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I have the STUXNET VIRUS on my computer, now what?


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there is a movie coming out, or is out, on this virus. Zero Days i think. or Zero Day, whatever.

let me try to summarize what I did or didn't learn:

Iran had nuclear facility, and like 1000 chambers spinning something with low-enriched uranium

USA Cyber Division, above NSA, creates virus that enters this facility. facility is a closed server environment, so they infect people who go into the center

this virus is the best of the best. not detected, and speeds up or slows down the speeds in chambers

1000 chambers explode

but Israel is impatient and changes code and it spreads big time and is found out

so this code can take down all kids of grids via siemens server which controls an engine or grid or whatever

and i guess we have another virus that can shut down an entire country so they can't shoot down our planes, use banks, lights, anything......sort of like an Electromagnetic pulse EMP, i think, but certainly different.

i knew we had something like this, but not to this level....

the problem? now that Iran knows, they now have 2000 containers and everyone in their country are hackers....so that's not good

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I was also infected with this virus recently,some "dodgy" food from a local market I believe whistling.gif

happily after a couple of large Changs normal service was resumed thumbsup.gif

my biggest problem is having two left feet and never knowing which direction they will take me sad.png

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