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Dallas police defend use of robot to kill gunman


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Dallas police defend use of robot to kill gunman


Authorities in Dallas have defended their decision to use an explosive-laden robot to kill a man who shot dead five white police officers in the city.

Suspected gunman Micah Xavier Johnson, who served as an army reservist in Afghanistan, was killed by a remotely controlled device following a several hour stand-off on Friday.

Experts have said the tactic raises serious ethical questions, but Dallas’ Mayor Mike Rawlings hit back saying the alleged sniper was given every chance to surrender.

“The same automated robot equipment to detonate and defuse bombs was used to place C4 in place and to detonate that. He had a choice to come out and we would not harm him, or stay in and we would. He picked the latter,” Rawlings said.

The Los Angeles Times reported officers deployed the robot after Johnson suddenly started firing again with an assault rifle.

A clearer picture is emerging of the 25-year-old gunman who authorities believe had links to ‘black power’ groups.

Officials say he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers, following a spate of shootings of black men by police, which has sparked a wave a national protests.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-10

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A gun is a machine a robot is a more advanced machine. The human operator of the robot has less chance of being killed than someone using a gun. Next.

So Drone Strikes on US citizens would be okay?

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3,500 Police could not handle one lone gunman without the use of explosives?

Hopefully the citizens of Dallas don't put too much faith in their Police force to protect them.

All sounds really incompetent and a total lack of training and or courage.

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The US is gun crazy.. who's behind the trigger is irrelevant, the point is US needs tighter Gun Laws to stop gun crazed freekies killing people!!

And no one, from President down is prepared to put in place strict Federal Gun Laws...... until that happens there will be ongoing killings!!

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The US is gun crazy.. who's behind the trigger is irrelevant, the point is US needs tighter Gun Laws to stop gun crazed freekies killing people!!

And no one, from President down is prepared to put in place strict Federal Gun Laws...... until that happens there will be ongoing killings!!

Obama administration has continually put legislation for gun restrictions before Congress and Republicans vote it down every time. The NRA and Gun lobbys are just too powerful.

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The US is gun crazy.. who's behind the trigger is irrelevant, the point is US needs tighter Gun Laws to stop gun crazed freekies killing people!!

And no one, from President down is prepared to put in place strict Federal Gun Laws...... until that happens there will be ongoing killings!!

Obama administration has continually put legislation for gun restrictions before Congress and Republicans vote it down every time. The NRA and Gun lobbys are just too powerful.

Yep, understand that, but they've got to somehow get passed that hurdle. As a thought, the Weapons manufacturers are a v powerful group,but perhaps a tiered tax on weapons, so basic .22 rifle are at base rate ranging up, with v high tax on Assault type weapons; price them out of av Joe's reach!

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A gun is a machine a robot is a more advanced machine. The human operator of the robot has less chance of being killed than someone using a gun. Next.

So Drone Strikes on US citizens would be okay?

No. But drone strikes on "Straw manwiki" arguments, such as yours, should be valid 365/24.

BTW, would proof of US citizenship be a requirement before launching such a theoretical "Drone Strike"?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Did we really want to start down this road? As soon as the homicidal maniacs start realizing how easy it is to build or buy a drone and strap some explosives to it, we'll have a much bigger problem to deal with than assault rifles.

I think what the "experts" are referring to in this case is the genesis of "killer robots"... Another slippery slope.

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Why didn't they try tear gas? Really. Seems they wanted him dead rather than captured....

The man had killed five police officers......a negotiator asked him to surrender and no harm would come to him.....he declined, at that point he sealed his own fate. If they used tear gas somebody still has to go in to put the cuffs on and remove his assault rifle.......Now why would you put more officers (human beings like you and me probably with wives and children) at risk of dying for this mentally deranged person? You don't do that, you remove the problem.....which is fine with me. Send in the robot with the C2 and job done. Now you go around picking up the dead officers who are sworn to put their lives on the line to protect you and me...and then you drive over to tell their wives, children, siblings, and parents they won't be coming home EVER again.

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This was Texas no? Surely a well armed militia could have come to the fore and put their money where their mouth is?

What was it...."the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun"?

Where were all the open carry warriors? Hiding under their mummy's bed, that's where...

The police were disarming them...

Mark Hughes was identified on national TV as a possible suspect after he was seen carrying assault rifle
He was later shown handing over the weapon to police and was interrogated by cops for 30 minutes


Edited by mopar71
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A gun is a machine a robot is a more advanced machine. The human operator of the robot has less chance of being killed than someone using a gun. Next.

So Drone Strikes on US citizens would be okay?

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that it wouldn't be. When someone is trying to kill as many people as he could and has no intention of stopping or giving himself up you don't stop to check his passport.

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The US is gun crazy.. who's behind the trigger is irrelevant, the point is US needs tighter Gun Laws to stop gun crazed freekies killing people!!

And no one, from President down is prepared to put in place strict Federal Gun Laws...... until that happens there will be ongoing killings!!

Obama administration has continually put legislation for gun restrictions before Congress and Republicans vote it down every time. The NRA and Gun lobbys are just too powerful.

Yep, understand that, but they've got to somehow get passed that hurdle. As a thought, the Weapons manufacturers are a v powerful group,but perhaps a tiered tax on weapons, so basic .22 rifle are at base rate ranging up, with v high tax on Assault type weapons; price them out of av Joe's reach!

yes well it certainly worked when large taxes were put on cigarettes. no one smokes any more right? whats that? you want to borrow my lighter? no you want to tax lighters. why not put photos of victims of gun violence on the boxes firearms are sold in? that might work, maybe it was that tactic that stopped everyone from smoking.

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3,500 Police could not handle one lone gunman without the use of explosives?

Hopefully the citizens of Dallas don't put too much faith in their Police force to protect them.

All sounds really incompetent and a total lack of training and or courage.

What an unbelievably silly response!

"lack of courage"?No one signs on to be a Police Officer (a Law Enforcement official) with the expectation that in order to demonstrate his "courage" he will one day be expected to walk into a hail of automatic gunfire from a mentally disturbed racist.

And YES, this was a racist crime ........ bur very few commentators are willing to address that fact; whites killing blacks is immediately branded as "racist" in some way, however blacks killing whites is somehow excused or even "justified" as a reaction to so-called oppression, it's never openly classified, correctly, as "racist".


Edited by p_brownstone
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Yep, it's the gun laws alright. See how well they've worked in France, Turkey, Baghdad, Belgium, Germany, facepalm.gif When will you people get over the fact that Americans are armed and will be armed till the day they die?

Unfortunately, it's the 1st amendment and it's (mis)interpretation by liberal lawyers, judges and courts that have given rise to flag burnings, racists power groups that are run by few but believed by many and lack of an effective deterrent in the criminal justice system that, over the years, allow what is happening all too often today.

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3,500 Police could not handle one lone gunman without the use of explosives?

Hopefully the citizens of Dallas don't put too much faith in their Police force to protect them.

All sounds really incompetent and a total lack of training and or courage.

What an unbelievably silly response!

"lack of courage"?No one signs on to be a Police Officer (a Law Enforcement official) with the expectation that in order to demonstrate his "courage" he will one day be expected to walk into a hail of automatic gunfire from a mentally disturbed racist.

And YES, this was a racist crime ........ bur very few commentators are willing to address that fact; whites killing blacks is immediately branded as "racist" in some way, however blacks killing whites is somehow excused or even "justified" as a reaction to so-called oppression, it's never openly classified, correctly, as "racist".


This was one gunman. Police were reported to be firing in all direction not even able to detect the threat. There is footage of one officer firing at shadows while the gunmen slipped to his blind side and took him down. Reports of up to three snipers with Police under siege. There was no such situation occurring. Quite extraordinary that this Police Chief still has a job. The Police were so incapable of taking the fight to one gunman they required explosives to avoid a confrontation. On one hand you say 'Police who put their lives on the line each day' Really, not in this case. They seemed to be afraid to take this guy on. You can't have it both ways.

This gunmen sees White Police officers executing his fellow African American brothers and seeks revenge. I have seen so much footage, that in my view are Police Officers simply executing African American people for little to no reason.

If the American People feel that Police Officers blowing up and executing African American citizens is all justified that is up to them. I certainly would question the courage of a Police force and an unwillingness to 'put their lives on the line' as you put it. Clearly they are reluctant too. Is it a courage issue or a lack of training issue?

I certainly wouldn't be copping this baloney from the Police Chief. I would be expecting his resignation or dismissal effective immediately. Totally botched from start to finish.

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The US is gun crazy.. who's behind the trigger is irrelevant, the point is US needs tighter Gun Laws to stop gun crazed freekies killing people!!

And no one, from President down is prepared to put in place strict Federal Gun Laws...... until that happens there will be ongoing killings!!

Ones surmation I would suggest is incorrect. The obstacle to obtaining an amendment to the Constitution is, and always has been the NRA. The NRA appear to have too many members of Congress in their pocket. That means the NRA have enough influence to make or break any election or re-election hopes a member may have.

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The US is gun crazy.. who's behind the trigger is irrelevant, the point is US needs tighter Gun Laws to stop gun crazed freekies killing people!!

And no one, from President down is prepared to put in place strict Federal Gun Laws...... until that happens there will be ongoing killings!!

Ones surmation I would suggest is incorrect. The obstacle to obtaining an amendment to the Constitution is, and always has been the NRA. The NRA appear to have too many members of Congress in their pocket. That means the NRA have enough influence to make or break any election or re-election hopes a member may have.

Agree, that's very true, seems GOP is full of gun totin' rednecks heavily financed by NRA, who refuse to give ground no matter what.

Doubt,either presumptive President will do much as both been v quiet on this issue, apart from a throw away comment from Hill, "read my email" & Thumper Trump zilch.

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A gun is a machine a robot is a more advanced machine. The human operator of the robot has less chance of being killed than someone using a gun. Next.

So Drone Strikes on US citizens would be okay?

Prejudiced against flying robots are we?
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