted the one of them agenda.In fact this is a lot more scary,he is one of us,trained and educated by us.

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If Obama had any guts he would declare BLM to be a terrorist organization, for that's what they are through their actions and their incitement. Perhaps also if the president had not resorted to dog whistle politics relating to the police then being 'horrified' would not ring so hollow coming from him.

The shooter was not a BLM member. I would agree with you if BLM actually had a policy of supporting and planning attacks such as at Dallas. But you and I both know, that is NOT the case. I don't like every statement I've heard from BLM people, in some cases I strongly DETEST them, but there is freedom of speech and protest in the USA, so they have every right, literally, to continue without being demonized as a terror organization.
Hmm, not a BLM member eh? Nevertheless he was defended by a current BLM member. I guess those looting and taunting the police were also not BLM members.

P.s Cast your mind back a few years to when many progressive labeled the Tea Party as terrorists for far far less.

". I guess those looting and taunting the police were also not BLM members."

As far as i know,the above is not true.Live on radio demonstrators were chatting with police when shots were heard in the background.

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I am worried about the possibility of a race war being sparked.

But here is good way to frame thinking about that threat we are facing:


This is the central thing to understand about what happened in Dallas: Black people who target whites are fundamentally allied with white people who target blacks. They’re on the same team: the race war team.


This is the war Micah Johnson joined in Dallas on Thursday night. He didn’t join the side of black people, any more than Bin Laden or ISIS joined the side of Muslims.

Obama has already started a race war. Where u been-Pattaya? hahahahaha.

Don't know what Obama has got to do with it.This started over two hundred years ago.Whitey is a slow learner.

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If Obama had any guts he would declare BLM to be a terrorist organization, for that's what they are through their actions and their incitement. Perhaps also if the president had not resorted to dog whistle politics relating to the police then being 'horrified' would not ring so hollow coming from him.
The shooter was not a BLM member. I would agree with you if BLM actually had a policy of supporting and planning attacks such as at Dallas. But you and I both know, that is NOT the case. I don't like every statement I've heard from BLM people, in some cases I strongly DETEST them, but there is freedom of speech and protest in the USA, so they have every right, literally, to continue without being demonized as a terror organization.
Hmm, not a BLM member eh? Nevertheless he was defended by a current BLM member. I guess those looting and taunting the police were also not BLM members.

P.s Cast your mind back a few years to when many progressive labeled the Tea Party as terrorists for far far less.

If they did label the tea party as terrorists, so what? Nobody took that seriously and nobody is taking what you're suggesting seriously either, except for some totally EXTREMIST right wing pundits.

Exactly. The extreme right-wing talk radio hosts, like Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin hold a lot of responsibilty for the current hostile environment. Truly disgraceful but the price to be paid for the 1st Amendment.

All very well, except the libs go all quiet and mealy mouthed about the 1st whenever Muslims or any of their other protected minorities are involved.

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I am worried about the possibility of a race war being sparked.

But here is good way to frame thinking about that threat we are facing:


This is the central thing to understand about what happened in Dallas: Black people who target whites are fundamentally allied with white people who target blacks. They’re on the same team: the race war team.


This is the war Micah Johnson joined in Dallas on Thursday night. He didn’t join the side of black people, any more than Bin Laden or ISIS joined the side of Muslims.

Obama has already started a race war. Where u been-Pattaya? hahahahaha.

Obama started the current Race War the moment he stepped into that church in Chicago and absorbed the preacher's "Goddamn America" BS.

The most divisive president ever - the worst imaginable...facepalm.gif

President Obama is only "divisive" if you're a far right loonie, racist scumbag. So yes, I can see why you think he's divisive.

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After the most divisive president America has ever had, we hear that he is horrified?

Jesus wept...facepalm.gif

Barack Obama has always had the support of mainstream Americans and of the vast American political and socio-cultural middle.

Which is why President Obama structured his statement carefully, to say "I believe I am speaking for all Americans..." He knows he does not speak for all Americans, that the wingnutracistright must properly be excluded from the scope of the statement. While the wingnuts are also aghast, they are up in verbal arms for radically different reasons than those of Potus.

The mainstream of Americans blame a gunman and feeble gun laws (or gun law enforcement), while the whingenut right blame one man, Barack Obama. This is distorted thinking and it is a view that is contorted by racialism.

From the innocent unarmed Treyvon Martin to the unarmed Michael Brown to the armed but carrying-only Alton Sterling in New Orleans onward, the vast and broad American political center are aghast at the recent years-long national police crime wave against black American males, to include a 12-year old boy in Cleveland playing in a park with a toy gun.

The political mainstream is horrendously aghast by this willful, organised and malicious attack on a specific police department, in Dallas, because it is an attack on police and law enforcement in general, nationally. Its perp definitely needs to suffer the ultimate punishment.

Every civilised society needs and must have police as an institution so becoming and being a police officer must be encouraged, supported; and mutual police-citizen respect reciprocated. Being a police officer is both a great responsibility and a great obligation to the society as a whole. So a pattern of killing unarmed citizens of a certain demographic does indeed raise questions.

The great number of police in the USA are Republicans or vote Republican in elections of Potus. Police departments in all 50 states include many right wingers besides (has anyone ever read a police magazine or website?). One suspects a majority of police will vote for (and have voted for) Donald Trump.

This is the great and still deep socio-cultural divide, and it has existed since hundreds of years before Barack Obama was elected then reelected Potus. Ten years from now, after the presidency of Barack Obama and the election of his successor who he himself endorses, there will be a more stable post-racial America.

President Obama has a current approval rating of 56% in the USA. Which means the racist whingenut right has failed miserably in its vile 7+ year campaign of a daily invective against our president. A lot of police in USA need to catch up or be left behind by the society as a whole. As Potus said, blue lives matter too. It should not need to be said that life matters period.

What will the right say when Hilary is prez.A black, then a woman and a Clinton woman.Nightmares for another 4-8 years.

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If Obama had any guts he would declare BLM to be a terrorist organization, for that's what they are through their actions and their incitement. Perhaps also if the president had not resorted to dog whistle politics relating to the police then being 'horrified' would not ring so hollow coming from him.

The shooter was not a BLM member. I would agree with you if BLM actually had a policy of supporting and planning attacks such as at Dallas. But you and I both know, that is NOT the case. I don't like every statement I've heard from BLM people, in some cases I strongly DETEST them, but there is freedom of speech and protest in the USA, so they have every right, literally, to continue without being demonized as a terror organization.
Hmm, not a BLM member eh? Nevertheless he was defended by a current BLM member. I guess those looting and taunting the police were also not BLM members.

P.s Cast your mind back a few years to when many progressive labeled the Tea Party as terrorists for far far less.

If they did label the tea party as terrorists, so what? Nobody took that seriously and nobody is taking what you're suggesting seriously either, except for some totally EXTREMIST right wing pundits.

The only way to play it is to never take anything said by the racist wingnuts seriously.

Obama is mentioned in the title of the post, the TV baggers get their panties all in a twist. The conspiracy nonsense and the hate spews out. Same thing happens with Hillary. Lovely bunch.

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I am worried about the possibility of a race war being sparked.

But here is good way to frame thinking about that threat we are facing:


This is the central thing to understand about what happened in Dallas: Black people who target whites are fundamentally allied with white people who target blacks. They’re on the same team: the race war team.


This is the war Micah Johnson joined in Dallas on Thursday night. He didn’t join the side of black people, any more than Bin Laden or ISIS joined the side of Muslims.

Obama has already started a race war. Where u been-Pattaya? hahahahaha.

Obama started the current Race War the moment he stepped into that church in Chicago and absorbed the preacher's "Goddamn America" BS.

The most divisive president ever - the worst imaginable...facepalm.gif

If nothing else, at least you're consistent. Consistently wrong, but consistent.

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I am worried about the possibility of a race war being sparked.

But here is good way to frame thinking about that threat we are facing:


This is the central thing to understand about what happened in Dallas: Black people who target whites are fundamentally allied with white people who target blacks. They’re on the same team: the race war team.


This is the war Micah Johnson joined in Dallas on Thursday night. He didn’t join the side of black people, any more than Bin Laden or ISIS joined the side of Muslims.

Obama has already started a race war. Where u been-Pattaya? hahahahaha.

Obama started the current Race War the moment he stepped into that church in Chicago and absorbed the preacher's "Goddamn America" BS.

The most divisive president ever - the worst imaginable...facepalm.gif

" the worst imaginable..."

One name for you: Donald Trump

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While president Obama may be African American- he is the President of all of America. His statement spoke towards a multi racial populace that must learn to live together in harmony.

However, as an American, I and the rest of America must be cognizant of the fact that there is still racism in America after all these centuries of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Us Civil War. The case of Travon Martin, Michael Brown and the man in New York who died as a result of police action all speak to one thing. The police need to be better trained in handling alleged urban crime and urban relations. In all these cases- there was no need for anyone to have died. The police seem to have an overwhelming propensity to shoot to kill; when the correct action is to attempt to stop the alleged perpetrator with the least force possible. In each incident if the police would have backed off and let the situation calm down- the result would have been different. I can see why black people become incensed over these incidents and many others like them.

The fact is that America has discriminated against black people since the promulgation of America's constitution when the framers indicated that a black person was to actually be considered 3/5 of a person. In addition, slavery was one of the worst abominations that ever existed. The civil rights act was not even passed until 1964 time frame and even today some states still fly the Confederate flag in their state capitals. Couple all of this enshrined discrimination with a justice system that imprisons black people at a rate of almost 55% of all cases when they are just 13% of the American population; the unemployment rate for blacks are at least double than that of white America; the black family is under siege due to a lack of proper health care and education; and the crime rate in typically black neighborhoods has skyrocketed. There can only be one reason behind all this and that is racism and discrimination. When people have no hope they turn to drugs , alcohol and crime as do people of any color.

Unfortunately President Obama has done little to actually help African Americans except to condemn racism. In fact President Obama has done little to assist the dwindling middle class and the increasing poor. He has not created an economy that is vibrant simply because the 1% of Americans who control the economy are continuing to suck the blood of the other 99%. Their greed is insatiable and because of this it is most evident in the black community.

And the sad fact is that neither Hillary Clinton or donald Trump have any plan to solve any of the things that will help blacks or the population at large. There is no plan for income redistribution; there is no plan for true national health insurance; there is no plan for reform of the American educational system which is making college students indentured servants to the American State for 20 years; there is no plan to revitalize inner cities and provide job training; and their is no plan to reform the American election system so money cannot continue to buy the presidency.

Unless their is a change within the next 20-30 years, the levels of violence will increase in America amongst people of all colors and backgrounds and the downtrodden will eventually take by force those things that are inalienable rights of a truly free people.

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"I believe that I speak for every single American when I say that we are horrified over these events... "

Apart from Beyonce and her racist bloke.

I suggest, you seek professional help!

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While president Obama may be African American- he is the President of all of America. His statement spoke towards a multi racial populace that must learn to live together in harmony.

However, as an American, I and the rest of America must be cognizant of the fact that there is still racism in America after all these centuries of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Us Civil War. The case of Travon Martin, Michael Brown and the man in New York who died as a result of police action all speak to one thing. The police need to be better trained in handling alleged urban crime and urban relations. In all these cases- there was no need for anyone to have died. The police seem to have an overwhelming propensity to shoot to kill; when the correct action is to attempt to stop the alleged perpetrator with the least force possible. In each incident if the police would have backed off and let the situation calm down- the result would have been different. I can see why black people become incensed over these incidents and many others like them.

The fact is that America has discriminated against black people since the promulgation of America's constitution when the framers indicated that a black person was to actually be considered 3/5 of a person. In addition, slavery was one of the worst abominations that ever existed. The civil rights act was not even passed until 1964 time frame and even today some states still fly the Confederate flag in their state capitals. Couple all of this enshrined discrimination with a justice system that imprisons black people at a rate of almost 55% of all cases when they are just 13% of the American population; the unemployment rate for blacks are at least double than that of white America; the black family is under siege due to a lack of proper health care and education; and the crime rate in typically black neighborhoods has skyrocketed. There can only be one reason behind all this and that is racism and discrimination. When people have no hope they turn to drugs , alcohol and crime as do people of any color.

Unfortunately President Obama has done little to actually help African Americans except to condemn racism. In fact President Obama has done little to assist the dwindling middle class and the increasing poor. He has not created an economy that is vibrant simply because the 1% of Americans who control the economy are continuing to suck the blood of the other 99%. Their greed is insatiable and because of this it is most evident in the black community.

And the sad fact is that neither Hillary Clinton or donald Trump have any plan to solve any of the things that will help blacks or the population at large. There is no plan for income redistribution; there is no plan for true national health insurance; there is no plan for reform of the American educational system which is making college students indentured servants to the American State for 20 years; there is no plan to revitalize inner cities and provide job training; and their is no plan to reform the American election system so money cannot continue to buy the presidency.

Unless their is a change within the next 20-30 years, the levels of violence will increase in America amongst people of all colors and backgrounds and the downtrodden will eventually take by force those things that are inalienable rights of a truly free people.

I concur on all parts except Obama being labeled black/African-American. We all know that he is only half that. While the colour of your skin, your sexuality, gender, religion and what not should be completely irrelevant, I do doubt that he would have been elected if he was entirely black with a dark skin to match that, or if he was not a Christian (seems like not blessing god would be political suicide in the US, atleast that's my impression as a Dutchy from across the pond).

And though I do hope to see less trigger happy police, more gun control, fairer income distribution (reducing the enormous class differences) and so on, I fear progress will be very very slow. It will be a long time, if ever, for the US to become the greatest nation on earth.

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While president Obama may be African American- he is the President of all of America. His statement spoke towards a multi racial populace that must learn to live together in harmony.

However, as an American, I and the rest of America must be cognizant of the fact that there is still racism in America after all these centuries of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Us Civil War. The case of Travon Martin, Michael Brown and the man in New York who died as a result of police action all speak to one thing. The police need to be better trained in handling alleged urban crime and urban relations. In all these cases- there was no need for anyone to have died. The police seem to have an overwhelming propensity to shoot to kill; when the correct action is to attempt to stop the alleged perpetrator with the least force possible. In each incident if the police would have backed off and let the situation calm down- the result would have been different. I can see why black people become incensed over these incidents and many others like them.

The fact is that America has discriminated against black people since the promulgation of America's constitution when the framers indicated that a black person was to actually be considered 3/5 of a person. In addition, slavery was one of the worst abominations that ever existed. The civil rights act was not even passed until 1964 time frame and even today some states still fly the Confederate flag in their state capitals. Couple all of this enshrined discrimination with a justice system that imprisons black people at a rate of almost 55% of all cases when they are just 13% of the American population; the unemployment rate for blacks are at least double than that of white America; the black family is under siege due to a lack of proper health care and education; and the crime rate in typically black neighborhoods has skyrocketed. There can only be one reason behind all this and that is racism and discrimination. When people have no hope they turn to drugs , alcohol and crime as do people of any color.

Unfortunately President Obama has done little to actually help African Americans except to condemn racism. In fact President Obama has done little to assist the dwindling middle class and the increasing poor. He has not created an economy that is vibrant simply because the 1% of Americans who control the economy are continuing to suck the blood of the other 99%. Their greed is insatiable and because of this it is most evident in the black community.

And the sad fact is that neither Hillary Clinton or donald Trump have any plan to solve any of the things that will help blacks or the population at large. There is no plan for income redistribution; there is no plan for true national health insurance; there is no plan for reform of the American educational system which is making college students indentured servants to the American State for 20 years; there is no plan to revitalize inner cities and provide job training; and their is no plan to reform the American election system so money cannot continue to buy the presidency.

Unless their is a change within the next 20-30 years, the levels of violence will increase in America amongst people of all colors and backgrounds and the downtrodden will eventually take by force those things that are inalienable rights of a truly free people.

Good post, but there is indeed a plan for everything you mention. But, maybe you forgot your civics class that the president cannot, by himself enact anything without the approval of congress. Obama has dealt with republicans in congress who on their first session in 2008 stated their only aim was to make him a single term president by any means. As others have said here, obama could propose a bill stating the sky is blue and the sun is yellow and republicans would vote against it.

Don't blame obama for the lack of programs you mention, blame the republican congressional leadership and the congressmen and senators. Recall the speaker of the house Boenher had to resign because he dared to make a deal with the democrats and obama to avoid another government shutdown.

They now have Paul Ryan who just proposed another reduction in government programs like medicare and SSN as well as tax cuts for the 1% in the completely discredited Reagan "trickle down" economics (also known as voodoo economics). That is why he agreed to support Trump as he believes he can get Trump to sign the legislation.


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He may believe he spoke for all Americans but at the BLM rally in S.F. a speaker said "i don't care about those cops", the crowd cheered, an attendee supporting All lives matter had to be escorted away for his own safety. sad.png

Not really surprising. Things are inflamed now. Leadership is needed. Sadly, a large portion of the USA has never accepted the leadership of Obama, in many cases due to racism.

Sadly, Obama has been an incredibly devisive leader from the get go, setting the stage for most of the racial divide that has gotten exponentially worse during his tenure.

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After the most divisive president America has ever had, we hear that he is horrified?

Jesus wept...facepalm.gif

Being black doesn't make him divisive. Being hated by white Republicans for being black is what makes him divisive, no matter what feeble excuses they come up with. Their excuses are like putting lipstick on a pig.

Putting lipstick on a pig is exactly what you are trying to do to deflect the fact that Obama has been perhaps the most racially devisive President in U.S. history. Obama had a perfect opportunity when he took office with a democrat majority in the House of representatives and a super majority in the Senate, to become a great unifier and pass meaningful immigration reform as well as initiate job training programs for inner city minorities, instead he told the Republicans that "they can come along for the ride but they will have sit in the back of the bus" and then proceeded to waste all of his political capital passing Obamacare (on the most partisan vote in congressional history), which is rapidly becoming an unmitigated disaster. So before all you left wing nutcases go on your canned diatribe about how the racist republicans blocked Obamas every move, try looking at the facts for ONCEwink.png

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He may believe he spoke for all Americans but at the BLM rally in S.F. a speaker said "i don't care about those cops", the crowd cheered, an attendee supporting All lives matter had to be escorted away for his own safety. sad.png

Not really surprising. Things are inflamed now. Leadership is needed. Sadly, a large portion of the USA has never accepted the leadership of Obama, in many cases due to racism.

Sadly, Obama has been an incredibly devisive leader from the get go, setting the stage for most of the racial divide that has gotten exponentially worse during his tenure.

Not only is he divisive, but he is commenting on cases that are pending, which potentially interferes with the officers' involved due process. Didn't he pledge an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States? He is a repeat offender with this habitual and untoward obsession.

"This isn't a matter of us [sic] comparing he values of lives, this is a matter of recognizing that there is a particular burden that is being placed on a group of our fellow citizens and we should care about that."

- POTUS (for the time being) Obama - second video, below

I submit that this unspecific, incoherency is untimely and certainly not a responsible one coming from the top law-enforcement officer and, possibly, is unconstitutional.

However if he is referring to the black community as "the group of our fellow citizens", I also submit that the "burden" really is that of having to strive to be productive, law-abiding and civil. Oh, yes, they may also consider the burden of facing the consequences of carrying firearms while attempting to resist arrest.

Some of an apparently burdened "group of fellow citizens" are here being blocked by the Dallas police after protection from looting was requested from a convenience store (Burdened by the presence of the Dallas PD, that is and obviously burdened by even more than only that, IMHO):


Obama's statement quoted above:

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Agreed the president divides the nation as a matter of reflex, if not even a matter of policy. A police union boss commented the other day that Obama should address the whole nation not have two speeches one for black victims and another for the police and their families.


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If America is horrified they must be paralysed with fear as there seems to be no correct movement in sorting the issue of military grade weapons being sold at the candy store to virtually anyone with a pulse.

They can't be too horrified.

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